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 Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Mar - 22:30

--- 999 Portal & 6D Awareness ---

À ce jour, sans doute l'une des plus extraordinaires et inspirantes vidéos mise en ligne par Magenta Pixie, et je commence à en connaître un nombre maintenant relativement important.

Je rappelle au passage, même si seul compte en toute dernière analyse le message en lui-même (mais quand même....), je rappelle donc qu'il semble tout à fait évident que James Mahu est le créateur de ces vidéos, y compris bien sûr pour la musique.

"Sixth Dimensional Plane Awareness.
Extraordinary and so beautiful/inspiring video !!!
6D (and beyond),
I want that."

Triple Nine Stargate 9/9/2016 (The Creation Codes)

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Mar - 23:40

--- Les Portails sont Ouverts ---

À écouter/regarder/contempler encore et encore.
Tout à fait magnifique et extraordinaire.

Enjoy !!!

Holding Cohesive Geometry within Non-Cohesive Wavebands

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Mar - 8:47

--- The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine (WWCCo9) = WingMakers ? ---

"It's your divine right to reconstruct the DNA field of humanity."

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Dna10

Is "The White Winged Collective Consciousness Collective of Nine (WWCCo9)"= WingMakers, Central Race?

I do think so....

For sure, from a Oneness Point of View, that is absolutely correct, and also, the main thing is always about the message, the light/love data first instead of the messenger it/her/himself, but then, from a more precise and singular level and mode of perception, it appears to me that this WWCCo9 is obviously a Central Race/WingMakers manifestation, unfoldment and voice.

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 20 Mar - 14:56

--- La Vague (WWCCo9 - Magenta Pixie) ---

Voici venu le pays de l'intégrale souveraineté.

Ô Joie ! Ô Lumière !

La Vague, la vague qui se déploie et s'élance depuis la fin du mois de décembre 2016 , et atteint en ces derniers jours du mois de mars 2017 son sommet, sa culmination et son point le plus élevé, cette vague "énergétique" qui marque la transition et la rupture définitive entre l'ancien monde et paradigme (= pouvoir sur l'autre, contrôle, dialectique du maître et de l'esclave, basses fréquences de manière générale et générique, soit 3D et basse 4D/bas astral) et le nouveau monde/paradigme (de plus en plus hautes fréquences, le pouvoir intérieur, la souveraineté et la maîtrise, la transparence toujours plus grande et l'expansion de la joie et lumière et amour créatif, la haute 4D comme porte d'accès à la plus stable 5D).

L'écart se creuse de plus en plus entre ces deux mondes, et même si les "travailleurs de lumière", porteurs de ce nouveau paradigme des plus en plus hautes fréquences ne sont en nombre qu'une toute petite (infime ?) minorité, ils ancrent et rayonnent l'âge d'or définitivement. (la proportion magique, nécessaire est suffisante, 1/650, est atteinte....)

Alors bien sûr, le côté obscur de la force, la horde immense et immémoriale des contrôleurs qui agissent dans et depuis l'ombre, qui frappent toujours par surprise, depuis quelques recoins obscurs, depuis le dessous et par-derrière toujours, bien sûr les maîtres esclavagistes et leurs bio-ordinateurs, leurs implants éthériques, leurs capacités à falsifier et pervertir les corps émotionnels, mentaux, physiques et énergétiques, bien sûr les voyeurs, les menteurs et les violeurs de tous poils oeuvrent encore et encore comme des désespérés, s'attachant à frapper par moments comme des fous tant ils sont littéralement dépassés par des évènements qu'ils s'empêchent de comprendre, mais toujours est-il qu'en réalité nous assistons là, et nous sommes les acteurs aussi, avec la communauté immense et in(dé)finie des êtres de lumières de toutes natures et origines, nous voyons là et sommes les témoins/acteurs d'un monde nouveau qui se déploie devant nos yeux et nos corps/coeurs écarquillés.

Pour la toute première fois sur cette planète, l'espèce humaine se libère du joug aliénant et mortifère des maîtres contrôleurs, ceux-là mêmes qui avaient commencé leur ouvrage (avec notre accord, quelque part, il est vrai....) en démantibulant notre ADN multidimensionnel natif pour un ADN double brin (suffisant pour lutter et survivre).

Réjouissons-nous, car voici venu le moment depuis si longtemps attendu où l'espèce humaine s'éveille et se lève, où un par un, individu après individu, se construit et s'incarne le nouveau paradigme des toujours plus hautes fréquences.

Voici venu le pays de l'intégrale souveraineté.

Ô Joie ! Ô Lumière !

The Wave (Critical Mass for Positive Polarised Charge) - March Equinox 2017

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 25 Mar - 18:02

--- Ascension101 Course - Inelia Benz ---

Je rappelle que ce cours extrêmement efficace et puissant existe en version française, et c'est dans cette version que j'ai pu le parcourir et l'intégrer il y a quelques années de cela. Ce qui est remarquable, c'est que même si dans cette version française ce n'est pas Inelia Benz qui parle, la conception même de ces méditations guidées continue d'opérer très profondément, ce qui permet vraiment simplement de dire et d'avancer qu'il y a là une succession de modèles de types quantiques qui propulsent leurs données au sein des différents corps physique, émotionnel, mental, spirituel et énergétique par-delà évidemment toute modulations phonémiques (Huh...).

À recommander très fortement.

Voici le lien vers cette version en français du cours :


The energies on our beautiful Earth right now are very intense. The bridge between the old paradigm and the new paradigm is over and the push for individuals to start embodying their chosen paradigm is massive right now.

This push will manifest in a way that depends on what vibrational frequency you are spending your days in. I can assure you that you want to be on your highest possible frequency at all times.

One of the roles this course has when we do it is to help us "tune" all our bodies (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and energetic), into the new Song being played on this physical reality we call Earth, the new paradigm, which is really ramping up this Equinox. And this is the intent we can use while doing the Course, to Tune IN to Gaia, Sun, and the Universal Mind quality of vibration for this period in linear time.

We, as a species, and as individuals, are going through massive transformations. Imagine it as though we have many, many options at each moment, and depending on the option we take, what experience we will have as a solid reality.

So, what do I mean when I say "Ascension101 Yourself"? And why this Spring?

It is VERY simple. It means to do the Ascension101 eCourse. This is by far the most sought after and popular Ascension eCourse on the Internet and for many reasons. It is extremely effective and easy to do. It has information and exercises that will assist your physical body, your mind, your spirit, your ego and your energy body. It will align them and bring them online at a higher frequency vibration. This means that you will be way more capable of moving through this intense period on our world in an empowered and joyful way.

This period of linear time calls for us to take the next step. The step in fully, and consciously removing all programs that are not serving our intent, and building new programs that will serve us and not another person, entity, or organization's agenda.

Stepping into our POWER, and raising our vibration happens much easily and effortlessly when we are fully "tuned" and reconnected with our bodies and environment.

If you want to get started with the eCourse today, click here for instant download:

Inelia Benz.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Mar - 22:32

--- Portal (Inelia Benz) ---

"This website has grown quite a lot in the past few years.
And will continue to do so.
We have attempted to categorize and present the information
In a way that is straight forward, easy to reach and comprehend.

This is how best to navigate and use the site."

Here :

In Joy/Light/Love
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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Mar - 22:41

--- Angel(s) ---

Dans certains pays,
Une personne éveillée est honorée, aimée et aidée.
Nous commençons avec nous-mêmes,
Et permettons ensuite à cela de se refléter dans notre vie.

(Inelia Benz)

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 March_11

In some countries,
An awakened person is honored, loved and supported.
We start with ourselves,
And allow it to reflect in our life.

(Inelia Benz)

As a reminder, "Interview with an Angel" :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Mar - 22:09

--- "Honor the Awakened Being in Your Body" (Inelia Benz) ---

"Souvenez-vous d'honorer votre soi éveillé."

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Honor_10


Honorez l'Être Eveillé dans Votre Corps (Inelia Benz)

Dans certains pays, une personne éveillée est honorée, aimée et aidée. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'individus à avoir fait l'expérience de cela en Occident. Il est temps de le faire. Commençons avec nous-mêmes et permettons à cela de se déployer dans notre vie. Faisons en sorte que cela s'étende à ceux qui sont éveillés autour de nous, ceux qui voyagent avec nous et qui co-créent un nouveau paradigme de plus haute perception et conscience. Ceux qui incarnent le nouveau paradigme sans excuses ni retards.

Quand je vois comment les cultures et les peuples premiers traitent leurs shamans révérés et leurs gardiens de sagesse, leurs guérisseurs et leurs guides; lorsque je regarde les yogis et les gurus, les lamas et les moines, aidés, respectés et admirés... je pense à VOUS.

Vous vous êtes éveillés et avez oeuvré à votre souveraineté; vous avez travaillé sans relâche pour aider et faire grandir les capacités d'autrui, et je voudrais VOUS REMERCIER. Mon coeur et mon amour pour vous est éternel. Mon respect et mon admiration pour vous est sans bornes.

Je voudrais que vous réfléchissiez à cela, que vous fassiez vôtres mes mots. Honorez-vous pour cet éveil survenu par-delà les obstacles et les blocages incessants que vous avez dû affronter dans votre vie. Ressentez de l'amour et de l'admiration pour votre âme, cette personne-là même qui vous regarde dans le miroir. Acceptez votre lumière intérieure, votre sagesse et votre état naturel de haute fréquence, et permettez-lui de briller sans restrictions.

Imprimez cette image et placez-la dans un endroit où vous pouvez la voir tous les jours, et quand vous la regardez, souvenez-vous de mes paroles. Souvenez-vous d'honorer votre soi éveillé.

L'article original en anglais :

Honor the Awakened Being in Your Body (Inelia Benz)

In some countries, an awakened person is honored, loved and supported. Not many awakened individuals have experienced this in the West. It is time to do it. Let’s start with ourselves and allow it to reflect in our life. Let’s extend it to those who are awake around us, the ones who are journeying with us, and co-creating a new paradigm of higher awareness and consciousness. The ones who are embodying the new paradigm without excuses or delay.

When I see how native cultures treat their beloved shamans and wisdom keepers, their healer and their guides, when I watch yogis and gurus, lamas and monks being supported, respected and admired… I think of YOU.

You have awakened and worked on your empowerment, work tirelessly to support and empower others, and I would like to THANK YOU. My heart and love for you is eternal. My respect and admiration for you knows no bounds.

I would like you to reflect upon my words, and feel them for yourself. Honor yourself for being awake regardless of the endless stops and blocks you have faced in your life. Feel love and admiration for your soul, the same person who looks back at you in the mirror. Accept your inner light, your wisdom and your high frequency nature and allow it to shine unrestricted.

Print out this picture and place it somewhere you can see it every day, and when you look at it, remember my words. Remember to honor your awakened self.


Adonai de la Source Première.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Post-Scriptum : Je rappelle qu'il existe des sites, comme par exemple, où il est immédiatement possible de réaliser des cartes postales, voire même des stickers et autres aimants pour porte de frigidaire depuis telle ou telle image. À bon entendeur...
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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 1 Avr - 8:37

--- The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness ---

First Source Avatar is NOW full 100% Embodiment of New Paradigm Earth Ascending Gaia.

Rejoice People, Rejoice!!!

And you don't have to understand it, but to feel it, to sense it, to know it.

It is the time, it is the time.....

Huh..... sunny

Archangel Michael, The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Avr - 9:31

--- EveryDay Wisdom -->> YouTube Channel +++ ---

Une chaîne YouTube récente qui "recycle" des vidéos de Barabara Marciniak canalisant les "Pléiadiens". Barbara Marciniak qui explique dans une vidéo qu'elle ne publie pas de nouveaux livres depuis de nombreuses années maintenant faute d'un auditoire et d'une communauté de lecteurs suffisants.

Ces vidéos sont pour certaines en date de 2016, du moins pour ce que j'ai pu constater en toute première et toute récente découverte.

Spirale, spirale.... ascendante. Les mêmes données, encore et encore, mais que nous sommes en mesure d'entendre et de "comprendre" de mieux en mieux et de plus en plus clairement au fil des ans.

Très, très utile, juste et éclairant. +++

Enjoy !!!

The Pleiadians - Global REBELLION !!! (by Barbara Marciniak)

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Avr - 14:24

--- Anunnaki Stories (Pleiadians - Barbara Marciniak) ---

Barbara Marciniak- Biggest Rebelion!

Comme le disent les Pléiadiens canalisés par Barbara Marciniak (2016), les années 1987-2012 furent une poignées de nanosecondes, cruciales, qui nécessitaient une relecture et une espèce de mise à jour pour une correction de cycle (c'est moi qui interprète et me souviens ici)...., relecture et corrections réalisées par les Pléiadiens voyageant dans leur passé/notre présent.

Ce ne sont là que bribes éparses, mais il me semble que nous avons là, avec les très nombreuses heures de données canalisées depuis 2016 par Barbara Marciniak, comme le début d'un nouveau cycle de transmissions centrées sur l'univers et les histoires Anunnaki.

Nous sommes dans le temps de l'Apocalypse, le temps de la Révélation. Il y a des vagues à l'intérieur de vagues à l'intérieur de vagues. Des cycles au sein de cycles au sein de cycles. Certains parleraient même de trajectoire hyperdimensionnelle, en mode scalaire.

Toujours est-il qu'au sein de cette spirale ascendante qu'il nous est donné de parcourir, voici là une somme considérable de transmissions vivantes pour nous aider à voir, à nous souvenir, pour respirer autrement, pour inspirer cet autre moment de notre voyage fabuleux vers une toujours plus consciente souveraineté et multidimensionnalité.

Voici les adresses des deux chaînes YouTube à considérer en cet instant :

EveryDay Wisdom :

Abraham Hicks Workshop & Barbara Marciniak 2017 :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Avr - 8:17

--- Global Ascension Center - Inelia Benz ---

"A New Inception Point For Ascending Humanity."

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Ascens10

Une campagne de collecte de fonds est levée ce jour pour aider à construire et restaurer le "Global Ascension Center". Ce qui compte ici, comme toujours d'ailleurs, c'est bien l'intention et la vision de chacun d'entre nous décidant de co-créer un autre monde, un autre paradigme. Nous aider nous-mêmes à nous reconnecter avec la planète et tous ses plans dimensionnels. Nous aider nous-mêmes à devenir de plus en plus conscients, éveillés, ouverts, transparents et en expansion. Nous permettre de repousser nos propres limites en jouant le jeu du non encore définissable.

En cela, et dans ce cheminement et ce voyage, tous les moyens sont bons évidemment. Moyens habiles, comme ici, où il nous est offert de participer à la construction d'un centre de retraite, d'enseignement et de pratique, mais plus encore que cela, l'opportunité d'entrer dans le champ/chant magique où nos rêves d'un monde réconcilié avec lui-même et en toutes ses composantes (la danse des éléments, de la faune et de la flore, les êtres humains ouvrant les yeux et (re)devenant eux-mêmes des portails multidimensionnels par où entre et circule la lumière....) devient "réel", palpable et vibrant.

Dans l'idéal, le meilleur serait que 10 000 personnes envoient chacune 1 dollar pour aider à construire un toit pour ce centre, car plus nous sommes nombreux et éveillés, unissant nos singulières visions en un champ/chant unifié, et plus fort et inspirant et puissant sera le déploiement.

Entrons dans la danse comme en nous jouant, pour que ce centre en cours de manifestation soit le plus sérieusement et puissamment du monde un nouveau commencement, un point d'ancrage pour de nouvelles équations.

Global Ascension Center = A New Inception Point for Ascending Humanity.

This is the equation.   sunny

Enjoy !!!

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 15 Avr - 17:43

--- Inelia Benz - April 5, 2017 ---

Inelia Benz on "Beyond the Ordinary Show" :

La page ad hoc ici aussi :

Enjoy !!!

Sense the warmth, sense the field....

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeDim 16 Avr - 19:54

--- Pamela Aaralyn = Archangel in Process ---

Pamela Aaralyn "canalisant" "The Ascended Master Jesus", en face d'elle derrière l'ordinateur, se déplaçant par moments sur la gauche, et rappelant qu'il n'est pas associé à la croix ni à la crucifixion, qu'il n'est pas "mort", et que son corps a accompli un processus d'accélération.

Rappelant également que le "péché" n'existe évidemment pas (le meurtre et le viol étant cependant les pires actes à la portée d'un être humain), que le message biblique est largement faussé et altéré, une compilation/propagande établie pour contrôler et mettre à genoux les humains.

Rappelant que cette planète est un des très rares endroits où règne la dualité, en mode basses fréquences, mais aussi un lieu où il est possible d'embrasser une toujours plus grande et puissante expansion de la conscience.

Signalant aussi que si l'enfer n'existe pas en tant que tel, la deuxième dimension pourrait être un lieu qui s'en rapproche, mais non accessible aux êtres humains.

Voici donc cette vidéo en date du 29 mars 2016, pour la Pâques de l'année dernière donc.

Easter Special - Channeling The Ascended Master Jesus

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Avr - 22:38

--- Separation of Worlds ---

"L'abus de basses fréquences est vraiment mauvais pour la santé..." sunny


For a person who is wearing their 12D Shield, the frequency of alien machinery and negativity will feel appallingly amplified and energetic discernment will be made very clear. For a person who is disconnected and internally miserable, they will be unable to discern the energetic terrain. Most likely they will resonate with that low energy location based on their own unresolved emotional conflicts, suffering and cultural preferences.

A human that chooses to connect to the Eternal God Spirit is aligned to the mechanics of living light consciousness, which interconnect to the mechanics of time and space made in Universal Law. The Laws will always protect that human while in any dimension or timeline, when making that conscious choice. This choice comes from deep within the heart of a loving, compassionate and empathic person, and not the mind.

AI intentionally bends Universal Laws through forced light refraction, holographic inserts and replication of DNA code that is designed to enslave the people on earth through deception and trickery.  This is why we must choose our consent and authority now during the height of the spiritual battle. Commanding our personal space and spiritual right in Universal Law to exist as sovereign and free human beings in the reality that we take full personal responsibility to co-create.

We are entering a surreal time that determines what kind of consciousness reality holograms we are going to be involved with or not. Ascending realities teaming with living consciousness and spirit or descending and dead artificial realities. With the current roll out of the Transhumanist agenda using artificial intelligence software systems, there will be many more artificially projected holographic realities and AI technologies than ever before. Any human or group that involves themselves in the artificial realities of AI holograms, will be subjected to its Law of Structure, which are the rules programmed in the machine and the creator’s intent for that holographic software program. This defines servitude to the machine.

This is the war over consciousness on earth, over how we accept personal responsibility, and how we participate in the hologram. We either accept full responsibility for our consciousness and want to commune with the living spirit in all things, or we give away our consent and personal power to the AI machinery to take full control over our life.

The whole article here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Avr - 6:52

--- Sri Aurobindo Books & more.... ---

Toutes les oeuvres de Sri Aurobindo sont désormais disponibles au format eBook (ePub, mobi & pdf) depuis deux ou trois ans (2015 ?) seulement semble-t-il, et en anglais. (excellentes éditions)

On trouvera aussi La Mère (l'Agenda) et Satprem.

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Aurobi10

Voici la page ad hoc :

Enjoy !!!

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Avr - 13:58

--- Metatronic Code - Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis) ---

Metatronic Code and Splitter Tech by Lisa Renee


Due to recent themes, we have been witnessing an extreme to intense levels of mental body confusion relating to the surfacing of shadow forms in the earth body that are connected to the purging and clearing of Metatronic Code in the ascending timelines, as these ascending timelines have split away from the lower phantom world where the Artificial Intelligence Timelines are being desperately fought over, while they are in a state of collapse.

We are in between worlds at the moment, and preparing for the shift to fully anchor into the higher harmonic universe at the end of this year. Remembering the discussion about Jade Helm operations a few years ago, the advancement of NAA trigger events in California, was related to rolling out the next generation of AI brain mapping in order to map the gene pool of the entire planetary body and her inhabitants, in order to project the genetic imprints into the false matrix replicants that make up what is called the phantom earth. As we enter awakening and commit to our personal ascension, it is important to increase our skill with discernment between Entropy = Metatronic Reversal (false mental body) and Negentropy = Krystal Spiral (heart feeling intelligence), so that we can free ourselves from the shadows of our negative form, and prepare for the stages of twinning with the planetary Albion-Cathar Code or male-female union (particle and antiparticle), which we call in ES, hierogamic union. The sacred marriage twinning potential will happen in stages and the next big opportunity is at the end of the five year cycle in 2017. As we are aware, the fight for control over timelines is intense now because the NAA are desperate to get control over the planetary genetic record in preparation for what occurs in the timelines at the end of 2017.

To be continued here :


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 29 Avr - 12:14

--- Meditations Apps ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Medita10


8. Buddhify :

And finally, there’s Buddhify. Buddhify is actually a pretty weird meditation app that’s making a massive splash because it’s just so… unique? Created specifically for people who don’t have time to dedicate to meditation, Buddhify offers quick, one-and-done sessions that fit specifically into the different areas of your day when you have downtime but don’t necessarily realize it.

Buddhify 2

You can take sessions based on whether you’re doing something like waking up, or being outside, or eating; walking around; traveling or even hanging out with your significant other. You can time yourself, track stats, meditate with others or simply sit back and let the sessions take their course.

The user-friendly, colorful wheel makes it by far the most unique concept on this list.

I’d also recommend this as one of the most affordable apps, as there are no crazy subscriptions or in-app purchases. Just a one-time $4.99 fee.

The complete article here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 1 Mai - 8:15

--- E.T. 101: Le Manuel d'Instruction Cosmique ---

Livre/manuel publié la première fois en 1990, et que je ne connaissais pas (Ohhh !!??!!!...), et réédité récemment en 2016. Le texte original est en anglais, mais il existe une version française que l'on trouvera aisément sur amazon par exemple (version papier seulement, "tradition" française oblige, toute version numérique en mode ebook/ePub/mobi étant la plupart du temps lourdement inappropriée et censurée...).

Mais, comme on dit chez nous,
"Blessed are the English Speaking Conscious Beings".

ET 101

Et la page ET 101 ad hoc :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Mai - 7:06

--- Michio Kaku - We live in a designed 11 dimensional Matrix ---

Michio Kaku arrive à la conclusion que nous vivons dans une Matrice de dimensions 11, la théorie des super-cordes déployant de nouvelles mathématiques permettant d'avancer en l'état et à cette heure que "Dieu" est un mathématicien avant tout.

Alors bien sûr la question reste de savoir qui est ce "Dieu" expert en mathématiques et créant la matrice dans laquelle nous nous trouvons.

Et bien sûr aussi, si matrice il y a, un déploiement physique à 11 (certains disent plutôt 12) principales dimensions, peut-on parler et considérer qu'un autre monde "réel" existe aussi par-delà la matrice ?

Enjoy !!!

Michio Kaku: Is God a Mathematician?


Michio Kaku says that God could be a mathematician: "The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God."

Transcript-- Some people ask the question "Of what good is math?" What is the relationship between math and physics? Well, sometimes math leads. Sometimes physics leads. Sometimes they come together because, of course, there's a use for the mathematics. For example, in the 1600s Isaac Newton asked a simple question: if an apple falls then does the moon also fall? That is perhaps one of the greatest questions ever asked by a member of Homo sapiens since the six million years since we parted ways with the apes. If an apple falls, does the moon also fall? Isaac Newton said yes, the moon falls because of the Inverse Square Law. So does an apple. He had a unified theory of the heavens, but he didn't have the mathematics to solve the falling moon problem. So what did he do? He invented calculus. So calculus is a direct consequence of solving the falling moon problem. In fact, when you learn calculus for the first time, what is the first thing you do?

The first thing you do with calculus is you calculate the motion of falling bodies, which is exactly how Newton calculated the falling moon, which opened up celestial mechanics. So here is a situation where math and physics were almost conjoined like Siamese twins, born together for a very practical question, how do you calculate the motion of celestial bodies? Then here comes Einstein asking a different question and that is, what is the nature and origin of gravity? Einstein said that gravity is nothing but the byproduct of curved space. So why am I sitting in this chair? A normal person would say I'm sitting in this chair because gravity pulls me to the ground, but Einstein said no, no, no, there is no such thing as gravitational pull; the earth has curved the space over my head and around my body, so space is pushing me into my chair. So to summarize Einstein's theory, gravity does not pull; space pushes. But, you see, the pushing of the fabric of space and time requires differential calculus. That is the language of curved surfaces, differential calculus, which you learn in fourth year calculus. So again, here is a situation where math and physics were very closely combined, but this time math came first. The theory of curved surfaces came first. Einstein took that theory of curved surfaces and then imported it into physics.

Now we have string theory. It turns out that 100 years ago math and physics parted ways. In fact, when Einstein proposed special relativity in 1905, that was also around the time of the birth of topology, the topology of hyper-dimensional objects, spheres in 10, 11, 12, 26, whatever dimension you want, so physics and mathematics parted ways. Math went into hyperspace and mathematicians said to themselves, aha, finally we have found an area of mathematics that has no physical application whatsoever. Mathematicians pride themselves on being useless. They love being useless. It's a badge of courage being useless, and they said the most useless thing of all is a theory of differential topology and higher dimensions. Well, physics plotted along for many decades. We worked out atomic bombs. We worked out stars. We worked out laser beams, but recently we discovered string theory, and string theory exists in 10 and 11 dimensional hyperspace. Not only that, but these dimensions are super. They're super symmetric. A new kind of numbers that mathematicians never talked about evolved within string theory. That's how we call it "super string theory." Well, the mathematicians were floored. They were shocked because all of a sudden out of physics came new mathematics, super numbers, super topology, super differential geometry.

All of a sudden we had super symmetric theories coming out of physics that then revolutionized mathematics, and so the goal of physics we believe is to find an equation perhaps no more than one inch long which will allow us to unify all the forces of nature and allow us to read the mind of God. And what is the key to that one inch equation? Super symmetry, a symmetry that comes out of physics, not mathematics, and has shocked the world of mathematics. But you see, all this is pure mathematics and so the final resolution could be that God is a mathematician. And when you read the mind of God, we actually have a candidate for the mind of God. The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God.

Michio Kaku on Big Think YouTube Channel :


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 6 Mai - 15:42

--- Aug Tellez ---

Questions of Humanity, Origins of the Universe,
The Nature of Consciousness and the Cosmic Mind


This is more along the lines of the information of the projects. This is in respect to viewing beyond the biological limitations of reality into the origins of humanity and the universe and into other realms. There are memory resets which occur when one gets close to the truth and we have experienced many of these as a kind of 'time loop'. There are unanswered questions which drive society forward seeking to know the self, the universe and the purpose of their existence. Our ability to answer these questions in degrees of completion mark different ages of civilization and development. One of these questions of the origins of humanity was further defined through the unacknowledged special access programs. This whole process is a way to "break it to" humanity as effectively as possible. We're in a kind of reality matrix system and as of now someone turned up the difficulty to max. Creation from words. Reality as systems of language (operating systems). Did humanity begin through a biological process? Or was technology involved in the initiation of the biological system? Could both possibilities simultaneously exist in fluctuation dependent on the result of the species as a transhumanist organism or a higher biologically ascended awareness? There is something that occurs everytime humanity gets close to the truth. This is some kind of civilization reset or memory wipe that seems to be built into the 'operating system' of this particular layer of reality. The way we perceive time as a linear construct is illusory and dependent on biological consciousness creating the perception. The conscious mind is exponentially more limited than the subconscious and the subconscious is connected to multitudes of views and times which depict what has happened and what will happen in the future. The future exists right now, and we are on a trajectory that is instantly rendered out as if a computer system where the present moment is connected to that future. By changing some factor of the present, we literally instantly change that future by altering the trajectory. The same is applied for the past. The mind is the controller of which trajectory is reached, in the same sense the mind is the limiter and can be used to program individuals to limit them to particular trajectories. In that sense the mind narrows down the view from a much larger perspective into just a biologically conceivable set. Find the truth. Find your truth. Watch this video and the previously published video to put this next sentence together. They constructed a higher dimensional plane of consciousness from which this entire universe can be observed and this is called the "Theatre" where an entire civilization is currently watching this whole reality like a cosmic-reality reality-TV show.


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Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mai - 15:49

---- Organic Portals - Soulless Humans (Bernhard Guenther) ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Zombie10


“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”

– G.I. Gurdjieff

These are interesting times. On one hand there are changes happening on a global scale that can’t really be ignored much longer. On the other hand the majority of the population seem to live their lives as if everything is just as it always is and always will be, locked in a tunnel vision of personal and material interest.

As long as we keep lying to ourselves based on conditioning, wishful thinking, suppression or denial and believe the lies “out there”, mistaking them for truth, nothing will change. This goes also beyond having a “positive” attitude, where hope can be merely a trap and lie to the self. Believing in lies that are “positive” in appearance (regardless how well-meaning the intent or good-hearted the person) is actually being negative and blocks one’s awareness and spiritual evolution. Being positive can mean acknowledging something negative because it is the truth, seeing it for what it is. If you believe a lie, even if it seems positive and makes you “feel good”, you give away your free will and that has spiritual implications. In these times of transition it becomes imperative to do seek truth and strive towards objectivity so we don’t take the “wrong” turn into entropy.

With the approach of the era of the Holy Spirit, everything must be gradually brought to the light of day, not only the secrets of the laboratory but the deepest meanings of esotericism. The same must happen with illusions, errors and lies, which must also be revealed so that they can later be rectified.
The world is suffering from a lack of harmony which gets deeper on every plane, and this is a serious danger to the moral and spiritual recovery of humanity. It also involves a serious risk of failure in the last stage of this Time of transition that we are now entering. If this risk is not overcome, the Deluge of Fire awaits us. We wilI have to make an immense effort to ward off this fate, and we have very little time in which to do it. Man has only himself to blame for the greatness of the effort needed: this is a result of his obstinate refusal to heed the warnings that have been addressed to him time and again by the Divine Voice, just as he continues today to blind himself to the fact that the Deluge of Fire is being made ready.

– Gnosis II, Boris Mouravieff

Many people are not aware of the path this world is currently going towards. Sure, there are some self-proclaimed “aware” and “conscious” folks out there who believe that all is just going as it has to go and humanity will wake up eventually in 2012 or the Golden Age where everyone is enlightened without having to do anything at all to reach that state. “Just be” and show “love” is the mantra these days, without really understanding what “being” and “love” means to begin with or so it seems. 

However, I don’t want to get into the traps of the Pseudo Spirituality promoted through this “New Age Religion” these days. Past writings and videos have examined that. My goal is also not to try to convince anyone of anything, because no one can make another one change. This is just about questioning some fundamental beliefs and giving food for thought.

Some sources that talk about a Shift or Transformation occurring in our age also mention a “splitting” of humanity and that not everyone is going to wake up. The main reason for this can be found in a very interesting issue this planet faces and which has been written about in various esoteric teachings as well as transmitted through certain channeled material. It relates to two different “races” or “humanities” coexisting on earth, alike from the outside, but unlike in the inside.

To be continued here :


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Mai - 20:18

--- Technical View of The Time Matrix Collapse (Aug Tellez) ---


This is what I was shown was the true definition of the eye, the pit, the invader races, the timewars, the ‘ascension’ (heavily corrupted term now), the planetary (soul) system, the ‘door’, the universe.We experienced all of this first hand and then the veils were dropped previously to make everything public. This whole universe is a data processing system that is managed by non-human entities who feed on the energy of humans. Humans are originally from another system. Humans were kidnapped in an act of war and brought to this system which is contained within an artificial construct generated through advanced technology linked with space and time itself. The space and time of here and now is INEXTRICABLY linked to the artificial construct which is literally generated through advanced scalar weaponry that connects to the MIND of the human brain and energy system.

The planetary system is literally akin to ‘patches’ to an operating system where each update includes a layer of the veil, a containment system, a systems protocol to blind and restrain human identity and spiritual awareness behind a layer of programming and autonomy that is designed by the non-human custodial entities.The controllers of society blended their information-data-DNA with these entities in exchange for power over the innocent, to be put into a position to rule, abuse, manipulate, and pleasure themselves at the expense of humanity. The controllers of the system are the system incarnate and cannot leave. Humanity is destined to leave because there is no actual reason to be here other than enslavement and such a system can’t contain the power of the awakened soul.

This leads to a singularity where the system must reset itself and wipe the collective memory before the next ‘version’ in order to remain sustainable. Eventually, that system in itself is unsustainable and therefore the entire system will crash along with whoever is in it. Therefore, all humans must be extracted from the time matrix before this occurs otherwise there is detrimental damage to the entire universe (the real) because all life and all creation is intrinsically linked and important to all other creation and life. Thus, if any aspect of humanity falls with the system, all of humanity falls with the entire universe. This entire process, starting 6000 years ago, is a mass exodus out of the machine mind and has occurred in phases leading up to a great shift.

It was described to me that time began 6000 years ago because during a previous civilization the first phase of the artificial matrix was enacted which expanded to envelop our visible universe and literally become the void space that we see today. This was an ancient ‘CERN’ event whereby the entire civilization collapsed into a gravity well so deep that a time rift was formed and everything in connection to what we view as time and space is literally separated from every other aspect of the universe. Thus, space looks like a big void and we are essentially on the event horizon of a black hole that was initiated by the activation of the advanced technology system in the previous age.

The whole article here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Mai - 7:03

--- Mining Timelines for Skills, Information and Decision (Inelia Benz) ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Mining10


We live in a vast ocean of information and knowledge. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could tap into it and access what is relevant and applicable to you? And to do that easily and effectively? Wouldn't it be great to test out life altering decisions before you took them so you are guaranteed to make the best choice for your life? Are you interested in exploring how different life looks in alternative timelines?

This class teaches you exactly that!

In this recording, Inelia shows you how to explore different timelines and meet and merge with "versions" of you who have the skills, knowledge or have taken choices in life which you are considering. This class comes with three guided exercises designed to transport you into any timeline you choose where you can then mine for information, skills and try out possible future outcomes in a safe, fun and riveting way.

Mining Timelines mp3 files :


In JoyLightLove.   sunny
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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Mai - 22:44

--- Prendre Soin du Coeur Sacré - Lisa Renee ---

L'idéal et l'un des buts véritables reste assurément d'atteindre le point et le moment où nous commençons à "observer" véritablement. Regarder, observer, ce qui est exactement la même chose que comprendre, connaître et savoir. C'est là la connaissance par identité. Et en observant véritablement, nous sommes dans la lumière, nous rayonnons la lumière que nous sommes, et nous accédons alors à une véritable libération, à une prise de conscience. Nous nous déployons, notre champ/chant de conscience s'étend. Il y a expansion, plus de lumière, c'est-à-dire une transparence accrue, tous ces termes étant évidemment synonymes.

Et c'est là que se trouve notre "pouvoir". C'est en cet instant que nous accédons au pouvoir qui est le nôtre d'éclairer le réel, de mettre au jour les manoeuvres souterraines et cryptiques des plans dimensionnels "inférieurs". Et en cet instant encore, sans avoir à combattre qui que ce soit (bien que nous soyons toujours dans un champ unifié, et protégés, enveloppés, aimés, éclairés, guidés par des êtres de toujours plus hautes lumières et pouvoir/amour), nous sommes notre propre lumière/amour, et cela suffit.

Elevons nos fréquences, travaillons sans relâche et avec confiance pour que voyage et se répande la lumière, et tout sera de mieux en mieux, même et surtout en ces temps difficiles (par moments), où l'ancien monde et paradigme lutte férocement pour sa survie.

Observing, Observing, Observing !!!
Because Knowledge is Power, and Freedom and Joy !!!

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 6 Makoto10

Makoto Shinkai - 5 Centimeters per Second


Knowing this year is similarly understanding those dark forces are desperate, but also recognizing the timeline of which they have an opportunity, which is this year of 2017 specifically, to corrupt the human heart. The means they plan to do this is by forcing people unknowingly to walk into traps where their consent is being manipulated. As we all know anytime we interact with the third dimensional world and the Controller Pillars of Society this potential manipulation and attack against our self ownership exists. Many times there's something on the surface that is overtly being shown to us, but it really has a covert operation behind it that is a trap. The energetics behind what is being shown to us is not congruent to whats being represented to us, it is usually opposing, the exact opposite. What you are seeing on the surface is not real, where underneath is potentially filled with a trap of consent, to manipulate people in making an agreement to be in consent with a system that is inverted, dead energy or in the negative polarity.

Now, because of the nature of reality, a lot of us have to deal with navigating levels of the corrupted 3D structure filled with black magic and curses, in doing so what's important is to neutralize these consciousness traps which are designed to overtake our consent and personal power. How we neutralize it from taking control is to see it clearly or recognize it operating within the structure. When you see the corruption or deception, or recognize the real agenda hidden in the structure,  it cannot automatically manipulate you because you're calling it out, you're seeing its purpose. This is, again, one of the most important concepts of understanding why we put such an emphasis on discerning darkness, discerning consciousness traps, seeing what the agendas are, because once you see it and do not give your power away to it, the dark energy cannot manipulate you. Once you understand what it's doing and what it wants, you don't have to give it what it wants because you understand what it's really doing. That's where knowledge is power.

So when we are in contact with anything that is third dimensional recognize that you have a surface appearance along with an hidden underlying agenda. Be sure to check in with guidance to ensure that you are always, as you walk through that three-dimensional matrix, that you are remaining beyond it and above it. This means that you place your authority beyond this matrix of control, your consent is beyond time with your eternal spirit, and there is no debate, period. Of course, this is what claiming oneself as God Sovereign Free means. Repeating that decree when in interaction with any of these control structures, while observing what its method is to manipulate power and control away from you. There is a lot of manipulation to seize power and control over people, that is coming up at this time due to the bifurcation and the bookend of this five-year cycle.

The whole text here :


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