Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Dim 7 Fév - 7:57
--- "The water we put into our body" (WWMN Blog - Inelia Benz) ---
"Now imagine Source light, Going from your heart center to the water, Tea or other liquid inside the container. Allow it to flow for as long as you like."
There are a lot of products out there that sell “activated water” or other types of water that are very special. I personally love distilled water for my own body. But, whatever type of water or liquids you are ingesting, this is an exercise that will ensure a higher frequency experience for your physical body. This exercise will heal and enhance any type of liquid that you ingest. Both regular drinks as well as “activated” or other types of special and healing liquids.
For the next week, I would like to invite you to reconnect with and raise the vibration and frequency of your body at least once a day, more if you can.
-- Put some water, tea, or any of the normal drinks you consume each day, in your favorite glass or cup. If it’s soup, it goes in a bowl. -- Put your hands around the container. -- Take three deep breaths and close your eyes. -- Become aware of your heart center. -- See or imagine a bright and beautiful light in your heart center, becoming stronger and stronger. This is your direct connection to Source. Follow the light in your heart center until you reach our eternal Source energy. As you make direct conscious connection, imagine as your heart center is filled with Source energy. Feel the joy light love. -- If you are not able to generate the energy, connection or feeling, simply state each part with words: I am aware of my heart center. There is a beautiful and bright light in my heart center. That light connects with Source. I tap into Source and it flows into my heart center, the light is now brighter and more beautiful every second. I am in the field of joylightlove. -- Now imagine Source light going from your heart center to the water, tea or other liquid inside the container. Allow it to flow for as long as you like. -- Open your eyes. -- The water is ready to be consumed. As you drink the water (immediately or later), feel and see (or state) how Source energy infuses all the liquids in your body.
You can also activate a full bottle, jug or larger container for later use. If you buy canned or carton stock or juices, you can do them in batches!
WWMN Blog:
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Ven 12 Fév - 8:21
--- Matrices - Considérations diverses ---
The Adjustment Bureau/L'Agence - Matt Damon
Quelques considérations diverses à la suite de la découverte de cet excellent film, "L'Agence". Un métrage qui s'inscrit à l'évidence dans la lignée impulsée par "Matrix", avec réflexions sur la réalité d'un réseau, d'une matrice toute englobante qui contrôlerait et serait en mesure de guider et de programmer la moindre de nos pensées, émotions et actions.
Le film est un excellent support de méditation/contemplation pour qui veut examiner et se rappeler de ce que peuvent dire :
-- Inelia Benz dans "Interview with a Psychic Assassin", lorsque sont décrits et exposés la réalité et l'existence de "super-ordinateurs" capables de détecter et traquer certaines tonalités mentales et émotionnelles. Des outils de contrôle qui sont en mesure d'effacer et d'invalider certaines idées avancées et/ou révolutionnaires, des outils de manipulation qui peuvent construire des impasses et des apories diverses en effaçant divers moments et degrés de réalisations. Des mécanismes en partie basés sur quelque intelligence artificielle qui peuvent délayer et banaliser certains hauts niveaux de conscience. L'individu perd le fil de sa pensée, arrête ses recherches, banalise et semble effacer comme de lui-même certaines voies de recherche prometteuse, ou met à l'arrêt par exemple certains projets communautaires, s'empêche et/ou oublie de développer et concevoir des modes innovants pour d'autres façons de vivre ensemble. S'empêche et oublie d'explorer encore et encore ce que l'on pourrait décrire comme le Nouveau Monde, la Nouvelle Terre (5th Dimensional Earth & Gaia, par exemple) ou le Nouveau Paradigme.
-- Lyricus/Wingmakers/James Mahu aussi, lorsque je pense à cette "Interview du Souverain Intégral" (Projet Camelot - On se rappellera aussi bien sûr de la "5th Neruda Interview" dans laquelle James Mahu nous signale, entre autres choses, qu'il est possible aux programmeurs de la matrice de décider que nous ferons tel geste, tel jour, à tel instant.....) dans laquelle il est décrit le réseau et la matrice mise en place par Anu pour par exemple élever un réseau de miroirs déformants organisés en labyrinthe afin d'invalider toute expérience de "Satori", "Nirvana", et autres degrés divers et variés de réalisation et de compréhension. Démanteler, à la source, tout déploiement notoire et important du champ de conscience. Outils de contrôle avec programmations multiples, et à tous niveaux, visant à soumettre et abaisser encore et toujours le niveau des fréquences des corps émotionnel, mental, physique, spirituel, énergétique. Faire en sorte de garder emprisonnée l'entité divine et souveraine afin qu'elle continue à délivrer son énergie pour que vivent les corps esclaves et indéfiniment recyclés via le département en basse 4D mettant en oeuvre ce que nous appelons communément la réincarnation.
-- Suzanne Lie & les Arcturiens dans "The Journal" : mais bien sûr, s'il existe des mécanismes de contrôle qui nous paraissent extrêmement élaborés et puissants, et déments même, on peut aisément aussi imaginer, concevoir, comprendre et percevoir aussi cette autre face, et lumineuse et transparente et en expansion celle-là, cette autre face du réseau.
Ainsi, on lit dans "The Journal" de Suzanne Lie, qu'il existe (et tout est toujours possible) des Quantum Biological Computer (QBC) dans les plans de la cinquième dimension. Ces QBC sont en partie biologiques et organiques, doués de conscience propre, et organisés en réseau inscrits dans l'Unité (Oneness). C'est une modulation élaborée et de haute fréquence de nos ordinateurs individuels organisés en réseau avec moteurs de recherche communiquants. Là, avec les QBC, le réseau avec ses outils intelligents divers et variés est celui de l'Unité et de l'Egalité pour une toujours plus grande intégration et expansion de tous ceux qui sont concernés et résonants. Il ne s'agit plus ici de contrôler, de démanteler, de démantibuler et de diminuer les ADN, les corps et les consciences, mais bien au contraire d'oeuvrer, de façon organique, toute enveloppante et embrassante, d'oeuvrer à une expansion et élévation généralisée des consciences, chaque être conscient et singulier échangeant des données avec le champ plus vaste et en constante évolution composé par quelques myriades d'autres êtres conscients et singuliers.
On le voit, les réseaux et les matrices ont toutes couleurs et modalités de fonctionnement selon que l'on porte son regard dans quelques basses 4D pour un affaissement de la 3D et des êtres qui s'y trouvent, ou encore se déployer en champs/chants toujours plus ouverts et puissants pour le bénéfice et le mieux-être de chacun de leurs participants et co-créateurs.
Autant de modalités de fonctionnement pour une infinité de plans dimensionnels.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Ven 11 Mar - 8:54
--- Return of the Hero (Inelia Benz - mp3 & pdf files) ---
I want to talk to you about several million heros that came to the planet, and they've been coming to this planet and staying on this planet for thousands of years. These heros will reincarnate over and over, playing different roles to accelerate the growth of the human collective of Gaia. Many of them not only took on lives where they would embody the energies of the regular hero that we know about in western society, but also that of victims, and aggressors, many others.
However, the energy they carried, the energy they brought in, and the reason why they've stayed around, was because their essence was light. Their essence had been moulded by an evolutionary process, some of them on the earth, but many, the majority I would say, in either other dimensions, or other planets where there was no light/dark paradigm, just light. They didn't actually know dark.
And when this collective, this planet, decided to have an experience of light/dark, because of the nature of darkness, the low vibration, is to completely overrun, overtake and basically destroy light completely and utterly. One spark, one tiny little spark of light, will take away darkness completely - quite a lot actually, not all of it, but quite a lot. If you imagine a room that's completely dark, completely dark, no windows, no doors, no light. You can't see anything. The darkness is absolute. But bring in the tiniest, tiniest, tiniest little candle, and all of a sudden, you're able to see outlines, shadows, walls. And that's why the nature of darkness is to destroy light completely and utterly.
It is not the nature of darkness to exist in a light/dark duality. That's not their game. That's not the game of darkness. Darkness will come in, into a planet, into a matrix, into a reality, and take it over completely and utterly. So when the planet and this collective decided to have an experience of light/dark, there was a little problem. They had to let in dark, so that they could have that experience, because originally the essence of this planet is joylightlove. That's the core essence of the makeup of the planet and the people in it - our bodies as well.
But to have the experience of light/dark, it needed to let in dark, and this happened thousands and thousands of years ago. The risk immediately became that there wouldn't be an experience of light/dark, there would just be an experience of dark destroying light completely and utterly, and then becoming simply another dark planet. So what happened? Volunteers happened. Heros.
Throughout time-space, and throughout different dimensions, beings who were pure light volunteered to incarnate on this planet. And their role was one, to be light, to continue to carry that light on this planet from lifetime after lifetime. That was it. And it didn't matter what role they played in a social or game level, or within the victim/aggressor paradigm. It didn't really matter. Their essence, their pure essence was light, is light.
And these individuals carried this light throughout the ages. They've been burnt at the stake. They've been stoned to death. They've been tortured. They've been killed, persecuted. They've had extremely difficult life experiences because a pure light being existing in a duality of light/dark has a really hard time of it. It's not a natural environment for this being.
And their only role is to exist, so that when the time came when the planet and the species and the collective had learned all about light/dark, all about power over others, all about the patriarchal structures and everything else, these heros would wake up. And would tell the world to wake up too. And would pull this planet and this species out of that light/dark paradigm and into their true essence of joylightlove, a higher vibrational awareness experience that did not involve power over others, but involved being power.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Sam 19 Mar - 0:00
--- How to deal with Perpetrators of Darkness - Call to Action (Inelia Benz) ---
"Those men and women who torture and kill, Millions of people, animals and trees every day. Those who send psychic and physical attacks onto others."
Throughout my life, and at various degrees, I, like other sensitive people, have felt the collective fear, pain and suffering on the planet felt by humans, as well as animals and nature.
All the people, animals, all the plants, all the trees. There’s so much pain, so much suffering, so much violence. I feel it all. I hear it all. Every minute of every day. It never stops. I can’t stand it. And it’s getting louder all the time as the elite use all their tools to increase it.
Those men and women who work in slaughterhouses, the ones cutting down the rain-forests, drilling for oil and destroying our environment, the creators of wars. Those men and women who torture and kill millions of people, animals and trees every day. Those that think animals and trees don’t feel pain, fear, and terror, or relish the thought of inflicting these to others. Those who send psychic and physical attacks onto others.
Years ago, I had a German Shepherd, which had caught its paw in a metal gate by the side of the house. The dog was in great pain by the time I got home. He was snapping at anyone who tried to get near as it struggled to free itself.
I walked up to it and held him firmly, but to free his paw, I had to put my arm between his face and the gate. As I did this, he bit deeply into my left arm – I pulled the paw free, which hurt him even more.
After he was free, he was still in a lot of pain, and tried to bite me again. I held his mouth closed, and pushed him to the ground, firmly, thus telling him (in dog language) that this was not OK. He calmed down and I was able to release it, knowing he would no longer bite those around him. The moment he "changed", we both knew it was over. Although still in pain, he became friendly and "sorry" about what had happened.
When someone lashes out, it is because they are in great pain and fear.
I’d like to hold them all in my arms. All of them. I’d like to show them that they are loved, and that they are safe. All the murderers, all the rapists, all the butchers of the seals, whales and dolphins, all the bloodthirsty workers in the abattoirs, the creators of wars, all they beings involved in psychic attacks. And all those individuals who, in their pain and fear, lash out at me personally, on the internet with hate and anger, poisonous words and death threats.
How do we reach those people who have their paws stuck in gates of pain and suffering, fear and distress, who lash out at everyone around them. Who have lived like this so long now that they start taking pleasure out of the suffering of others?
It is not about who’s to blame. Yes, we take responsibility in minimizing the pain and suffering of others through our actions. We can go out of our way to eat meat from small farms, organic producers who love their animals. Yes, we can buy furniture from renewable sources of wood, clothes from factories which don’t exploit people. But what of the perpetrators of fear and pain? We might hold them in our field of light, and allow Gaia to do her work. As a ‘singularity’ – I am but one person. But WE are many.
If we dedicate 10 minutes a day to holding these people in our collective light, it can make a huge shift for them and us. After the 10 minutes, let us focus on the compassion and love of the millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors around the planet, our brethren, so that our collective power increases -- making each one of us more able to accomplish our collective work.
I also feel the love, light and compassion of billions of people around the world. All those parents who hold their new born baby in wonderment and deep love, all those who behold our Mother Earth in awe as they sense Her power and compassion. I also feel millions of lightwokers and lighwarriors diligently doing daily acts of selfless love and compassion to bring light to others and the planet. For every murderer there are 10 healers, for every abuser of animals, there are a thousand who hold animals in respect and equality. For every creator of war, there are millions of us who do not agree with that particular game.
If I didn't feel the LIGHT I would not be alive today. Mother Earth made the call for assistance, and we, all of us, are the answer to that call.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Dim 22 Mai - 22:04
--- Symptoms of Timeline Jumping (Inelia Benz - May 2016) ---
"And secondly, realize that this is a great opportunity for you To make a lifelong commitment To live on your highest frequency by choice."
I have spoken about timelines in various interviews and also mention them in the Ascension101 Course. And during our event in July 23rd, we will do a mass exercise to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE a highly resonant timeline. The methods and tools to do that will be sent to ticket holders before the event so you can start practicing.
As a young child (about 3-4 years old), I became aware of the timeline in which I was living. When I realized which one it was, I had a total breakdown. I didn't stop crying for three days. I lost my voice and ran out of tears. I didn't sleep or eat, just cried inconsolably. At the end of the three days, and when I started fading, my parents took me to the doctor, who injected me with a tranquilizing agent and sent me home. I fell asleep and when I woke up, all was well.
I had a very clear knowing even then that we have many, many timeline options and also that the one we are in is not a good one if you don't like drama or pain. But I stayed. Throughout my life I have had clear points where I experienced a timeline shift, resulting in very specific life changes. Some were positive, some were negative. Most of these, but not all, were taken unconsciously. And the "memory" and sense of the other timeline, the one I did not choose, was very close, active, almost reachable, for a while.
In all those situations my sense of "personal timeline" stayed put. It was "me" who was staying in this choice, and another timeline branching off into the other choice with a slightly different "Inelia" on it. Me, but not my experience. Except for one timeline shift that was different to all the rest. That one happened just over a week ago and the difference was that I knew and felt that the experience of Me, had come in from a different timeline into this one. Instead of having a clear and solid memory and reality that this was my timeline, the opposite was true. My timeline and life up to that point was completely different. And at that point I entered into this timeline into completely unfamiliar surroundings and relationships. The other interesting aspect was that I immediately knew what was happening and that soon I would be able to access this timeline's memory constructs and reality, and be able to live in it without anyone knowing.
The other distinct difference is that I have clear (although fading) recollection of my life in the other timeline. And it was very different. Our species was not plagued with war or fear, there were no roads and all houses were zero or minus impact. Gaia was fully activated and vibrating at her true frequency in our reality. Our species actively worked to keep a healthy and active link and communication with Gaia and all her creatures.
What does any of this have to do with our combined human story?
In the past few weeks, April-May 2016, there has been a flurry of timeline jumping on the planet both at a personal level (as individuals commit to what paradigm they want to embody) and at a collective level as we start aligning to those people and "stories" that are more resonant to our choices.
Timelines, just like groups of people in our own timeline here, are dictated by our choices. When we truly choose to partake in a reality, we come together with others who are very much in alignment with that choice and move forward together.
Have a look and see what realities and timelines you are stepping in and out of. Where is your focus of attention, where and to whom is your energy going to. What are you feeding with your emotions, and what is the nature of those emotions.
Symptoms of Timeline Jumping
The physical body elemental is not at all happy with the shifting and moving of timelines. When this starts happening, the body becomes highly stressed and tense. This causes cramps and also pain on the back of the neck and shoulders, with a feeling of something tight around the head, or a headache that won't go away.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Lun 31 Oct - 21:12
--- Un arbre me demanda.... ---
"Un arbre me demanda de l'aide un jour."
Inelia Benz : Savez-vous que tous les arbres sont connectés via leurs systèmes racinaires en tant que Un organisme, tout en étant chacun des individus singuliers ? Que les arbres communiquent aussi par le biais de vagues sonores et de particules aériennes ? Et lorsque nous marchons parmi eux et que ces ondes sonores et particules aériennes traversent nos corps, nous aussi et alors sommes parties prenantes dans leurs conversations. La prochaine fois que vous croisez quelques arbres, entrez dans la danse.
Queenie McQueen: Un arbre me demanda de l'aide un jour. C'était comme de la télépathie. J'étais surprise et allais voir. Il y avait des barbelés rouillés profondément enfoncés dans le tronc. Je pris quelques outils et enlevais tout ce que je pouvais, restant là un bon moment.
Une semaine plus tard environ, j'allais me promener dans un parc à six cents mètres de là où se trouvent des arbres plus âgés. Me demandant si j'aurai de la chance, je décidai de voir s'ils iraient jusqu'à me parler. Bonjour dis-je, je suis Queenie.... et immédiatement ils parlèrent comme Un.... "nous vous connaissons" dirent-ils... "l'amie des arbres". Wow, stupéfiant. Ces arbres, et le premier de ce récit, n'étaient pas même en vue les uns des autres. Délicieux. xxx
Inelia Benz: Did you know that all trees are connected via their root systems as One organism, at the same time are individuals? That the also communicate via sound waves and air particles? And when we walk among them and those sounds and air particles go through our bodies, we too are included in their conversation? Next time you stand by some trees, drop in.
Queenie McQueen: A tree asked me for help one day. It was sort of telepathic. I was surprised and went to check it out. There was rusted barbed wire deeply embedded in it"s trunk. I got some tools and removed all that I could and hung out for a while.
About a week later I walked into a park about half a mile away where there were some more mature trees. Wondering if I"d have any luck I decided to see if they would speak to me. Hello I said, I"m Queenie.... immediately they spoke as one....."we know you" they said.."friend of trees" Wow, amazing. These trees and the first one were not even in sight of each other. Lovely. xxx
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Lun 7 Nov - 10:01
--- First Unifying Ceremony - Global Ascension Center (Inelia Benz) ---
In about two hours (November 6, 2016), we will hold our first unifying ceremony at the shamanshack... Unifying what? one might ask. Self, Gaia and Expanded awareness of reality (including our star brothers and sisters). If you want to join, burn and smell incense, drink water, eat a bite of fruit or treat, and watch and feel the heat of a flame (candle is good). The intent in your mind to be "I unify us". Think about the sentient being that is Gaia, think about our brothers and sisters from the stars, and think of all the people of Earth.
You can do this ceremony at any time, as many times as you want or feel inspired to, for as long as you are inspired to do so. The writing below comes from a Mapuche, but it may as well come from many other Native knowledge keeper in the Americas or other continent:
"The Mapuche are a deeply spiritual and religious society, their belief system maintained that the world was created by a celestial family, who were the creators of all beings as well as holding the power of nature." R. Marhiquewun.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Mar 8 Nov - 8:34
--- Lakota, Dakota & Nakota Nations ---
"To understand the depth of this message, You must recognize the importance of Sacred Sites, And realize the interconnectedness of what is happening today, In reflection of the continued massacres that are occurring, On other lands and our own Americas."
Message from Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, what we call “Turtle Island.” My words seek to unite the global community through a message from our sacred ceremonies to unite spiritually, each in our ways of beliefs in the Creator.
We have been warned from ancient prophecies of these times we live in today, but have also been given a vital message about a solution to turn these terrible times.
To understand the depth of this message, you must recognize the importance of Sacred Sites and realize the interconnectedness of what is happening today, in the reflection of the continued massacres that are occurring on other lands and our own Americas.
I have been learning about these important issues since the age of 12 when I received the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle and its teachings. Our people have strived to protect Sacred Sites from the beginning of time. These places have been violated for centuries and have brought us to the predicament that we are in at the global level.
Look around you. Our Mother Earth is very ill from these violations, and we are on the brink of destroying the possibility of a healthy and nurturing survival for generations to come, our children’s children.
Our ancestors have been trying to protect our Sacred Site called the Sacred Black Hills of South Dakota, “Heart of Everything That Is,” from continued violations. Our ancestors never saw a satellite view of this site, but now that those pictures are available, we see that it is in the shape of a heart and, when fast-forwarded, it looks like a heart pumping.
The Diné have been protecting Big Mountain, calling it the liver of the earth, and we are suffering and going to suffer more from the extraction of the coal there and the poisoning processes used in doing so.
The Aborigines have warned of the contaminating effects of global warming on the Coral Reefs, which they see as Mother Earth’s blood purifier.
The indigenous people of the rainforest say that the rainforests are the lungs of the planet and need protection.
The Gwich’in Nation in Alaska has had to face oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain, also known to the Gwich’in as “Where life begins.”
The coastal plain is the birthplace of many life forms of the animal nations. The death of these animal nations will destroy indigenous nations in this territory.
As these destructive developments continue all over the world, we will witness much more extinct animal, plant, and human nations, because of humankind’s misuse of power and their lack of understanding of the “balance of life.”
The Indigenous people warn that these negative developments will cause havoc globally. There are many, many more original teachings and knowledge about Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites, her chakras, and connections to our spirit that will surely affect our future generations.
There needs to be a fast move toward other forms of energy that are safe for all Nations upon Mother Earth. We need to understand the types of minds that are continuing to destroy the spirit of our whole global community. Unless we do this, the powers of destruction will overwhelm us.
Our Ancestors foretold that water would someday be for sale. This Prophecy was hard to believe! The water was plentiful, pure, full of energy, nutrition, and spirit. Today we have to buy clean water, and even then the nutritional minerals have been taken out; it’s just clear liquid. Someday water will be like gold, too expensive to afford.
Not everyone will have the right to drink safe water. We fail to appreciate and honor our Sacred Sites, ripping out the minerals and gifts that lay underneath them as if Mother Earth were simply a resource, instead of the source of life itself.
Attacking nations and using more resources to carry out destruction in the name of peace is not the answer! We need to understand how all these decisions affect the global nation; we will not be immune to its repercussions. Allowing continual contamination of our food and land is affecting the way we think.
A “disease of the mind” has set in world leaders and many members of our global community, with their belief that a solution of retaliation and destruction of peoples will bring peace.
In our Prophecies it is told that we are now at the crossroads: Either unites spiritually as a global nation or faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relatives’ eyes.
We are the only species that is destroying the source of life, meaning Mother Earth, in the name of power, mineral resources, and ownership of land. Using chemicals and methods of warfare that are doing irreversible damage, as Mother Earth is becoming tired and cannot sustain any more impacts of war.
I ask you to join me in this endeavor. Our vision is for the peoples of all continents, regardless of their beliefs in the Creator, to come together as one at their Sacred Sites to pray and meditate and commune with one another, thus promoting an energy shift to heal our Mother Earth and achieve a universal consciousness toward attaining Peace.
As each day passes, I ask all nations to begin a global effort and remember to give thanks for the pure food that has been gifted to us by our Mother Earth, so the nutritional energy of medicine can be guided to heal our minds and spirits.
This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony, or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war, and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the vast myth of progress and development that ruled the last millennium.
To us, as caretakers of the heart of Mother Earth falls the responsibility of turning back the powers of destruction. You are the one who must decide.
You alone – and only you – can make this crucial choice, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives. On your decision depends the fate of the entire World.
Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind.
Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger?
Know that you are essential to this world. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You are desperately needed to save the soul of this world. Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, there is no beginning and no ending.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse is the author of White Buffalo Teachings. A tireless advocate of maintaining traditional spiritual practices, Chief Looking Horse is a member of Big Foot Riders, which memorializes the massacre of Big Foot’s band at Wounded Knee.
Nunti-Sunya (= Native People, Lyricus, Stillness), Et, Adonai (Star People, Arcturians, Pleiadians...) de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Jeu 10 Nov - 19:00
--- Arcturians through Suzanne Lie ---
Irradiez, Irradiez, Irradiez, La Flamme Violette, Transmutant Toutes Ombres En, Lumière, Lumière, Lumière ! (St Germain)
On pourra utiliser cette invocation comme un mantra, un outil utile pour naviguer en cette semaine (et sans doute les semaines et mois à venir) pour le moins troublée et trouble où se déchaînent de façon régulière les forces obscures d'un monde ancien qui n'en finit pas de s'éteindre et de glisser irrémédiablement dans quelques ténèbres extérieures et autres basses dimensions.
Nous assistons en ce moment à une exacerbation de polarité qui voit "le pouvoir sur les autres" (power over others) prendre peur et lutter avec la plus extrême et dernière vigueur en découvrant "le pouvoir intérieur" (power within) se déployer doucement et avec grâce.
Nous sommes le futur, les êtres souverains en devenir qui apprennent à embrasser toutes choses, clignotant et rayonnant de plus en plus cette lumière, cette joie et cet amour que nous sommes depuis toute éternité.
Réjouissances, car c'est une toute première pour l'espèce humaine sur cette planète.
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, The Violet Fire, Transmuting All Shadow Into, Light, Light, Light! (St Germain)
This Is A NOW of Great Flux ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Dim 13 Nov - 18:30
--- Collective Evolution News ---
"The goal isn’t to simply branch off into a “better system”, Or elect “better leaders”. It is to transform our own consciousness, Which will in turn result in us creating better systems… And becoming better leaders ourselves."
(CE News)
Collective Evolution is expanding! We have just launched our IndieGoGo Campaign, So we can fully launch CE News!
The North Dakota Access Pipeline protests rage on. The latest comes today when a Dakota Access company resumed construction of its pipeline that is said to run under the Missouri River after requests from Army Corps were ignored to wait as they assess re-route options.
The protesters call themselves water protectors. The Missouri is their main source of water and they are protecting the land, water, and air of ancient native burial grounds. Camps formed back in April and protests began in August. Members of the Sioux Indigenous tribe of Standing Rock are going up against Energy Transfer Partners, the oil company looking to finally complete the last 2000km of a pipeline running through 4 different states (Illinois, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota). This whole project has $3.8B invested in it from 17 national banks and a host of other investors.
But, there seems to be a bigger issue at stake here, one we’ve seen many times in the past but never confronted head on. That is, corporate interests and profits taking precedence over the health and well-being of the people and the land.
“When will we realize that we cannot eat money?” I saw on someone’s status today. It alludes to the fact that the people at Standing Rock are fighting (quite literally) for basic human rights, but because that interferes with Energy Transfer Partners plans, all those rights go out the window. The police are outfitted in a lot of heavy gear. Morton county has has a HUGE boost in equipment with new militarized cars, LRAD (sound technology), mace, rubber bullets, batons, and a host of other ‘toys’ they definitely did not have before. I’m pretty sure they didn’t rent this stuff from somewhere. In the next few weeks we will be submitting a public records request to follow the money and determine who exactly was providing the police with all this highly sophisticated technology they are using on peaceful protesters.
The people are fighting to be heard. To be recognized as having legitimate concerns. The bulldozing of the land is a metaphor for the bulldozing of the hearts of the people there. This is everyone’s fight. No longer can we allow the corporations to run rampant and do whatever they want, when they want, and who they want to. There must be more attention placed on this issue. More pressure applied to those we must hold accountable for the harm they are doing and will do to the people and the land.
This is one of the reasons why myself and another journalist from CE are going to Standing Rock this weekend. We want the truth of the matter and to help spread awareness of what is happening there, as the mainstream media is nowhere to be found. It is important to know we are taking the idea of coming together one step further with 9 different independent and alternative news outlets collaborating to spread this around the world. That’s over 21 million+ followers!
Collective Evolution 4.8 million True Activist 1.35 million Mint Press News 266k David Wolfe 8.3 million The Anti-Media 1.9 million We Are Change 400k Police the Police 1.1 million Ubuntu 36k The Free Thought Project 1.67 million
Here is where you can get involved if you cannot directly come and be with us at Standing Rock. You can show your support and solidarity with the movement by donating, liking, and sharing our CE News Network. The same network that is trying to bring all these independent media outlets together. Please consider donating even a dollar to the campaign at, because if a million people donated just 1 dollar…boom — we’ve given the shift a huge voice and push out into the world.
This is a real life example of the shifting consciousness from competition to cooperation, having all agreed to work together to present solutions to the Dakota Access Pipeline as a unified front.
We at Collective Evolution have seen and spoken with the creators of technology that will truly change the world. It is clean energy that is so simple in its constitution that many cannot even fathom its existence. But, I assure you the MTG (magnetic transducer generator) has the ability to supply energy to all of our homes, buildings, and vehicles without damaging the earth and greatly cutting costs, so we may enjoy life to the fullest, instead of being slaves to our utility companies.
Follow myself Rajie Kabli , Joe Martino, Justin Booth and Collective Evolution for live updates from Standing Rock. Remember, we are all in this together.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Sam 26 Nov - 8:43
--- November 26, 2016 ---
We are the Halluci-Nation, We are the Multidimensional People, Opening our Wings, For Light/Love to Shine Joyfully.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Lun 28 Nov - 20:51
--- Interview With an Angel - Inelia Benz (ePub, Kindle & pdf) ---
Le dernier livre d'Inelia Benz, "Interview With an Angel", est disponible depuis aujourd'hui 28 novembre 2016 aux formats ePub, kindle/mobi et pdf. Vous trouverez aussi une vidéo où l'auteur lit un passage du chapitre 8.
Depuis très longtemps attendu, le fait que ce livre soit achevé et désormais disponible, est en soi une excellente nouvelle et un profond soulagement. En effet, nous abordons en ces deux derniers mois de l'année 2016 la fin d'un cycle extrêmement difficile et douloureux pour la plupart d'entre nous, comme envahi de peurs, de souffrances et de ténèbres. Une plutôt longue période (cette dernière année, ces derniers 18 mois... ???) où la libre circulation de la lumière, des données et de la "vérité" semblait comme fortement et gravement altérée et empêchée.
Double réjouissance donc, par l'existence même de ce livre et de son contenu, signalant ainsi et aussi, avec bien d'autres signes, que nous quittons définitivement et de manière de plus en plus visible et palpable l'Ancien Monde truffé de programmes destinés à nous réduire en esclavage, à faire de nous des marionnettes dont on se joue depuis les tout premiers moments de l'espèce humaine sur cette planète.
L'année 2017 marque l'avènement, depuis si longtemps rêvé, désiré et attendu, d'une nouvelle ère pour l'humanité, embrassant en toujours plus grandes perspectives une planète en pleine expansion/ascension.
This Inelia Benz novel, based on true events and characters, is presented as part of the Extra-Ordinary Interview Series. The man in this interview introduces himself as Archangel Gabriel.
The book is an in depth discourse and exploration of our divinity, existence and meaning within the Universal Superconscious. Is there a God? Are angels agents of religions? Where do humans originate? Can angels incarnate as humans? How many other species are there in the Universe? All these questions and more are answered in this fascinating conversation.
Inelia Benz, Reads the beginning of Chapter 8, From her latest book: "Interview With an Angel".
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Jeu 1 Déc - 9:44
--- L'Energie du Gardien (Inelia Benz) ---
"Vous êtes là dans votre pouvoir ; vous exprimez votre propre énergie ; vous incarnez le nouveau paradigme - celui que vous sentez ou croyez être le chemin dans lequel se déploient les choses qui doivent être." (Inelia Benz)
"You stand in your power; you express your inner energy; you embody the new paradigm – the one that you feel or believe to be the way in which things should be like." (Inelia Benz)
Interesting exchange at WalkWithMeNow (
Cathy asks: “If we embody the new paradigm, then we shouldn’t have the energy of the warrior any more – is that correct?”
My reply: ""The warrior energy is very powerful – it has the word ‘war’ in it.
… Basically you engage in battle with your enemy.
And the new paradigm doesn’t engage in battle, it engages in guardianship.
So you can channel your warrior energy to protect.
And it’s interesting that, from the beginning, the North Dakota have used the word ‘protectors’ instead of ‘protestors’ – so it’s a very different energy.
The one of protector or guardian to that of warrior… the one that engages and goes for the kill.
If you think of it that way – if you’re a warrior you go for the kill – you go to destroy and kill.
If you engage in guardianship, or protection, you’re not engaging to kill the other, but to protect ones or yourself – that which you believe in.
So how does that work?
If you’re trying to protect someone, are you trying to kill someone else?
Well that’s the level of engagement that we can’t really play with anymore because it’s too low frequency.
So how do you protect?
You stand in your power; you express your inner energy; you embody the new paradigm – the one that you feel or believe to be the way in which things should be like.
And you embody it in your own body without any variation really – you don’t give yourself excuses or allowances to indulge in low frequency energy at any time.
It’s tough, but a warrior can do it."
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Sam 24 Déc - 9:20
--- - James Gilliland & other data - December 2016 ---
12/19/2016 -- Large wave of energy from unknown source hitting Earth now - Possible effects?
Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is. It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited. It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid. It has everything to do with the arrival of 13th dimensional beings as well as the Andromedans whose ships can block out the entire eastern sky and when powered up can be as bright as 10,000 suns. This might be a hint as to the sun NASA observed coming our way that keeps changing speeds. How is this going to affect earth? It all has to do with frequency. Those holding on to the past, old grudges attitudes and emotions especially the frequency of tyranny and the arrogance of separation are not frequency specific to this wave. They will not fare well. The masks are all coming down. This is a healing energy yet along with it is the program of Universal Law. The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.
This is being played out in the physical as the liberators verses the controllers and the controllers are imploding. Humanity is waking up as well as the platform for life mother earth, Gaia Sophia; whatever name you want to give her. This shift includes other dimensions as well. The controllers represented best by the Illuminati, banksters, war and disease profiteers are controlled by transdimensional beings, fallen Annunaki, Reptillians, Serpent Beings and what most would call demonic forces. They have suppressed and enslaved humanity since long before the Egyptian Dynasties. Thus you are seeing the polarities getting stronger and stronger. If you want to know who is who, follow the money. Who is big money backing? That is all you need to do. Most politicians are controlled by the banksters, the banksters are controlled by the illuminati the uber rich most of which have been doing blood sacrifices which includes children and acts so decadent and evil most could not comprehend. In past times the ceremonies were only held in the highest levels now they are held at the lowest levels; which is being revealed as we speak. This is not conspiracy this is fact and you will not hear about it in the Corporate Owned lame stream news. Because it is the fake news.
If you understood the mission statement of the illuminati you would understand how deep this problem runs and why it is so hard to root out. Their goal is to put their people in powerful positions, to bribe and blackmail those in powerful positions to do their bidding until they have total dominance of the world. If you don’t play ball with them you don’t succeed in climbing the ladder of power and wealth. If you go against them you will loose everything, your life and your family’s lives. Those you would go to for help, the agencies of law enforcement are owned and participants in many of these satanic rituals or caught in honey pot blackmail operations some with under age women which are dressed up to look much older. I myself have been subject to attempts at entrapment yet my inner guidance made it very clear do not go there. It is really that dark and decadent. They also have Manchurian candidates beautiful women and men who are very adept in using their sexual energies to control or sabotage the light workers.
This ascension wave is the solution. It is the soul activator, the initiation and support of the light workers and warriors who came to the earth to liberate her and her people. Though most are unaware there is a stirring inside some at a very young age, some being awakened now that things are not and have not been right for quite some time. Many cannot shove under the rug the atrocities to humanity and the earth as well as what can only be deemed as criminal behavior of their leaders, bosses, friends or family. This wave is bringing everything up, the masks are coming off and everything will be revealed. Armageddon is defined as the great uncovering, no rock shall be left unturned. It is an internal movement of consciousness and energy; which will find its expression in the external. Everything in this dimension owes its existence to the next dimension up it is a vibrational ladder. The lowest levels of the 4th dimension have fallen annunaki, reptilians, serpent beings, greys and other demonic and fallen souls. This is being cleaned up. The puppets are loosing their puppet masters. The higher 4th dimension is filled with guides, shamans, teachers and healers yet they are still bound by their religious or cultural beliefs; which keeps them on the wheel of reincarnation. For those who think this is unchristian explain to me the quote, “No one comes to earth but he who has come from heaven, or John the Baptist is Elisa who was to come.” The bible with the apocrypha has many dissertations about reincarnation yet they were taken out by the Council of Nicaea.
There are dimensions beyond the 4th with whole civilizations existing on them. These are also mentioned in the bible. The Sons of Arcturus, the Orion Council of Light, the Pleiadians all are riding this ascension wave adding their consciousness, energy and talents to the process. There are Sirians, the protectors of the Gods, Andromedans mythologically known as Arch Angels due to their magnetized light bodies. There are 6th and 9th dimensional Annunaki also coming in to recall the fallen ones and right an ancient wrong. This massive wave including the higher dimensional beings and the earth herself in her ascension process has the dark hearts pressed hard from above and below. What you are going to see is those who are evolving, adjusting to the new energies will continue. Those who resist will not. The days of the tyrants are over. They are not frequency specific to the evolution of humanity and the earth. The masks are coming down and you will see them for who and what they are.
A little hint some are not human, inhuman acts are often carried out by inhuman beings along with those they have duped and deceived to do their bidding. They have used social programming, religious programming, electronic programming, and ceremonial programming, bribes and blackmail to manipulate and entrap what in many cases were good people. This will all be revealed the spell will be broken. Many will go through their dark night of the soul as they regain their true conscience and the soul comes forward. We all to some degree or another have things to let go, restitution to be made, we have to release the past remember who we are and stand tall in our own divinity. The forgiveness of Creator is unlimited yet the request has to be heart and soul felt along with the desire and action to right any wrongs. Some will most arrogantly say there is no right or wrong which is spiritual ego. They are not ascended or beyond karma it is only lip service. We no longer have the luxury of living in denial, hide behind spiritual aphorisms and not be authentic and own our stuff. We have to transcend all cultural and religious boundaries, align with Unity Consciousness and live according to Universal Law………..
The Creator is Omnipresent in all Creation. There are fallen ones and miscreations that need to be addressed yet do it from the God within. It is time for each and everyone to make their own personal God, Creator, Great Spirit connection, not the jealous wrathful warring god or the bearded gods of the past known as the Annunaki some of which were benevolent, some were not. Your religions came from the behavior of these gods. Connect to the All Loving, All Forgiving, God of Love from within. Was it not written Ye are Gods, Children of the most high? Was it not written the temple is within? Is this not within every culture. Becoming one with the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse? Is not love the cosmic glue the ultimate power in the universe? Do not forget being enlightened does not mean being a doormat. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of all of it, both sides for the coin and everything in between. It also demands action and this ascension wave is going to shove you in that direction. Learn to lead yourselves from your own heart and soul.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Sam 7 Jan - 16:39
--- WestWorld - Gods'Creatures ---
"Nous, l'espèce humaine, nous commençons à voir."
J'ai découvert ces dernières semaines la série "WestWorld" dont tout le monde parlait ces derniers mois. Disponible -->> ici, d'une remarquable intensité, magnifique et inspirante, c'est l'histoire de dieux qui apprennent à créer, dessiner et jouer avec des créatures modelées à leur image.
Toujours en quête de contrôle, s'activant à effacer mémoires et souvenirs, programmant sans cesse leurs clones pour les amener à jouer dans divers scénarios, recyclant leurs créatures indéfiniment dans quelques départements de morts et résurrections, nous avons là, sous nos yeux, le spectacle fascinant et profondément inspirant de l'histoire de nos vies. La trajectoire de l'espèce humaine sur cette planète est ici spectaculairement et intelligemment mise à nue.
Un peuple de clones à ses débuts (Human 1.0), auxquels on a attribué par la suite des organes sexuels pour une auto-réplication (Human 2.0 - pas dans la série, du moins pas dans cette saison 1.....). Un système de contrôle des corps humains à l'aide d'implants (éthériques ou non), des programmes divers qu'il est possible de modifier (liaison oeil-cerveau aux débuts, se mouvoir, manger, boire, s'habiller, se laver, marcher, travailler, parler....), sans oublier bien sûr le réseau intelligent comportant toutes sortes de "trackers" et autres balises aptes à éteindre et effacer toutes réalisations et autres idées nodales au coeur et au creux des êtres humains esclaves (on pensera ici par exemple aux bio-computers dotés d'intelligence artificielle et autres "psychic assassins" décrits dans "Interview with a Psychic Assassin" - Inelia Benz).
Spectacle tout à fait fascinant, je me répète, qui donne à voir au plus grand nombre quelques-uns des points clés qui se déploient au sein de "'l'inconscient collectif" de l'humanité en ses années mémorables pour notre espèce et notre planète.
Tant dans la forme que dans le fond, "WestWorld" est une oeuvre majeure et grandiose, et une excellente nouvelle pour ce qui est du futur proche de l'espèce humaine sur cette planète.
Nous, le collectif humain, nous commençons à voir.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Dim 8 Jan - 23:59
--- 2017 selon Inelia Benz ---
"Il est temps de s'engager et d'incarner le nouveau paradigme, sans valider désormais ni excuser aucune pensées, émotions ou actions de basses fréquences envers nous-mêmes ou autrui, et il est temps d'abandonner toutes les histoires qui ont justifié et donné raison à notre engagement dans toutes sortes d'expériences de basses fréquences." (Inelia Benz)
"It is time to commit to embodying the new paradigm, making no more excuses for low frequency thoughts, emotions or actions for ourselves or others, and it is time to drop all the stories that have validated our engagement in low frequency experiences." (Inelia Benz)
The Shamanshack:
Support the Shamanshack:
New website:
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Dim 15 Jan - 21:43
--- "Voulez-vous savoir ce que je vois pour 2017 ?" (Inelia Benz) ---
Voulez-vous savoir ce que je vois pour 2017 ?
Cette année est une année très importante pour tous les êtres humains sur Terre. Dans cette lettre je vous dirai en résumé pourquoi il s’agit d’une année importante pour nous, ce que je vois, et parlerai aussi de ce que je ferai personnellement à partir de 2017 et ultérieurement.
J’ai créé une vidéo pour un examen plus complet :
Tout d’abord, depuis environ le milieu de l’année 2016, il y a eu des vagues d’intensité qui ont duré chacune environ trois mois, culminant chacune en fin de parcours avant de s’effacer et de déferler de nouveau. Ces vagues ont affecté chacun d’entre nous de différentes façons. Les caractéristiques de la dernière vague, celle de la toute fin de 2016, étaient celles de la lumière/obscurité s’affrontant l’une l’autre et se repoussant l’une l’autre à un niveau à la fois personnel et collectif.
La vague qui a commencé à la fin du mois de décembre, et qui s’avance en 2017, est inconfortable seulement si nous nous attachons à des vibrations, des actions, des habitudes et des relations de basses fréquences.
Il est temps de s’engager à incarner le nouveau paradigme, sans plus d’excuses pour les pensées, les émotions et les actions de basses fréquences pour nous-mêmes ou pour les autres, et il est temps d’abandonner toutes les histoires qui ont validé notre implication dans des expériences de basses fréquences. Je parle de tout ce que cela signifie et comment parcourir et explorer l’ensemble de façon exhaustive dans la vidéo.
À nous avons co-créés une trousse de premiers soins de Haute Fréquence pour nous aider à extraire la douleur, la souffrance et le stress. Téléchargez les fichiers et gardez les liens actifs, afin d’y accéder à tout moment lorsque vous êtes aspirés dans des situations de basses fréquences.
Finalement, en ayant l’intention de minimiser les interactions et les expériences négatives, nous nous entraînerons à nous écarter automatiquement de ces énergies instantanément, de sorte qu’ultimement elles n’apparaîtront même pas dans notre réalité.
Il y a trois énergies importantes qui ont pénétré le collectif humain en 2016, des énergies dont nous pouvons dresser la carte et à intégrer en 2017 :
1, Unification – devenir un avec chacun dans l’intention, l’action et la création d’une réalité qui est solidaire, nourrissante, bienveillante et abondante pour toutes les personnes de la planète.
2. Guérir la souffrance – guérir activement la souffrance que nous avons dans nos vies, culturellement, et au niveau familial, social, et physique, pour être capable ensuite d’agir et de faire depuis un espace d’intégralité et de joie.
3. Engagement – engagez-vous à 100 % pour incarner le nouveau paradigme, abandonnez toutes les excuses pour vous-mêmes ou autrui à propos d’actions qui vous blessent vous ou les autres. Embrassez activement les plus hautes fréquences dans votre expérience de la réalité.
Encore une fois, j’explore ces trois aspects de façon approfondie dans la vidéo.
Et enfin, quelques mots à propos de mon chemin personnel.
Vous savez peut-être qu’en 2017 je quitte le travail public, la distribution du message de l’auto-détermination pour les masses. Vous savez peut-être aussi que je vais retourner vers le travail qui était le mien avant d’être appelée sur la scène publique. Ce travail consistait à écrire des livres, mais aussi à aider et former les individus qui supportent et guident activement les personnes de leur entourage.
Alors que je m’asseyais et que je me retirai énergétiquement de toute intervention publique à venir, accueillant l’énergie joyeuse et confortable de l’éducateur et du guide, supporteur aidant ceux qui sont déjà engagés dans leur propre auto-détermination et dans celle en devenir de ceux qu’ils guident et aident à leur tour, une lumière brillante et éclatante s’illumina dans le champ de mon attention.
Cette lumière était si brillante et si puissante qu’au premier abord je ne pouvais voir ce qu’elle était. Il me fallu élever ma propre fréquence vibratoire pour discerner les détails. Et lorsque je vis ce que c’était, j’eus la meilleure des surprises !
C’était Walk With Me Now.
L’Equipe et moi-même avons posé les fondations de la plateforme la plus incroyablement stimulante et éducative possible, pour précisément tous ceux qui sont prêts et décidés à embrasser leur pouvoir, pas seulement pour eux-mêmes, mais pour tous ceux qui sont autour d’eux. Le flot d’énergie, de lumière, d’assistance, d’encouragement et de joie est à plusieurs niveaux et réciproque. C’est la phase suivante dans l’évolution du travail qui consiste à aider les aidants, les piliers de notre collectif humain.
Si vous vous êtes engagés à incarner le Nouveau Paradigme, reconnaissant et embrassant votre propre pouvoir, déployant et élargissant votre conscience, et vous désengageant des jeux de basses fréquences. Si vous êtes en résonance avec toute honnêteté et transparence, que vous aimez apprendre et être dans la joie, que vous êtes conscients de votre propre potentiel, de vos aptitudes et de vos limites, vous êtes à la bonne place.
En tant qu’extension physique de l’aide et du soutien énergétique, nous créons Le Shamanshack.
Le Shamanshack est un lieu physique, une école et une galerie centrés autour des enseignements mystiques et chamaniques, où nous donnerons des cours privés et autres formations, des thérapies individuelles ainsi que des retraites de pouvoir pour aider, guider et entraîner les individus qui s’engagent à stimuler et guider les personnes de leur entourage. Un espace créé, construit et utilisé par moi, qui possède une fréquence d’énergie singulière et stimulante. Un lieu qui m’aide, moi et mon travail, tout autant qu’il aide ceux qui viennent là. Et c’est magnifique.
Les livres et les récits sont ma passion. J’aime écrire. Mes livres sont une exploration personnelle d’expériences et d’informations diverses qui sont prêtes et disposées à être contées et entendues. Elles sont amusantes et excitantes à écrire, et la joie d’être en mesure de partager ces expériences est immense.
Encore une fois, tous ces sujets sont développés dans la vidéo. Et n’oubliez pas que nous avons une bibliothèque gigantesque d’outils et d’articles sur, qui sont là pour vous aider dans votre cheminement personnel, au cas où vous ne seriez pas encore en situation de nous aider en retour.
Chaleureusement, Joie/lumière/amour, Et grands remerciements !
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Lun 23 Jan - 18:16
--- "Vous êtes Pure Lumière" (Inelia Benz - 12 janvier 2017) ---
Facebook, January 12, 2017
Quelqu'un vous a-t-il déjà dit que sur cette planète, en tant qu'être humain, vous ne pouvez pas être pure lumière, mentalement, physiquement et spirituellement ? Vous a-t-on déjà dit que vous avez traversé des choses terribles et que c'est la raison pour laquelle vous êtes une personne magnifique maintenant ? Vous a-t-on déjà dit que d'autres personnes sont horribles et méchantes, qu'elles créent obscurités et toutes sortes de drames autour d'elles... car de mauvaises choses leur sont arrivées ? Vous a-t-on dit qu'il n'existe pas de nuit obscure ni de noirceur, que tout est lumière, et que l'ombre est simplement de la lumière non évoluée, ou que les personnes qui vivent dans les ténèbres ont simplement besoin d'être sauvées ? Quelqu'un vous a-t-il déjà dit que vous avez des ténèbres en vous, et que vous devez intégrer cela pour être complet ? Ou vous a-t-on déjà dit que vous devez en fait créer un corps de lumière, ou en acheter un, de manière à entrer dans la lumière ? En fait tout ceci n'est que pur "BS" (baratin, mensonges). Rien de tout cela n'est vrai.
VOUS ÊTES PURE LUMIÈRE, et toutes les ténèbres que vous avez expérimentées, intégrées et portées, vous les avez choisies pour vous empêcher de briller sur cette planète. Ce n'est pas compliqué. Les ténèbres sont la peur, les mauvaises intentions, la souffrance, l'oppression, le pouvoir sur les autres, le plaisir sadique éprouvé grâce à la souffrance d'autrui. Beaucoup de gens sont les victimes de ces énergies, ou les auteurs de celles-ci. Ils en sont dépendants. Ils sont ténèbres incarnées sous forme humaine.
Ceux qui ne le sont pas, toujours, oui toujours trouvent leur chemin en-dehors de ces cycles. VOUS avez trouvé une porte de sortie, ou êtes en train de trouver cette porte. Le temps est venu de vous débarrasser de toutes ténèbres et d'être ce que vous êtes vraiment. La Lumière Incarnée. Que se passerait-il si être vous-mêmes pleinement, en toutes circonstances, entière lumière exprimée dans votre corps physique, mental, spirituel et ego était facile ? Une section entière de la population humaine a choisi d'incarner la pure lumière. Ils ont choisi de créer un monde de paix, de beauté, d'abondance, d'entraide, d'encouragement, de joie, d'inspiration, d'énergie, d'amour, et plus encore. Ils choisissent de faire cela, là où ils vivent, trouvant et se joignant à ceux qui soutiennent et imprègnent cette création d'énergie et de vie. Êtes-vous prêts pour cela ?
Souscrivez à ma lettre d'information sur, et lisez ce que vous recevez. Cette année je ne m'intéresse seulement qu'aux personnes qui s'engagent à incarner le nouveau paradigme. Le paradigme de l'auto-détermination, de la conscience, et de la lumière.
J'ai fait mon choix. Et vous ?
Inelia Benz.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Ven 10 Fév - 9:31
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Lun 13 Fév - 23:47
--- -->>> "Interview with an Angel" (Inelia Benz) ---
Shape-shifting bodies, angels manifesting a 3D/4D body to travel in this 3D/4D plane, multi-hued and colored wings unfolding in one's back, archangel Michael circling around in the very near open sea, exploring the very ancient times before religions, uplifting encounterings of the very joy/light/love kind, all of this is not a fiction-based story but live interviews.
You can read the first chapter of "Interview with an Angel" here :
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Ven 24 Fév - 8:40
--- The Enlightened Madness of Philip K. Dick: The Black Iron Prison and Wetiko (from "The Divine Invasion" PK.Dick)) ---
There is something terribly wrong in our world. The Native American people have a term—wetiko—that can really help us to contextualize and get more of a handle on the ever-unfolding catastrophe playing out all over our planet. As my research deepens, I am continually amazed that so many different spiritual wisdom traditions, as well as creative artists, are each in their own unique ways, pointing out wetiko. Wetiko—which can be likened to a virus of the mind—works through our unconscious blind spots, which is to say that it depends upon our unawareness of its covert operations within our own minds to keep itself in business. There is no one definitive model that fully delineates the elusive workings of wetiko disease, but when all of these unique articulations are seen together, a deeper picture begins to get in focus that can help us to see it. Seeing how wetiko works—both out in the world and within our own minds—is its worst nightmare, for once we see how it is playing us, its gig is up.
Recently, I have been delighted to learn that the science fiction author Philip K. Dick (henceforth PKD) was, in his own completely unique and “Philip K. Dickian” way describing wetiko—the psycho-spiritual disease that afflicts our species—to a T. Considered to be one of the pre-eminent sci-fi writers of his—or any—time, PKD had one of the most unique, creative, unusual and original minds I have ever come across. Way ahead of his time, he was a true visionary and seer, possibly even a prophet. To say that PKD had an unfettered imagination is an understatement of epic proportions—it is hard to imagine an imagination more unrestrained. Continually questioning everything, he was actually a very subtle thinker whose prime concern was the question “What is reality?”
And also, Amidst this huge amount of data that I discover in this now moment, This other one YouTube video (I AM/AM I? - Awareness....)
The Phenomenal Acceleration of Mind in October 2016
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables Jeu 2 Mar - 13:04
--- Inelia Benz Mp3 Audio Course (Feb 27 2017) ---
“Begin with the Entry Rules and Regulations Of the New Paradigm.”
In February 2017, I was busy and joyfully working on my new novel “The Return”, when suddenly and unexpectedly I get a big message to pause and listen.
I ignored and carried on getting involved in the novel’s story, characters and their adventures. A few days later, the same message…. Pause and listen.
If you know me, you will probably know that it can take a lot of those messages for me to listen, especially if I am doing something I enjoy a lot, like my favorite activity… writing novels.
Eventually though, I did pause and listen because the request would not stop. I sat, closed my laptop and listened.
“The information you did not include on the Rules of Engagement, Entering the New Paradigm” course has to be recorded and released now as an audio class.”
I’m like… “What, now? I’m in the middle of my new novel.”
“Yes, now. Pretty please with a cherry on top.”
And, seeing as the request was so nicely asked, I looked. And I remembered. And I thought… “oh yes! I remember this stuff and I do want to record it. There’s so much of it. Where should I begin?”
“Begin with the Entry Rules and Regulations of the New Paradigm.”
“OK, that’s a hilarious title. But I get it.”
And I did. I got it.
Now, you may ask yourself, “who on Earth were you talking to, having this conversation? Who was telling you to pause and listen?” And my answer would be… “you.” My answer would be, “the human collective.” “Gaia.” “Our joined higher self consciousness.”
We cannot wait any longer for this information, therefore the time became ready for the recording and publishing of it. And, although I don’t like to judge or wait in the release of information, you have to understand that there is SO MUCH OF IT, that I have to prioritize. It’s simply a human limitation thing on my part. I cannot record, or type ten thousand different things at the same time, so I have to make decisions on what I can do and when.
Sometimes there will be an urgency on getting some material out there, like… now… today… and the Rules of Engagement Course was one of those, it had to be done and it had to be done then. And with this new class, it was the same thing.
This is a stand-alone class, but it is also a great complimentary class to the Rules of Engagement Course.
I paused the writing of my new novel for a week, to get this class typed, recorded and edited for publication. And it’s ready for you to download today. It’s simple, powerful and filled with information and tools you can use in your everyday life to assist you experiencing the New Paradigm from this moment, today. Are you ready? Because Gaia is.
If you have wondered when the New Paradigm is going to manifest and you are tired of waiting, then this is the class for you.
The new paradigm is already available to us and you can start experiencing it today. It is literally here and now in your everyday life, you merely need to pull forth its power. How? You need to embody it moment to moment.
This audio class shows you exactly how to embody the new paradigm in simple and very doable steps. Filled with exercises and insights, it will assist you in taking that huge step forward in what our common experience of what physicality can truly be like on our beautiful and conscious planet.
No excuses and no apologies. Start creating and stepping into the New Paradigm today. No one else can do this for you. This is a personal journey and you now have the tools and information to get it done. It is just a matter of deciding to use them.