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 Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 17:20

--- Arcturian Group - 17 août 2013 ---

"La méditation : écouter la petite voix calme."


The Arcturian Group message today is one of hope because dear ones, many of you are losing hope. You look out at the world and say nothing is changing, but much is changing dear ones. We see the light of your world becoming increasingly bright each day as more and more souls awaken to truths far different from that which you were led to believe was truth in the past.

Much of the chaos you see reflects the actions of those who stand to gain from dissension (sense of separation) because they sense that they are losing ground--their false words are no longer so easily believed by the majority. All that holds duality and separation in manifestation is the belief in it--the state of consciousness of the individual manifests as... You have not known that you are creators, powerful beings who create with the energy of your words and thoughts, but now you are awakening to your power as expressions of the Divine. This is evolution. As mankind awakens to the realization that there is only ONE--one life, one mind, one consciousness, one reality, one law, the source of duality and separation will have no substance and can no longer exist.

It is not the intellectual knowledge of truth that makes the changes, for that is but the first step. It is the practice--the pondering, reflecting, living of truth until it becomes your state of consciousness. That is the work dear ones, the practice and living of truth in each and every moment. With time this will become very easy because it will have integrated into your being and will be the "new you". This is why things do not yet appear to be changing, for there is work yet to be done before it can manifest, but it is coming dear ones, you are creating a new world with your awakening.

Do not spend a lot of time listening to the news or reading about negative manifestations in the world, for this allows appearances entrance into your consciousness and unless you have evolved beyond being affected, simply adds your energy to them. Be aware of world events, but do not enmesh yourself in them, translating world appearances instead into truth. For example; when becoming aware of current war and conflicts, say to yourself; "Yes I see this chaos, but I know the truth is that there is no law to support this, that it is the manifestation of the belief in duality and separation. Every person involved is a Divine expression but they do not know it and therefore are seeking peace and love in the only way that they are aware of at this time according to their belief system." Send light and the violet flame to these people and places without placing any directions on it as to what it is to do.

Understand, you do not deny appearances, but you translate them by knowing the truth behind them. This is the way you break the back of appearances born from the belief in duality and separation and this is how you help move the world into a higher dimensional energy and the corresponding higher dimensional manifestations.

All is proceeding according to plan. Never fear dear ones, for this journey of awakening is proceeding whether or not you believe it. A soul cannot remain forever in darkness and ignorance unless it is their choice. Every soul is evolving toward living and understanding the truth of their being--it could be no other way for this is the only reality--there is nothing else.

There is much to come very soon, changes in the world that will help you to see beyond appearances and recognize that change is indeed taking place. Try not to see world events as backward steps, but as a lifting up of all that is old and finished to be examined with new eyes and seen for what it is. Dark holes long within governments, churches, corporations, military, and etc. are now experiencing the light being shone into them and what is being seen is often shocking. The world has lived ignorantly with these dark holes for a long of time, believing that they were either not there, or were simply the way things function--but no longer. Many brave ones are now shining light into these holes of darkness and it is the job of an evolving world to take notice.

We of the Arcturian Group along with many others watch and bless you at all times. Many are assisting you in this transition and soon you will become more aware of us. We cannot step on your planet and say; "Hi, here we are", for the present state of your world would not welcome us, but soon enough of you will be ready. There are many from other systems among you now but you do not recognize them for they are so much like you.

You need not fear the old predictions and false teachings about the end of the world, for your efforts have brought about changes to the energy that was in place many years ago. You have earned the right to ascend while in your physical bodies and any who would interfere from other less evolved planets are no longer allowed to be here at this powerful time. You are protected from those not of the highest level, so welcome your brothers and sisters from other planets when they arrive. They too have moved into the higher energies through evolution and understand what you are experiencing. They hold only the wish to help you with what they have learned spiritually and technologically and want be your neighbors.

It is important to center yourselves and learn to meditate if you do not already, for in your silent awareness of I AM you open yourself to the higher energies, align with your Higher Self, and give permission to receive more guidance and help. Remember, guidance does not usually come in loud words as your movies often depict, but comes as a subtle "knowing"-- information that you then translate into words. That is why meditation is often called; "Listening for the still small voice".

With love and blessings we send you our brothers and sisters, Light and truth.

We are the Arcturian Group. 8/17/2013


Adonai de la Galaxie.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSam 31 Aoû - 18:03

--- Arcturian Group - 30 août 2013 : Un Nouvel Instrument Humain ---

"Envoyez de la lumière dans vos cellules physiques pour leur dire de lâcher prise de toutes ces énergies anciennes et limitées auxquelles elles adhèrent encore dans cette vie-ci et depuis les vies passées. Informez votre corps mental que vous avez choisi désormais d'abandonner toutes les fausses croyances. Choisissez consciemment que votre corps émotionnel laisse aller et libère toute énergie émotionnelle négative et toxique pour y installer à la place de l'amour inconditionnel."


AUGUST 31, 2013

Greetings dear ones. Again we come to bring hope and the light of guidance for all is proceeding according to plan. Try not to simply turn away when you hear this, for we know you hear words of change coming from many channels and yet nothing appears to change. It is important to let go of any concepts you may still hold with regard to how world change must manifest for in holding specific ideas of change you look out through the lens of third dimensional concepts and see third dimensional appearances. It is time to move into trust and the practice of truth.

We see change in the hearts of many who previously lived lives of anger and resentment as the higher resonating energies pour to earth at this time allowing more and more people to open to the experience of compassion regardless of any previously held prejudices. Every unfolding awareness adds another spark of unconditional love to universal world consciousness and helps to bring about the changes you all seek.

Unconditional love does not mean you must seek an emotional connection to everyone, but means that in spite of any appearances to the contrary, you recognize everyone is the manifestation of the Divine even if they themselves do not know or care. This is unconditional love and the practice of it does not prevent you from saying what may need to be said to someone behaving in ways needing to be addressed. When words are spoken with an awareness of the other's Divine nature they flow on an energy of Light whereas those same words spoken in the energy of duality and separation, carry a low resonance.

Life on earth is about learning to move through and then beyond the false concepts and beliefs that constitute the third dimension. This is evolution. Mankind is creative by virtue of being in and of the Divine but because most have been unaware of who they really are, your world universally and personally has shown forth the perfectly created manifestations of duality and separation. This will only change as mankind changes and begins to create his world in and through truth.

It is time to become aware of and examine any lingering concepts you may still hold with regard to what passes for "life as usual". Concepts are simply untrue beliefs passed down and accepted through time as truth. Listen closely and be guided by those intuitive nudges that pop up when you are quietly thinking or in conversation with another. Every issue of normal daily life is spiritual activity overlaid with third dimensional concepts. This is why there is no need to separate your spiritual life from your every day life as so many do--it is all spiritual. The work is to see the underlying reality of all things.

An example of this could be that you are seeking a new home. You look and look for the perfect home and cannot seem to find it. If you can realize that you are never separate from your perfect home (Divine Consciousness) the physical interpretation of this realization will manifest in the outer. This is how you reinterpret everything in the physical world through new eyes. Practice seeing through any and all appearances to the spiritual reality that constitutes what you are seeing.

If disease actually existed in Divine Consciousness, it could never ever be healed because it would exist eternally as a reality. Do you understand? All that is real is held in place by Divine law and cannot be altered in any way. It is only mankind's' false interpretations that see good and evil. Intelligence, abundance, harmony, peace, joy, love (oneness), completeness, wholeness, etc, etc. are infinitely embodied within Divine omnipresent Consciousness and must be recognized and accepted as your real Self. Nothing exists outside of Divine Consciousness and all appearances to the contrary are simply false interpretations. These truths constitute your journey from metaphysics to mysticism.

Concepts reflect the thinking of the timeline in which they occur and reflect whatever the state of consciousness was at that time in that location. Some concepts dissolve as society evolves, but others just as erroneous come to take their place if states of consciousness remain the same. Evolution is the process of moving beyond concepts and into the Truth about God and man.

There was a time of when it was believed that the burning of healers and light-workers as witches was an appropriate way to deal with "evil". The dense consciousness and its accompanying belief system of those times did not permit anyone but God to have spiritual gifts. God was a man in the sky with rules and regulations to be followed under fear of punishment and evil was a red man with horns called Satan or devil. This is a glaring example of how the consciousness of duality and separation ignorantly manifests in the world.

Society has evolved beyond burning people for having spiritual gifts, but still holds many concepts just as obsolete and still permits unduly harsh punishments for those who may have chosen to disregard some aspect of currently accepted dogma.

When an individual chooses to live governed by some dogma and its accompanying rigid rules of right and wrong, he chooses to live in bondage. Regardless of whether the dogma comes from a religion, government, or a person of authority, it still simply represents someone's interpretation of truth--their concepts and beliefs. This is why you are urged to go within, to practice meditation and get your information directly, YOU DO NOT NEED A GO BETWEEN. Reality is free, loving, joyous, birthless, deathless, changeless and is infinitely held in place by Divine law and IS WHO YOU ARE.

You are ready dear ones to take the deeper steps of reinterpreting everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell into its spiritual reality which means living each day doing what is given you to do, but seeing through any bad or good appearances to the reality. It is a removing of the labels from everything.

The world is not an illusion, but false concepts of the world are the illusion.

This is the work dear ones, this is how you shift your world into a new state of consciousness, and it is indeed work, especially at first and no one can do it for you. This is why you chose to be on earth at this powerful time. There are many who hear and read truth, even pretending to be serious truth students but are unwilling to release their comfortable old beliefs. Many feel that mystical truths are too impractical to take seriously, and so choose instead to stay in the status quo of what they already know.

At this time you are clearing physical cellular memory as well as your emotional and mental bodies--everything that cannot be carried with you into higher dimensional energy. Physical, emotional, and mental clearings frequently manifest in ways that may be uncomfortable on many levels so learn not to panic but to pay attention to these experiences which are sign posts indicating what you may still hold that needs forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love--for self as well as others.

Send light to your physical cells telling them to release any old and finished energy they still hold from this life time and past lifetimes. Inform your mental body that you now choose to let go of all false beliefs. Consciously choose that your emotional body release any toxic negative emotional energy and be replaced with unconditional love.

This is the work dear ones, and you are ready and fully able to do it, should you choose.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/30/13


Adonai de la Galaxie.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 15 Sep - 21:31

--- Arcturian Group - 15 sept 2013 : de l'évolution spirituelle ---

"Formulez l'intention qu'à partir de maintenant vous choisissez que vos leçons spirituelles se déploient aisément et gentiment. Les intentions portent le poids de votre pouvoir créatif, vous qui êtes des Êtres Divins de Lumière ayant des expériences humaines à l'intérieur d'un voile d'oubli."


Greetings dear ones from the Arcturian Group. All is proceeding nicely in the evolution of your world. The Light of new and higher frequencies is now streaming in, strengthening your ability to see through current events and revaluate your priorities in new and higher ways. You are doing a fine job. When a soul chooses to spiritually evolve, that person's Higher Self is then enabled to draw to them whatever necessary spiritual lessons or awareness the individual is ready for.

Allowing yourselves to listen and be guided by your intuition is a step most of you would not of taken even a few years ago. Examine who you were 1, 5, or even 10 years back and you will see how your beliefs and understandings of truth have changed. You may think; "This is just experience and age". No, this is evolution dear ones, for there are many who have been on earth a long time but still choose to live locked in self made boxes of unawareness, refusing to even peek out a bit. Self examination will demonstrate how you have unfolded (through intention) into new awareness without even realizing it. The world often holds ignorant concepts of what spiritual awakening is--imagining it as a shaft of bright light accompanied by a sudden powerful energy that knocks and individual to the ground and they are then awakened. This is the stuff of fairy tales and "saints" lives--not the reality. Spiritual evolution is a gradual unfolding process as an unprepared physical body could not survive an intense sudden intake of higher frequency energy, they would be incapable of handling it. The profound experiences that some indeed may have, are the fruitage of an attained state of consciousness--hard work done in previous lifetimes.

Spiritual evolution starts with a sense of dissatisfaction--those things that once seemed important and loved, simply no longer resonate in the same way. This in turn, leads to an intellectual pursuit of knowledge, much pondering and re-examination of one's belief system, and an interest and participation in whatever books and classes resonate with the students new interests. Classes may consist of simple bible study or metaphysics (whatever is necessary to draw a seeker to his next level). This phase is usually very intense--groups may be joined with like minded people for discussion and every heretofore unknown idea seems new and exciting. After whatever length of time is necessary (different with every individual), the student will shift once again to a new level and begin to realize that he must integrate what he has learned and so begins practices such as meditation, and the working with metaphysical tools such as crystals, oils, sound etc. . He begins to recognize and let go of whatever erroneous concepts and beliefs he may still hold and starts to live the new and higher ways he has discovered. At first practice and change may be a struggle as old habits tend to die hard. He will still interpret truth in the only way he knows at this time--the third dimensional level-- and so begins to practice the ideas of universal love in "hands on" ways. With time, loving service becomes his state of consciousness and he works hard to fix the errors he sees.

A good example of how consciousness unfolds it to examine a simple topic like honesty. At this point most of you would not even consider stealing from another. However, in lifetimes past, stealing was considered a right and the only way to survive. You see, honesty is simply a facet of an attained consciousness of oneness even if you do not consciously understand it as this.

Metaphysics is usually as far as most choose to evolve in one lifetime, but present times are so energetically powerful, that many have chosen to move through any remaining stages of their evolution and move into the next and most profound level of spiritual awareness--mysticism. In the mystical state of consciousness there is nothing that needs fixing or changing for the realization comes that I ALREADY AM. Evolution now becomes ever an ever deepening journey into an awareness of what I AM means and is.

All truth embodied within the I AM will and must eventually be your state of consciousness because it is who and what you really are. The releasing and clearing old physical, emotional, and mental energies is intense at this time because you have chosen to move into the higher dimensional energies and cannot take the lower ones with you.

We wish to speak of how this new wave of energy is effecting the thinking of so many with regard to Syria. So much of your past and present is about an "eye for an eye", words from the old testament of the Christian bible. The Master Jesus some 2000 years ago, brought in a "new" testament and taught the people the truths of this new testament. However, many still choose to follow the often mistranslated teachings of the old testament (as well as the misinterpreted teachings of many other religions), even while loudly declaring themselves to be "Christians". In the past, power, violence, and dominance were acceptable solutions between differing countries... war. As you have seen, the majority of people are no longer resonating with solutions that consist of war and violence. People are beginning to awaken to the realization that they have for too long witnessed one fruitless war after another initiated by those who stood to enrich themselves in some way without regard to those actually doing the fighting and under the guise of freedom and security.

Mankind is waking up dear ones, and this is how it appears. The world is discovering that it no longer resonates with ideas born of energies represent duality and separation regardless of how these ideas are promoted--you have evolved. This how it works and it often takes a great deal of courage to step out and be separate, but always remember--you are never alone.

Send unconditional Light to those people and places that suffer. Activate and flow the transmuting energy of the violet flame and know absolutely that--I AM the dictator, I AM the CEO of unenlightened and self serving corporations, I AM the abuser and all those choosing to live in and of the shadow. Your recognition of another's innate Divinity even when they do not, helps to awaken them if they are in any way receptive and even when they are not, helps to lift the world.

Many experiences that appear outwardly to be horrendous for some individual or group, are actually experiences chosen on a soul level by those individuals or groups in order to bring about a final closure to some karmic debt and at the same time serve the world through bringing about more awareness and hopefully change of some sort. This can be observed with what is happening with regard to the sexual violence upon and disregard of women in general. Much of this was allowed under the banner of tradition and was considered acceptable behavior. However, world view, even in many "un-evolved societies" is no longer tolerating these unenlightened behaviors and is demanding change.

Be gentle with yourselves dear ones, spend time in nature, spend time quietly within your own Silence, and know that your journey is well underway. Once an individual decides to evolve, there is nothing you need to do. Your job is to BE. There comes a time when the major and often painful clearings are finished and you can begin to live, move, and be, within the silent awareness and confidence of love and joy.

State the intention that from now on you choose that your spiritual lessons come easily and gently. Intentions carry the weight of your creative power as Divine Beings of Light having human experiences within a veil of forgetfulness.


We are the Arcturian Group. 9/15/13


Adonai de la Galaxie.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Sep - 14:46

--- Arcturian Group - 28 septembre 2013 ---

"À mesure que la fréquence énergétique de Gaia change, et alors que vous devenez plus éveillés, l'énergie des fréquences supérieures se manifestera en des façons nouvelles et supérieures d'accomplir vos tâches quotidiennes. Vous êtes des créateurs, et votre état de conscience se manifestera, visiblement."


SEPTEMBER 28, 2013

Greetings dear ones. We bring you hope and comfort for we know many are suffering in these times of great change. You are in the process of releasing old energy from your physical, emotional, and mental levels which can be and often is uncomfortable and stressful. Understand that clearing and releasing has levels to it. You may think you have cleared experiences or emotions, and then suddenly there they are again. Much of this deeper clearing has to do with ancient lives lived within the structure of rites and rituals. The clearing process moves at whatever pace your Higher Self knows you are ready for. The more profound experiences of your past lives often have deeper levels which up to now you have buried within and are only recently ready to clear.

Please do not expect ordinary life to continue as it has in the past because daily living up to now has been based in universal concepts--some good and some bad (duality and separation) most of which are now dissolving. Nothing is going to remain the same nor can it, although general appearances may still seem unchanged. It is the people as a whole who are choosing to no longer accept the status quo, a sign of spiritual growth. As the energy frequency of Gaia changes and as you become more enlightened, the higher frequency energy will appear in new and higher ways of doing what you do each day. You are creators and your state of consciousness will manifest in the outer.

Everything is spiritual for there is nothing else--One Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Consciousness manifesting ITSELF AS... It has been mankind's ignorance of this and his belief in duality and separation that has created the world you have come to know and believe in--one filled with pairs of opposites.

Awareness is the goal of the spiritual journey and is what you are awakening to now. You are ready. As consciousness awakens individually and globally to the truth of being and the error of duality and separation, the outer scene will, must, automatically change. Each realization of truth adds to Universal Light and helps to dissolve those false appearances created in and of ignorance.

Let go of everything that no longer serves you dear ones. Why do you continue to hold to those things, people, places, beliefs that you no longer resonate with? Honestly ask yourselves this question. Many are not even aware that they are doing it, even as their intuition is prodding them to let go of all that no longer serves their Higher good. Clinging to ideas and ways of living that you have evolved beyond out of habit or some misplaced loyalty slows spiritual growth and keeps you in bondage to the past.

Where there is an inability to let go, it always involves fear. Humans have been programmed lifetime after lifetime (and often for good reason) to fear the unknown. Fear has been a tool used by the power hungry to dominate so the fear of making a mistake is common. Fear stems from any intense past life experiences and for most remains firmly entrenched within cellular memory (particularly within the root chakra) until consciously released. Release and clearings happen in several ways. It often starts when a students energy level starts to rise through meditation or energy work done by enlightened persons. Clearings can be general, but deeper issues must usually come up and be recognized in some way (physically, emotionally, or mentally). All clearings are guided by the Higher Self and a student need never fear that they are not ready for some clearing experience.

Many of these intense past life experiences still held in cellular memory activate whenever the individual comes close to making a choice similar to that which he may of made at the time of the original horrific experience. To prevent this, the body set up protective responses--fear of heights, fear of water, fear of dogs etc. etc.)--FEAR. Send Light often to the cells of your body, especially during meditation. State the intention that your cellular memory release this old energy and allow in the Light of the Divine blueprint. Inform your cells that they will never have to experience this thing again even if you do not actually know what the experience was.

When irrational fears present to you, take the time to ask yourself; "What am I believing that is making me feel this? Is it true?". This way you can identify, release, and move beyond fear through higher awareness and the intention to clear and move beyond fear. Intention is very important in everything you say or do. Ask your Higher Self and Guides to help you with this for they are there to help and love you very much. However, as with everything, it is your choice.

The evolving soul bravely begins to trust the unknown when he comes to understand that all that is real is held in Divine order by law in spite of any appearances to the contrary--for there is nothing else. Mankind has been taught to find his solutions on the mental level, believing the brain to be the most important organ of the body. The brain is simply a tool and consciousness is the activator of this tool.

Children are taught from an early age to think and plan and plot every aspect of life in order that everything will flow without any problems (based upon third dimensional concepts of how things need to be). Realize that when working from a consciousness of duality and separation, there will then always be the pairs of opposites no matter how well you plan for you are creating perfectly within this energy of duality and separation. This is the third dimensional experience.

Planning is necessary when booking an airline ticket and taking care of daily issues. We are not saying that you cannot plan, but we are saying that it is time to learn to first listen to your intuition, acknowledge the truth behind every appearance, and then take whatever human footsteps are needed. Humans have been taught to do it the other way around, plotting, planning, and scheming through life and then secondarily and perhaps on a Sunday at church, consider the spiritual aspects of a situation. Spiritual consciousness is very practical. The completeness and harmony embodied within Divine Consciousness (and you) when realized, will manifest in ways that are perfect for you which may not be the same as they would be for another.

The spiritual life must be lived every moment of every day and night. Truth must become your state of consciousness--the lens with which you perceive everything in your lives. Your real identity is that you are spiritual beings, and therefore it is imperative that the serious spiritual student acknowledge and begin to live this awareness. You chose to be in the denser third dimensional energies of earth in order to awaken in spite of any appearances to the contrary.

Many know truth on an intellectual level and go no further. Truth cannot be experienced on an intellectual level, no matter how many classes you attend or how many books you read. Truth kept at an intellectual level simply holds the spiritual student in place and adds to the third dimensional energy of the world. The Divine cannot be understood with the brain, it is too profound, too universal, and too sacred. Truth gradually unfolds from within as an individual is spiritually ready, intellectual knowledge of truth is only a first baby step.

Anyone who is serious in their choice to evolve, must start walking the walk dear ones, instead of just talking the talk. It is time, and is past time for many. Remember, mankind is not on earth simply to enjoy the scenery, but to awaken. All reading these messages are ready, and know it, yet many hesitate to actually live it.

Living a spiritually awakened life does not mean standing, arms folded in a pose of prayer 24/7, nor does it mean saying; "Oh God is all, everything is illusion, so I will let this starving baby just die". Living out from truth does not mean being anyone's doormat either, as one of the many concepts about spirituality would have you believe. Living out from Center means living, moving, and having your being in a foundation of truth at all times in spite of outer appearances. You are then guided through everything needing to be done on the human level.

Understand that discord and disharmony have no law to hold them in place but are simply the illusory interpretations of a universal, impersonal, and un-enlightened world consciousness enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation.

Send Light and love to all those you see struggling, always recognizing their true Divine nature.

Much is coming that you will perceive as chaos but do not go into fear for all is simply the removal of old and finished energy from Gaia as well as from individuals.

Never doubt that you are Divine beings having human experiences. Those evolved enough to be reading messages such as these, are on your way and fully capable of adding much Light to the world at this time--if you choose.

We are the Arcturian Group 9/28/13


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct - 16:50

--- Arcturian Group - 13 octobre 2013 ---

"Nous sommes, chacun d'entre nous, le chemin, la vérité et la vie."


OCTOBER 13, 2013

Greetings dear people of the great planet Gaia, we rejoice with you as we observe the Light flowing forth from and to you at this time. Earth is moving quickly toward a new universal energy which increases with every person who opens their heart and mind to new and higher ways of seeing. We observe people the world over questioning and asking themselves if what they are being told by those in charge is actually true. This questioning indicates personal and universal receptivity to truth which in turn brings focus and change to the myriad forms of powerlessness so many still experience. This is how change happens.

The new receptivity of individual consciousness is bringing an awareness that man is much more than just a servant for those holding world power. Illusion increasingly dissolves with each soul who hears and heeds their inner voice and begins to awaken to the truth of who they really are. Most of the world does not yet understand the spiritual nature of the energetic changes taking place. They desire change because living as they have always known and accepted, no longer resonates with them and many are finding their voice--experiencing a new courage and strength with which to communicate and live in new ways.

You are rapidly reaching the point at which more people are questioning the status quo than not, which is a sure sign of consciousness change. Do not expect change to manifest fully in one moment, but know that evolution on this grand scale must be a gradual process. You have lived many lifetimes in and of the third dimensional energy that always reflects the pairs of opposites--experiences that are deeply ingrained physically, emotionally, and mentally. This is what is now clearing, releasing, and bringing the changes taking place within you. This will enable you to hold higher frequencies not present on earth before. Be patient dear ones, and know that when you gave your permission to ascend, your Higher Self began the process. You don't have to make it happen, it IS happening for it is the Reality of you.

It is time for every serious spiritual seeker to stop looking outside of themselves for Light to come to them in some form or another and begin to realize; "I am the Light". This step must be taken if you are to move out of the old third dimensional way of understanding the world. "I am the way, the truth, and the light."--words not spoken simply by and for the master Jesus, but words spoken by him in order to explain to those listening that "I" is not a personal "I", but "I" is the Divine--the one and only "I" -- your true identity. Since the Divine is all there is, it must also your real Self--how else could you exist?

"I" is the name of the Divine and the words "I AM" do not refer to one human being, but to the true essence of every being. "I" is a sacred word. Throughout time and even now, there are those who through gross ignorance and ego, have misinterpreted this truth to mean that they in their humanhood were God. In this false sense of self they always proceed to set up rules and teachings for others with dire consequences if not obeyed. Their spiritually ignorant followers more often than not do experience dire consequences of some sort, for in their choice to follow these false prophets they willingly give away their power.

Many have sought in the past and still seek to find enlightenment through certain practices, churches, teachers, symbols, etc. all of which definitely help lead one to a certain point of enlightenment. However, there comes a point when the spiritual student must let go of these tools, and step into their own power and identity or they will forever be students of truth, never realizing or experiencing truth.

For those of you evolved enough to be understanding these messages, it is time for you to stop being students of one path or another and acknowledge that YOU ARE THE PATH, THE TOOL, THE MESSAGE. The tools are helpful up to a certain point, but become blocks when depended upon past the time when they were needed. The child must become an adult at some point regardless of how comfortable it is to simply be told what to believe or what to do.

We are NOT are saying that you must give up your spiritual group or books and classes that may still speak to you, or any of your spiritual activities. We are saying that there comes a time when a student must begin to see the tools for what they are, tools-- tools that have helped you get to where you are, to the understanding that you ALREADY ARE complete, and whole, and abundant, and perfect, etc. Understand that there is nothing that can ever make you more than you ALREADY ARE be it a person, book, relationship, path, drug, job,etc. Many of you are discovering that most books no longer speak to you in the way they used to. Honor that. This means that you are now able to receive your teaching from within. If you enjoy going to church each week, fine, but let go of the belief that if you miss or even stop going you will be less--church is within you--do you understand?

Crystals carry their own wonderful energy, but this energy can manifest no higher than the individual working with it which is true of oils, colors, vibrations etc etc. These tools in the hands of a very evolved individuals can bring about change for good but in the hands of someone with evil intent, they can bring about the opposite representing the duality and separation that constitutes third dimensional energy. It is the state of consciousness that determines how they are used, so let go of the power you have given to so many tools. When an individual buys a crystal guaranteed to bring abundance or healing or whatever, yet continues to live out from a consciousness of lack and limitation, that crystal's innate energy is limited to that individuals ability to channel the energy of it. This is the shift out of metaphysics and into mysticism.

Mysticism is the realization that you already embody your true essence; Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscience. In the past these Divine qualities have been interpreted by the world at large through a lens of third dimensional thinking--always appearing as a separation from what is needed--thus the need for tools be they gurus, books, classes, ceremonies, etc. These things serve to lift an individual into a higher energy and are helpful for the beginner but--YOU ARE IN THE HIGHER ENERGY NOW.

You reclaim your power the minute you realize I already am. This is the step most of you are ready for and is the difference between metaphysics and mysticism. Metaphysics works to change a bad picture into a good one. Mysticism sees nothing needing to be fixed for it knows that good appearances and bad appearances are both the manifestations of the belief in duality and separation--two ends of the same stick.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/13/13


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Oct - 13:54

--- Arcturian Group 28 octobre 2013 ---

"Le fait de connaître la vérité, alors que vous entamez chacune de vos journées, changera le monde, car chaque conscience (éveillée) ajoute de la vérité et fait disparaître un peu d'erreur de la conscience mondiale universelle et commune."


We of the Arcturian Group wish to welcome all to this message. We come to teach and inform, never to preach or push you into understanding something you cannot accept as of yet. The main focus of these messages is to help you understand that you are in charge of one else, and to help you remember and claim the power you have always held as spiritual beings, but have forgotten.

All are in and of the Divine, and therefore all that you have been seeking, is already within you. This is a difficult concept to understand if heard with third dimensional ears. It is not that you have a little box in your heart holding all sorts of material treasures, but that within you is a spark of the Divine. That spark, being in and of Source, automatically embodies everything also within Divine Consciousness...every Divine Idea and every facet of truth--your very life, intelligence, wholeness etc., all held infinitely in place by Divine Law. Evolution is simply the process of awakening to truth, and because everyone's past life experiences are different, everyone's evolutionary journey will be different. Everyone unfolds progressively as they are ready, always under the guidance of the Higher Self.

Over time man forgot who he was and came to believe that he was separate from Source and all other living things which resulted in lives of struggle and suffering in order to survive. Duality and separation became the consciousness of the world, always perfectly manifesting itself as the pairs of opposites..sometimes good and sometimes bad--two ends of the same stick. Good appearances are no more spiritual than bad appearances, understand and ponder this truth.

Always there were the few who remembered who they were and tried to tell the world, but for this they were crucified, burned and tortured because others had discovered that by maintaining ignorance within the masses, they could draw to themselves great power and wealth--which is still happening today. Open your eyes dear ones and start to see through much that is being fed to you as fact... begin to question. Listen to your intuition and not the voices screaming at you from your televisions, radios, and pulpits.

Try not to preach new understandings to the world, for you may lose them in your attempt to verbalize to those not ready or able to hear. Simply hold each new awareness within, protecting it as a mother holds her unborn infant until it is strong and ready to be born. Practice by translating all you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell into its spiritual reality. (Example: The common desire for a "right" companion is actually the material sense of a yearning to experience completeness and wholeness--translate and realize; "I am always divinely and perfectly companioned and can never be separated from my perfect companion--Divine Consciousness". This realization (not simply intellectual knowledge) may then manifest in the outer scene as the perfect companion if that experience would represent completeness for you.)

The practice of knowing the truth as you go about your day will change the world because each new awareness adds truth and eliminates error from impersonal universal world consciousness. Others can then begin to access the increasingly enlightened world consciousness, which helps them to open and begin their own journey.

This is what it means to be a light worker. Many still hold concepts of what a lightworker is, believing it refers only those who heal, preach, or do fabulous psychic readings. No, lightworkers are all who bring Light to the world in through their evolved state of consciousness. This is reflected in the Light of your energy field--you. Many will feel this and are drawn to your energy (or are sometimes repelled) for all innately yearn for that which you hold even though they do not know exactly what it is that you have. Most interpret this attraction in very three dimensional ways (your clothes, your hair, your job, your money, your fame etc.). Remember, always hold yourselves in compassion, never entering into the energy of sympathy, for in sympathy you align with another's energy field and may find yourself drawn in and depleted.

Every soul on earth is attracted to high resonating energy because everyone is a spiritual being...all resonate with it, even though they may be many lifetimes away from understanding or even being interested in this. A very un-evolved soul may experience this desire for peace and wholeness as the need to commit murder which in their thinking would resolve a discord and bring them the peace they long for. They do not understand these longings to be a spiritual in nature, and so interpret them according to their state of consciousness.

Many are still confused by issues of right or wrong. Intention defines the energy of every action according to the level of attained state of awareness. This is how you forgive yourself for past realizing that you were doing what you deemed best according to your state of consciousness at that time. You would not take the same action today.

Proselytizing and attempting to force a certain belief system ("my" way is the only "right" way") onto others is an activity of ego. Even when you can clearly observe where someone is missing the mark, it must be understood that the experience is their lesson and their path, which may be totally different than yours. This does not mean you cannot throw out a helpful "seed" of advice, but then let it go. No one can be forced into a state of consciousness they have not yet attained, and all have Guides, a Higher Self, and a contract they are following. Prisons are still necessary for those harmful to themselves and others, but should be places of healing and growth, not simply places of punishment.

Every soul lives out from a deep desire for completeness because although he has consciously forgotten, he innately knows it is who he is. That is why the search for happiness and peace manifests in infinite form and variety...whatever makes sense to an individual's state of consciousness. Understanding this will help you to forgive the world nonsense you see and hear about, even within yourself. Remember that everyone is doing the best they can with where they are at.

Send Light to those who do not yet know why they do what they do, and know that regardless of appearances, this is a spiritual world of ONE governed and maintained forever by Divine Law.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 17 Nov - 13:26

--- Implant éthérique, cordes karmiques..... (Wayne Brewer) ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Anasazi-ruin-canyonlands-national-park_1

Anasazi Ruins - Canyonlands National Park

Je livre un exposé un peu en vrac, dans la mesure où je ne fais que découvrir ces données.... :

Implant éthérique, cordes karmiques, reptiliens, esprits et démons, voilà quelques-unes des descriptions apportées par Wayne Brewer qui est un "psychic", un thérapeuthe "spirituel" dont les dons de "claire vision" lui permettent d'aider et de traiter, de décrire aussi évidemment, certaines des composantes de notre anatomie "éthérique" et "subtile".

Il peut voir les esprits et autres démons qui hantent les instruments humains, mais mieux et plus encore, il parle aussi de l'implant éthérique apposé par les Reptiliens, et plus fort encore, il raconte quelques cas de patients infestés et parasités par des Reptiliens, Reptiliens dans certains cas installés et implantés au niveau de l'ADN du patient depuis des générations.

Il raconte aussi son contact avec les Arcturiens, les seuls capables d'éradiquer toute présence reptilienne sur cette planète et dans les corps.

Il a écrit deux livres, en anglais, que l'on trouve respectivement à 3.20 euros ("How Arcturians Are Healing Planet Earth") et 1.57 euros ("Are You Possessed ?") au format kindle (ebook) sur amazon. (... existent aussi bien sûr en version papier)

On retrouve là quelques unes des description de James Mahu, dans son interview Camelot du "Souverain Intégral" (Reptiliens, Implant Ethérique...), et aussi dans le récit "Quantusum" (le chapitre qui montre les cordes karmiques reliées au démon karmique individuel, les figures reptiliennes dominatrices bien sûr, et aussi quelques "élémentaux", comme l'esprit gardien de l'île, petit être bienfaisant....).

Enfin, Wayne Brewer propose quelques fichiers mp3 (en anglais) très simples censés éradiquer le démon individuel du karma (démon relié aux cordes karmiques du patient/être humain, et qui se nourrit de cette façon....), ainsi que toutes les cordes karmiques et leurs implantations dans l'instrument humain, ainsi qu'un "sceau protecteur" offert par les Arcturiens afin d'empêcher définitivement, pour cette vie et les suivantes, toute attaque et envahissement reptilien.

L'impression générale est tout à fait excellente, lumineuse et éclairée, efficace et puissante, et c'est bien pour cela que j'en parle un petit peu en ces lieux.

Le site de Wayne Brewer (il existe une fonction traduction automatique, en haut de la page) :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Post-Scriptum : Pour l'anecdote, le début de son livre sur les "Arcturiens" se déroule en territoire Anasazi (le lieu de son tout premier contact avec les Arcturiens), comme les livres de James Mahu, "Ancient Arrow Project" et "Quantusum"......

Création de portails/vortex mis en oeuvre et activés par les Arcturiens, passage alors et libération d'esprits emprisonnés dans notre plan 3D et qui s'en dégagent, filant vers d'autres plans supérieurs, vers la "lumière".

Collectif Arcturien : dès lors que l'on se trouve dans le plan de la 5D (comme par exemple ici les Arcturiens...), il y a unité de tous les êtres singuliers qui forment un collectif, "l'esprit de tous se déversant en l'esprit de chacun (et inversement)". C'est bien sûr ce que décrit James Mahu à propos du collectif "WingMakers", James Mahu étant en contact depuis sa plus tendre enfance avec ce collectif de sans doute milliards ou plus d'individus assemblés en collectif "WingMakers", notre futur, l'humanité future.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:13

--- Colonnes/Puits de lumière - Vortex (Wayne Brewer) ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Vortex_5


Arcturians, please take all of the reptilians
that are harassing me to the Light.

Please, Arcturians, follow the energetic thread
or threads of all the reptilians that are harassing me
and take them all to the Light.

And please go as deep as you can into the group
or groups of reptilians that are harassing me
and take as many of them as you can to the Light.

Thank you!

(traduction française de cette prière/requête en fin de post)


Il faut que je retrouve le passage pour une traduction précise, mais "simplement", Wayne Brewer rapporte le témoignage et la description du mode opératoire des Arcturiens dans leur entreprise de nettoyage et d'éradication des reptiliens, aspirés vers une dimension supérieure de lumière, et/ou encagés, et/ou repoussés dans quelques "ténèbres" extérieures en phase avec leurs appétits dimensionnels.

Voilà le tableau (et c'est un écho aussi d'un témoignage livré ici, il y a quelques années, par certaine voyageuse dimensionnelle) :

Dans un immeuble de bureaux, perception d'une présence dans les sous-sols. Wayne Brewer examine la situation et découvre un portail à cet endroit qui mène à des sous-sols où sont installés des reptiliens travaillant en fait dans des sortes de bureaux, avec ordinateurs.

Wayne Brewer appelle les Arcturiens, les seuls en fait habilités et capables de nettoyer l'endroit. Il y a alors déploiement d'un tunnel de lumière, de haut en bas, tunnel de lumière qui pénètre dans le portail et aspire les reptiliens (le tunnel se met à tourner, et devient vortex, comme dans une tornade...) vers le haut, vers la lumière.

Dans certains cas, pour les reptiliens de haut rang (dragons), Wayne Brewer dit que certains des thérapeuthes de ses amis voient ces dragons aspirés vers le haut jusque dans un vaisseau Arcturien (Athena).

Il y a ensuite nettoyage complet des tunnels et des souterrains reliés à ce portail (cela peut prendre quelques heures, mais des jours aussi, selon la profondeur et la taille des installations....). La colonne de lumière parcourt la totalité des conduits et des salles souterraines pour une éradication/aspiration complète. Enfin, une fois l'exploration terminée, le portail est scellé/fermé.

Une chose importante : il faut toujours, et de façon régulière, du moins pour les personnes qui se sentent une affinité avec le collectif Arcturien, il faut demander délibérément, explicitement et librement (loi du libre arbitre en vigueur dans cette portion d'univers) de l'aide aux Arcturiens. Alors, et seulement alors, et si la motivation est pure bien sûr, l'aide est alors délivrée (élever le niveau vibratoire de l'être humain, et donc celui de la planète).

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Post-Scriptum : "Prière Arcturienne de Protection" (il s'agit d'une requête et d'une demande d'assistance visant à écarter le harcèlement des reptiliens qui se trouvent en périphérie seulement ; pour une éradication de reptiliens installés dans l'instrument humain (comme c'est le cas de près de 75% des êtres humains selon Wayne Brewer  What a Face  ), voire même au sein de l'ADN, la procédure est autre évidemment....) :

Prière Arcturienne de Protection

Arcturiens, emportez s'il vous plaît tous les reptiliens
qui me harcèlent dans la Lumière.

S'il vous plaît, Arcturiens, suivez le fil énergétique
ou les fils de tous les reptiliens qui me harcèlent
et emportez-les tous dans la Lumière.

Et s'il vous plaît allez aussi profond que vous le pouvez
dans le groupe ou les groupes de reptiliens qui me harcèlent
et emportez-en autant que vous le pouvez dans la Lumière.

Merci !

sunny  sunny  sunny  sunny    
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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 1 Déc - 10:05

--- Palpitations ---

Avec l'intensification des énergies circulantes, la possibilité également renouvelée d'accéder à des pratiques et des méthodes toujours plus douces et puissantes (Inelia Benz en ce moment, en ce qui me concerne), la levée croissante aussi d'obstacles de toutes natures, il peut arriver que l'on ressente toutes sortes de malaises, non seulement les habituelles phases récurrentes d'extrême fatigue et d'épuisement même du corps physique, avec son cortège d'états dépressifs, mais aussi, et c'est nouveau pour moi, des manifestations à types de palpitations cardiaques. Le coeur se met à bondir, même s'il reste régulier, mais on ressent comme des déferlantes rythmées, étonnantes car nouvelles, et même inquiétantes et pénibles aux débuts.

Mais il apparaît, et c'est un rappel, comme cela est expliqué dans l'extrait ci-dessous, il apparaît que face à l'intensification des énergies circulantes il importe, et plus que jamais, de veiller à une toujours plus fluide, excellente, libre et transparente circulation des énergies, depuis la Source Première, via le chakra couronne, puis le coeur, et jusque dans la terre et son coeur central et palpitant, avec enfin recirculation au sein des grilles cristallines et électromagnétiques (= lumière).

Je pose d'abord le texte en anglais, et je délivre ensuite et plus bas une traduction en français.


All the physical symptoms that manifest are a result of the higher and lower bodies not being fully aligned and balanced. For when the bodies are in balance and the HEART is functioning fully, then the energy is able to flow clearly from the higher levels through the Heart chakra and into the Earth, as it is meant to. At this time, many people are unable to transfer the energy from the higher to the physical, and this is felt as heart palpitations and spaciness, as the energy backs up in the higher bodies. The lower body feels tired and weak and unwell, because it is vibrating out of harmony with the energy of the higher.


We would also suggest that as a daily practice that you visualize yourself standing with your energy flowing into the earth. See the enegy streaming into your crown chakra from the Cosmos, and then moving down into your heart, and then down your body and into the earth and your Earth Star chakra and then into the crystalline grids. This will set up a flow of energy that will allow you to remain centered and open without losing your balance and allowing your chakras to spin out and distort, causing imbalance and discomfort."


En français :


Tous les symptômes physiques sont la manifestation et l'expression d'un mauvais équilibre, et d'un alignement précaire et mal assuré des corps supérieurs et inférieurs. En effet, lorsque les corps sont en équilibre et que le COEUR fonctionne pleinement, alors l'énergie peut circuler et s'écouler librement et clairement depuis les niveaux supérieurs jusque dans le chakra du Coeur, et ensuite dans la Terre, comme cela est naturel. En ce moment, beaucoup de personnes ont du mal à transférer l'énergie des plans supérieurs vers le niveau physique, et cela est ressenti au travers de palpitations cardiaques et peut-être aussi de sensations d'étouffement (spaciness), l'énergie étant renvoyée vers le "haut", vers les corps supérieurs. Le corps inférieur ressent alors une grande fatigue et faiblesse, et même des malaises répétés, et cela parce qu'il ne vibre pas en harmonie avec les énergies du corps supérieur.


Aussi, pour votre pratique quotidienne, visualisez que vous transmettez votre énergie jusque dans la terre. Voyez l'énergie s'écouler dans votre Chakra Couronne depuis le Cosmos (et/ou = Source Première...), puis descendre jusque dans votre Coeur, et ensuite plus bas dans votre corps jusque dans la Terre, pour arriver finalement dans le Chakra Central et Stellaire de la Terre (le Coeur étoilé et palpitant de Gaia...), infusant et circulant ensuite dans les grilles cristallines. Cela mettra en place un flot et un courant d'énergie qui vous permettra de rester centré et ouvert, sans perdre votre équilibre, tout en laissant vos chakras tourner sans distorsions (causes de déséquilibres et inconforts).


Bonnes pratiques à tous.  sunny

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 1 Déc - 13:10

Merci pour ce message qui me rassure sur ce que je suis entrain de vivre. Cela fait des années que j'ai des palpitations cardiaques, l'impression d'étouffer alors que je respire consciemment, et de très grosses fatigues qui persistent même lorsque je me couche à 21 heures! Depuis environ trois ans tout ces symptômes se sont intensifié et j'ai eu plusieurs malaises au point de craindre très sérieusement pour ma santé. Cette année j'ai entrepris de faire un check-up médical complet, consultation d'un généraliste, prise de sang avec analyses approfondies, consultation d'un cardiologue, radio du crâne et des poumons etc. A mon grand désarrois tout les médecins que j'ai consultés m'ont dit avec grande certitude que je suis en parfaite santé, qu'il n'y a aucune anomalie et que tout va bien! Terrible nouvelle puisque mes troubles sont bien réels et ont déjà faillit me coûter quelques accidents de travail, la piste médicale s'avère donc sans issue et il ne me reste pas d'autres choix que de m'en retourner de là d'ou je viens, hors des sentiers battus, et à chercher en moi-même la cause de ces troubles. Chose à laquelle je n'avais pu me résoudre jusqu'alors par manque d'expérience personnelle. La cause de mon ignorance se trouve bien évidemment en moi même mais la cause de mes troubles physiques ne pouvaient pas être pour moi plus énergétique ou spirituelle que purement et simplement psychosomatique. Pourtant j'avais bien remarqué avec un certain étonnement, que lorsque je ressentais des palpitations et que je prenais mon pouls, que celui ci était en général tout à fait normal.

Il m'est toutefois arrivé à plusieurs reprise, alors que j'étais pleinement conscient de ma respiration et de mes sensations corporelles, en état de méditation, de me trouver plongé subitement dans un état inconscient (ni sensations physiques, ni pensées sous quelques forme que ce soit) à l'issu duquel lorsque la conscience corporelle revient d'elle même, je dois penser à respirer et à battre mon cœur pour que ces fonction vitales, il me semble, redémarrent. Je ne saurait dire s'il s'agit d'une forme d'état d'absorption étant donné que cela se produit lorsque je suis initialement pleinement conscient et pas lorsque je m'oublis dans mes pensées, ou s'il s'agit d'une forme profonde d'endormissement, comme une tentative ultime du mental d'échapper à la présence intensément soutenue qui le consume. A chaque fois je n'en garde le souvenir que d'un trou noir sans pouvoir dire combien de temps cela a duré, et j'ai le sentiment d'être véritablement mort et revenu à la vie sans pouvoir dire ce qui s'est passé de l'autre coté. Peut être un pratiquant avertis pourra m'éclairer sur ce type d'expérience.
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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 1 Déc - 14:49

--- @ Thorsum ---

Bien que je ne prétende nullement être un pratiquant averti, et bien que je ne sois ni voyant, ni voyageur dimensionnel, ni même vaguement éveillé ou très lucide, voici cependant quelques éléments, en guise de rappel, qui pourraient éclairer ta lanterne, tant il est vrai que nous découvrons que nous sommes tous unis dans ce voyage et cette spirale qui nous emporte idéalement vers de plus hautes fréquences, et donc vers de plus vastes et englobants champs/chants de conscience.

Tout d'abord, tu trouveras dans le forum toutes les données utiles, mais que je vais réunir ici encore, du moins pour ce qui est des pratiques et explications que j'utilise à chaque fois un peu mieux et plus fort depuis ces dernières semaines.

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Abyss---

1. Pause Quantique : James Mahu & Inelia Benz (entre autres....) - C'est une pratique de base, très simple et très puissante, et une bonne nouvelle puisqu'en ce XXI° siècle il n'est plus besoin de prier les bouddhas, les déités ou de faire des prières, plus besoin de suivre une religion, la spiritualité des temps nouveaux devenant et apparaissant en toute lumière pour ce qu'elle est et doit être essentiellement : une énergétique.

Donc deux choses :

-- respirer : 4 temps de durée égale (Inspiration par le nez - Pause - Expiration par le nez ou la bouche - Pause)

-- et visualiser/imaginer ("le pouvoir de l'imagination....") :

+ une colonne de lumière qui descend depuis le Cosmos et/ou la SourcePremière/Dieu et qui vient aussi en même temps faire irruption au niveau du portail du Coeur (et c'est l'inspiration de la lumière jusque dans le coeur) ;

+ pause : contemplation/visualisation, sentir, voir et vibrer avec la lumière - le coeur est lumineux. Pause donc au cours de laquelle on se (re)centre au niveau du coeur.

+ expiration : la respiration du coeur quantique - rayonnement et diffusion de la lumière dans le plan horizontal (James Mahu, WingMakers, Coeur Levant ou Couronne du Coeur), mais aussi dans le plan vertical vers le bas (pas forcément toujours, mais certainement lorsque le coeur s'emballe et palpite fortement...).

+ pause : visualisation et contemplation. On peut par exemple voir la lumière/amour/joie laver et purifier les différents corps de l'instrument humain, puis l'environnement, la ville, le pays, la planète.......

Le principe de base : respiration en 4 temps d'égale durée, les yeux fermés le plus souvent, tout en visualisant et percevant la lumière qui descend et fait irruption au niveau du coeur, avant son voyage à la fois dans le plan horizontal et jusque vers le coeur palpitant et stellaire de Gaia, puis dans les grilles de lumière de la planète.

En somme, l'être humain en 3D qui a désormais la possibilité d'élever ses propres fréquences vibratoires, parviendra à cet objectif (= ascension) s'il réalise que :

-- il est un transmetteur, traducteur et une antenne relais, un cristal idéalement transparent et pur.

-- cette antenne relais posée de ses deux pieds sur la planète capte de plus en plus consciemment et délibérément la lumière qui imprègne le "Cosmos", et/ou en provenance de la Source Première (= amour inconditionnel).

-- la lumière est traduite, nourrie et adaptée en passant par l'instrument humain.

-- elle est ensuite délivrée et transmise vers la Terre, aussi bien "en surface" (plan horizontal) que jusque dans le corps vibrant de Gaia (à la verticale, vers le "bas", jusque dans le noyau).

-- il y a ensuite bien sûr re-circulation de la lumière, à la fois depuis le coeur pulsatile de Gaia, de sorte que la planète se met à illuminer toute entière plus fortement qu'une étoile, mais aussi circulation de la lumière dans les grilles cristallines.

2. Quelques outils utiles : De mon point de vue, bien sûr, étant entendu qu'il existe moults chemins, mais ceux-ci sont très efficaces, et te feront sans doute gagner beaucoup de temps.

A. Inelia Benz - le cours en français : des sessions audios, très simples, où on est guidé pas à pas. Même si on ne voit rien de particulier, les choses se passent, et les corps sont alignés. Il y a des sessions de méditation guidée.

Ainsi, je fais maintenant tous les jours la session 17 pour nettoyer et aligner les corps physique, ego, mental, émotionnel et spirituel (une pratique guidée de 10 minutes, en utilisant la pause quantique).

Ici :

B. "Nettoyer le Collectif" (méditation guidée, gratuite) : Gaia meditation. 25 minutes environ : Je fais cette pratique tous les jours aussi. Pause Quantique depuis le Coeur vers Gaia devenant étoile rayonnante.

Ici :

C. "Gateway to Oneness" - Inelia Benz +++ : et je tiens là peut-être une explication de tes possibles états "d'absence" dans lesquels tu pars, comme en quittant ton corps.

Il s'agit peut-être là de voyages dimensionnels de ta conscience qui plonge et monte jusqu'en 5D, et donc dans un état d'unité.

C'est du moins ce que je ressens et expérimente lorsque je fais cette méditation guidée par Inelia Benz. Je quitte tout, et j'ai même l'impression que j'arrête de respirer, du moins ma conscience bascule majoritairement dans une autre dimension au point que je perds tout contact conscient, pendant un temps du moins, avec la 3D et le fonctionnement habituel et régulier de mon instrument humain.

Ce qui est très impressionnant ici, ce sont les outils et les programmes "sub-quantiques" construits et mis en place par Inelia Benz. On ne sait pas comment cela est possible, mais en quelques instants, en suivant ses directives, on se retrouve littéralement propulsé au-delà de notre habituelle 3D, et directement dans un champ d'unité (Oneness).

Ici +++++ :

Voilà. Je m'arrête là, et te souhaite de transformer et reconnaître que, finalement, tes palpitations inquiétantes et pénibles sont des indicateurs d'une forte descente d'énergie....., qu'il faut laisser passer. (quand le coeur se met à palpiter fortement, c'est le signe qu'il y a une roue tournoyante qui n'est pas forcément bien alignée, ou qui est empêchée de tourner à pleine vitesse, comme quelque chose d'un peu voilé qui se mettrait à vibrer plus ou moins fort...)

Il s'agit simplement maintenant de laisser passer et s'écouler cette joylightlove, depuis le chakra couronne (au-dessus de la tête), en passant par le coeur, jusqu'au centre pulsant de la Terre/Gaia et alentour aussi, dans le plan horizontal de l'actuelle 3D

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--- Simion 7D : 2014 et suivantes, années d'amplification ---

Il nous faut certes et non seulement apprendre à transmettre de façon fluide et transparente l'énergie de la Source Première, mais il nous faut aussi apprendre à composer avec les ondulations, les rythmes, les pulsations, les flux et reflux des énergies qui baignent la Terre et nos corps. Comme en une respiration océanique, il y a des périodes de reflux où les vagues emportent et lavent les anciennes structures, et puis les moments de flux où déferlent les énergies subtiles du renouveau. Inspiration et expiration, flux et reflux, autant de moments qui feront alterner périodes de fatigues et de désorientation (reflux) avec d'autres de fortes dynamiques et exaltation (flux).

À nous de reconnaître ces périodes et d'en tirer les meilleurs enseignements possibles. À nous de tracer les nouvelles lignes de force pour de nouveaux corps évoluant au sein d'une nouvelle planète.

Selon le collectif Simion 7D, 2014 (et les années suivantes) marque le début d'une époque de fortes amplifications, et donc de fortes opportunités et de changements tous azimuts.


AMPLIFIED EBBS AND FLOWS : A look at the year ahead and beyond

SIMION through Amariah

We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. The frequencies of Earth are changing and finer energy patterns are moving through your world now, thanks to all the work of those bringing expanded awareness to the planet.  This year will be marked by energy amplifications.  The increase in finer vibrations will be pushing denser energies out and replacing them with a lightness of being.  This can cause a lot of old stuff to be brought to the surface so that it can then leave the atmosphere of your life and the astral field of the planet.  As the old patterns emerge, new ones will begin to take shape.  All types of energy will be amplified as this occurs.

We are naming this year of 2014, the Year of Amplification, based on the increased amplitude that will be felt in all areas of your lives.  What you choose to do with the intensity will be up to you.  We wish to help you be aware of how this amplification might appear in your personal experiences, which will also translate into the bigger global picture.

Just as when you are doing a body cleansing by fasting with a liquid diet to flush out denser indigestibles, the finer frequencies bathing Earth are allowing an energetic clearing of your physical, emotional, mental and light bodies.  That which is no longer serving your growth can be cleared out of your system during these surges of energy.  And then there will also be periods of influx when you become filled with higher frequencies that activate new DNA and enhanced abilities.

This has been going on for a while now, but throughout 2013 it has been building in strength and will increase in this coming decade.  Being aware of what is happening will aid your transition from a denser to a lighter being.  It is a process, and energies will come in ebbs and flows like waves upon a shore and the tides swayed by the moon.  It will serve you to tune yourself with the flow and not try to fight the ebbs.  Life is always filled with ups and downs, but the new frequencies will take the extremes to new levels and should be gracefully welcomed.  We will relay how the energy waves ebbing and flowing may be felt.

The Ebbs

Ebbs are periods when the waves of energy are acting as cleansers or are encouraging slowing down your pace so that you give attention to particular needs.  Sometimes, this will be felt globally and other times it will be heightened in particular areas of the world, while other times, it will be based on your astrology or your personal cycle.  What you may feel is an intensification of symptoms that are related to what you are cleansing or what may need focus in your growth.  The symptoms may or may not have a discernible material cause.  Note that often there will be a good reason for such symptoms, like having a cold or working too hard.  But, when there is no seeable reason or the symptoms are unusual for you, then it may be a sign of ebbing energy, which is a time for the wave to recede and take what is no longer needed out to sea.

Symptoms of the Ebbs:

Physical: Lethargy, feeling extremely tired to the point of not being able to move much at all, aches and pains in joints and muscles and odd tensions in the body, headaches, light headedness, and increases in any usual pains may occur.

Mental: Forgetfulness, sensations of being trapped in time, feeling detached from the thinking mind, dissociation from ego identity like you are not sure who you are, confusion, lack of clarity, numbness to daily activities.

Emotional: From detached emotionally to being extremely emotional. Your emotional guidance will feel tested to the hilt and this may be disconcerting. Emotions from long ago or related to events or people may surface for attention. Depression, rage, self pity, or other such emotion may overwhelm you.

Light body:  Your energy body will be withdrawn during the ebbs and you may feel excessively introspective and disconnected from the energy of your environment.  You might feel like withholding from others and retreating into self reflection. Your physical, emotional, mental and light bodies feel out of sync.

Navigating the Ebbs

The ebbs are natural and an opportunity to look within and see what is blocking your flow in whatever area of your life it shows up in. You may only feel the ebb in one area of your being or in all at once.  This is not a time to blame yourself or others, but instead to embrace the experience of seeing what is clogging your flow or where you simply need to slow down and reflect.  The symptoms are signs of energy being blocked, like having a clogged artery that decreases your blood from flowing life forces to your system.  It may also be that it is just not the time to be taking forward or decisive action as the information or energy you need is not available to carry out certain tasks.

The ebbs allow you to face the blocks or look at a situation more closely so that you can free yourself or move in a new direction.  You cannot do that by denying what is there.  Facing what is in front of you and allowing the ebb to reveal stagnation will help you with these cleansing, releasing and redirecting periods.  Acknowledge the various sensations and ask them to show you what they need to release or change.  For each individual, what comes up will be different.  Sometimes the blocks will have faces of people or situations that have literally held you back. Or rather your preoccupation, obsession or denial of them has caused a block in your system.  

Sometimes all you need is some rest and relaxation, but other times you may need an emotional release.  Pay attention to the symptoms and allow them to tell you what they need.  You may need a ritualistic release from an individual or event or simply to find a deeper respect for your body or mind.  This is a time to develop your intuition and to re-tune your being.  Listen and have compassion for what your being is telling you.  Letting go of old patterns will be extremely enlightening.

The Flows

After an ebb has cleared old or stagnant energy, a flow will occur to fill you up again with something new and finer.  You may experience an ebb and flow within one day, week, or over many months, depending on what energies are coming in and how you personally relate to the vibrations.  When the periods of flow come in, you will notice very different sensations.

These are the periods when you will feel a surge of light flow into your life in at least one of your energy centers, but once they are more connected, you will feel the flow through all aspects of your being.  During these flows you are rejuvenating yourself with new finer frequencies and it is time to allow as much input into your life as possible.  Go with these times and make the best of them to create lighter patterns in your activities and to gain enhanced insights. These are the moments when evolutionary leaps are being formed, so stretch yourself into new ways of seeing and knowing.

Symptoms of the Flows

Physical: Increased exuberance and vitality, deeper connection to your body as a collective, sense of strength and lightness in your step. Feeling able to connect with source energy to ease any pains or dis-ease.

Mental: Renewed clarity and vision, ideas come easily and reflect new highs, creative thinking peaks.  Telepathic communication with others and with guides is possible.  Knowings come to you out of seemingly nowhere. Thinking is outside of time and social restriction.

Emotional:  Increased sensitivity and awareness of emotions as a guidance devise without judgment.  Feelings become deep and connected to the inner life of yourself and others.  Ability to shift emotional state of being easily.  Sensing emotions of self and others and having natural compassion. Sense of trust in your feelings and where they may lead.

Light body:  Sense of floating through life.  Seeing through a third eye lens.  Colors, light, and symbols in the material and non material realms are seen or sensed and can be translated through any of the above modalities.  There is a connection felt from your soul to light body to emotional, mental and physical energy systems.  You feel energetically integrated in state of at-one-ment.

Honor your Ebbs and Flows

These symptoms are by no means comprehensive.  They are meant to give you an idea of the general ebb and flow sensations.  You each will have your own translation of how these energy shifts will appear for you.  The more conscious you are of what is happening, the quicker you will find yourself transitioning into periods of flow and the longer you will remain there.  You can also amplify those flow sensations, by paying attention and giving credence to new visions that come your way.  The idea is for you to spend more and more time in a lighter existence by releasing the old and creating new sensitivities and abilities.  This is your evolutionary path.

Use the amplified energy of 2014 and beyond to heighten your life on Earth now through your unique soul specialty.  Be patient with yourself during the ebbs and allow these moments to reveal truths.  Revel in the moments of flow and practice amplifying those sensations and see how far you can take them.  Honor the energy of each day, week or month and develop sensitivity and respect for how the energy is ebbing or flowing.  This is a huge part of the ascension process.

One must be still enough within to notice their own cycles and the cycles of Gaia as well as what is coming through from the Universe.   Stepping aside from all the distractions that your ego so readily clings to in your world will help you obtain a mindfulness of each moment that centers you and brings you in alignment gracefully with your ebbs and flows so that you can make the best of them.  

Every year is an opportunity for you to be yet more connected to your divine selves and to create more divinity and unity on Earth.  We urge you to make 2014 exceptionally amplified !


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Dernière édition par Cristobal le Mer 1 Jan - 22:58, édité 2 fois
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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--- Données arcturiennes (en anglais) ---

Deux textes en anglais (bonne connaissance de la langue de Shakespeare requise). Je découvre l'un et lis sérieusement l'autre (Milanovich), maintenant que l'anglais n'est plus vraiment un obstacle pour moi.

Il est possible que je livre ici des commentaires et des compte-rendus, en français  sunny  , une fois l'exploration achevée.

-- "We, the Arcturians" (Milanovich) : n'existe qu'en version papier. Semble en tous points excellent et inspirant.

-- "Journey Through the Arcturian Corridor I & II" (pdf), que je télécharge à l'instant : (en deux parties)

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--- Arcturian Group (8 déc 2013) ---


Dear ones, we see much more hope and light rising from the earth. You do not sense this as we do, because you are in the midst of it. News and media for the most part report only negative events many of which which when understood on a deeper level, are actually clearings. The earth, dear Gaia, who is a living soul...carries pockets of ancient energy still resonating upon her. These must be cleared in order to allow in the higher Light energies of ascension. All is proceeding according to plan both within and without, so try not to judge outer appearances by third dimensional standards. Most news media outlets still resonate with old ways of delivering information in the belief that "shock and awe" are necessary to draw viewers or readers. As mankind evolves there will come a higher type of information gathering by those who will not work in the old tradition, but will instead work on the deeper levels of understanding and love.

You are entering what is termed the season of joy and love, but many of you are finding that you no longer resonate with the commercial aspects of the season the same way you used to. You are discovering yourselves to be more aware of the constant push to buy, buy, buy and are finding it offensive rather than festive because you have evolved. You now realize that possesions do not equal happininess or love--a lesson many have been forced to examine through weather related events. As you increasingly begin to live out from gratitude and love, you become aware that "more stuff" does not create happiness. There are some who are very wealthy but live life going from one accquisition to another in their search for happiniess, never quite achieving it--this is their lesson in this life.

Many of you are also noticing that some traditional activities now feel flat and boring--(films, TV shows, advertising, music, and commercial hype). At first you may try to ignore these feelings or credit them to tiredness while continuing to push ahead in the familiar ways. Honor yourselves dear ones, by having the courage to let go of anything or anyone that no longer resonates with you.

Do not judge or believe something is wrong if you find you are not able to get into your usual "Christmas mood", for you are now living out from a new state of consciousness, one that no longer fully resonates with consummerism as it is being presented to you under the colorful wrappings of "holiday spirit". You are graduating, it is what you have been asking for.

As you evolve, you begin to experience every facet of life in new ways. You begin to see beyond the third dimensional appearnaces and start looking deeper into the real meaning behind life events. This is true for Christmas as well--you begin celebrate the birth of Love into Consciousness and the messages of truth given the world through it. You enjoy the season from a new and higher state of awarenss, but at the same time do not "throw out the baby with the bathwater" for the Christmas season is a time of high energy, of joy, of celebration--powerful energies to embrace and experience.

The Christmas season presents opportunities to practice living out from your power while still experiencing the joy of this sacred time. It is an opportunity for you to let go of the tradtitions that no longer resonate with you while at the same time incorporating new ones that do. This can cause dissension in families whose traditions go back many generations--always celebrated in the same way. New ideas and activies can be incorporated slowly and gently. There need not be the elimination of traditions still enjoyed, but the elimination of those that feel old and finished.

It is about looking behind the traditions, rites and rituals, and examining what these activities represent. It is about no longer allowing yourselves to be led by family, church, media, etc. into the blind belief that these things have innate power in and of themselves for they have only whatever power you chose to give them. Look deeper. Remember always--you are in charge of you and your choices, not familiy, friends, or the big box stores.

The intense commercialism you are being increasingly bombarded with has nothing to do with the truth behind what is being celebrated. Let any changes you decide to make be changes that represent the real Christ birth--the birth of Truth and Love. Christmas takes place any moment the soul begins to understand this. Changes you are guided to make will encourage others also experiencing these same feelings to courageously look deeper and make their own changes.

Be aware that commercialism is often presented in hidden forms, pushing you to give to this or give to that all in the name of being loving and generous. However much of this is simply a back door into promothing more buying. Give, but give from the heart, dear ones, always trusting your intuition as to when it is appropriate and when it is not. Many gifts don't need to be bought and you will think of many if you try.

Deep and profound completeness can only come from the awareness that you are Divine beings having human experiences of separation in order to at some point discover the truth of this. Christmas celebrations represent third dimensional interpretations of the birth of Light and truth. There are many who are unaware of this, and in their ignorance continue to see and promote the season in ever more commercial ways, however what you do with it is your choice.

Enjoy the high frequencies of Light and joy present during the holiday season for the energy of joy most closely resonates with Divine energy-- let the joyful child within you escape and be free. See and enjoy the festivities in whatever ways make your heart sing, but begin to SEE and KNOW the deeper truths behind every celebration, every tradition, every rite or ritual.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/8/13


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--- Arcturian & Pleiadian Data (Suzanne Lie) ---

En anglais, on trouvera là des données Arcturiennes (dont les quatre parties de "Journey Through The Arcturian Corridor"), mais aussi des données Pléiadiennes.

Enjoy !!! :

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Déc - 17:46

--- Christmas = The Practice of Oneness (Arcturians - 22 déc 2013) ---

"Ouvrez-vous à la véritable signification de Noël mes amis, ouvrez-vous à la célébration, la gratitude, le bonheur et la joie qui se manifestent et se répandent lorsque vous laissez le Christ (= Lumière) naître en chacun de vos coeurs, à chaque instant, et pas seulement une fois dans l'année en souvenir d'un évènement qui advint il y a très longtemps. Laissez Noël carillonner en vous à chaque instant de chacun de vos jours.


Noël n'est pas seulement réservé à ceux qui se dénomment Chrétiens, puisqu'il s'agit d'une célébration de l'Unité Universelle que l'on peut interpréter à des niveaux toujours plus profonds. D'ailleurs, de nombreux soi-disant athées et agnostiques pratiquent de manière parfaite les vérités de l'Unité, et bien souvent de façon plus entière et authentique, que beaucoup de ceux qui s'appellent eux-mêmes "Chrétiens"."


DECEMBER 22, 2013

We come to wish you all a very Merry experience in the season of Hanukkah, Christmas, or whatever you are choose to celebrate in this season. It carries an energy of joy and it matters not that some may choose to name it something other than Christmas. It is a season that promotes celebration, love, and the experiences of Oneness--the underlying energy of Christmas.

Christmas to Christians, means the birth of Jesus but many who call themselves Christians fail to look beneath the rites, rituals, and celebrations of a birth 2000 years ago, getting caught up in much of it without any deeper understanding of the core truths of the event. Rituals in and of themselves have only the importance or power they are given, for they are simply representations of deeper truths. Begin to ponder the deeper meanings of this season for the outer, material sense of anything is always an interpretation of its spiritual reality.

Enjoy the festivities and try to let go of any concerns you may hold. Stand and observe with a lightness of heart letting yourselves join whatever activities resonate with you. Along with the difficult lessons, you are meant to experience joy and learn to be happy, and now is a perfect time and good excuse for those of you who have difficulty doing this. For too long spiritual living has been equated dull stoicism and suffering, even to the point of believing that self inflicted pain will make one more "holy". This is pure nonsense dear ones, know that these erroneous concepts were seeded into world consciousness by those who stood to benefit from mankind's' belief in such things. Joy carries the energy of the Divine.

You are here to learn yes, and a large part of that learning is to integrate the energy of joy and love thus allowing you to then express it, for you cannot flow outwardly that which you believe you do not have.

The holiday season is bringing confusion for some of you. You are feeling the need to question many of your traditional beliefs and this is good, for it means you are no longer just taking for granted that life can be lived only in a particular way, and that anything other than that one way is incorrect. The world is a diverse and wonderful one filled with many traditions and different ways of expression for you to experience. Those who forever stick only to what they know believing that it is the only way, will never enjoy the world's infinite diversity.

Anything in your life that no longer resonates with you, have the courage to release. This does not mean you push it deeper inside, simply walk away, or ignore any human footsteps needing to be taken for these are frequently karmic situations needing to be once and for all, resolved. Letting go is NOT an excuse to simply avoid something unpleasant that may be presenting itself to you. Spiritually, letting go means is that you go deeper within and take a long look at the particular issue as to why it no longer resonates with you. Honestly examine your belief system, asking yourself; "What am I believing about this person, place, event, experience etc." and then ask yourself; "Is this true or is this a concept I am still holding that is in and of the third dimensional belief system?". You will quickly begin to see the issue from a new perspective and this gives you the power to then let it go and at the same time, send unconditional love and light to all involved. Ask for guidance, your Guides are just waiting for you to ask. Write everything bothering you down and take time to really examine your belief system. It can be very painful to release something you have grown accustomed to even when that something is dense and heavy and you know you would be better off without it. This goes for relationships, traditions, habits, or anything that feels old and finished.

Open yourselves to the true meaning of Christmas dear ones, open yourselves to the celebration, gratitude, happiness, and joy of letting the Christ (Light) be born within each of your hearts not relegating it to one event that happened long ago. Let Christmas take place in every moment of every day within you. The birth of the Christ takes place in a humble (the stable) heart, one that has released and moved beyond ego and self importance (duality and separation). This is the true message of Christmas. Look deeper.

We celebrate with you, dear ones. We celebrate with you the remembrance of the message of Oneness as was given to the world through the event of 2000 years ago. This was and is Jesus's eternal gift to you--acknowledge and accept this gift through your own ever deepening understanding of his messages and then begin to live them without judgement, criticism, or self-righteousness.

Christmas is not just for those calling themselves Christians, for it is a celebration of universal Oneness, to be interpreted on ever deepening levels. Many so called atheists and agnostics practice the truths of Oneness perfectly and often more completely than many calling themselves "Christians". Try to not place labels on anything or anyone, but simply focus on your own journey to live the message of Christmas. This is true Christianity and the message of Jesus.

Merry Christmas

We are the Arcturian Group 12/22/13


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--- Healing with Happiness (Simion 7D, Janvier 2014) ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Simion-7d-ekstasis

Ekstasis - Stare into this flower of joy and allow the pulsating colors to activate serotonin in your brain and promote moments of ecstasy in your life.  You all have the capacity for great happiness and even ecstatic revelations of your true soul joy.   This is what mystics have called spiritual ecstasy or ekstasis. The vibrant octagonal image pulses with the frequency of this sensation and causes your brain synapses to respond in kind.

Intention Meditation - Ekstasis is a natural flowering of my ability to feel utter joy and ecstasy of spirit. I activate this in my life at will.


We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective.  Having explored the potential causes of what ails you as suggested in a previous transmission
, you are now free to heal yourself with happiness!  We have decided that if we are to relay only the most important message for healing, it is that happiness heals everything.  And as simple as this sounds it is the answer to what ails you, and it is completely in your control.  Your happiness is not found somewhere outside of you, or once you get to some goal, or have some item. Happiness is found right where you are in this given moment and is the key to the success of any remedy.  No matter what is wrong with you, and no matter what the cause of it, you can cure it by allowing yourself happiness to sooth away your pains and sorrows.

There is heaps of information in these words and they offer the cure for it all, and only you can make it happen.  You are all ill in some way or another, whether it be physical, emotional or mental, and it can all be cured by your decision to allow yourself to be happy.  The happiness cure is already inside every cell of your being and is the inherent state of your soul.  All the symptoms of pain and of emotional distress are results of you denying yourself the happiness you have within and of your potential to create it in your life every day.  No excuses and no exceptions apply.  No matter what happens to you, there is still a place of happiness within, and you have the power to find it.

No matter how abused you were as a child, no matter what faults your personality contains, and no matter how little money you have, you are still capable of being happy.  You know it is true no matter how you are presently denying it.  If someone tells you a funny joke, you can laugh, even if you are really sad.  And, if you think about it, you can find something to make you smile no matter what happened to make you mad today.  Sometimes it is as simple as looking at your pet jump in the air, and maybe it lasts only a few seconds.  The point is you have happiness there and you can generate it by deciding to feel happy.

Most of you have deceived yourself into thinking that things coming from outside of you make you feel happy.  Often you have also decided that most of the time things are there to make you the opposite of happy.  We would like to remind you that it is your choice to feel how you want, as a being with free-will.  Now you must simply convince yourself of this daily until you have gained back the control you somehow think you don't have.

Let’s pretend that you can do this.  You can make yourself feel a little more happiness everyday about something, no matter what is seemingly falling apart or is lacking in your life.  What does this have to do with healing?  My beloved friends of Earth reality, when your mental, and emotional self is exuding happiness, your cells follow along.  You have all, no doubt, heard of people curing cancer by watching lots of comedy films.  While you may not want to spend your whole life doing this, it demonstrates that you can generate a state of being that cures through happiness.

Some will say that doing that is tricking yourself into something that is not really real.  And we say, you create what is real.  So do you want to create sad and sick or happy and healthy?  You can also say it is all about love, and it is, but love is also happiness and can flow from the creation of happy thoughts.  They are in essence one and the same, as is appreciation and acceptance or peace.  These are all sensations that you can decide to have, that permeate your being and cure your ails.

What about doctors and healers, some will ask?  They are wonderful, but they are only facilitators to your self-healing.  Physical remedies can heal a wound, but as said before, if you do not look at the root cause and then shift your state of emotional being out of the feeling of sickness, into acceptance, and ultimately happiness about it all, then you will keep becoming sick or getting into more accidents.  Once you realize that you are getting acne because of low self-esteem, for example, you can now shift that despair about yourself into happiness and joy.  How do you do that when you are not happy?

Well, sometimes you must go with the old stand bye, "Fake it until you Make it!"  You must understand that your whole reality is about faking it to create it anyway.  Nothing is as real as you all like to pretend.  You are in charge of the impression you make on yourself and how you navigate in the matrix that the collective mind makes up as you all go along.  So, Yes, Fake it until you Make it what you want it to be, which is happy and at peace within your game.  As you do this it all falls into place and you won’t remember why you were sad or sick anymore over time.

We are not saying do only things that make you happy at the cost of responsibility or other healthy actions and at the expense of other beings.  We are not saying to be self-centered and not to contribute to making the world a better place.  We are saying, that you can decide to be happy while doing so and happy within your responsibilities and as you can be happy as you care and give respect for others and yourself.

You know things like the dishes have to be washed.  You can be miserable about it and blame the world that you are stuck with the task and make yourself sick of being sick and tired of such tasks.  Or you can shift into happy dish washing time by singing a tune and smiling at the soap suds.  One manner will make your cells cringe, while the other will make them sing along with glee.  Same task, different result.  One makes you happy and the other makes you sulk.  Yet, so often you all say, but, I hate doing the dishes and I just can’t get happy about it.  We say, start giving it a try.  That is if you really want to be healthy and happy as a general rule, instead of depressed and ill.  Again, if you are being served by the latter, take a look at that first, and hopefully you will decide that being happy is a better service to you and the universe.

Sorry, but it is the only way.  No big house, car, lover or drug is going to cause you to be happy forever.  As soon as the new car smell fades, and the house needs fixing, the lover gets boring, and the drug wears off, you are back to you again.  If you can learn to generate your own happy vibe no matter what is happening, you will find your life is just plain happy and you are just plain healthy!  And what is so wrong with that.

So dance while doing the dishes, or write a poem while taking out the garbage and smile at being alone or having to walk to work because you have no car.  It sure won’t make it any better to sulk and you may find you love it, whatever it is.  Suddenly more of your life is about appreciation, house or no house, lover or no lover, dishes or no dishes, drugs or no drugs.   And seemingly miraculously you will find you are healing and more happiness seems to find you. but really you are finding it?  You may even find you can laugh at yourself and that your funny face makes you smile instead of crack and that more of the real you shines out of what you once saw as so dismal.  Only you saw it that way in the first place, and it was you that changed into a happy healthy being, not something that happened to you.

At the same time, your emotions are a guidance system to let you know when change is needed or something is amiss.  We are not saying to be in denial of your array of emotions and not to honor your ebbs as a means of cleansing and understanding your soul desires.  That is important.  However, once you know it, change it.  Once you see the meaning of an ailment or emotional pitfall, step up and find your happiness.  These are powerful words we speak and they are words that you have the power to perform.  Stop pretending it is otherwise, and get to it already silly people of Earth.   This is your life to be happy in and no one can take that away from you.    

In your happiness is your love and connection to the universal consciousness that sees all, which some call dharma or enlightenment or ascension.  Because once you see that you are the creator of your love and happiness, you see the Creator of all and it is You and All that Exists joined as One.  When you create your happiness, you do so for the Creator in you and it spreads!  Happiness can be contagious so watch out!  But this is something worth spreading.  

Start your healing today!  Place one brick of happiness upon another until you have a house built of happy moments.  Then you need nothing else to make you happy, but somehow everything you desire will be there!  So while you ponder the cause of your illness or distress, remember to reach for happiness within and even while you enjoy the facilitation of external healing methods, know that they will only work for the long term if you add a dose of happiness from your own doctor bag.

What better resolution can there be for the New Year!  So take the sentiment to heart, and truly Have a Happy New Year!


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Jan - 17:47

--- "Creating New Earth" Website - Suzanne Lie ( ---

"La peur et la lutte vont nourrir les ténèbres, tandis que l'amour et la lumière éveilleront une étincelle au sein de l'ATMA de leurs coeurs, (car) chacun possède un ATMA intérieur, une Flamme Tri-Une de Sagesse, Pouvoir et Amour, flamme tri-une qui permet à un humain de maintenir son corps." (Arcturians)

Pour les heureux anglophones (... Je traduirai cependant bientôt, demain sans doute, un assez long passage qui raconte l'histoire d'un photon en provenance directe de la Source Première et/ou du Centre Galactique, photon qui fait irruption, via le chakra couronne, dans le cerveau d'un instrument humain, en vue d'éclairer un peu la caverne obscure de ce corps en 3D : vraiment belle "histoire", et très éclairante....), voici un des nombreux autres sites de Suzanne Lie, et intitulé "Creating New Earth".

Le site "Creating New Earth" :

Très belle réalisation, avec par exemple cette page où les Arcturiens parlent du cerveau, de la glande pinéale, des ventricules, des plexus choroïdes, etc, etc... :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Jan - 11:20

--- Soins et Maintenance de Votre Portail Personnel (Arcturiens, S. Lie) ---

Traduction d'un passage de "Arcturian Corridor - Part III" (Suzanne Lie). Je donnerai ensuite, dans un prochain post, le récit de l'entrée et du voyage d'un photon au sein de la caverne obscure d'un corps humain en 3D.


"Vous prenez soin de votre portail pinéal (glande pinéale) de la même façon que vous prenez soin de votre corps physique en choisissant une bonne alimentation, de l'exercice, de la méditation, un sommeil réparateur, une gestion du stress et une exposition au Soleil. Passez du temps sous la Lune est une bonne chose aussi. Essayez des bains de lune. Votre glande pinéale est votre portail inter-dimensionnel vers votre SOI Multidimensionnel, et il est nécessaire de disposer d'un corps en bonne santé pour intégrer les changements dans votre vie lorsque vous ouvrez ce portail.

Une glande pinéale entièrement ouverte génère un état de profonde méditation (ondes cérébrales thêta) pendant les heures ordinaires de la journée. Et c'est la raison pour laquelle vous pouvez avoir l'impression d'être "spacieux/spacey (= étourdi, confus, perdu...)" et "désorienté" alors que vous vous ajustez à la vie ordinaire depuis cet état de conscience de haute résonance. L'enjeu le plus grand consiste à demeurer ancré dans votre réalité physique en vivant une "vie normale", avec un flux de conscience en mode thêta. Heureusement, la conscience en mode thêta peut créer des miracles au quotidien en façonnant et modelant/modulant l'énergie d'intentions positives et d'amour inconditionnel.

Le "carburant" qui permet de garder ouvert ce portail est le Système Endocrinien, Hormonal, du corps. Les hormones du système endocrinien transmettent la lumière multidimensionnelle et l'amour inconditionnel au sein de votre corps entier, en entrant et passant dans le fluide cérébro-spinal et la circulation sanguine. Ces hormones régulent l'énergie et le fonctionnement du corps physique. Si le système endocrinien est trop fortement stimulé, cela entraîne des augmentations d'énergie et des déséquilibres.

Nombre d'entre vous faites l'expérience de "pics d'énergie" au niveau de la glande pinéale à cause des myriades d'émissions électromagnétiques en provenance du Centre Galactique. Ces augmentations de fréquences peuvent facilement sur-exciter/stimuler votre Système Endocrine, ce qui génère et entraîne stress, anxiété et baisse de votre système immunitaire. Les glandes pinéale et pituitaire fonctionnent de concert comme un "circuit imprimé" bio-énergétique au sein de l'ordinateur biologique qu'est votre cerveau. La glande pinéale reçoit les ondes de torsion générées, envoyées et transmises par le Centre Galactique. Elle les transmet ensuite à la glande pituitaire (hypophyse).

La glande pituitaire (hypophyse) régule la secrétion des hormones du Système Endocrinien dans son entier. Quand elle reçoit la lumière cosmique de la glande pinéale, elle la distribue dans le corps entier pour maintenir un équilibre hormonal. Si la glande pituitaire est trop fortement stimulée, elle peut temporairement sur-stimuler la glande thyroïde (chakra de la gorge) et les surrénales (chakra racine), générant des pics d'énergie et la sensation d'être au plus "haut". Cet accroissement d'énergie déséquilibre le corps et peut conduire jusqu'à un état de "burn-out" et de grand épuisement s'il se prolonge trop longtemps.

Une sur-stimulation du Système Endocrinien peut aussi entraîner un épuisement physique extrême, la thyroïde oscillant entre sur-activité et sous-activité dans ses tentatives de régulation des fluctuations énergétiques corporelles. Cela peut amener aussi dépression et anxiété, puisque les hormones et neurotransmetteurs du cerveau, comme la Sérotonine, sont également en déséquilibre. Et la résultante pour l'individu peut être une avalanche extrême de symptômes physiques et émotionnels, avec un corps qui essaie de faire face et tente de s'adapter à ce nouvel accroissement d'énergie évolutive.

Le thymus (glande) régit et gouverne votre système immunitaire. Il est le portail énergétique de votre Coeur Supérieur, l'endroit où la lumière multidimensionnelle peut être perçue et expérimentée en sa qualité d'amour inconditionnel. Et c'est à cause de cette connexion que "l'amour guérit". Le chakra du coeur gouverne aussi les poumons. Par conséquent, l'acte de respirer physiquement à travers votre Coeur Supérieur entraîne et génère le sentiment/la sensation de l'amour inconditionnel, tout en activant et stimulant votre chakra de l'immunité. En d'autres termes, l'Amour Guérit. De fait, la meilleure façon de calmer et pacifier tout votre corps consiste à suivre le chemin du souffle, de la respiration.

Lorsque vous INspirez par votre Troisième Oeil ouvert, vous attirez les ondes de torsion cosmiques en les entremêlant avec de la Sérotonine pour vous apaiser, et de la Mélatonine et du DMT pour vous éclairer/éveiller. Ensuite, lorsque vous EXpirez par votre Coeur Supérieur, vous étendez et élargissez votre expérience de l'amour inconditionnel en partageant vos talents et ce don avec toutes formes de vie. Cette façon de respirer fait circuler aussi la lumière multidimensionnelle et l'amour inconditionnel dans chacune des enveloppes et chacun des recoins de votre corps.

Cette sensation équilibre l'excès de stimulation électrique de la glande pinéale en apportant un sentiment de calme, de paix et d'amour. Et plus vous apprendrez à respirer profondément, à devenir un "respirant conscient", et plus vous activerez la fonction du Thymus, améliorant, affinant et intensifiant non seulement les sentiments d'amour inconditionnel, mais soutenant aussi votre système immunitaire physique.

Souvenez-vous que votre Portail Pinéal comporte deux sens de circulation : il laisse entrer les ondes de torsion qui s'écoulent depuis le Centre Galactique, et il vous emmène à la "Maison" pour une visite à votre SOI. Pour prendre soin au mieux de votre portail, visualisez-vous, non pas comme un humain qui visite les dimensions supérieures, mais comme une lumière en visite au sein de votre enveloppe terrestre. En d'autres termes, voyez-vous vous-mêmes comme un photon singulier au sein de l'Unicité UNE de la Lumière Multidimensionnelle."


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Jan - 10:18

--- Arcturian Group - 5 janvier 2014 ---


JANUARY 5, 2014

Dear ones, we of the Arcturian Group come in this new year of 2014 to bring you messages of love and light as you go forward. Know that in reality there is no time, it is a construct that enables you to learn in the third dimensional energy. These things you will come to understand more deeply as you move into the higher frequencies of ascension and remembering.

Know that all is proceeding according to plan even as you observe discordance in much of the world. What you are seeing is the surfacing and release of ancient energies--clearings that can bring final resolution and ending to the still resonating energy of ancient rivalries and wars. The Light brings to the surface and to conscious awareness those heavy, dense energies still in place in order that they might be resolved and dissolved for the Light will always disperse the shadow.

Try not to label the negativity you observe in the world, but use your awareness to realize that the only power, the only reality, and the only truth is that which is embodied within Divine Consciousness and anything else has no law to support it. Instead, begin to visualize the world as you know it to be, one that reflects the oneness of all in unconditional love. Practice this way of living with every experience of day to day living by recognizing the Divinity of everyone you encounter in the course of your day. Look into their eyes and recognize the light that shines behind them. Offer silent awareness to all, even to those you seem to have nothing in common with.

Never force another to see or understand as you do even when you know the information could help them, for they may not yet be able to accept or understand at your attained level. There are still many who need more human experiences of duality in order to grow beyond them. Offer assistance to those who ask but always remember that true assistance can be given at anytime to anyone and consists of knowing silently, secretly, and sacredly, who everyone really is. To everyone you meet whether in person, in the news, or those who simply come to thought, silently say; "I know you who you are, you are the Christ...son of the living god." regardless of any appearances to the contrary.

This can shift those who may be receptive, and will help to clear some of the debris from those choosing to continue in the old energy because Light dissolves shadows which are really appearances formed from a belief in them. Most importantly you yourselves will be changing your state of consciousness through living in and of each truth you come to know.

Most of you have spent past lives in convents, monasteries, and ashrams, retreating from the world and its issues to live the spiritual life. This was in fact the only safe place at one time in your history for the mystically inclined, but most found and find even today, that your state of consciousness goes with you wherever you go. There are those that may need a life of retreat and silence, and for them this choice is appropriate, but spiritual growth can only take place through the actual living of whatever spiritual principles have been learned. The way of the initiate is to be "in the world, but not of it".
It matters not which spiritual or religious modalities you have journeyed though to get where you are today. One is not better than another as all paths lead up the mountain. You may resonate with one rather than another based on past life experiences. Do not allow yourselves to fall into the trap of believing that your particular path is the only right one. A true path is whichever one leads you within rather than to the belief that you NEED anyone or anything outside of yourself. All true paths come together at this point and from there you need no path, you have become the path.

True teachings flow forth from enlightened individuals who then in turn share what they have become aware of. The problem is, that after the teacher is no longer around, the sacred teachings are not fully understood by the less evolved followers who interpret them according to their third dimensional concepts and ways of thinking. It is usually at this point that a "Religion" is born and where rites and rules of organization come into play and the dilution of the original message changes it to something totally different. Once organized, truth becomes disseminated among many not at the spiritual level of the original teacher and the Light of the message is frequently lost.

For those who like and feel comfortable with organization, we simply advise you to look deeper, look behind the teachings and rituals and find out they really represent--find your own truth. There will come a time when most will no longer feel the need to belong to any thing organized for they will fully realize that "The Kingdom of God is within." You carry your church with you into any cathedral, mosque, synagogue, or monastery.

Places of worship hold the energies of you and others before you have brought to them. That is why many churches and power spots feel so peaceful and calming. The silence of a cathedral permeated with the prayer energy of centuries can be felt by all who enter in. Enjoy and rest yourselves in these holy places--some inside, some outside--but always remember that to give power to anything other than the Divine, is idolatry.

We know that during this new year, much will fall into place for those of you serious about your spiritual journey. Many new portals have opened and a great deal of higher resonating energy frequencies are pouring on to Gaia and her people resulting first in chaos, and then change. You are feeling these new energies in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Allow the process dear ones, allow the process.

We are the Arcturian Group. 1/5/14


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Jan - 13:39

--- Creating New Earth (Suzanne Lie) ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Arcturians-lie-dauphins

Pour les personnes qui lisent l'anglais,
J'ai compilé les textes que l'on trouve sur le site
-->>"Creating New Earth",
De Suzanne Lie.

Pdf, mobi et ePub,
Pour lecture sur PC, tablettes e-ink,
Smartphones et autres tablettes LCD.

Ici :

Soi Multidimensionnel, 5D,
Troisième Oeil, Coeur Supérieur.....

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Jan - 19:38

--- Arcturian Group (18 janvier 2014) ---

"Nous, du Groupe des Arcturiens, nous vous disons à tous que nous voyons la lumière se répandre sur la Terre de manière toujours plus abondante. Vous êtes en train de changer les énergies du monde, via votre conscience nouvelle de ce qu'est l'amour véritablement."


January 18, 2014

We of the Arcturian Group say to all of you, that we see light pouring forth on earth in ever increasing abundance. You are shifting world energies through your new awareness of what love really means. For eons, mankind has held on to very narrow concepts with regard to love, believing it to be either a romantic emotion between two people, or a family bond. Love continues to be greatly misunderstood because books, movies, media, and society itself still promote these narrow definitions which are then accepted by many who choose not think for themselves... those that for too long have allowed others to tell them what to do, think, and believe.

Love is the activity of an attained consciousness of Oneness and we are aware that we have said this many times, but it is the foundation of evolution and needs to be expanded and incorporated through thought and practice into every consciousness in order for an individual and the world to evolve.

Love is all there is, because Divine Consciousness is all there is. Within this ONE every Divine Idea flows forth in infinite form and variety... but always in and of the One. Love, as understood and experienced within the limited awareness of the third dimensional belief system has become misunderstood and narrowly defined within concepts of duality and separation.

Many are unaware that their innate love for nature and others is an attained state of consciousness from other lifetimes. Many are evolved beings who have chosen to be here simply to add more Light to this important time on earth or to complete any three dimensional lessons. We speak of those who quietly or famously live lives that reflect a sense of Oneness in every action of daily living regardless of what the popular societal position may be. This makes every action a sacred and loving action. This is why you chose to evolve within a system of duality and separation, so you could evolve through experience into this awareness and live it in spite of outer appearances.

Love NEVER means being anyone's doormat or being an enabler. We have said this before, but it needs to be repeated because "being a loving person" has been greatly misunderstood by many dear souls who believe that love means allowing another to use or manipulate them. These situations are often karmic and manifest (through pre-birth choice) for the growth of both individuals who are now ready to once and for all to move beyond them. At some point through lifetimes lived in the dense energies of duality and separation, "doormats" gave away their power, many experienced being killed or punished for speaking up and their cellular memory remembers...on a conscious level, they have come to believe that this is who they are. Life lessons will manifest that offer opportunities for these individuals to reclaim their innate power. Some personalities still resonate with past life energies and cellular memory of power and dominance which is reflected in their lives and attitudes. Both must and are learning to relate in a higher ways.

Know that your energy field speaks louder than words. This is how "bullies" work. Certain individuals are drawn to and unconsciously respond to the energy of others that radiates; "I am unworthy, I am less than, I am stupid, ugly, or unlovable" and the bully acts on it. The answer to this problem does not lie in more regulation, but in lovingly helping "victims" to reclaim their power through loving and honoring themselves.

Empowerment means learning to speak your truth...lovingly but firmly. Words spoken with an energy of anger and judgement do not clear a situation but simply continue it. However, those same words when spoken with a recognition of the other's real identity (even if they are very far from knowing it themselves) and with the intention to serve the greater good for all involved, they will carry a different and higher energy. Speaking truth on this higher level, will have different results. Even when the other does not accept words spoken in the light they were given or becomes angry, the speaker will feel no response. This is because an energy field filled with light has nothing in it to which the heavier dense energy can attach. If or when you need firmly say to another something that he/she may not want to hear, try do it when you are centered and not in an emotional reactive state. Even taking a second to say to yourself; "Clear" will help. If you can, practice taking time to meditate, ponder, and ask for guidance before speaking and most importantly be VERY HONEST with yourselves with regard to any concepts you yourself may be holding about the situation.

It is often more loving to simply let another live with what they have created for themselves, for the situation may be their life lesson and it would not be loving to interfere. Stand quietly as an observer with your hand ready to grasp theirs when they are ready but allow them to reach for yours first.

Love is the energy that binds all life whether it be human, animal, or plant. All life is in and of the One life and those who falsely believe themselves to be strong and powerful because they can and do kill other living things, are still very unevolved and fully enmeshed in the energy of duality and separation. Animals evolve, and come back again just as humans do and add much color and joy and healing to the world...they are not inanimate objects to be manipulated by those ignorant of truth.

Because there are still so many in positions of power who do not yet understand the principle of Oneness, many rules are in place reflecting these unevolved states of consciousness. Obey the rules do it in ways that reflect your more evolved understanding... always look deeper and see the bigger picture for real rules come from within and are always governed by love.

Many think of lightworkers only as those who channel, teach, or write new age books etc. A lightworker is every person living out from a consciousness of love. It is the person who cares for lost or abused animals, the person who holds the door for you with a smile, the sales clerk who spends time helping you find what is right for you and does not just try to "make a sale". A Lightworker brings the light of Oneness to every single activity of living regardless of how mundane it may be categorized as. Concepts that separate the "sacred" from the "profane" are in and of obsolete religious teachings.

The stranger who flows Light in a smile is as much a light worker as the one on a lecture circuit teaching salvation and enlightenment. Both are doing the work. Some choose pre-birth to be teachers in this life time because they knew this was how they could best serve, others choose to be silent keepers and radiators of Light. Both are just as important.

Never believe you have nothing to contribute, for every single action of your day becomes sacred when done in the realization of truth. Every thought and action sent forth in a spirit of Oneness adds to the enlightenment of the whole planet. This is what is happening now and you are doing it. Each and every one, being an individual expression of the Divine, holds a unique piece of the giant jigsaw puzzle that is earth and her inhabitants.

This message is about learning to love and honor yourselves as the spiritual beings you are, dear ones. Too many have come to believe that their lives have been wasted because they are doing what may be considered to be ordinary...ordinary activities done in ordinary ways in ordinary jobs while living ordinary lives. Often individuals live in the past saying to themselves; "If only I had done this, or that." Know, really know, that all have a pre-birth plan put in place by each individual in order to learn whatever lessons are of which is the truth of who and what you are. From this new viewpoint life no longer seems ordinary...this very human concept will dissolve from your consciousness because everything now has become infused with a new and higher awareness which will then manifest itself outwardly in ever new and higher forms.

Without giving thought, you are the energy that may change your whole home or office while you are doing nothing in particular except being...doing what is given you to do while centered and awake. The Light of your energy field will have an effect on all around you... it may lift those receptive to it or bring out anger in some who may feel threatened. This is not your concern, you simply live, move, and have your being in Truth.

Everyone is important and necessary to the evolution of mankind. It is why you are here on earth at this time. This is your work and can be done wherever you find yourself. Follow and trust your intuition, NEVER believing that who you are or what you do is unimportant. The tiniest action done in love has a profound effect on changing the energy of the world.

Your job is to live out from that highest level of truth you know and simply do whatever is given you to do each day. Have fun...have grateful... As you learn to live each day this way, more truth is given and will unfold in ever deepening currents of knowing and understanding. This is evolution. This is graduation, dear ones.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/18/14.


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--- Arcturian Group, 2 février 2014 ---

"Un champ d'énergie rempli de paix et d'amour peut réconforter sans paroles."

"Vivre depuis l'intérieur et le dedans va devenir de plus en plus confortable et aisé au fur et à mesure que votre pratique avance et progresse, car c'est votre nature véritable de vivre ainsi."

".... (Car) votre monde est en vous, et pas en-dehors de vous."


FEBRUARY 2, 2014


Often you have believed yourselves to be alone and wondered why the Galactic help promised has not materialized. It is about free will dear ones. There are limits to how much any others can do for the ascension of earth because your journey into new dimensional energy is yours...chosen by you and brought about by each personally and then globally. No one can do your inner work for you which is the error perpetuated by many belief systems. There are those who believe that Jesus or some saint or Guru will do all their work for them and that they are forever "saved" simply by declaring their belief in that one person as a savior. They then continue to go about their daily lives in old three dimensional ways believing that the work of their "salvation" if finished.

The teacher Jesus or Jeshua came as a messenger of truth into a very dense world. He tried to teach the people who they really were and show them how to grow beyond the bonds of the third dimension. He was a way shower but can not do the work for anyone. The world was not ready and most did not understand his message which has been the experience of many truth teachers throughout time as often the best they could do was plant seeds of truth.

You as individual expressions of the Divine are now ready to live the truth. This is not a work for "wimps" for it is difficult to leave behind many of the tried and true ways that have worked throughout lifetimes. You are explorers forging new paths. Change can be very frightening to a world programmed to to use its mind to plot and plan everything according to whatever current concepts of the "best way" of doing something are in place. Learn to listen and trust your intuition as you go about your daily tasks, knowing that you are spiritual beings and not lowly and sinful humans needing to be saved as many of you have been taught. Living from within will become more comfortable and easy the more you practice for it is your true nature to live this way. This does not mean you do not order your airline tickets or plan your day, it means that you always have one ear listening within and if what you are planning does not resonate with you, you honor that.

Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is a concept... a mind interpretation of the spiritual reality. Divine consciousness is omnipresent-- could anything exist outside of Omnipresence? Your world is within you, not outside of you. For example, when you look at a tree, know that the Divine Idea of that tree is spiritual, light, beauty, and never ages and what you are perceiving as a tree is the three dimensional concept of the spiritual idea of tree. Do you see dear ones, your state of consciousness determines how you interpret and then form for yourself the Ideas embodied within a Universal and Omnipresent Consciousness. The world is within you, not outside of you...Omnipresence assures nothing is separate. This will be difficult for some to digest, but try not to react, setting up walls of resistance. Instead instead take this idea within and ponder it, asking for help in your understanding.

This is your work, this is how you change the resonance of the world and create new and higher forms of everything. Understand that every Divine Idea is ALREADY embodied within your consciousness and you need never seek for anything outside of yourself. This truth if understood by all would change the energy of the world in a second. Free will allows man to interpret according to his state of consciousness taking as long as he chooses...truth is forever, and is not dependant upon what anyone believes or doesn't believe or when. Knowing the truth does not mean you are unaware of the appearances formed of duality and separation nor does it mean shouting; "God is all, I need do nothing". It means that you begin to see these creations for what they are--manifestations formed of duality and separation with no law to support or sustain them. This way you do not add your energy to the appearances.

Arcturian Group wishes to speak about the energy of transformation now present and causing many to question the value of many rigid structures still in place through law or consent. Be not afraid as these structures begin to crumble for there is nothing to hold them in place but the belief in them. They are concepts and once the belief is no longer there, they cannot exist. Many of these structures were necessary in a society not yet ready to embrace its own power but it is now a new time. Awakened consciousness energy is causing many houses of cards to is a sign of evolution.

There will be those who through an ignorance of what is happening spiritually in the world resist and panic at any change. Familiarity is their comfort and security even when it is painful and something different would be better. You can be of assistance to these fearful ones even if it consists simply a calm listening ear. An energy field filled with peace and love can comfort without any words. Structures of government, law, religion, family etc. are all changing...most will change or fall completely.

Much change is coming through the courage of brave souls not afraid to shine light into dense shadows. These much maligned light workers often put their own lives on the line in order to help a sleeping world awaken out of complacency and move into its power. Man must begin to see themselves as more than helpless pawns in the hands of the powerful or nothing will change. Be brave dear ones, for the outer manifests the inner and each day you are filled with more light. Complete change cannot happen overnight for it has taken eons of time to be what it is.

You are being lovingly watched and studied by many from other planets because you are teaching them how it is to evolve within the heavy structure of duality and separation. They too are learning from your efforts and you evolution.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/2/14


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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Fév - 10:05

--- Des origines de l'homme moderne et autres considérations (Patricia Cori, Sirians) ---

Home Erectus -->> Homo Sapiens

"La Famille de Lumière infusa la brillance au sein de la matrice, tandis que les maîtres généticiens vous ancrèrent dans le matériel génétique des êtres  indigènes de la terre (Homo Erectus, l'homme-singe), galvanisant l'expérience avec amour, et avec l'intention que le plus Grand Bien soit servi." ("No More Secrets, No More Lies", Patricia Cori)

Comme en une trajectoire spirale, je reviens en cet instant pour rendre compte des données transmises par le collectif Sirien via Patricia Cori, et il y a des années de cela. Seulement, maintenant que l'excellence toujours croissante de ma maîtrise de la langue anglaise  Very Happy  a désormais franchi son seuil fatidique de claire compréhension, me voilà en mesure d'apprécier pleinement et dans tous ses détails les données transmises par Patricia Cori dans ses livres.

Les exposés Siriens sont tous extrêmement pointus, concis, complets et clairs, et ils donnent à voir en vastes tableaux synthétiques profusion de considérations de moins en moins époustouflantes pour nous, les travailleurs de lumière, qui cheminons depuis moultes années sur les chemins du recouvrement de la mémoire.

Alors rien de révolutionnaire (encore que....), mais un exposé renouvelé de données plus ou moins déjà largement répandues dans les esprits en éveil.

Il va sans dire que l'idéal serait, pour le lecteur de ces lignes, d'accéder au texte anglais original, tellement le discours est riche, profond et puissamment articulé.

Mais pour l'heure, voici cette histoire...

1. Des Origines de l'Homme (moderne) (le point 2., post suivant, traitera de la planète Nibiru et des Anunnaki....) :

Et je relis pour cela le texte "No More Secrets, No More Lies" de Patricia Cori, que j'avais dans sa version papier, mais que je lis avec un bonheur renouvelé dans sa version numérique sur Kindle Paperwhite (avec son dictionnaire intégré).

Un collectif d'êtres ascensionnés, de diverses dimensions et de toutes origines, Anges Guerriers, Andromédans, Maîtres Ascensionnés, Êtres de 7°, 8° et 9° dimensions, Sirian Elders, Emissaires Pléiadiens de Lumière...., travaillèrent à une solution pour contrer le risque avéré d'effondrement et d'annihilation au sein des ténèbres d'une portion d'univers.

Ils trouvèrent une planète favorable, et c'était la Terre, chakra de la gorge (= communication) du système solaire, pour ensemencer et implanter un être de lumière capable de contrer et d'élever cette portion d'univers en grave péril d'effondrement. Cet être était à l'origine conçu comme porteur et transmetteur de lumière au sein de la matière, avec un déploiement potentiel d'un ADN à 12 brins. "Donner naissance à une race d'êtres physiques au corps de lumière capables d'ancrer les plus hautes fréquences au sein des plus basses dimensions." Et cet être c'étaient nous, les êtres humains, nous qui retrouvons et recouvrons, après tellement d'années et de siècles et de millénaires d'enfermements et de démantibulations (de notre ADN, désactivé et réduit au niveau de la survie, de la polarité à deux brins...), nous qui regagnons notre faculté première et originelle de transmetteurs de lumière au sein de Gaia, nous les porteurs de lumière. (... On se rappellera de la fin du tome I du "Secret des Etoiles Sombres" d'Anton Parks, quand débarquent les Anunnaki et qu'ils rencontrent ces incroyables êtres humains porteurs des plus hautes fréquences....)

Et, comme nous le faisons avec une serre pour les plantes, ils combinèrent du matériel génétique de diverses origines, diversifièrent l'expression de ce matériel génétique, et choisirent des écosystèmes adaptés (froid, humide, chaud....) pour que se développe cet être humain nouveau décliné en quatre couleurs, avec à l'horizon de son évolution un vaste mélange des couleurs pour une toujours plus grande force et richesse. (... la diversité des origines du matériau génétique assurant force, croissance et pérennité de cet être humain au cours du temps....)

Ainsi, quatre couleurs (noir-terre, rouge-eau, jaune-air et blanc-feu) se combinant dans le plan horizontal, ancrées dans le plan vertical du substrat génétique de "Homo Erectus", l'homme-singe habitant sur Terre depuis des temps immenses et sans avoir évolué ni grandi, avec infusion verticale de lumière délivrée par les Êtres de Lumière.

Une sorte de perfection mathématique qui donna "Homo Sapiens".

-- Engan : planète de cette galaxie, couverte de déserts. Chaud, brûlant et sec. Noirs. Caractéristiques génétiques : force physique, sexualité, force vitale. Après recombinaison génétique et amplification de certaines caractéristiques adaptées à un climat chaud sur Terre, la version noire de Homo Sapiens est déposée en Afrique, Australie et dans les régions arides.

-- les Atl : origine : les Pléiades. Couleur rouge. Caractéristiques génétiques : amour inconditionnel. Ancrage du Coeur Sacré dans la matrice. Compassion, circulation de l'amour entre les êtres. Atlantis. Montagnes et pics élevés. De nos jours, leurs descendants : pays de neige et grandes plaines. Himalayas, Tibétains, les Andes.... Esquimaux, Tibétains, Péruviens, Mayas, Indiens d'Amérique.

-- le peuple jaune : couleur jaune. Caractéristiques génétiques : logique, cerveau gauche, technologie. Lieu d'implantation : zones chaudes et humides. Asie.

-- les Ariens : couleur blanche. Origine : constellation d'Orion. Civilisation de haute technologie. Voyageurs et conquérants inter-galactiques. Explorateurs de nouveaux mondes. Explorer et dominer. Repousser les limites. Planète froide. Implantés dans les zones tempérées.

Je m'arrête là pour l'instant.

Je poursuivrai dans un prochain post avec l'exposé étonnant de l'anatomie énergétique et dimensionnelle des trois étoiles qui constituent le système Sirien (Sirius A-Sothis 3D ; Sirius B-Satais 6D ; Sirius C-Anu 4D), avec la dérive et l'errance de la planète Nibiru (Anunnaki), restée an 3D et projetée hors du système triple Sirien pour avoir "refusé d'ascensionner".

En somme, nous avons là tous les éléments fabuleux d'un mythe moderne, la forme du mythe étant la seule capable de perdurer et d'enclencher certains déclics, certains mécanismes d'éveil au sein du lecteur.

Une époque formidable....

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Fév - 14:54

--- Anunnaki : les sans-domiciles fixes de la galaxie ---

"Tels des mouches prises au piège dans la toile intriquée de l'araignée, les premiers Homo Sapiens furent capturés et englués dans le filet, étourdis et assommés par les fréquences électromagnétiques discordantes que les maîtres ingénieurs Anunnaki tissèrent de manière si serrée tout autour du corps émotionnel de Gaia, de sorte que c'était comme si la Déesse ne pouvait plus désormais respirer dans la lumière de la Source Première." ("Atlantis Rising", Patricia Cori)

Comment dire. Il apparaît que le Soi Supérieur s'active grandement en ce moment pour nettoyer et purifier les corps de l'instrument humain de certaines de ses charges karmiques, créant pour cela des situations et relations inter-personnelles qui se déploient en zones de conflits.

Et c'est une source formidable, même si de prime abord tout de même bien pénible, une source formidable et potentiellement très riche d'enseignements de toutes natures, pour peu que l'on se rappelle toujours de revenir dans le centre coeur afin de transformer et transmuter les énergies négatives de la peur et du passif karmique en joielumièreamour.

Et avec cette purification, il se peut que viennent aussi, un peu, et sur le devant de la scène, certains fragments d'un passé immémorial, et je pense ici à la civilisation engloutie de l'Atlantide.

1. Dans la vie quotidienne (microcosme) : agressivité et peur de groupes humains qui peuvent tout à fait, se sentant menacés dans le ronron de leurs habitudes en 3D (lutte pour la survie, exacerbation de l'ego, avidité et appât du gain, duplicité et mensonges, peurs paniques du changement, etc, etc....), qui peuvent tout à fait abaisser vos fréquences et vous entraîner, pour un temps du moins, vous entraîner dans leur sillage dépressif et ricanant.

Et on se rappelle alors cette remarque de prime abord étrange de James Mahu dans l'interview Camelot du Souverain Intégral : il est tout à fait possible d'enfermer et de mettre en prison, de transformer un être originellement de pure lumière et infini (comme nous le sommes tous, et même les Anunnaki bien sûr....), et d'en faire un esclave. On peut être pure lumière et en même temps se laisser prendre au piège de la peur et se retrouver enfermé dans de basses fréquences.

Et j'ai réalisé alors encore plus clairement comment les Anunnaki, s'aidant de technologies diverses de contrôle des fréquences, ont pu avec grande efficacité faire de beaucoup des Atlantes de vrais et purs esclaves, façonnés pour servir les maîtres de la planète Nibiru, les sans domiciles fixes de la galaxie.

Mais cette purge accélérée de charges karmiques, ce nettoyage du corps émotionnel, ce lessivage de l'aura de l'instrument humain, en libérant de grandes quantités d'énergies (cordes karmiques se détachant, retour des énergies de peur et d'ignorance à leur état premier de joielumièreamour....) a permis aussi de laisser revenir à la surface certaines des données anciennes liées à l'Atlantide et aux Anunnaki (ou plus précisément, ont ouvert encore plus grand l'intérêt de l'esprit pour ces données.... : trajectoires spirales.).

2. Ainsi, cette meilleure compréhension et acceptation du fait que nos pensées et émotions (les pensées sont de nature électromagnétiques = lumière...) voyagent et nourrissent Gaia et son aura/atmosphère. Et donc que toutes nos pensées et émotions discordantes de peur, de haine, de colère et d'indifférence finissent, à la longue, par obscurcir l'aura/atmosphère de la planète. Et quand l'entité consciente qu'est Gaia décide d'avancer et de se purifier, il en résulte des altérations plus ou moins violentes du climat, avec inondations, éruptions volcaniques, etc, etc.....

Du temps de l'Atlantide (macrocosme), les altérations du corps de Gaia étaient telles (productions de fréquences électromagnétiques de basses énergies, discordantes, pensées discordantes, manipulations de toutes natures, etc, etc....) qu'il en résulta un gigantesque déluge et l'engloutissement de cette civilisation.

De nos jours, nous vivons ces mêmes phénomènes d'inondations, mais dans une bien moindre mesure : nous avons quand même fait des progrès, et la spirale évolutive ne cesse de monter.

En somme, que ce soit au niveau individuel (relations inter-personnelles professionnelles par exemple....) ou au niveau collectif (inondations et tempêtes....), c'est comme s'il nous était donné de revivre brièvement et comme par simple effleurement, bénin cette fois-ci, ce qui fut pour beaucoup d'entre nous un traumatisme gravissime il y a des dizaines et des dizaines de milliers d'années de cela.

3. Mais je reviens à nos "amis" sans-domiciles fixes, les ci-devant Anunnaki et leur planète Nibiru.

Et j'ouvre les livres de Patricia Cori avec les données délivrées par le Haut Conseil Sirien ("The Starseed Dialogues", "No more Secrets, No more Lies", "Atlantis Rising", etc, etc....) : système triple des étoiles siriennes, avec leurs planètes......

-- Sirius A (Sothis, 3D) : étoile visible pour les humains en 3D que nous sommes.

-- Sirius B (Satais, 6D) : c'était une étoile géante, la plus gigantesque des trois étoiles du système triple sirien, du temps de sa vie en 3D. SiriusB/Satais avait 12 planètes en orbite. Maintenant passée en 6D avec toutes ses planètes, également en 6D.

Et, ce qui est très intéressant ici, c'est que ce que nous voyons encore dans le plan de la 3D, c'est le reliquat, le squelette laissé en arrière par Sirius B ascensionnant en 6D. Pour les humains en 3D, Sirius B est en fait une "Naine Blanche".

Sirius B, naine blanche orbitant autour de Sirius A.....

-- Sirius C (Anu, 4D) : Et nous arrivons à nos amis Anunnaki. Quand Sirius C était en 3D, elle avait 5 planètes et quantités d'astéroides en orbite.

Et parmi ces 5 planètes, 4 sont passées en 4D (ascension, comme ce qui se passe/passera avec Gaia....), mais une planète est restée en 3D, et c'est Nibiru, la planète des Anunnaki.

4. Nibiru, la planète errante des Anunnaki :

Lors de l'ascension de l'étoile Sirus B (de 3D en 6D), il y a environ 450 000 ans, la planète Nibiru qui avait "refusé" d'ascensionner, s'est trouvée littéralement expulsée du système des étoiles siriennes, et projetée dans le froid et l'hiver galactique vers Ra, notre soleil et système solaire. La mécanique céleste projette la planète errante Nibiru, laquelle oscille entre le système Sirien et notre système solaire (Ra). Tous les 3 600 ans, Nibiru entre dans notre système solaire, y reste pendant 30 ans environ, et retourne en périphérie du système sirien.

Voilà, je m'arrête là pour aujourd'hui.  sunny

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