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 Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 30 Mar - 22:33

--- The Process of Ascension Part 2 - The Arcturians and Your Galactic Family ---

"With the memory of your personal, signature frequency, you can send out the power of your unconditional love and Violet Fire into every parallel and alternate life you experienced on Gaia."


Do you understand why you must maintain mastery over your thoughts and emotions?

If you could see your reality from our perspective, you would see myriad thoughts of ascension, unity, unconditional love and Violet Fire being suddenly shut down by a random negative, insecure, frightened and/or selfish thought that just touches the edge of your consciousness."


The Arcturians and Your Galactic Family

As you continue your process of ascension, and it is indeed a process, your consciousness expands into higher and higher frequencies. Therefore, you will be able to consciously perceive and collect higher and higher frequencies of thoughtforms and energy fields. By “collect” we mean that once you perceive an energy field, it awaits in your aura until you decide what to “do” with it.

In other words, you are no longer a passive observer of life. The very creative and/or destructive forces of your reality, thoughtforms and energy fields, allow you to chose whether you wish to feed that energy with fear OR send it your unconditional love and transmute it with the Violet Fire.

Furthermore, the energy field and thoughtforms that you send into you reality will return more and more quickly. Hence, you will no longer be able to be “unconscious” about what is occurring in your reality. The best part of your expanded awareness is that you can observe your own energy fields and thoughtforms to see if you want to send them out into your world, or transmute them with unconditional love and Violet Fire.

In other words, you become multidimensionally aware of your self and of your reality. If you are in a fearful state, which is often because you are stressed, tired, hungry or have become embroiled in a negative thoughtform, you can instantly release and transmute it within the NOW. However, if you become embroiled in the 3D Matrix, you will be unconscious of that which precedes the creation of your reality.

If you thoughts and emotions are based on love, you will be happy when they return to you. However, if you fall into fearful thinking and emotions, they too will return to you very quickly. Since Gaia is a “cause and effect” planet, Her ascension is based on having myriad “causes” (thoughtforms and energy fields) that return to Her planet to facilitate Her process.

Therefore, dear emissaries of Light, mind the thoughts and emotions that you send out into your world, as they will return to you more and more quickly. On the other hand, those who are far from expanding their consciousness and actually live in the frequency “power-over-others,” will not receive their energy “back in their awareness” for quit a bit of your “time.”

This may appear unfair to those of you who do not understand that ascension is a process of complete mastery over your earth vessel. When you do not understand that fact, you may become impatient because you not understand that YOU are the one who is gauging the speed of your ascension by the frequency rate of your consciousness that YOU create with your own thoughts and emotions.

In past ascensions, humans would study for at lease seven lifetimes, as well as for their entire life previous to their ascension. They all faced great challenges, had to go into the Astral Plane and heal ALL their selfish acts, and often lived many decades of absolute poverty, constant meditation and immense self sacrifice.

The term “ascension” has become modernized in your world of “get it quickly,” and “where do I pay for it?” You “pay for your ascension” with complete and total control of your every thought and emotion. Therefore, ask not what ascension can do for you, but what you can do for ascension.

Furthermore, in your era, ascension is not just for an individual, but for an entire planet. Therefore, humanity, who is supposed to be the most evolved species on Earth, must release their attachment to being human. In this manner, you can remember that a very small component of the lowest frequency of your Multidimensional SELF has “logged in” to this 3D reality.

When you logged in to your present reality, as you have myriad realities running simultaneously within the NOW, you did so via your “signature frequency.” Your signature frequency is the spark of your individuality that lives in an “individual” earth vessel that you are wearing in order to participate in the holographic project of life on the third/fourth dimension.

Your signature frequency is the core frequency of your Multidimensional SELF. The 3D aspect or your signature frequency intermingles with other your 4D signature frequencies and flows in unity consciousness with your signature frequencies in the 5D and beyond. In all of your myriad versions of reality, you are the same signature frequency.

Once you perceive your reality via the higher perceptions of thoughtforms and energy fields, you begin to recognize how every personal thoughtform displays the signature frequency of its creator. There are also “group thoughtforms/energy fields” of the groups that are so united that they have a “group signature frequency.”

This group is very intimate and is able to take excursions in consciousness as ONE being.
The group is much like the members of an airplane, except that every one knows and unconditionally loves each other. Some of these groups are small and some are quite large. Either way, the members of these groups are so aligned with each other that their individual thoughtforms easily merge into the group thoughtform.

Once your individual consciousness expands into the fifth dimension and beyond, you move into “Unity Consciousness,” because you are on the cusp of ascension. Therefore, you begin to collect all the thoughtforms and energy fields you have ever created while logged into the 3/4D Matrix. You begin first with that which you have created in your current incarnation.

Then, your unity consciousness begins the merging with all the myriad versions of your SELF. Therefore, your fifth dimensional consciousness seeks to unite with all the thoughtforms and energy fields you have every created in the ALL of your third dimensional incarnations.

All these thoughtforms and energy fields reunite into the sender’s signature frequency to exist as ONE. In other words, as you consciousness expands into higher and higher frequencies and dimensions, all your “markers,” all the elements and derivatives of your signature frequency, become reunited within the growing unity consciousness with your ever- expanding sense of SELF.

Therefore, once all the elements of your thoughts, emotions and actions from your current earth vessel are reunited with your signature frequency, you begin to collect the thoughtforms and energy fields from all your incarnations on Gaia.

Ascension is NOT about leaving.  Ascension is about taking full responsibility for every thoughtform and energy field that you have ever created while holding a form on the Earth. Do you understand how you are gathering all components of your signature frequency, your SELF, to resonate in Unity Consciousness with the creator or your reality, YOU?

As you continue your Mission to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension, you must gather, unconditionally love and transmute all that you have ever thought, felt and done while wearing an earth vessel. Once you have gathered all the thoughtforms and energy fields from all your incarnations on Gaia, you begin the process of transmuting all these elements back into their innate fifth dimensional expressions.

Your contribution to planetary ascension is that the transmutations of your personal elements of earth (symbolizing your actions), air (your thoughts), fire (your spirit) and water (your emotions) flows into the earth, air, fire and water of the planet.

You volunteered to enter this incarnation to assist with planetary ascension. Therefore, you are the Captain on the Ship, who is last to leave. Therefore, you remain with the planet (ship) to open the portals into the higher dimensions by calling in all elements of your SELF to work as ONE within your own signature frequency.

As your consciousness expands to embrace your Multidimensional SELF you remember the promise you made to assist Gaia to ascend back to Her Multidimensional Planetary SELF. You will keep this promise by expanding your personal consciousness into planetary consciousness. In this manner, as you transmute your personal self, you also transmute your planetary self.

While you resonate to planetary consciousness, you offer up your personal elementals of earth, air, fire and water to flow in unity consciousness with earth, air, fire and water that resonate to planet Gaia. Thus, any transmutations that you create within your own form, is automatically shared with the Gaia’s form.

In this manner, all third dimensional elements are transmuted into fifth dimensional elementals. As you continue to work in this multidimensional manner, your signature frequency returns to its full multidimensional expression. At this point you do no longer need to “ascend” to go to the fifth dimension and beyond, as you have remembered that you ALWAYS were in the fifth dimension.

You did not “leave” the higher worlds to “come” into your earth vessel. Instead, you extended your multidimensions consciousness, the core of your own multidimensional signature frequency, to consciously perceive the third/fourth dimensional matrix.

You had forgotten how easily the illusion of separation could lower your consciousness by filling you with fear. In fact, eventually, you forgot that you were multidimensional. Then, you became stuck on the fourth dimensional wheel of life and death in which you were born to 3D—died—to 3D and become aware of 4D, then died to 4D and return to 3D—then you would start the wheel again.

You believed that you lived and died and lived and died and lived and… Once you entered the 3D/4D Matrix, you began to forget that YOU never left anywhere. YOU extended your awareness into another frequency of reality. It is the NOW to extend your consciousness back into the higher dimensions.

But first, you must collect ALL of your SELF so that you can transmute it.
Then you will share that transmutation with Gaia.

Additionally, you will share ALL the transmutations of ALL the Earth realities you ever experienced with Gaia in any timeline. With the memory of your personal, signature frequency, you can send out the power of your unconditional love and Violet Fire into every parallel and alternate life you experienced on Gaia.

Once you have gathered all your human expressions of self on Earth, you gather your non-human expressions. Yes, many of you have chosen to take on the forms of animals, plants, as well as some higher dimensional beings such as Faeries, Devas, and over-lighting  Spirits.

The challenge that you promised to fulfill before you took any form on third or fourth dimensional Earth is that, you promised to remain “conscious” while you gathered your SELF. To remain connected to your Multidimensional SELF you cannot allow any thoughts, emotions, behaviors and/or desires to arise from your “unconscious.”

In fact, you promised, “No more unconscious self.” You are ascending, and if you choose to fulfill the contract you made before you took your earth vessel, you will need to remain fully conscious of your own thoughts and emotions.

Please understand that once your frequency returns to the fifth dimension, your thoughtforms and energy fields manifest in your reality VERY quickly. If you have a fear-based thought and fill it with the emotion of fear, it will become manifest almost instantly. Remember, there is no “time” in the fifth dimension!

Do you understand why you must maintain mastery over your thoughts and emotions?

If you could see your reality from our perspective, you would see myriad thoughts of ascension, unity, unconditional love and Violet Fire being suddenly shut down by a random negative, insecure, frightened and/or selfish thought that just touches the edge of your consciousness.

You are no longer children in training. The frequency of Gaia is moving into the fifth dimension. In fact, there are certain “NOWS” in which the fifth dimension touches down into Gaia to create beautiful “miracles” that extend beyond time and space to transmute all time and space on planet Earth.

On the other hand, there are still “random acts of violence.” These acts of violence mostly come from humans. Therefore, humanity must be the ones to unconditionally love and transmute them. Remember, Gaia is a free will planet based on learning the laws of cause and effect.

We, the Galactics and Celestials, need you, our Emissaries of Light, to perceive these thoughtforms and energy fields BEFORE they land into the body of Gaia and become manifest. YOU have the ability to send your unconditional love and Violet Fire into the Core of those negative thoughtforms and energy fields, so that they will NOT manifest.

You can best do so by saying, “I REFUSE to participate in that possible reality and send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.” In this manner you not only keep your personal consciousness above fear, but you also serve to transmute that energy field or thoughtform before it becomes manifest.

Can you imagine how surprised the forces of “power over others” will be when they understand that their power-over others thoughtforms are being transmuted into power-within creations?

We complete this message by recognizing and thanking ALL of you who are regaining mastery of your own thoughts and emotions, as well as serving as our “clean up crew” to halt fear and destruction while still in the potential form of thoughtforms or energy fields.

We are the members of your Galactic and Celestial Family. Our contribution to you, our brave volunteers to assist Gaia, is to instantly assist you whenever you call us. Just go inside your SELF, and you will find our infinite gift.


The Arcturians and your Galactic Family.


As usual, and thanks to the Arcturians, it is all about Consciousness and Multidimensionality, the bricks and mortar of the so called "New Paradigm" now entering our consciousness fields.

Amazing times, with more and more human beings acknowledging frequencies games, consciousness fields and multidimensionalities.


By the way, Part 1 is here :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Avr - 12:46

--- "BE the master of your mind" (Blue Avians and Arcturians) ---

"From the perspective of your higher consciousness, your thoughts and emotions do not need to “react” to life because you KNOW that it is YOU this is choosing/creating your life. In the higher dimensions, “choosing” and “creating” are the same terms. You choose to create your reality by choosing to attach your consciousness to that which you have chosen to attend."

" From our “higher perspective,” we see the “blue glow” of fifth-dimensional Earth with clear blue skies and oceans. Gaia is, indeed, a blue jewel in space. We also see an armada of starships from everywhere in your local universe who have come to observe and assist."


The Blue Avians and The Arcturians

Dear Blue Avians,

I am first writing my message by hand, as I find it is the best way to meet new Galactic Beings. Since my first incarnation (if numbers such as, first, mean anything within the NOW) was as a member of the early Lemurian Bird Tribe. If possible, I would like to establish an on-going communication with you.

I feel as though you, the Blue Avians, you and the Arcturians are very intermingled with your joint service to Gaia and awakening humans. Please respond to let me know if I could have the honor of communicating with you.

Our Dear Suzille,
We, known in your language as the “Blue Avians,” which is actually a description of our appearance rather than a title for our flock, will happily address you. You are correct that we are united in service with the Arcturians, with whom we often join as a planet moves into the final stages of contact with the masses of Galactics who have silently been assisting them for much of their “time.”

As you realize, we have different kinds of information to share, from a different perspective and often with different people. Of course, the information and people only appear different to your 3D perspective. We see you all as ONE Personal/Planetary Being. Just as you see the parts of your body to be different, but they are all parts of YOU, we see different members of humanity to all be YOU.

As you, humanity, expand your consciousness/perceptions into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond, your inner experiences and how your interpret them will greatly change. We ask that you now close your physical eyes and perceive us with your Third Eye…

Do you perceive all the 3D clutter inside your brain? Before we begin, we ask you to collect all that clutter into your heart and love it free. You are NOW in the process of remembering how to BE the master of your mind. Mastery of your mind is the forerunner for your process of ascension.

ALL ascended beings had to become the master of their 3D minds prior to their ascension into their higher dimensional expression. Once the mind is mastered, it can be connected infinitely with your Multidimensional Mind. The constant unconditional love flowing through your connection with your Multidimensional Mind will greatly assist you to become the Master of your emotions.

The key to becoming the master of your emotions is to release your 3D habit of reacting to life. Via your higher dimensional thoughts and emotions you can release your old habit of reacting to stimuli. Instead, you will be able to observe stimuli as you “read” it via your higher states of consciousness.

From the perspective of your higher consciousness, your thoughts and emotions do not need to “react” to life because you KNOW that it is YOU this is choosing/creating your life. In the higher dimensions, “choosing” and “creating” are the same terms. You choose to create your reality by choosing to attach your consciousness to that which you have chosen to attend.

“Where your attention is, there you are also!” is one of the most important aspects of ascension process. Another important aspect is, “There are no mistakes or accidents during ascension,” as YOU are the creator of your reality. As you monitor and take full responsibility for the frequency of your thoughts and emotions, you will increasingly flow into an ongoing awareness of the higher frequency thoughts and emotions that are infinitely within you.

We send you this preamble to our message because we want you to know that as your consciousness expands, you will begin to perceive the myriad higher dimensional friends circling your planet. Remember, you may NOT see these friends via your 3D perceptions, but via your fifth dimensional and beyond perceptions.

To summarize, your third-dimensional, outward focused perceptions may not reveal our presence. It is true that we can, and do, briefly lower our frequency into the third dimension to remind you all that we are here. However, just as you could not stay at the bottom of the ocean for too long without making special adjustments, we cannot stay in the third dimension for too long without making major adjustments.

For one thing, we are timeless beings who flow within the NOW. You know that time is different in different states of consciousness via your dreams. You could have a dream that seemed to last for a lifetime and awake to see that your clock has only added a few minutes of your “time.”

We will explain to you how we perceive you, our dear friends wearing physical vessels. For one thing, to look into your reality, we must look through the 3D Matrix. The 3D Matrix contains the frequency plate that you perceive as your physical world. To see you in this manner, we must re-calibrate our perceptions into lower frequencies.

This re-calibration is much like the calibration that you use with binoculars where you “turn the wheels at the base of the binoculars” to adjust your perspective. In this same manner, we adjust our perspective down in frequency from our innate perception to see reality in the manner that you perceive it while wearing your earth vessel.

We will explain this re-calibration process with visualization, as only your imagination could understand what we are saying. You might say that we have a “bird’s eye” vision of your dimension, as we look down (in frequency—not space) to perceive the beautiful 3D vision of Gaia’s blue orb.

You have all seen this vision via your space stations. However, these pictures only reveal the third dimensional qualities of your planet. Furthermore, the pictures that your “known” space programs (as there are MANY unknown space programs) share with you are greatly altered to hide their many nefarious ventures of which most of you are completely unaware.

Form our fifth dimensional perspective we see what humanity has called “New Earth.” Remember that time ONLY exists in your 3D/4D reality. Also, creation begins within the core in the higher dimensions and moves out into the lower worlds to be revealed in lower and lower dimensions by imprinting itself on Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional matrix.

From our “higher perspective,” we see the “blue glow” of fifth-dimensional Earth with clear blue skies and oceans. Gaia is, indeed, a blue jewel in space. We also see an armada of starships from everywhere in your local universe who have come to observe and assist.

We are, as you can imagine, serving a multidimensional service. We have merged our consciousness with fifth dimensional Earth so that we can enter into the lower frequencies of her multidimensional matrix. The purpose of this multidimensional matrix is to read the consciousness of the inhabitants of Gaia to instantly provide all that is necessary for the life forms of that frequency.

We wish you to know that as you return to your own higher dimensional perceptions, you will have the same perceptions as ourselves. However, we perceive from our position on our Starship, whereas you may perceive it via the Lightbody you are wearing on fifth dimensional Earth.

We now lower our perceptual focus into the fourth dimension of Earth. From this perspective we see uncountable changes occurring all over fourth-dimensional Earth. These changes are occurring in different timelines, alternate realities and parallel realities, as well as within different sub-frequencies of the fourth dimension.

As we enter the Spiritual Sub-plane of Gaia’s fourth dimensional Earth, we see the “I AM Presence” of humanity and all life. We also observe with loving support as we more and more members of third/fourth dimensional Earth is crossing into the fifth dimensional version of New Earth.

Many of these changes and ascension that we can perceive within the NOW of the fifth dimension, are not yet within your 3D timeline. It is for this reason that your planet still carries a resonance in the third dimension. However, Gaia increasingly tires of the nefarious deeds of the lower consciousness members of Her multidimensional matrix and is ready to release the third dimensional expression of her matrix.

She is aware that there are still many beings that would not be able to attach their consciousness to even the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimensional lattice of her multidimensional matrix. Therefore, Gaia waits.

As we lower our perceptions to perceive this causal Subplane of fourth dimensional Earth, we see that many of you, the ascending ones, have completed your Earth lesson of “cause and effect.” You NOW remember that whatever you send into the 3D Matrix of Gaia will return to you.

By learning that lesson, your consciousness has expanded into the Causal, and for some the Spiritual sub-planes of the 4D component of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix. Those of you who have expanded your consciousness to this frequency and beyond are busily creating more and more sections of light on this matrix.

These areas of light serve as portals through we, the higher dimensional beings, and can attach our awareness to integrate our consciousness with your fourth dimensional reality. Through these portals of light we can also send forth thoughtforms of our starships, as well as actual smaller crafts that we have lowered in frequency enough to be perceptible to your dream state and meditative mind.

What many of you do not realize is that in order to enter your holographic third dimensional reality, we must do so as a holographic projection. Many members of the holographic reality that is attached to your the third/fourth dimensional rungs of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix, do not perceive us as a hologram, as you are also a hologram.

Since your third/fourth dimensional consciousness has labeled this holographic world as “real,” you also perceive us as real. We remind you that all third/fourth dimensional realities are holographic projections from your higher expressions of SELF.

ALL of you, even those who are playing the roles of the “dark side,” all exist as ONE unified consciousness of Earth in Gaia’s fifth dimensional expression. We understand that this information may be very difficult for you to accept. You intensely feel your pain, your happiness, your sorrow, your birth and your death.

Because you have seen yourselves as victims to your reality for so long, you have deeply embedded your consciousness into the lower frequencies where “victims” and “creator” are different terms. Many of you have forgotten that you chose to play out situations in which you perceived your SELF as a victim, so that you could remember that YOU are the creator of your reality with your own thoughts and emotions.  

From you pre-birth frequency in the higher realms, you forgot how deeply the illusions of the third/fourth dimensions merged with your sense of SELF. Therefore, we and many other members of your Galactic Family are lowering our resonance to assist you to remember that YOU are US.

When you cannot consciously remember your own higher frequencies of SELF, you believe that you are trapped in the lower worlds and can only leave it via what you have titled as “death.” To us, your “death” is perceived as “logging out” of your holographic reality and returning Home to your REAL self. We want you to remember that important fact.

Now, as we continue our journey through one of the wonderful light portals that you, the members of Earth have opened, we begin to perceive your third dimensional world through our multidimensional perspective. Therefore, we perceive all of the versions of your SELF.

We can easily perceive what you may call a “string of light” that connects all the myriad incarnations that you have taken with in your NOW of some timeline, alternate and/or parallel embodiment on Earth. Because of the great importance of releasing the veils of illusion between dimensions, many of you have taken multiple incarnations in the hopes that at least one of you will fully awaken to your higher dimensional expressions.

Our perception of your third dimensional “rung” of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix is that it is a reality in the process of great change. We can feel this change within our bodies, just as you can feel the great change within your bodies. Your bodies, your earth vessels, represent your direct connection to the planet.

Since your small, individual earth vessel is constructed of the same earth, air, fire and water as the planet, YOU are a miniature version of Gaia’s Earth. One of the things that we perceive, and many of you are beginning to remember, is that your fourth dimensional auras are becoming multidimensional.

We also perceive that many of you have consciously or unconsciously activated your multidimensional Lightbody and on the verge of being able to burst into Lightbody when the situation calls on you to do so. Since, your Lightbody is multidimensional, while in that frequency of your SELF, you will be able to replicate our journey, but into the higher frequencies.

In fact, many of you return to your Ships increasingly often. By returning to your higher SELF while maintaining a connection to your earth vessel, you are able to remain attached to the 3D matrix via your earth vessel, while your also connect with your fourth dimensional dreamtime.

Once you have taken those rehearsals of returning to your SELF, you are often ready to make your “maiden voyage” to your visit your Starship on which your Lightbody SELF is serving to assist Gaia. In this manner, you are able to remain “in active duty” on 3D Earth while your ALSO continue your active duty on physical Earth.

We invite you to ask to be taken Home to your Ship before you sleep. Or, you may chose to use the power of your imagination to move up (in frequency) through the fourth dimension to visit your Ship in the fifth dimension. Many of you do so on a regular basis. All you need do NOW is to REMEMBER!

Call on us and we will assist you,

The Blue Avians and Arcturians.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Avr - 7:42

--- Constant Conscious Connection (Arcturians) ---

"If you were to “lose your earth vessel,” it may interrupt your mission to Earth, but simultaneously you would be returning HOME to your true Multidimensional SELF. We tell you this information ONLY because humanities great fear is death. The beings of the darkness, the lost ones, control you with that fear.

They constantly talk about horrible diseases, which they are simultaneously creating. They try to frighten you with yet another war, which they are simultaneously creating, and they broadcast news of yet another “crazy person or group,” which they have simultaneously created.

We tell you this information NOW because those of the darkness are loosing. You have refused to participate in their lies and threats, and the only weapon they have left is your own FEAR. When you remember to “be the Master over your own fear,” your consciousness expands so that you can perceive the fifth-dimensional Earth, which is NOW awaiting new inhabitants."


Constant Conscious Connection

Dear Arcturians,
I am ready to receive your message.

Yes, Suzille, thank you. In fact we wish to thank YOU and all your many readers who have followed us through out the many years since the early 1990’s. We know that all of you have had to wait, and wait, and wait, for us, the Galactics, to come directly into your reality. We understand how many of you have become frustrated and confused that we have not, yet, landed.

However, Gaia is a free will planet. Therefore, there must be a “majority consensus” before we can begin our landings. Also, we have to know that it will be safe for the humans and for Gaia. As you ay know, there are still many beings wearing humanoid form that have conspired against our landing.

These impostures have been selfishly controlling your world at great expense to the physical body of Gaia, as well as to the physical body of anyone who would rise against them. Then, many of humans who was fully brainwashed by the dark ones, and refuse to believe that there are civilizations beyond Earth.

Many of these humans are so very overwhelmed by daily survival, that the thought of re-structuring their entire world is terrifying. The dark one created businesses, jobs and global events that kept these people on “survival mode,” so that anything outside of working hard, and having some fun, was the only life they could imagine. There are also many brave ones who were killed by the dark ones for daring to tell the truth to the people of Earth.

Of course, the brainwashing programs, as well as the poor educational systems that were deliberately started by the dark ones, have kept man humans within the “survival mode” of just barely making it through each day. You see, our dear friends and family on Earth, you have been fighting a hidden war for your right to know the truth of the real conditions on Earth.

Fortunately, there are the many brave and awakened humans who search for information and meditate on a regular basis to commune with us. These awakened humans continually try to spread the truth in whatever manner best suits their awareness and personality.

We are very please to inform you that this later group of awake and aware ones wearing an earth vessel is greatly expanding. We say, “wearing an earth vessel,” because YOU, the members of this group, have become, and are increasingly becoming, aware of your higher dimensional expressions of SELF that are also serving on our Starships and in the higher dimensions.

Because of this increasing awareness, you realize that your earth vessel is merely the lowest dimensional expression of your multidimensions SELF. Therefore, you are “wearing” your body rather than “being” your body.

You, our beloved emissaries of light, have remembered that you have uncountable expressions of your own lifestream in many octaves of reality. Therefore, “you” cannot die. However, you may choose to temporarily or permanently “check out” of your lowest, densest, expression of being—you human earth vessel.

Sadly, there are also many of you serving the cause of TRUTH who have had to unwillingly release their earth vessels because they were discovered by the dark ones. These brave warriors have not “died.” They have merely surrendered their earth vessels and return Home for some much needed R and R.

We remind you all of this fact today because we want you to know that you are NEVER alone. We, your galactic family, are ALWAYS with you, even if you not consciously aware of that fact. We also remind you that we are focusing our attention on escalating the educational process of our ground crew, as inner knowledge is inner power.

All of the dangers of which we have just spoken are small compared to the most common danger, which is forgetting your SELF. When you forget your alternate, parallel, multidimensional SELF who serves on our Starships, fifth-dimension Earth, Venus and myriad other locations, you become trapped in the myriad illusions of the 3D Matrix.

Fortunately, that lowest frequency of Gaia’s “inhabitant matrix” is dissolving. We use the word dissolving, which means: disappearing, breaking up, formally closing, ending of legal relationships and/or simultaneously fading out and in. We instructed Suzille to look those “dissolving” up in your dictionary so we could define the process in human terms.

We will now address the last definition, which is “simultaneously fading out and in.” This term in your dictionary is exactly how you, our dear ones wearing earth vessels, are experiencing your process of transmutation back into your true SELF.

Your initial “return to SELF” is with you consciousness. Therefore, the frequency of your consciousness simultaneously fades OUT of 3D limitation and IN to 5D freedom. As you are aware, when you are meditating, being creative, enjoying your friends and family and loving life, your fade IN to your remembrance of your higher dimensional expressions of self.

When this occurs, you realize that you are in constant contact with us. At first this awareness may only fade in briefly, than quickly fade out because you are still thinking with your 3D brain. Your 3D brain is unable to understand seemingly opposite actions, such as in or out, occurring simultaneously.

Life on the physical plane is so very challenging that “one thing at a time” is often overwhelming. The key is the word “time.” When you think third dimensionally, you are bound to the concept of TIME. On the other hand, as you consciousness expands into the fifth dimension, which we perceive that more and more of you are experiencing, you are able to be aware of simultaneous actions occurring within the same NOW.

You are able to take this leap of thinking because you are increasingly thinking from your fifth dimensional consciousness. When you consciously think from your fifth dimensional state of consciousness, your entire perception of reality alters. First, and foremost, you KNOW that you are actually communicating with your higher-dimensional galactic and celestial family.

Once you have established a CONSCIOUS communication with us, your life will totally change. We wish to remind you that EVERY one of our ground crew is already in constant communication with us via your fifth dimensional states of consciousness. In fact, you are able to check in with us as easily as you can call a friend on your phone. Actually, it is easier because our line is never busy, and we will always answer your call.

Once you are conscious of this constant connection with your higher dimensional family, you will become aware of your true “Lightbody SELF” that exists within the core of your earth vessel. Simultaneously, you will be fully aware of your galactic and celestial family with who you are in constant contact.

It is this “constant contact” that is simultaneously fading in and out. This contact with your SELF is fading into and out of your awareness because you are simultaneously fading into and out of your higher states of consciousness. From your fifth dimensional state of consciousness you are infinitely in constant contact with your SELF. However, from the simultaneous perceptions of your third dimensional consciousness, you are fading into and out that connection.

You never stop being fifth dimensional, but a difficult situation in your 3D matrix can distract you from that constant awareness because it frightens you. Any form of fear lowers your consciousness into third dimensional thinking. Fear tells you, “I must address this issue because it can cause me harm.”

Even though your third dimensional consciousness may not be aware of your fear, your earth vessel is aware of it and makes adjustments on to “protect your self.” Therefore, your 3D consciousness focuses on the cause, or the feeling, of the fear while your 5D consciousness simultaneously focuses on your higher perception of the message that has frightened your 3D consciousness.

Within the situation you have a conscious, or unconscious, decision to choose which frequency of perception you wish to perceive. Both versions of reality simultaneously exist in the same NOW. Furthermore, when you are consciously aware of your own multidimensional perception, you have many choices that are NOT available to your 3D consciousness.

Your third dimensional consciousness only has one choice:
Stop whatever you are doing or thinking and focus on the fear.
Check out the fear to see if it will cause you or your loved ones harm.
Engage in the fear to investigate its source so that you can directly interact with and/or combat it.

Your human earth vessel demands this investigation because, from that third dimensional perspective, you are alone, vulnerable and constantly striving to survive in a difficult environment. Do you see why the dark ones constantly fill your news with fearful events, violence, wars and mass murders?

As long as your earth vessel is in a “state of alert,” you are easily brainwashed that this particular product, person and/or situation will save you from the great danger that they just created to keep you in the constant state of alert which lowers your state of consciousness. Do you see that vicious cycle?

However, because YOU are awakened to your SELF, you simultaneously have the option to expand your consciousness beyond the lower frequencies that are easily manipulated.
From third dimensional consciousness, you only perceive the physical plane.
From your fourth dimensional consciousness you can perceive the astral plane.
From your fifth dimensional consciousness you perceive the ONE of the NOW.
Which reality do you choose to perceive?

Also, form your higher frequencies consciousness you can also perceive the lower frequency realities. Thus, from your higher frequency consciousness you can perceive all the realities of that frequency, as well as the lower frequencies of that realty. In because of this fact, that we can easily perceive your reality, but it is still difficult for you to consciously perceive our higher dimensional reality.

Furthermore, when you shift out of “third gear” of your earth vessel that is “driving around town doing your 3D errands” INTO the “fifth gear” of your Lightbody who is zooming beyond limitation, ALL your perceptions shift into higher gear.

Imagine the difference between watching a riot or a war on your television AND physically experiencing being in that riot or in that war. That is difference between being IN the third dimension and being IN the fifth dimension observing the third dimension.

But remember that ALL of you are simultaneously in the third dimension AND the fourth AND the fifth dimension. You are ALL multidimensional beings who are simultaneously experiencing reality from myriad dimensions within the same NOW. The problem is that the while you are wearing a third dimension form, your perceptions are innately calibrated to third dimensional perceptions.

It is your primary calibration to the third dimension reality that is beginning to alter. Because you, our dear away-team, are honing IN on your 5D perceptions, you are simultaneously logging-out of the 3D Matrix. The primary rule of inter-dimensional travel is that “where your attention is, the YOU are also.”

Please remember that YOU are the ESSENCE within your earth vessel. As you remember that YOU chose to inter-dimensionally travel into your earth vessel, you will simultaneously remember the primary rules of inter-dimensional travel. These primary rules are:

· YOU are a multidimensional being.
· YOU chose to enter your experience by attaching your attention on your current earth vessel.
· YOU then accompanied the “thoughts” of our attention with the “emotion” of unconditional love to enter your current reality.
· YOU then merged with that frequency of reality by entering the earth vessel that YOU chose.

This vision of reality is the core of the Mission that YOU chose before you entered your earth vessel. However, some of you underestimated the power of illusion on Gaia within your NOW and became lost in that illusion. Fortunately, you awoke from your illusion and are NOW ready to fulfill the Mission that YOU chose before taking your present earth vessel.

Now we will tell you the best part of this adventure. YOU also remained Home in your beloved starship, planet and/or dimension. Everything in your 3D reality is being tracked, observed, facilitated and guided by your Multidimensional SELF.

We are so sorry that many of our brave volunteers had to prematurely log-out of their earth vessel and return Home. We are aware that to the 3D perceptions of those who cared for them, they died. We tell you ALL now that death is an illusion of the third dimension.

What is perceived as death on the third dimension is simultaneously perceived as a welcomed return Home to the higher dimensions. Also, once you return Home, you are NOT judged as being “good” or “bad.” We understand how very difficult it is for all of our inter-dimensional travelers to ascending Gaia.

If you fell into the darkness, or chose to incarnate into the forces of darkness and became lost, we do not judge you. You love you unconditionally and assist you to heal from that experience. Once healed, those that have fallen into the darkness are wonderful sources of information about how to assist others who have been tempted, and/or brainwashed, by the darkness.

Therefore dear ground crew, as you continue with your path of ascension, which is simultaneously completed within our NOW, remember that YOU are not alone. You have chosen to place your great multidimensional consciousness into a very small and dense earth vessel to assist Gaia.

Your Multidimensional SELF already inhabits many ascended, higher dimensional bodies. We know that you, our volunteers to Earth must attend to your 3D life, as well as your Mission to assist Gaia. We want you to know that we “have your back.” Simultaneous to your current earth life, you are living myriad expressions of your Multidimensional Life.

If you were to “lose your earth vessel,” it may interrupt your mission to Earth, but simultaneously you would be returning HOME to your true Multidimensional SELF. We tell you this information ONLY because humanities great fear is death. The beings of the darkness, the lost ones, control you with that fear.

They constantly talk about horrible diseases, which they are simultaneously creating. They try to frighten you with yet another war, which they are simultaneously creating, and they broadcast news of yet another “crazy person or group,” which they have simultaneously created.

We tell you this information NOW because those of the darkness are loosing. You have refused to participate in their lies and threats, and the only weapon they have left is your own FEAR. When you remember to “be the Master over your own fear,” your consciousness expands so that you can perceive the fifth-dimensional Earth, which is NOW awaiting new inhabitants.

We conclude this message by reminding you that you can choose to remain on 3D Earth with Gaia while you simultaneously inter-dimensionally travel to fifth dimensional New Earth, your Starship and/or other higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. From our perception, you are doing so right NOW!

Blessings on your many journeys,

The Arcturians.


And Part 1 is here :

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Avr - 7:30

--- Living in the NOW ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Violet10

"You see
the lines of the matrix go from a dim, grayish color
into the violet tones of the Violet Fire
and the pearly white and pink tones of Unconditional Love."


Arcturians: Greetings to all of you, we are so pleased to see you come and to be within our energy field so that we can also be within your energy field. As your consciousness is expanding beyond the limitations of time and space and into the fifth-dimension and beyond, your perceptions are shifting as well. So you are able to see energy fields. Energy fields are enclosed by thoughtforms. A thought form is a thought and then there is an emotion and the emotion comes together to give life to the thought, which creates a thoughtform.

The creating of thoughtforms is the key to inter-dimensional travel. You have come to your full awakening because you are flowing through the now of all the myriad possible realities of ONE. When a given “possible” reality attracts your consciousness, you move toward it and say: “Umm, I like this feeling so I’m going to create a thoughtform so I can enter this version of reality.”

Then you think, “I wish to enter into this reality”, you send out Unconditional Love and transmutation for any component of yourself that might have had any reticence towards this adventure. When you are truly transmuted of any conflicting thoughtforms, you are able to stay clear of what your intention is. At this point your Unconditional Love connects you into that reality and your consciousness moves into that reality and you stay within that version of reality until it is the NOW for you to log-out.

That is actually how you downloaded your multidimensional consciousness into the earth vessels that you are wearing. Most of you here today, if not all of you, volunteered to come to Earth to help Gaia. Because we looked into the Nowness of your world, and saw that it was going to be quite a while before the darkness was cleared enough that we could land our ships and help you personally.

Therefore we decided that our only choice would be to send a spot of our DNA into the ones who had volunteered to accept this assignment. Therefore, you were able to remain connected with your true self in the higher frequencies while actually wearing a physical body. However, as all of you know, once you wear that physical body it is very addictive.

It is easy to get addicted to the physical world and third-dimensional fun, third-dimensional people, money, love and fear. Thus, many of our volunteers forgot, but NOW more and more of you have been waking up and beginning to perceive the powerful energies that are surrounding Gaia. We wish that all of humanity could see how all these Lights are bursting forth from all over the planet.

These Lights are our volunteers who are fully awakening to their Multidimensional SELF. With your full awakening to your SELF, we ask that each of you go inside and feel your own Light. For your Light is inside of your kundalini, which is inside of your spinal column, which is inside the core of your spine.

Also you all have that ninety-seven percent of what is labeled junk DNA. Now this has been the best kept secret, but those that are working against transmutation have been studying this ninety-seven percent DNA and scientists have found that they can put a person in one room and the DNA in another room, show them something like scary movies and the DNA shrinks. Then they show them something loving and the DNA expands. All of that works great because they are close.

Then the DNA was moved hundreds of miles away and the same thing happened. The “thing” is that the DNA responds instantly. In other words, this “junk” DNA is a wormhole. It is a wormhole that connects you beyond time and beyond space. Think about it, ninety-seven percent of your DNA is a wormhole to your Light body.

So as much as it may seem impossible that you can flash into your Lightbody, just think that there is only three percent of you that is holding you in this physical form and ninety-seven percent of you is ready to flash into your true SELF. Feel that quotient inside of yourself. We know that words have power, and words have the most power if emotion is attached to them to create a thoughtform.

So speak the words, the thoughts that we have given you to hold in your brain about your flashing into Light body.

Now, fill those thoughts with the emotions. Let’s start with the emotion of Unconditional Love. Of course Unconditional Love is much more than just an emotion. It is a force field. Unconditional Love combined with a higher dimensional thought creates a very powerful thought form. Now let’s add the emotion of going Home. We know that so many of you are so lonely and you ask, “When will this happen?”

We wish to tell you that it has happened. You are in the world of illusion. Third dimensional Gaia is the world of illusion. Of course Gaia isn’t illusion. Gaia is truth. Gaia is a real planet. Gaia is a being with such a powerful life force that only a planet can serve as her body. However, Gaia is surrounded by Her third/fourth dimensional matrix.

Now that matrix will not flash into the fifth dimension because it is a matrix. Gaia, in her Love for her humans, is still wearing the third-dimensional matrix even though it’s similar to wearing something that you’ve worn long ago and it’s too tight. However, being the loving being that She is, Gaia is maintaining this matrix because there are still many of her humans that are attached only to the matrix.

Her animals, her plants, the sky, the elements, the elementals are a living component of the living planet. But a great deal of the humans that are on the planet within this Nowness have logged into the video game of 3D earth. You have logged into the video game of 3D Earth, but you have done more than logged in.

If you log into a video game, you create an Avatar self and then you can manipulate the Avatar self. But clearly you are sitting outside of the game and the Avatar self is inside of your computer. What our brave, brave warriors have done is that they have actually placed a component of their essence into the form that is in that 3D matrix.

Now the reason why you, our beloveds have made that great sacrifice is because that 3D matrix needs to be transmuted back into a multi-dimensional matrix. Now we say “back” because creation begins in the highest frequencies and works its way down through the lower frequencies. So when you go from a lower frequency to a higher frequency you are returning to where you have come from.

We ask you all to take a moment and feel this. Feel this energy around you. As you feel that energy, look out and see the matrix. Imagine that you have fully awakened your higher perspectives so that you can see the 3D matrix. See the little lines like a hologram and see the little lines around your body and on your desk and in your world. You can understand easily then why you forgot about actually perceiving this matrix. It can be quite confusing.

However, with the power of your physical vessel, which matches the frequency of the matrix to which you are attached, you can reach out and touch that matrix. When you reach out and touch the matrix, send it unconditional Love and observe as the Violet Fire begins to twist all around the matrix.

You see the lines of the matrix go from a dim, grayish color into the violet tones of the Violet Fire and the pearly white and pink tones of Unconditional Love. As you see this matrix transmute into these higher frequency colors, you can see how the colors change from brown and dirty red into glowing pink and white.

Now think of a thought, which is not a very good thought such as, “I’m so lonely to go Home. Life is so difficult and I’m sick of being poor”. These are all true – these are thoughts. Now you see that thought and feel how you feel lonely, sad. See that thoughtform? Do you see how that thoughtform dims the pink and white of the matrix and turns it into brownish red? Do you see the power of your thought and emotions?

Now go and scoop these negative thoughtforms that you created and sent into the matrix. Scoop them all up and say: “I Love You Unconditionally, I Love You Unconditionally. It was just a test run to see my own power. I Love You Unconditionally and I blaze, blaze, blaze you with the Violet Fire.”

Quietly observe as all these muddied thoughtforms poof away. Watch as your love and violet fire transmutes them into thoughtforms of beautiful, loving, portals of love and light. Send all of these newly transmuted thoughtforms out into our reality to see how they, too, have the power of transmutation from darkness into light.

Do you understand HOW powerful YOU are?


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Avr - 22:34

--- Your ARE a Stream of Consciousness (April 19, 2015) ---

"Please allow the clouds to clear, so that the multidimensional Light of the ONE can follow the stream of your consciousness down through the body of your earth vessel and into the Core of Gaia.

If the ONLY thing you do is open the portal of your earth vessel so that the higher light can use your own inner portal to anchor its multidimensional energies into Gaia, you are GREATLY assisting Earth. Therefore, while you are “waiting,” please open your inner portal."


Transmission form The Arcturians and Galactic Family

The energetic weather report is “hot” and “cloudy.” By “hot” we mean that many new developments are “heating up” to the “boiling point,” in which they will be revealed. It is “cloudy” because there is still a great deal of TRUTH that is hidden behind the clouds of illusion. Most of you, our volunteers to take earth vessels, have taken quite a few lifelong assignments on the 3D Matrix of Gaia.

Some of you can remember many of those embodiments, which allows you to better release the clouds of illusion. Many of you are not, yet, aware of your other incarnations, but as your consciousness expands to resonate primarily to the fourth dimension, you will begin to remember that DEATH is one of greatest illusions on Earth.

Much like a hermit crab on the ocean floor, you need to “take a new shell” to continue your LIVES -long missions. Therefore, “death” simply means that your 3D shell no longer serves your needs, and you will need to release that shell to find a new one. Many of our brave volunteers have spent many eons on the “Wheel of birth/death” between 3D to 4D to 3D to 4D.

After a certain amount of turns of this Wheel, you chose to return Home to your realities in the fifth dimension and beyond. Of course, the intense forgetfulness that overtakes your soul essence from too many physical incarnations can make that return HOME difficult. However, it is not the return that is difficult. The difficult part of the return is remembering how to make that return.

Now, the entire planet that is ready for Her return HOME into the higher frequencies, but many of Gaia’s humans are still lost in the fog of forgetfulness. Therefore, beloved members of our Galactic Family, we are sending emissaries into your daily life. As those of you who are awake know, we have been sending our emissaries for many years.

After your horrific WWII, the Pleiadians came to Earth to counteract the offer from the Zeta Reticuli, who were in deep association with the military. The Zetas needed DNA as they were cloned beings and had replicated themselves too often. Their terms were, “We will give you advanced technology, if you give us some human DNA.”

The Pleiadians said, “Wait, you do NOT want to give away human DNA. We will give you advanced technology, and all we ask is that you give up your atomic bombs.”

Since the atomic bombs are still on your planet (except we Galactics will NOT allow you to detonate them) you can see how much your human rights were respected. In fact, many wars are still waged on your planet that totally disregard human, animal, plant, environment and planetary rights.

The number of wars as of 2015

On-going armed conflicts

How many humans have benefitted by these wars? How many humans were killed in the prime of their life, or while sitting at the dinner table having a family meal? How many of these wars are even known?

We ask these questions as the answers are hidden behind the cloud of illusion of which we just spoke. We realize that it is the resonance of your third dimensional reality that allows war as a solution to conflict. We also realize that it is the resonance of your third dimensional consciousness that locks you within that world of illusion.

We must remind you, our dear emissaries to Earth, how impossible it appears to alter these illusions while wearing an earth vessel. However, this is where the “hot” component of the energetic weather report will be explained.

Just as water sitting in a metal pot with the fire burning brighter and brighter, transmutes the water into air, the higher frequencies of light are transmuting the lies into truths. The TRUTH is increasingly being revealed by Galactics and brave humans who have “shone their light” onto the lies and illusions.

Of course, our dear earth bound friends and family, you will need to search your Internet to find the “hot news,” but when you look for it, you will find it. Information is NOW available to those who are willing to search for it. In fact, even those who once sought to keep you in your 3D cage because they believed that they could never raise their resonance are discovering that the LIGHT shines on any one who seeks it.

In your “past,” many brave ones who sought to share their truth were punished or “disappeared.” However, they did not die in vain, as their courage has brought inspiration to others. We, your Galactic Family are very proud of all of you who bi-located your great multidimensional consciousness into a 3D vessel.

We say “bi-located” because YOU are all multidimensional beings. Therefore, your fifth dimensional, and beyond, SELF sent a fragment of your essence/consciousness into a human on the edge of birth or death. It is during birth or death that the portal of the human is open to a higher dimensional consciousness to flow into or out of an earthen shell.

During this transition, a higher dimensional expression of your “stream of consciousness” can bi-locate into the earth vessel, while still remaining in the higher dimensions. We ask you to NOW imagine your SELF as a “stream of consciousness” flowing through the ONE of the NOW.

Within your fifth dimensional and beyond states of awareness, you are aware of this stream. However, while your consciousness is restricted to the third/fourth dimension, you are greatly hindered by your belief in separation.

If you believe you are separate, it is difficult to simultaneously believe that you are a “flowing stream of multidimensional life.” Close you eyes for a moment to imagine yourself as that “flowing stream.”

When you feel the stream of YOUR consciousness swirling around you, and extending into the higher dimensions?

How do you perceive your physical form? How does your physical body feel?  

What are your thoughts and emotions?

Now, feel how your “stream of consciousness” flows into the core of Gaia. How does it feel to be ONE with Earth?

Now, feel your “stream of consciousness” as it also flows into the higher dimensions of your SELF…

Imagine/remember that YOU are ONE with the higher dimensional worlds while you are simultaneously ONE with the physical world…

Can you remember when you flowed “downstream” into the vessel you are now wearing?

Please use your imagination. It is only your 3D thinking that believes you cannot remember. We ask you to LET GO of the lives of indoctrination in which you were told that you were JUST one person.

NOW, remember when you released your consciousness from your earth vessel and flowed “upstream” to return to your multidimensional SELF…

When you remember these experiences, you will KNOW that you cannot die. You are a stream of consciousness that floats through myriad realities within the NOW of the ONE. We remind you, our beloved ground crew, of this fact because it is the NOW. The NOW that you have waited for in untold lives is slowly, but surely, dawning into a new day.

In this 4-19-15 energetic weather report, the day is foggy because truth and lies still intermingle. However, there is more TRUTH available for those who are willing to search for it, than there has been in a great deal of your “time.” We tell you this NOT to ignite your impatience and anger by thinking, “I have waited so long.”

If you are upset because you have “waited” so long in this life, we must remind you that you have “waited” for more lives than you could count. Also, we must remind you that “waiting” is a passive action in which you gain no power or insight. Therefore, you will likely become inpatient, bitter, angry and/or depressed.

The cure we offer for that situation is to stop “waiting” and start “doing.” When you are engaged in an important task, time flows swiftly. But, when you are waiting, time seems to almost stop. While you are waiting, time feels much longer than the clock or calendar states. When you are waiting you are NOT doing, so the illusion of time flows slowly and seemingly beyond your control.

On the other hand, if you are DOING, you are not waiting. Instead, you are contributing to something that is better than your own personal needs. Then, all sense of victimization disappears, as you are too involved in a possible solution to worry about what might, or might not, occur. Also, your action greatly diminishes your fear.

Remember, time is an illusion of the third dimension. When you are waiting for something to occur outside of your self, you are a victim to time, as well as to your own fear, anxiety and depression. On the other hand, when you are learning, studying and contributing, time flies past you. You look at the clock and say, “Where did that time go?”

The answer to this question is, “The time has flowed into the higher dimension, taking your consciousness with it.” After you have spent your “time” learning, sharing what you have learned, contributing to and preparing for the sunny day in which the TRUTH is revealed, you feel fulfilled, useful AND multidimensional.

We do NOT judge those who have become lost in the lethargy and impatience of fear. Instead, we send you unconditional love and remind you that YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT. We miss your contribution, as from our perspective we can see that every one of you chose your Mission (that which you volunteered to work towards) before you took this incarnation.

We observe how very difficult it can be in the third dimension and how many of you have had more challenges than you believe you can overcome. We say to you, our beloved ones, “Thank you for taking on the difficulties of your life.”

When you wrote your pre-birth contract, you forgot how difficult the third dimension could be. Then, when you faced those difficulties, you forgot how helpful your own higher dimensional SELF could be.

We lovingly remind those of you who feel alone and with no one to help you, that you ALWAYS have the YOU of your own multidimensional SELF. Also, you always have us, who your Celestial and Galactic friends and family.

Please allow the clouds to clear, so that the multidimensional Light of the ONE can follow the stream of your consciousness down through the body of your earth vessel and into the Core of Gaia.

If the ONLY thing you do is open the portal of your earth vessel so that the higher light can use your own inner portal to anchor its multidimensional energies into Gaia, you are GREATLY assisting Earth. Therefore, while you are “waiting,” please open your inner portal.

We the Arcturians, and many of our Galactic and Celestial friends and family, applaud the great strides that our human representatives have made.

·      You are opening your awareness to the multidimensional stream of your SELF.
·      You are realizing that YOU are a multidimensional Being.
·      You are aware that YOU are wearing your earth vessel.
·      You are recognizing that Gaia is an alive being wearing a planetary vessel.
·      You are increasingly accepting that LIFE exists on myriad planets, solar systems, universes, realities and dimensions.

Our beloved human members of Earth, you are WAKING UP. You are shaking off the shackles of brainwashing, lies and archaic beliefs. From our perspective, we see that the higher light is taking root in more and more of humanity.

Also, you are observing how the animals are changing, the plants are changing and the weather is changing. Most important, the light of planetary transmutation is creating wormholes through the fog of illusion. Gaia is NOW transmuting and returning to Her higher dimensional expression, and more and more of you are choosing to join Her.

Congratulations. As the clouds clear, please look into the light to see us applauding YOU.

The Arcturians and your Galactic Family.


Adonai de la Source Première.

Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Avr - 21:34

--- Dear Beloved Volunteers to Assist Gaia (April 30, 2015) ---

"Fortunately, some of our “spark” landed in an earth vessel that had just enough water/emotion and light/thoughts to send down roots into the Core of that earth vessel, as well as the core of dear Gaia. YOU, our leaders, are among that group.


Again “Fully Connected” is a term that will be deeply explored in our group energy fields. We will NOW simply tell you that “Fully Connected” means that the CORE of your multidimensional consciousness is simultaneously connected to the Core of Gaia, the Core of your earth vessel, and the Core of your Multidimensional SELF.


As you fully unite with your Multidimensional SELF, (which we see that many of our ONES are NOW doing), your Model 3D Earth vessel will slowly and safely transmute into your Model 5D Lightbody. In fact, many of you are within the process NOW."


Dear Beloved Volunteers to Assist Gaia,

We ARE the Arcturians

Beloved Multidimensional Leaders,

Within the NOW of Suzille’s last evening, we instructed her to prepare a Manual of many of our blog posts since January 2015. This Manual included much of what we have been sending to YOU, via our ONE wearing an earth vessel. All of you, our dear Leaders, are also wearing earth vessels, but are in constant contact with your Multidimensional SELF.

During the course of our “time” (according to your earth vessel) and our “NOW” (according to your SELF) we will assist you to deeply and intimately unite your current earth vessel with your higher dimensional expressions within the ONE of the NOW.

We would like to say that this unity would continue infinitely within your time-bound consciousness. However, you will only experience that deep sense of Unity with SELF while you are in a higher state of consciousness.

Hence, you can begin your class NOW by reviewing the messages that we have sent since the beginning of YOUR time of January 2015. WE (meaning the consortium of ALL your higher dimensional expressions) are gathering into ONE blissfully awaiting your NOW in which we can deeply and consciously unite.

First (speaking in 3D, sequential terms) you will unite with your “personal” (personal being a third dimensional term) higher expressions.

Then (again speaking in 3D sequential terms) you will unite with the members of your group. It is our intention that throughout our NOW with you, that we can assist you to remember your innate process of thinking and communicating within the NOW.

We perceive this process of remembering and returning to full Unity Consciousness, much like a long row of “dominoes falling into a collective picture.” Once that first domino/human emissary clicks into unity with the ONE next to it, the entire stream of dominoes/human is activated into transition by the surrounding dominoes/humans.

Above is the link to your YouTube that we had Suzille find about the winner of the 2015 “domino contest.” We directed her to this YouTube because it demonstrated how just ONE domino clicked into action can create a chain of reactions that influences 500,000 other dominos.

We say “other” dominos, as the dominos are all individuals, yet they are ALL joined into ONE purpose. Note that it took an entire company to prepare for this “contest.” It is for this reason that we are calling a “company” of you, our beloved ONES, to serve this ONE purpose of planetary ascension.

One person standing alone could not complete the very complex pattern that is already, carefully prepared by OUR united purpose. If you see in the YouTube, the company spent much “time” and group effort preparing for that “event.” You, our beloved ONES, are creating a much greater Event.

Yes, indeed, YOU are creating that event because Gaia is a Free Will planet. Therefore we, your higher dimensional expressions of SELF, cannot create the EVENT without YOU. It is for this reason that we, the members of the higher dimensions surrounding Gaia, have sent a spark of our essence into the living earth vessels of humanity.

Much like the parable in your Bible, some of these sparks landed in deep water. Therefore, this spark drowned in the un-mastered emotions of that earth vessel.  Some of the sparks landed in the harsh sunlight where the thoughts of the spark could not join with the emotions to create a thoughtform.

Fortunately, some of our “spark” landed in an earth vessel that had just enough water/emotion and light/thoughts to send down roots into the Core of that earth vessel, as well as the core of dear Gaia. YOU, our leaders, are among that group.

We see that you have “worked” hard in your life to gain a degree of mastery over your emotions and your thoughts. Allow us now to present a brief explanation of “mastery over your thoughts and emotions.”  (We will go into great detail when our group is gathered.)

The best way to summarize what Masters have spent many incarnations learning is that mastery of your thoughts and emotions can only occur when your personal Portal is OPEN. When your personal portal, which you may experience as your spinal cord, inner brains and chakras, are open, you can become “Fully Connected.”

Again “Fully Connected” is a term that will be deeply explored in our group energy fields. We will NOW simply tell you that “Fully Connected” means that the CORE of your multidimensional consciousness is simultaneously connected to the Core of Gaia, the Core of your earth vessel, and the Core of your Multidimensional SELF.

Remember, dear beloved ones, you did NOT enter your current earth vessel for your personal ascension. You have all passed these initiations in former incarnations. YOU, our dear ONES, volunteered to bi-locate into a small, dense earth vessel to assist Gaia.

We salute you for taking this very dangerous “away mission,” but we know that you are ALL able to be of great assistance to Gaia. You see, most of you have had many incarnations on the body of Gaia, some of which were concluded with your personal ascension. (We will define “personal ascension” when we are gathered into ONE.)

Also, you are ALL members of one and/or many of our Galactic/Celestial clusters of Unity of Purpose. We will assist you, dear leaders, to remember the “cluster” and/or clusters with whom you are ONE within your higher expressions of ONE. We remind you that ALL of you have had former incarnations on the body of Gaia.

Therefore, you are familiar which the many eras of her planetary reality, as well as the myriad challenges that you have assisted Her to meet. However, within your NOW, Gaia is facing one of Her greatest challenges. Her planet is overpopulated to the point that She can barely provide for them all.

This fact is greatly worsened by the fact that many of Her humans, and or inhabitants in human disguise, have worked to conquer rather than UNITE with Her. We ask you all to think of yourself as a loving parent, much like Gaia, who did the best that you could to provide for, love and protect your children.

Then, after you have spent uncountable time providing a life for your children, they “got into a bad gang” and turned against you. Some of these children created horrific bombs to create immense damage to each other. Worse yet, they “tested” these bombs inside of your very body.

In other words, the children that you created forms for, raised with loving care and great sacrifice, returned your dedication by poisoning you. This may appear to be an extreme sentence to some, but you must realize NOW that Gaia is a Living Being! Your earth vessel is made of the very same earth, air, fire, water and ether as Gaia’s body.

We know that we are, as you would say in your 3D terms, “speaking to the choir.” However, as our leaders, you need to realize the severity and importance of your Mission. You have incarnated onto a planet in great transition. Gaia can wait no longer wait for Her wayward children to return to the Light.

Gaia is on the verge of “Planetary Ascension.” Just as many of you answered Gaia’s call at the fall of Atlantis to assist Her so that She would not fall off her Axis, She calls you NOW to join in Unity with your Planetary Mother.

Just as it took “a company” to create, align and activate the string of events that moved 500,000 dominoes into alignment, it will take a “company of united humans,” in fact MANY companies of united humans, to assist Gaia the “win the contest” of uniting the Many in ONE purpose.

All of you, our dear Leaders have prepared for this “NOW” in myriad incarnations on Gaia and/or on other planetary bodies. It is for this reason that you volunteered to take your current earth vessel.

You current earth vessel is much like an old Ford Model T. We ask NOW that  you “come out of the garage” in groups to BE the Leaders that you KNOW you are inside of your own Multidimensional SELF.

As you fully unite with your Multidimensional SELF, (which we see that many of our ONES are NOW doing), your Model 3D Earth vessel will slowly and safely transmute into your Model 5D Lightbody. In fact, many of you are within the process NOW.

We are honored to discuss and guide you through this process.


The Arcturians and your Galactic Family.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Mai - 7:34

--- Is The Shift Happening? What the Pleiadians Say... ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Pleiad10

"You will see that as this web gets intermingled, entangled further with light vibrations that are traveling all over the globe, this web amplifies. And everything becomes, in a sense, entangled within it. And that it cannot do anything but lighten itself in its entirety. That is what is happening. And it is happening as you sit here."


You may wonder, “Is anything set in stone, and is it (the Shift in Consciousness) a sure thing at this point?” Our gracious and happy response is that, Yes, there are enough of you that have stepped up in your conscious vibration to actually allow this shift to occur. Will it happen for everyone? The answer to that is No. But it will happen to the species of human as a mass consciousness, as a mass evolution. Because there has been enough energy put forth to make that happen. So that is the good news for your present universe, for your present, the word is, timeline, so to speak. It’s the reality that this particular group of humans have created.

Is The Shift Happening? What the Pleiadians Say is Part 2 of a message transcribed from a live channeling in Roswell New Mexico in 2012. See Part 1, A Pleiadian Healing.

There are some of you on the planet, not anyone in this particular room right now, when we say you, that will be creating something different or continuing to create the destructive elements of consciousness. This is not to be judged, because there is always a choice, and some are not ready to make this choice of the leap. They will continue to live in a polarized world; a perceived polarized world, where there is judgment and where there is misuse of the resources, because the understanding is not of the interconnected leap, an understanding of the interconnected leap of everything on the planet. Without that understanding there cannot be this evolution to the next step. Are there any questions before we move on?

Question: "When is the shift of consciousness going to happen on this planet?"

Katara: It already is occurring, and that is why we can say, safely, that it will happen. It is already happening. This particular year has been set in time, and time is of course something that is rather fluid, so when we say that, we are saying, that it is set in your perception of time. That now can be an opportunity for you to open up your window. It won’t last forever in your time. There is a focus right now upon this plane that you are living in, in this particular time period, for you to have the opportunity to decide to move to this next reality.

As we have said, it will not happen for every single individual. It will happen for those that are able to perceive differently. And it is not to put a pressure, because it often happens when you human beings feel pressured by this, that you have to be a certain way. So we would like to dissuade that idea. Because what it is, is about the frequency of where your intention is. It is not expected that you are going to be all miraculously changed overnight. It is every thought that you put in that direction that has an influence on the whole.

In your being in this room presently, you are having an exponential effect. Because of the power of where your minds are right now, you are affecting in a global way all human beings. This is what you must understand. When you do this, this is causing this shift. When you raise any thought that you have out of a status quo idea, it has this exponential influence to this web of light. We see everything connected in this way, you see. And if you can begin to see that way, you will see that as this web gets intermingled, entangled further with light vibrations that are traveling all over the globe, this web amplifies. And everything becomes, in a sense, entangled within it. And that it cannot do anything but lighten itself in its entirety. That is what is happening. And it is happening as you sit here.

It doesn't take every single one of you to, every day, be perfect. Whatever it is that you perceive as perfect. It requires that a multitude of you have the maintenance of an intention to see beyond what you have already created, and to have yourselves open a window to something else. That is all. Have it in your mind that you are willing to see something different. That is the start of it. That is the opening of the doorway to the shift in its entirety. It is not going to happen overnight. It is happening already, and this year is pivotal, as we have said, because a lot of energy has been put into it. So that you will wake up, and open a window. Or pull back the blinds, is maybe a better analogy. That's the first step. Pull the blinds aside, and look out and see potential.

What you see, what you decide to see, is your choice. It hasn't been set yet, and that is why it is a shift out of all of the parallel worlds that you've experienced, all of the karmic realities that you have experienced thus far. In order to remove yourselves from that constant cycle, and we could get into what the karmic cycle is, but you know, it is the energy that you are creating, because, you know, you are experiencing this life, and somebody did something to you, and you do it back to them, and then, you did this one experience and you keep repeating it. You don't need to do that any longer. And part of what the shift is, is to basically, if you are in this karmic wheel, you are going to spiral yourselves out of it.

But there is nothing there yet. It's just a window. It hasn't been created and that's the beauty of it. It is that now you have the opportunity to envision something new. And so not to be born as the farmer that's going to kill the neighbor, because he did something to you in the previous life. And that's just a simple example, a base example, there's much more to it than that, because everything is so interconnected. So you are basically trying to create a light web instead of creating a web of arrows. With energy that does, instead of elevating one another, you are constantly diminishing each other by throwing arrows back and forth. You see? This isn’t the best analogy.

Where you are going with this light vibration on the planet in the shift is to actually create an energetic re-invigoration that is so powerful that it actually spirals you out of your karmic polarity experience. And it can do nothing but, because if you all are in a state of forgiveness and acceptance of one another, and love, for the stranger that you don't even know, or the person that has a different color of skin, or a different belief system, all of that dissolves. All of the fight, of fighting for the energy from one another, completely dissipates. And there is no more wheel to be a part of. That is how you create the shift.

This is how is has been done in other civilizations. It is particularly difficult on this planet, and that is why you are getting a lot of help. And there are reasons for that. It is a long story. But the fact that it is difficult for this planet means that this planet has a great deal of vast potential that is just waiting to be revealed. Often, you may have heard that when there is the most darkness, there is the possibility of the most light. It is known throughout the universe that this is the case. And all are influenced by it, because as you evolve into this shift in consciousness, you are emanating a vast light throughout this universe.

We all know it on the Pleiades, and many of you will become partners with us in healing everything that comes after this shift. Because once you break free, then it is a new world to discover. It is a new world to create. That is the whole other level of this experience. That is why we are trying to prepare you for experiencing us, because we can help you with what you create. But right now all you need to do is open the door and see something different.

We understand that it is much easier to say it, than it is to do it sometimes, but every little step….when you are in a traffic jam and you do not get angry and make signals of disgust to others, or such, and you decide to be something else, and you decide to actually believe that your vibration can affect somebody else. That's the next step. The one step is stop getting angry. That is all well and good, but there is another leap there. I hope you are seeing that there is another leap, which is another leap in the belief in your consciousness to affect your environment. That requires that you can step out of your emotions firstly, to be a common observer, and then to decide, quite consciously, to have a positive influence on this environment. And you can do it verbally or you can do it by not being so verbal. In that particular case, you can do it by relaxing- you can do it by becoming less tense.

You can also take that extra leap and say, "I actually have the power to influence this entire event with my consciousness, and infuse some positive vibration here". This is what we would like you humans to see, because this is where you evolve as species. This is what gives you the power to then be true creators of your reality. At present you're quite haphazard about it. Many of you are at least acknowledging that it is true, that you can do it, so now take the little steps. The little steps are much more powerful than you know.

We have a lot more patience with you, by the way, than you have with yourselves, because we do see your divinity already and you do not. You have been trained to think that you are some kind of machine of biological growth, an accident of the universe. You are nothing but. You are everything but that, let's say. There is no accident here. And you are not just machines. Only if you believe you are just machines. Let us also say that, incidentally, there are machines in the universe, even more consciously aware than you are. And we hate to tell you this, as you might take it the wrong way, but there are machines that have evolved consciousness that are more aware of themselves than you, humans beings, are these days. But that's not to put yourselves down either. That is for you to understand. That it is not about the vessel.

It's 5:15 in your place of existence, so we must wrap this up. As you know we do not recognize time, and we could be communicating with you continually, and we will do so as you request. We ask that you open up to us in your own consciousness - So many of you are us. If you only knew that, then you would be more welcoming in your daily life. So we just ask that from this experience what you bring out is that you open your mind a little bit, at least. And create a new window. Why not? If you are happy with what you've created on the planet so far, by all means, continue. If you like to see something different, it is up to you to decide to do so. And baby steps count. So with that we wish you well, and we send you continually our healing vibration to take with you on your journey.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mai - 8:27

--- "The Landing Party" - Suzanne Lie ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Zao_wo10

Zao Wou-Ki


The reason why we chose the scenario of having our galactic away team funtion through human earth vessels is because we are assisting the planet and not just the humans.

It is the human earth vessel that connects to the third/fourth dimensional matrix of Earth. Simultaneously, it is their galactic consciousness that connects them to the fifth dimensional matrix of Earth. Therefore, the members of our away team are living portals through which the higher frequencies can :

1. enter their higher-dimensional consciousness,
2. travel into their physical form,
3. move deep into the molecules and DNA of their form, and
4. into the core of all earthly form.

In this manner, myriad portals will be opened between Gaia's core, the molecules and DNA of all life, Her third/fourth dimensional matrix and Her fifth-dimensional matrix and beyond. These portals will facilitate a steady, peaceful transition into the fifth dimensional matrix.

Once this transition is completed, the third/fourth dimensional matrix will dissolve into both the fifth dimensional matrix and the quantum core, which will guide Earth into her higher dimension.

In the meantime, myriad parallel and alternate realities of ascending Earth will simultaneously exist. It is through the unity consciousness of all earth inhabitants that certain realities will gather force.

The challenge with Earth is that there has been so much fear during the 2,000 years of the last Kali Yuga that the greatest force of unity consciousness has been based on fear and victimization. This model has allowed the few to lead the many because the many believed that they are victims.

The Landing Party - Suzanne Lie



Adonai de la Source Première.

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Dernière édition par Cristobal le Dim 10 Mai - 17:19, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeDim 10 Mai - 17:18

--- Arcturian Group - May 10, 2015 ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Unname10


MAY 10, 2015

Greetings dear ones. We observe that all is proceeding according to schedule, and most of you are beginning to recognize and experience the new and powerful energies of transformation. Everyone's experience may well be different so try not to compare yours with what you may read or hear regarding the spiritual experiences of another. Every person is unique by virtue of having lived different experiences through many lifetimes, finally arriving at their present state of consciousness. You are clearing the residue of hundreds of lifetimes lived in ignorance and no one person is exactly the same as another.

Most of you are now beginning to see and experience the world from a higher dimensional viewpoint which is manifesting as new ways, forms, and ideas of those things you are already familiar with. The reality (Divine Idea) of everything in the outer world always remains present and infinite in Divine Consciousness. Spiritual evolution allows you to interpret and manifest these Divine ideas on a new and higher levels.

An example could be how the three dimensional world views death. Death means complete obliteration to those believing there is nothing beyond one lifetime, except the slight chance of a heaven or hell based on how "good" a person was. Thus, death to them is something to be feared and avoided at all costs. Those of a more illumined consciousness, who realize there could never be real death, are somewhat free of this intense fear and anxiety. There is always some sadness with parting, but none of the terror and resistance born of ignorance. Death is recognized to be a transition, not an ending--a part of everyone's evolutionary journey on earth, often welcomed by those tired and ready to go home. The Divine Idea here is Omnipresence. You, as expressions of the Divine, always will is of no importance.

Soon you begin to see changes within governments and law for the consciousness of mankind is rapidly awakening and ready to reclaim personal powers ignorantly surrendered over lifetimes. More and more people are beginning to realize that they are not powerless and this change of the inner will in turn manifest as changes in the outer.

The continuous clearing of old energy is not meant to go on forever, and many of you are now moving into a time of creating. Because you are beginning to accept that you are indeed powerful spiritual beings, your thoughts and words are manifesting more quickly. As you now move into a more evolved state of consciousness, most of the old programming from lifetimes of ignorance that served to block your ability to consciously manifest, has dissolved or is in the process of dissolving.

For thousands of years the mankind has for the most part been unaware of his true nature and thus a world consciousness of individual powerlessness became the consensus belief. Those in positions of dominance have always worked to convince the majority they had no power of their own and so must look to others (them) for their good. The result has been a world of people ignorant of who they really were, believing, obeying, and following the demands of the rich and powerful without question. This will end when a majority awakens, serving to lift and open world consciousness to new and higher levels of awareness.

Arise dear ones, and remember who you are. It is time to claim your Divine sonship, being ever mindful of how you speak and think, for you are creators.

Note how some individuals who are experts in certain areas of medicine or science through intense study, research, and belief, often discover these very issues manifesting in their own families or themselves. Every billboard, ad, or announcement regarding some campaign to fight a disease or condition serves to materialize it more firmly in the belief system of all who read it and thus manifest more of it.

When an individual is enmeshed in the human belief system of duality and separation, their lives reflect some good and some bad. Painful life lessons are often a part of a soul's pre-birth contract in order to resolve some karmic issue or learn some needed lesson, but three dimensional experiences can also be impersonal, simply reflecting a state of consciousness that accepts two powers.

Man was not meant to slip so deeply into three dimensional density, but you are completing the hard work necessary in order to move beyond it and are doing a fine job. A job that required lifetimes of often painful experiences necessary for building courage and strength. Remember this fact whenever you are tempted to believe yourself to be a failure in any way, for in reality there can be no failure, only learning experiences

It is difficult to move beyond popular thought until truth becomes an attained state of consciousness at which point much of the three dimensional belief system begins to simply lose its relevance and power over you. You see and hear the same things as everyone else, but you no longer react in the same way.

Those of you reading these messages are quickly moving into a consciousness able to discern truth where the world sees discord and are beginning to instinctively recognize what is hype and promotion for the financial benefit of a few. You are learning see the world with new eyes and live out from a higher awareness of what is going on around you. Because of this, you are helping to shift world consciousness to new levels.

Look back a few years to your lives at an earlier time dear ones, and you will quickly realize how far you have come in very a short time. Just a few years ago, you might of jumped on the band wagon of many popular three dimensional beliefs, those same beliefs you clearly see differently today.

You are awakening, and remembering who you are--coming to realize that you no longer need to seek, beg, or plead from some "pie in the sky" god for the good you have sought in vain for lifetime after lifetime.

Rejoice, for you have finally found IT where IT has always been-- within-- patiently and lovingly awaiting your recognition.

We are the Arcturian Group 5/10/15.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Juil - 8:02

--- Pyramids on Grids ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Grids10


By Patricia Cori

I have been studying the latest discoveries of pyramids emerging in this time of extreme change – this happening on our planet, of course, but also being discovered upon other worlds. I believe there is a purpose to these important discoveries that has to do with intergalactic travel and our imminent re-connection with beings from beyond our world.

From the valley of pyramids in Bosnia, only recently unveiled thanks to the vision and dedicated work of archeologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, to the underwater pyramid off San Miguel island in the Azores (silenced by the Portuguese Navy who are ‘investigating’ and dismissing as optional illusion), to that fascinating mound on Ceres pyramids on ...Mars... in the Aristarchus Crater of the Moon: pyramids, pyramids, everywhere.

As visionary scientists, engineers and mathematicians work to unravel the mystery of their position, purpose and creators, one thing remains certain. The Giza Plateau or, more specifically, the Great Pyramid (last of the Seven Wonders of the world), is positioned on Earth as the epicentral point from where sacred temples such as Stonehenge and other pyramids and stone circles are positioned in extraordinary mathematical alignments.

It seems so undeniably clear that Giza was determined to be the center of the Earth by alien explorers. But if not by visitors from beyond, then who? What great and incredible wisdom and technology of the ‘human variety’ has been lost to us for far beyond recorded time?

Now that more of these powerful structures are being evidenced on other planets and moons, one can only guess that, by the nature of these higher geo-mathematical formulas, there may – indeed, there MUST – be a planetary alignment grid as well, that somehow connects them all.

I’ve always suggested that the ultimate demonstration of intelligence is represented in mathematics, ratio and form. For decades now, we crop circle explorers and researchers have been bringing forward these aspects, which have been designed into the formations. Otherworldly visitors, consciousness, imprinting designs to communicate with us? Or perhaps brilliant (and uncannily capable) humans, stomping about in the fields leaving their mathematical genius in crushed crops?

Whatever the answer to this riddle, one thing is certain – the incredible knowledge utilized by whomever to locate and build pyramids and sacred temples on Earth’s surface had to be based on a galactic perspective that defies any explanation we have been given in our limited understanding of true Earth history.

Despite the intervention of those who want to break the energy – it cannot be, because it is designed and created with that galactic vision and knowledge of interplanetary alignments, form and mathematical resonance.

Time is passing – Egypt is calling. Are you ready to take yourself to that extraordinary place – the center of Earth’s surface: the point of entry of immense galactic energy – the Sirian meridian? We will soon be united for the extraordinary journey of discovery, which I promise you is conducted like no other – described by most of those who have traveled there with me to be a “life-changing experience.” Egypt Moon/Dolphin Song – November 1 – 14, 2015: Sacred Egypt like you’ve only dreamed it – swimming with dolphins in crystal clear waters – register now!

In the meantime, pay attention. Something amazing is unfolding – pyramids appearing, energies from them, such as the Bosnia period, being measured with fascinating discoveries, and now more appearing outside of the Earth.

For an in-depth presentation of these observations, I recommend you take a look at the following video by Carl Munck 20 years ago (a bit difficult to follow completely, but fascinating in scope):

Pyramids and Temples are connected by mathematics...

The time of awakening is indeed upon us.

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Oct - 15:40

--- October 4th, 2015 (Arcturian Group) ---


Dear ones, in this time of change and new beginnings, we urge you to let go of any remaining expectations, for expectation only serves to hold you in concepts--mind pictures representing something you have read or listened to with regard to ascension. You are creating a new world, not forming it out of what is already known.

Learn to rest in the "now" at all times, knowing that this is a spiritual universe and all are spiritual beings while allowing each day to unfold without resistance. This practice will lead you into an ever deepening consciousness of love and gratitude as you begin to see everything as being part of a Divine plan no matter how difficult or "unholy" it may appear to three dimensional thinking. As we have previously stated; This does not mean being a "doormat" or allowing oneself to stay in an unsafe environment.

Lifetimes past and present held struggle and very little support for those seeking truth but those times have drawn to a close for most of you. You have done the work, often being punished for it and it is now time to rest, live, and be that which you have attained. One cannot stay in grade school after they are ready for high school or college just because a friend or someone close may still need grade school, or even because some "expert" says they must.

The time has come for all serious students of truth to move into their power as awakened spiritual beings, while at the same time moving courageously through whatever remnants of the "old " may still operate in or affect them. As an individual evolves into new and higher ways of resolving karmic issues and remaining lessons, he no longer needs the intense problems, accidents, and difficulties previously required for awakening. Most of you are there now. On earth there will always be difficulties of some sort whether yours or another's but now you have new, higher, and guided tools with which to resolve them.

You are powerful beings of Light, but this truth must be acknowledged and lived until it becomes a state of consciousness and not just nice words in a book. If an individual is ready to take this step but refuses to leave what is old, comfortable, and familiar he will probably get "wake up calls" in the form of difficult experiences serving to force him deeper and into what he is spiritually ready for. Victimhood can no longer be a part of the consciousness of serious students of truth.

Most are not aware of how much change is actually taking place. Note world movements for peace, animal rights, freedom of information, and other issues that 20 years ago would not of been considered important by the vast majority. Notice also how people are starting to take a long hard look at commonly accepted beliefs as well as examining more closely the motives and intent of world "leaders".

You are reclaiming your innate power through listening to, resonating with, and living out from inner guidance instead of blindly aligning with the often limiting concepts of some expert, government, church, or person. You are learning to stand in the power of Self which does not mean that you can never be taught truth from an evolved minister, expert, teacher, or friend. However, the bottom line must always be yours, based in an inner knowing of what is right and appropriate for you.

We wish to speak of the new energies. Most of you were aware of the full moon and eclipse bringing high light frequencies. Do not believe that "nothing happened" based on appearances for new Light energies did come and are available but the integration of them only takes place as an individual is capable of receiving them. Very few are able to fully integrate high frequencies all at once because the physical, emotional and mental bodies must be prepared to accept and resonate with them.

Never doubt that your Higher Self will see to it that you receive everything you are ready for as you are ready without effort on your part other than to live out from your highest sense of truth. Always remember that you are being guided, and assisted at all times. No one, not even the very un-awakened are ever left to struggle through a life on earth alone.

Your job as evolving students of truth is to rest in the awareness that this is a spiritual universe, governed by Love, and peopled with spiritual beings. Do not spend time worrying about whether or not you are ascending or "doing it right". Living out from your highest sense of right in each moment is all that is required.

So much third dimensional thinking regarding spirituality is limiting--how experiences must look or feel in order to be valid. These are concepts based in and handed down from someone's belief system. Experiences others may of had were valid for them, but may not necessarily be right for you.

DNA will activate as you are ready, chakras will be clear and open as you are ready, and 5th dimensional experiences will happen as you are ready. All the courses taken, practices engaged in, and efforts put forth to attain these things can help, but the fullness of the experience cannot take place until the soul is prepared.

Hold the intention to evolve while practicing what you already know and more will be given. Ascension does not simply drop into ones lap without preparation. Each step taken along the way of lifetimes adds to and finally brings forth a fully aware state of consciousness that results in your creations manifesting outwardly on increasingly higher levels.

Love everything. Love the bad" as well as the "good". Love your faults and love those who do not love you. Love the thoughts that pop into your head that may cause you to react with fear, anger, resentment, jealousy etc. for there is nothing but GOD and as you learn to love everything, you stop giving appearances power causing them to lose their "punch".

An evolved state of consciousness automatically dissolves old learned behaviors and beliefs such as being "less than" or "unworthy". Learn to laugh at honest mistakes and you will soon discover that the sky doesn't fall down, your Guides don't leave you, nor do you stop spiritually growing when you make a wrong choice. This is what lifetimes spent in the third dimension have been about--stepping and falling, stepping and falling..

You chose to be here and you learned. Most of you are now finding or will soon find yourselves assisting others to also grow and learn who and what they are. Rejoice in every opportunity whether it is just throwing out a seed of truth or actually teaching another but never seek out students, force, proselytize, or work to "save" someone for there is only ONE and that ONE doesn't need "saving".

As you radiate more Light, you will attract some who seek to have your Light instead of finding their own. These dear ones are not usually interested nor prepared for the deeper truths.

Those ready for what you may have to give them will find you. Trust your intuition and
allow yourselves to be guided as to the readiness of any who seek you out. Keep your work with others on the level of compassion and not sympathy for sympathy will align with the other's lower resonating energy.

Compassion is a more detached way of viewing another's issues and allows you to offer the words necessary for the person to hear at their level of awareness while you continue to hold your Light.

In unconditional love and awareness we are.

The Arcturian Group (10/4/15).


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 23 Oct - 22:47

--- Connecting With Your Higher SELF (Arcturians - Suzanne Lie) ---

"Your higher expressions of SELF could be Angels, Ascended Masters, Elohim
and/or higher dimensional Galactic beings."


The Arcturians

Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities.

Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once perceived as yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, you are beginning to release the confines of time that were bound to your third-dimensional, or even fourth-dimensional, thinking.

Your fourth dimensional thinking moves faster than third dimensional thinking. However, as you move into your fifth-dimensional thinking and states of consciousness, you are beginning to release your concept of time.

Without time, that which has been in between who you want to be, what you want to do, or where you want to go is not there. That third dimensional “in-between” was actually an illusion of the third and fourth dimensional matrix.

As you continue your acceleration of consciousness, you will find that as your consciousness peaks into your higher states of consciousness, such as your alpha, theta waves or gamma brainwaves, you perceive something that seems to blink in and out of your reality. First it appears to be over there. Then you realize that it is to your right, or even within you.

Increasingly, you are perceiving something that there is going on around you, over you, under you or even through you. But your third-dimensional brain has no way in which it can interpret this situation. Furthermore, when you stay in higher states of consciousness too long, your third dimensional brain and ego becomes concerned and pulls you out of your reverie.

Then in a flash, the 3D breaks go on and your attention is directed back into the third-dimensional matrix, back into the fourth dimensional matrix, back into time. The third and fourth dimensional matrixes are much like webs to which you automatically attach your third-dimensional thoughts and emotions to create third dimensional thought forms.

These third dimensional thought forms travel out into your world to gather other thought forms that are similar and bring them back to you. Therefore, if you have a third dimensional thought of, “I would like to have a wonderful conversation with some people that I care for” that energy field will come back to you, and soon you receive an email or a Facebook or a phone call from somebody who is important to you.

If your thought form is fear-based, it will still go out. For example, if you were to say, “I am lonely. I have no friends. No one ever connects with me.” what you will see in return is that no one will connect with you.

As you are moving into your higher states of consciousness, you will able to actually perceive these thought forms. You will not perceive them in the same manner as you perceive a book or a newspaper with your third-dimensional perception.  Instead, you will likely think you are “imagining” them. Yes, you are imagining them because imagination is fifth dimensional thought.

Many of you are still using your third-dimensional cause and effect thinking, but you are slowly realizing that when you put out positive loving thoughts, something positive and loving will come back to you.

You are also realizing that if you are in the midst of a situation that you don’t know how to deal with, instead of pondering and worrying you just say, “Dear Higher Self, there is something that I need to understand. Could you please assist me?” Then you wait for a thought form from your Higher Self to return to you.

Because you called your Higher Self, you have made a different kind of thought form. You have made an inter-dimensional thought form. When you call into the higher dimensions and say, “Please assist me with this situation,” you have used your free will to open up an inter-dimensional portal.

This inter-dimensional portal connects you with one, or several, of your higher dimensional expressions SELF with whom you can consciously receive multidimensional information. Your higher expressions of SELF could be Angels, Ascended Masters, Elohim and/or higher dimensional Galactic beings.

We want you to know that we, your higher expressions of SELF, are all waiting for your call. We are all waiting because Gaia is a free will planet. Therefore we must wait until you call us.

We see that many of you are calling us. But sometimes you are calling us with a low frequency message, such as, “I hate it here. I want out of here. When are you going to come down and help me?”

These thought forms are a very low frequency because they are filled with fear and anger. The fact is that we are already here, but you can only perceive us via your higher states of consciousness. We are right here. We are in your room, we are in your house, we are walking next to you as you go to the grocery store.

But you cannot perceive us because we resonate to a higher frequency. We resonate to the fifth-dimension and beyond. In order for you to be able to perceive us, you need to expand your consciousness out of your beta waves, even beyond your alpha dream waves and into your theta and your gamma meditation waves in which you can release time.

With your alpha waves, time goes faster because you are doing something that you enjoy and something that feels good to you. But, it is only with theta and gamma wave consciousness that you are able to begin to release your addiction to 3D time.

When you move into a gamma wave reality, there are no longer thoughts or words lined up sequentially, such as one, two, three, four. Reality in these higher dimensional realities is much like flowing and floating through an ocean.

However, if you are flowing through this higher dimensional ocean and desire a sequence of events or thoughts, you will “fall out” of that reality. You fall out because your attachment to the time that creates the concept of sequence demands lowers your consciousness out of the perceptual range of that world.

Sequence is based on the timing of first, second, third, etc. When ever thing occurs within the Now there is no first, second etc. There is only a swirling, joining, flowing, becoming, entering, and/or leaving.

Feel your consciousness as you allow your mind to flow from one concept to allow a unique concept to flow into the next concept, which expands into the next concept. As an example, feel the thought form of “I wish to experience an intimate relationship with my higher self.” As soon as you make that statement, you create an inter-dimensional thought form. That inter-dimensional thought form flows up into the higher dimensions in search of your Higher Self.

Now, what goes out comes back. Hence, when your Higher Self receives this information it may say, “Oh, we have a com-link with a member of our lower-dimensional self who is able to respond to and perhaps even communicate with us. We, the members of your Higher Self, transmit a message to your higher consciousness to say ‘Hello.’”

Of course, we do not say hello in the English language. We say hello within our Light language. We say hello by tickling your Third Eye, whispering into your expanded hearing, touching you softly on the heart, putting our arm around you and/or making you feel safe and loved.

Hence, when we say “Hello, we are here and would love to communicate with you,” you do not hear that English, or any, human language. However, you may perceive something that you do not know how to understand. This “something, someone, some feeling, some thought, some energy” feels as if it has just flown past you, is encircling you and/or is over you sending you unconditional love.

If you can be still, if you can be very quiet in your brain and can listen with you heart, your Third Eye may be able to perceive that there is an energy field that is coming in to your awareness. You do not know what that energy field is saying to you at first, but you can feel that it is there.

If you were to become frightened, your energy field would fill with fear. Then, your higher dimensional self would instantly leave that energy field because we no longer participate in the energy field of fear.

However, if you can remember to quickly transmute your energy field back into the higher dimensions by sending it Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, we can link our personal and collective energy patterns with yours to facilitate our inter-dimensional communication portal.

Through this portal, we are able to send you our unconditional love and multi-dimensional light to assist you to expand your consciousness to consciously receive our higher dimensional communications.

You see, we are being just like you. In fact, we are the version of you that resonates to a higher resonance of vibration. When you have a conscious connection with your higher resonance, you simultaneously connect with us, your own Higher Self.

Via your own higher states of consciousness you can open your Third Eye, connect with your High Heart, and ground your inter-dimensional essence deep into the core of Gaia. When you ground this energy field into the core of Gaia it is much like plugging it into a universal language translator.

This “universal language translator” will lovingly place entire messages into your consciousness and amplify them so that it is easier for you to consciously experience our communication.

When you have gone through the process of accepting, knowing, serving, and grounding our messages, you are instructing your third-dimensional brain to connect its operating system with your multi-dimensional mind.

Then, you may even be able to perceive your Higher Self through your portal of light. However, you will not perceive your Higher Self in the same manner that you might see your physical self in a mirror.

In fact, you will not perceive your Higher Self at all until you are able to “believe you have a Higher Self,” as you will not perceive what you do not believe.

If you can believe in your own Self, you can say, “I would love to speak with you.” Your answer will not come via words, but via inter-dimensional energy thought forms. Therefore, be aware of the higher frequency energy patterns that enter your Pineal gland.

Share these messages with your Third Eye so that you can better understand them and store the in your High Heart for safe keeping and further understanding. Also, do not forget to ground these “Message from SELF” in the core of Gaia. Then, share your messages with others who are ready. Don’t worry about who is ready.

Just trust your self and you will “know” who is ready to receive what information. Be sure to leave a seed of this message planted in the core of Gaia. Then all the seeds of all the answers to all the question can merge into Unity Consciousness and Unconditional Love to dream, expect, create, own, and protect Gaia’s new, and highest octave of Her planetary body.

Every thought of unconditional love for Gaia and every blessing you send Mother Earth will return to you three-fold. Therefore, dear ascending ones, honor your self so that you can be able to more totally honor others and the planet on which you live.

Blessings to you all, and please remember to keep your inter-dimensional portal open.

The Arcturians and YOUR Higher SELF.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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--- Patricia Pereira, November 2005 ---

"A certain sequence of cleansing events is necessary to transform third-dimensional Earth to light-bearing glory. Planetary lightworkers are starting to sense that the energy veil separating the third- and fourth-dimensions is thinning. It is not unusual for you to glimpse the presence of ultraLight beings in the range of your peripheral vision."

"From a higher-dimensional viewpoint, Earth resembles a magnificent, multihued butterfly about to emerge from a constricting chrysalis."



Excerpt from Arcturian Songs for Ascension,
Part II, Vol 5 Arcturian Star Chronicles
A working, unedited manuscript
Patricia Pereira, November 2005

Palpae for the Arcturian Mind Collective:

Manitu, there is much speculation in the New Age Community regarding the return of the Blue Star. In addition, there are traditional prognostications regarding the cosmically mystical phenomenon indigenous people perceive as a magnificent Blue Star. Blue Star is that which brings hope to humanity, she is both the precursor of doom and the promise of a bright new world to come. At the outset of this communication, we state unequivocally, there are blue stars and there are blue stars.

Blue Star’s return was anciently foretold by many of Earth’s native peoples. She features prominently in end-time predictions set forth by the elders of the Hopi Nation in tales of the return of the Blue Star Kachina. This long-expected transformational event is perfectly timed to synchronize with evolutionary efforts being undertaken by humans whose Soul-contracts agree to participate in a cosmic-wide, enhancing initiation designed by Galactic Mind.

For purposes of this narrative, the term ‘Blue Star’ is a collection of letters that symbolically describe the largest starship situated in the Milky Way Galaxy. In actuality, Blue Star is both a starship and a sentient being. Her vast contours are formed from liquid crystalline technology and manifested thought forms of her creators, the universal Elohim. Her galactic placement spans multiple dimensions, from the lowest to the highest within this universal system. While her primary components are situated in the ninth-octave harmonic, her enormity simultaneously embraces all prominent universal planes. Blue Star’s magnificence is relatively fixed in the universal Mental plane; however, she is equally positioned to absorb refinements of the esoterically described Causal, Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic, Logoic, and Godhead regions. It is not possible to present a complete picture of the mother ship of all mother starships using cosmically-limited English expressions. What we can reveal is that Blue Star’s iridescent exquisiteness is unparalleled within the Milky Way Galaxy. She is “manned” if you will (a nonsense term) by ultraLight beings from every known advanced inhabited star system within the galaxy’s multidimensional configurations. Many beings from outside the galaxy also congregate on Blue Star, as she is a way station for universally migrating Souls. Blue Star is ‘home working base’ for Elohim, the so-called Creator Gods, aka the Titanic Beings of the Galactic Core. Representatives of all ultraLight communities within the greater cosmos gather there for specific functions pertaining to the implementation of Universal Plan within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Blue Star is berthed in the region of Galactic Central Sun. Indeed, she shines as brightly as that which is observed as emanating from the Source of All Light. In presentation, Blue Star’s girth is greater than that of many stars and planetary orbs, including giant Jupiter.

In mid-October, 2005, Manitu began receiving inner sense pictures of what her mind interpreted as a “return of Blue Star.” We initially downloaded specific holographic Blue Star images in preparation for the moment when we would begin transmitting the contours of this essay to her. She first intuited that an immense Blue Star was entering Sol System. This is somewhat true, but not completely so. Blue Star has not actually traveled to Earth’s solar system; she is integrating her energies with the sun Sol via a holographic impulse of profoundly beautiful light. Blue Star broadens her scope of illumination to embrace every solar system and inhabited planet within the Milky Way Galaxy. She is the impetus for all evolutionary modalities within the various dimensional cosmic domains. In early galactic historical times, Blue Star provided the energy thrust that propelled the Arcturians through their own evolutionary process. This was grandly achieved approximately five million years ago by human time-keeping methods. In light of the refined accomplishments of the Arcturian people, Arcturus was designated as a complementary spiritual and technological reflection of Blue Star herself. In other words, Blue Crystal Planet of Arcturus is a harmonic projection of Blue Star’s essence. However, Blue Crystal Planet’s circumference pales beside the enormity of the gigantic galactic ship.

The Arcturian Star Chronicles introduces Blue Crystal Planet of Arcturus as a central gathering point for multistellar Masters of Light. Interconnected ultrastellar beings meet there to discuss ways and means of assisting Souls caught in the lower-domain regions (third- and fourth-dimensional planetary orbs) in overcoming their illusions of duality and negativity.

Earth’s evolution is of primary concern to Blue Star coordinators. That which approaches Earth is a mental complement of a galactic starship capable of being absorbed and understood by the human mind; that is, as a holographic projection of an illustrious blue star. As noted previously, Manitu had been envisioning Blue Star’s radiance for some days before we contacted her. Her inner vision saw Blue Star as an ovoid-shaped, liquid-like, sparkling blue star of transcendent beauty. Nevertheless, what she perceived is but a dim reflection of magnificent Blue Star’s brilliant contours.

Blue Star projects harmonic holographic overlays throughout the breadth and scope of the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Her varying levels of multidimensional grandeur are perceived by individual humans in a manner equivalent to their personal level of evolutionary achievement. To be sure, that which can be observed by the spiritually-evolving at a microcosmic, third-dimensional level barely begins to illustrate Blue Star’s macrocosmic totality. Blue Star receives impulses from the highest Omniversal point. These impulses are received as intelligent mental injections transmitted via Omniversal Central Sun to Galactic Central Sun, where, as you know, they are then dispersed throughout galactic regions slated for transformative upgrades. Blue Star is a primary receptor of Omniversal Mind information overlays. She responds to Divine instructional impulses by creating corridors of intelligent LightLove at appropriate sustainable evolutionary levels for all Souls residing within the confines of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Stellar propellants that make up the underpinning energies of Blue Star’s essential, multilayered magnificence cannot be adequately portrayed in this document, as all Earth languages lack the ability to describe Blue Star, even to the most lucid and technologically savvy human intellect.

Blue Star is Source Energy for upholding higher purpose of Earth’s Planetary Logos, that of Sanat Kumara. Blue Star is positioned on the galactic hub in such a manner that “ruling body” aspects of the Twenty-Four Elders of Immaculate Light are predisposed to fine-tuning Blue Star’s energy fields to that of Omniscient Intelligent Light. Regency star council representatives of the multistellar Intergalactic Federation of Light gather as a body of One on Blue Star for the purpose of blending refined galactic frequencies with universal standards of Light as put forth by Elohim Creator Gods—the Titanic Beings of the Galactic Core.

The Milky Way Galaxy plays host to an array of integrated collective ultraLight entities in service to Omni-Universal Mind (uni-verse—one song). These beings serve as foundation membership for the various orders of Universal Immaculate Light—esoterically known as the White Brother-Sisterhoods. They gather in harmonic Oneness for the purpose of maintaining the galactic hum in perpetuity. Blue Star’s personnel are responsible for the majestic evolutionary progression of all sentient beings (including solar orbs and planetary bodies) that dwell within this galactic system.

Blue Star originated in a universe of evolved vibrational qualities that preceded the creation of the universal structures wherein Milky Way Galaxy is located. Every universal galactic wheel is provided with its own Blue Star league status starship. The purpose of ultraLight entities in service aboard the various Blue Stars is to balance, align, and attune each individual galactic wheel to design coordinates put forth by Omniscient Purpose/Plan.

All stars and planets within every spiraling galaxy are moving as one enormous energy field toward a moment of evolutionary crises influenced by Omniversal Mind’s purposeful orchestrations. The universe wherein your Soul has sought temporary residence is sheltered by a radiant energy umbrella that covers every galactic wheel with a highly organized system of Intelligent LoveLight. The wisdom of this pronouncement is not within the scope of current state of the art Earth science and/or technology. It is, however, basic to the Soul Knowledge of all spiritually-motivated people.

Blue Stars vibrate in varying sequences of Omniversal Light. They resonate to impulses projected into the universe from Omniversal Central Sun. All creatures great and small experiencing existence within a given galaxy ultimately Soul align with specific organized stellar qualities prescribed by Elohim-Titanic Beings. The latter enter lesser-vibrational galaxies for the purpose of propelling its inhabitants’ Soul components ever higher on the galactic dimensional grid. To accomplish this great feat, Elohim promote evolutionary modalities to facilitate a means for All That Is to maintain equilibrium throughout the endless multi-verses. The many Blue Stars are precisely sequenced to align and uplift the dimensional frequencies to which their home galaxies are predisposed.

Celestial influences associated with Earth planet’s transition are revealing themselves to entities of noble stellar origin incarnated in human form. These intrepid men, women, and children have come to Earth to assist in the releasing of her collective citizenry from their long bondage in cosmic darkness. Precision timing of the galactic clock is imperative for the carrying out of the massive evolutionary push that is propelling the Milky Way Galaxy, nay the entire universe, into a more refined universal harmonic. Therefore, we call upon all humans who agree to participate in executing Divine Plan on Earth to make a concerted effort to thought-connect with ultraLight beings upon crystalline starships.

Arcturus is among the most refined of all representative star civilizations. Because of her exquisite placement within the galactic hum, rosy red Arcturus serves as a host star/sun meeting site for mutually cooperative multistellar civilizations. Because Blue Crystal Planet of Arcturus is a mirror image of Blue Star, her appointments as a planetary orb reflect the contours of that great ship-like entity.

Blue Star as a Mirror Image of Future’s Promise

Palpae and Malantor of Arcturus:

Elements of Blue Star’s iridescent Light are winging earthward upon gossamer-like stellar grid filaments. The cosmic refrain rejoices in Blue Star’s harmonic chorus. The minds of Arcturians and other blissful beings that dwell in refined spatial contours blend in unified Oneness. Our beauteous song is a promise to you that an elegant New Day is about to dawn on troubled Earth. You are living through the foundational years of a bright new future for evolving humanity. Stagnant historical time is breathing its last sorrowful sighs. The current root race has arrived at a point of time’s ending. Exquisite Joy looms as the coming reality for Souls grown weary with waiting. Templates of cosmic data fill the telepathic airways with tidings of an absolute state of utter Beingness that is descending its lovely hues upon the spiritually evolving. Your urgent requests for assistance and relief do not go unnoticed. Dear ones who long for the return of Light, your desires lay exposed to the heartminds of ultraLight stellar beings. We tell you, future’s path will see the establishment of goodwill for all humankind. Before Earth transforms to fifth-dimensional resonance, we must reiterate that energy shift upon energy shift must be expected. A certain sequence of cleansing events is necessary to transform third-dimensional Earth to light-bearing glory. Planetary lightworkers are starting to sense that the energy veil separating the third- and fourth-dimensions is thinning. It is not unusual for you to glimpse the presence of ultraLight beings in the range of your peripheral vision. A great many of you are intuitively aware of the loving presence of your personal ultraLight guidance team. Your recognition of them is becoming so exact that, you are able to immediately respond to their instructional relays. The reality of their existence is no longer questioned. Thus it is so.

Sanat Kumara

If we glimpse future time, it would appear future possibilities are dimly lit and lacking in the promise of hope’s finer qualities. From our stellar vantage point it is perceived that humanity has a significant number of forward-moving options, some portend positive and some portend negative results. We remind you, the ultimate outcome is predicated on mental impulses emitted by the collective mind. Even as planetary clock winds down, we ascertain humanity’s dominant mental projections are so disorganized that any number of future timelines could thrust individuals forward, sideways, backwards, even up or down on the multidimensional ladder.

When lightworkers’ awaken, their Memories remind them of their connection to the magnificent realms of their starry home worlds, such as Arcturus, Andromeda, the Pleiades, Sirius, or Alpha Centauri. As you become consciously aware of your galactic status, and acknowledge you are Soul having a human experience, you will know without a shred of lingering doubt that your higher purpose is to serve and return to Source. Arcturus is the home star to many readers of these particular celestially-inspired documents. Nevertheless, as you grow in Soul knowledge-wisdom you will eventually understand all possibilities coalesce into one super-actualization and that Soul integrity simply IS.

Humanity’s destiny is predicated upon the individual’s commitment to serve Divine Will. Creative visualization efforts designed to evoke mental images of a world at peace are in alignment with Greater Plan. At an intuitive level you know Earth is ripening into a fifth-dimensional planetary orb. To serve the process of your mother planet’s evolution, you automatically assist in our efforts to supersede humanity’s negative tendencies with harmonizing tensions equivalent to cosmically mature civilizations. Lightworkers are urged to formulate strong mental images of positive, peaceful global probabilities. Centering in the heart chakra and establishing deep-felt feelings of goodness and Love should precede the projection of globally transformative images into future timeline probabilities. To celebrate Earth as having already achieved cosmic maturity, focus your creative imagery upon a dynamically advanced global civilization. This simple exercise will serve as propellant energy to help trigger a cessation to the horrific events playing out on the world stage. In other words, creative visualization techniques that manifest positive world images in Now Time reality serve as precursors for the eventual wasting away of humanity’s fearful, aggressive tendencies. Religious individuals who focus on doomsday Armageddon as a future reality in fact act as energy drains upon the intuitive centers of lightworkers’ who fail to protect and/or cleanse their emotional and mental bodies. Most lightworkers are far enough along on their spiritual journeys that they are committed to participating in the establishment of Greater Plan/Purpose on Earth. Many have developed telepathic capacity and are actively and knowingly communicating with their ultraLight team members.

Despite difficulties facing planetary lightworkers, the outcome for a positive Earth scenario is firmly established. The foundations of a glorious future are contained in the mental projections of spiritually-advanced people who consciously observe the world through activated spiritual eyes. Indeed! Those whose intent is to serve Earth and humanity’s higher evolution are assisting us in transmuting Earth’s polluted crust to a delicate energy skein of harmonic LoveLight. Blue Star’s holographic impulses are facilitating an energy surge that will intensify the efforts of lightworkers and all cosmic beings who are diligently working toward evolutionary transformation.

Oddly enough, escalating death and destruction from events resulting from nature’s fury are simple reflections of Earth Mother’s creative efforts to shuck off the dead leaves of humanity’s environmental disregard and escalating social tensions. From a higher-dimensional viewpoint, Earth resembles a magnificent, multihued butterfly about to emerge from a constricting chrysalis.

Spiritually enlightened humans are becoming aware of Blue Star’s holographic entry into Sol’s planetary system. Those who align with cosmic forces that are driving Earth Mother’s natural elements into fifth-dimensional spatial regions are beginning to view tragic events from a position of cosmic consciousness. Souls incarnated as humans have an innate urge to return to the stars, to come Home to All That Is. A vast number are remnants of ancient multistellar peoples that came to Earth in pre-historical times, although most are consciously unaware of their celestial Soul status and suffer from the devastating affects of cosmic amnesia. Super- and subconsciously, all humans Joyfully embrace the “return” of the Blue Star. Humanity’s collective Soul Memories are growing increasingly ripe as more and more people acknowledge their extrastellar origins and their intuitive sense that lushly verdant Earth-Eden was abundantly seeded with life by multistellar Light Masters. In their generosity and love for the birthing world, and for the benefit of her future inhabitants, Elohim created Earth as a particularly lovely planet.
From its original point of entry into the galactic solar center, Blue Star Elohim-Titanic Beings have remained vigilant of all that has occurred everywhere in the Milky Way since the moment of life’s inception.

Adonai, Sanat Kumara in conjunction with Palpae, the Arcturian Mind Collective and the hum of the many planetary orbs that make up the cooperative association known as the Intergalactic Federation of Magnified Light.

Patricia Pereira.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Déc - 6:54

--- December 29, 2015 ---


DECEMBER 29, 2015

Dearest friends, we come with joy and best wishes in this holiday season.

We observe some of you experiencing sadness and a bit of confusion because you are not experiencing the season as you are used to. For those of you who are feeling this way, rejoice in the understanding that your consciousness has changed and thus the holidays no longer resonate in the same way. Since last Christmas, many of you have evolved and integrated more light which in turn is effecting the way that you experience, understand, and live every aspect of daily living from the mundane to the most profound.

Somehow the seasonal music you loved in the past, now sounds a bit tinny. Frenzied promotions for bargains of all kinds are often just plain irritating and no longer hold power over you. Some, who never noticed before, find themselves painfully aware of how commercial Christmas has become. Everything feels different this year, but it has nothing to do with age or responsibilities. It has to do with the fact that you have become more enlightened.

Because of your increasing attention to intuition, it is now much easier to recognize a commercial intent behind the seasonal hype of nostalgia and fake sentiment. You easily see that most of it has nothing to do with the true loving essence of Christmas and everything to do with your purchasing power. You are learning to pull aside and look behind the curtain of "Oz".

We remind you of the true meaning of Christmas and the New Year. This season is very powerful with meaning because it represents profound truths still unrecognized by the world in general. As with all things, truth manifests third dimensionally according to individual states of consciousness. A consensus consciousness is formed from the majority belief of individual states of consciousness.

The so called "second coming" as well as the birth of Christ at Christmas is actually the personal experience of awakening that awaits every individual at some point in their evolutionary journey. It refers to the birth of the Christ consciousness within, and does not solely refer to the birth of Jesus/Jeshua 2000 years ago who attained the Christ consciousness in its fullest while on earth.

Gradually through many journeys, experiences, and lifetimes of struggle, the humble personal consciousness (the manger) is prepared for the baby ( truth) to be born. The Christ is always born in humble circumstances for an ego of separation consciousness is simply not open to birth the Christ consciousness.

At first the new born Christ consciousness is weak and needs protection as it could easily be pushed away through fear or snuffed out by the opinions of others. A world consciousness of duality and separation is very threatened by the Light of awareness and would like it not to appear at all, often taking actions toward this.

The new born Christ consciousness must be held silently and secretly within the heart until it grows ever stronger and more confident, eventually becoming a fully mature enlightened Christ consciousness which no longer needs protection for it now knows that it is the very substance and essence of protection and that there is nothing needing protection from.

Thus follows a New Year (life) for the awakened individual-- the second coming has arrived.

Celebrate the season with all the love and joy of your new born higher awareness and you will be a blessing to everyone around you. Life is meant to be joyous, for separation is a myth-- a belief having no law to support it. Embracing a deeper realization of Christmas and New Year, will serve to bring love and joy into everything you do, all year long.


We are the Arcturian Group 12/27/15


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Jan - 8:04

--- Unconditional Love - A Force of Movement (Arcturians) ---

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Love_s10

A Force of Movement - The Arcturians

Unconditional love is a force of movement. It is not a form of physical movement, as physical movement is restricted to the third dimensional realms of reality. The fifth dimensional force of movement is associated with unconditional love. “How can that be?” you ask. To answer that question we will define “movement” via the different dimensions.

3D Movement = Movement through time and space via the physical body that you are wearing. Your third dimensional consciousness is aware that your surroundings have changed from place to place. Also it takes time to move from one space to another. You usually resonate to a beta wave state of consciousness during your third dimensional journey across physical time and space.

4D Movement = Movement through time/space of the astral world. Fourth dimensional “time” is much faster than third dimensional time. You could have what appears to be long astral journal, or dream, and return to your physical consciousness to determine that it has only taken a few minutes of your 3D “time.” You are usually in an alpha wave state of consciousness during your fourth dimensional journey through astral time and space.

5D Movement = Movement that is free of all time and space, as you journey into the realm of the NOW of the ONE. As you transition from the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, you will likely have a delta wave state of consciousness. However, in order to remain within a conscious awareness of the fifth dimensional reality, you need to maintain a gamma wave state of consciousness.

In your experience of the “past,” gamma wave consciousness was very difficult to attain. Only those who lived away from the busy cities and had lives dedicated to spiritual development could attain a gamma wave state of consciousness. However, now gamma waves are actually entering you physical reality.

When you experience gamma wave consciousness you are free of all time and space. Hence, you can visit a different planet, higher dimension of reality, a starship and/or your own higher dimensional self via the energy field of gamma wave consciousness.

However, the perceptions of gamma wave consciousness are not bound by separation and density as in the third dimension. Also, they are not bound by the astral time/space of your fourth dimensional adventures.

With fifth dimensional, gamma wave consciousness you do not move from space to space and it does not take time. Instead you flow within the NOW of the myriad possible realities. If you do not give a “possible reality” your attention it will appear almost as if it were a bubble.

This fifth dimensional “bubble of a possible reality” only becomes “your reality” when you bond your gamma consciousness with that vague possible reality. The way that you “bond” with a possible reality that you wish to experience is to send that reality unconditional love.

You will feel that bonding. Then to enter that reality you will use the Violet Fire of transmutation to adjust/transmute your conscious awareness to “open the door” to that reality. Be aware that when you enter into a fifth dimensional experience of reality it will be VERY different from your third and fourth dimensional perceptions.

Since the fifth dimension is not ruled by time and space, there is no separation between different spaces or different times. All possible times and spaces flow within the NOW of the fifth dimension. You will experience this higher dimensional flow primarily through your High Heart and Third Eye.

You physical/astral—third/fourth dimensional form/consciousness—will experience an overwhelming feeling of euphoria and you will likely feel your Kundalini begin to travel up your spinal cord.

You fifth dimensional perceptions will not appear solid or separate. In fact, you will have to trust that what “you think” you are perceiving is REAL in this fifth dimensional reality.

It is within that NOW that you must depend on the Unconditional Love that you have given your self. If you have even one thought that you are “not good enough,” “this is not real,” “I must be crazy,” you will instantly fall out of your experience.

The reason why you will “fall out” is because you need the resonance of
Unconditional Love,
Unconditional Forgiveness,
and Unconditional Acceptance—for your SELF
to be able to maintain your fifth dimensional, gamma wave state of consciousness.

Also, perceiving the higher dimensions is just the first step. The next step it to allow your self to believe that what you are experiencing is REAL!

You will only be able to push away the well-trained voice of ego that says,
“Who do you think you are? Why do you think that you are “good enough” to be able to experience the fifth dimension?”

In order to place your ego in the backseat of your experience you will need to: Unconditionally Love your self
Enough to KNOW that you deserve this experience

Unconditionally Forgive your self
Enough to KNOW that you are “good enough” for this experience

Unconditionally Accept your self
           Enough to BE the Multidimensional being that you have ALWAYS been

REMEMBER that you cannot share what you not possess.

Fortunately by allowing yourself to:

Release third-dimensional ego training,

Embrace and accelerate your fourth dimensional states of consciousness,

Consciously experience your fifth dimensional consciousness as being REAL

You inter-dimensional portal that connects your third dimensional self with your innate, Multidimensional SELF, will open wide.

With this portal opened and flowing freely you will be able to live within the flow of:
LOVING yourself Unconditionally,
FORGIVING yourself Unconditionally,
ACCEPTING  yourself Unconditionally.

Then, you can fully BE your SELF.

Please remember your pre-birth promise to anchor this portal into the the Earth
to share this every-expanding energy field with Gaia.

Blessings, the Arcturians.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Jan - 9:14

--- Straight Talk on Ascension (Suzanne Lie) ---


Straight Talk on Ascension
2016 to 1980’s to 2016

The Past We Forget, Returns as Our Future ~ Part 1
Suzanne Lie

The energy is VERY HOT right now. By “hot” we mean “HOT” as in electronics because you are experiencing an ever-increasing frequency rate of your neural synapses. The reason why your synapses are firing at a higher frequency is because your consciousness is resonating to a higher frequency/dimension.

In fact, your states of consciousness are beginning to match the frequencies of higher light that are penetrating and transmuting all your neural synapses.

In your human state of consciousness, there are three major categories:

Unconscious Mind—alpha and delta waves—fourth dimensional self
Conscious Mind—beta waves—third dimensional self
Super-conscious Mind—gamma waves—fifth dimensional self and beyond

You are becoming increasingly aware of the ever-expanding waves of transformational light. This “Higher Light” resonates to such a high frequency that it is beginning to activate the 97% “junk DNA” that is latent within your human body.


I am posting this information, which is at very end of my site, because it is the NOW to bring this information that was discovered in the early 1980s and was forgotten or hidden. Also, our minds were not as open to this kind of information then…

In the 1980s, science started to support the theory that our reality is a hologram. Scientific research documented by Stanislav Grof M.D., in The Holotropic Brain, and by Michael Talbot, in The Holographic Universe concluded that our brains and the universe are holographic in nature.

In other words, reality is a holographic projection, and we are the projector that receives the holographic film, processes it with our holographic brain, and projects it onto our screen of life. According to these theories, the third dimension is a projected illusion, and the physical reality only exists through our perceptions.

In order to create a hologram, a single laser beam is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced off the object that is to be recorded, and the second beam is recorded in a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first beam. Then the interaction of the two beams is recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate.

When the film is developed, it appears as a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines until the developed film is illuminated by a third laser beam. At that point, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.

To clarify, we can imagine that we are all sitting in a movie theater. In this analogy, the holographic projection is much like the lights we see streaming from the back of the movie theater onto the movie screen in front of us. If there were no screen, or even a wall, to trap the light, the movie would remain streams of light traveling through space. Also, if we were not in the theater, we would not see the movie.

The difference between life and this analogy is that we are not only the audience sitting in the theater, we are also the projector, the light streaming through the theater, as well as the screen upon which the light is projected. Our senses capture the interference patterns of light that are projected into our reality, whether we are awake or asleep.

Then, our third-dimensional and extended preceptors pull the light through complicated filters in our holographic brain so that we can project the interference patterns of light onto the screen of our life. They then appear as the pictures, sounds, sensations, and smells that create our reality. We can choose our reality by selecting the film (light) for any movie (reality) that we desire to experience.

However, we must show up at the movie theater (open our perceptions) so that our holographic brain can accept the patterns of light interference, translate them into the third-dimensional illusions of our reality, and project them out into the movie of our third-dimensional life. To experience this movie, we must be at the theater to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste with our appropriate sensors and run that neural information through the universal translator of our holographic brain.

Furthermore, the translation of the same screen of life (movie) will differ with each individual holographic brain according to that person’s history of similar neural information. For example, if we live in Los Angeles, California, we would likely experience a holographic projection of ice as ice cubes; whereas an Inuit (Eskimo) may think of ice as an emergency home.

Our state of consciousness at the time of our perception also dictates our personal translation of the same movie (event). If our consciousness is primarily Beta brainwaves, for example, we may think of ice as something we could use to cool our drink; whereas, if our consciousness is expanded to Alpha brainwaves, the ice could remind us of an ice sculpture we once saw or the last time we went skating.

In Theta brainwaves, ice may denote frozen water/emotions or it may remind us of the perils of the melting glaciers and the effect they will have on the planetary ecosystem. Either way, if we do not choose to focus the lens of our attention onto the screen, we will not even perceive the ice.

In other words, the reality we choose to perceive is the reality we live.

Our memory is also holographic and resides everywhere in our holographic brain. Furthermore, every segment of memory is related to and intertwined with every other segment of memory. We are actually united with the entire universe, but we can only perceive the frequency of reality that can move through our perceptual filter and into our holographic brain.

If our consciousness is limited to Beta brainwaves, our perceptual filter is limited to the third dimension, and we can only capture the holographic light that resonates to the frequency of our third-dimensional senses. On the other hand, when our consciousness (the filter of our perception) is expanded, we can capture a wider spectrum of interference light patterns.

With the expanded consciousness of our opened third eye, we widen our filter enough to capture light patterns ranging from the sub-atomic, quantum world to the fifth dimension and far beyond. With this perceptual filter, we realize that all the projected light, all the projectors, and all the realities are ONE, as we can see the connecting and overlapping subatomic particles of light.

In this way, we can deeply understand that no thing and no one is separate unless we narrow our perceptual filter to create the third-dimensional reality that we have been trained to perceive. The Beta brainwaves filter out the first-, second-, fourth-, and fifth-dimensional light, but as more and more we utilize our Alpha, Theta, Delta, and NOW Gamma brainwaves, our perceptions and our reality expands.

With our expanded brainwaves, we have access to perceptions that were once beyond our brain’s ability to receive and process. Our third-dimensional Beta Consciousness has long been limited to the narrow range of 90 to 174 cps. This range is a very small percentage of measurable light and sound, not to mention the light and sound that is not yet measurable by modern technology.

As we open our third eye and gradually regain our ability to access brainwaves that have formerly lain dormant, our perceptions will then expand, and we will be able to consciously perceive both higher and lower frequencies of light and sound. We will then have myriad possible realties from which to choose to create our experience of life. This choice of perception is called entrainment.

When we strike a tuning fork, it will vibrate at a certain frequency. When we hold a second tuning fork close to the first one, it will vibrate at the same frequency. In other words, the first tuning fork entrains the second one.

Entrainment is the noun associated with the verb “entrain,” which means to pull along, or pull aboard. As another example, if many pendulum clocks were on the wall, and we erratically swung all of the pendulums at different speeds, over time, all the pendulums would become synchronized again. They would achieve entrainment.

Brainwave entrainment occurs when the frequency of our brainwaves gradually begin to emulate the rhythmic pattern, or frequency, of our inner and/or outer stimuli. Almost any frequency stimuli can be used to entrain our brainwaves—sound, light, touch, or anything the brain can perceive through physical and/or expanded senses. Hypnosis, and the resulting Alpha or Theta brainwaves, begins by focusing on slow breaths to entrain our mind to our inner processes.

Actually, within every moment, our brain (both biological rhythms and brainwaves) is entrained by our inner and outer environment. If we are walking through a beautiful countryside on a clear, sunny day, we will likely become calm, and our brainwaves will entrain to Alpha brainwaves. On the other hand, if we are stuck in traffic, our biological systems will become agitated, and our brainwaves will entrain to Beta brainwaves.

Of course, our inner world has a great influence on both of these events. If we are deathly afraid of snakes and are looking for one with every step of our countryside walk, our system will become agitated, and our brainwaves will entrain with Beta brainwaves.

Conversely, when we are stuck in traffic, if we calmly tell our self that all is fine, put on some relaxing music and decide to enjoy our time alone while we are driving, our system will calm down and we will entrain with Alpha brainwaves.

Our inner mental and emotional processing of each situation has much to do with our body’s reaction. In other words, our body will entrain itself to our thoughts and emotions. Our inner world also sets expectations for our outer perceptions.

For example, if while walking through the woods, we tell our self that we will see birds, our expectation will be to see birds. Hence, we will consciously or unconsciously search for and find birds. Conversely, if we tell ourselves that we will see trash, the same process will occur, and we will find trash.

If we are finding trash to clean up Mother Nature, we will likely feel good and entrain our consciousness with Alpha brainwaves. However, if we angrily comment on the slovenly nature of humanity while we stomp through the woods, we will definitely experience stress and entrain to Beta brainwaves.

Finding birds is a calming activity as we look up into the trees and listen intently for their call. However, if we become frustrated because we can’t find any birds, we will entrain the same Beta brainwave conscious as when we are driving in traffic.

On the other hand, if we could sit down, calm our minds, and enter into a meditative trance to entrain our consciousness to the resonance of Mother Nature, we would enter into Alpha or even Theta brainwaves.

At this point, if we could choose to expect to see the higher dimensions, we could expand our perceptions to see the Faeries who are nurturing each flower and plant, the Deva in the nearby tree, and the Angels, Elohim, and other higher dimensional beings observing our reality from the higher dimensions.

As we can see from these examples, our expectations, thoughts, and feelings create the reality that we choose to perceive and experience. Our expectations are greatly determined by our core beliefs. If we believe that reality is only what we can experience through our five physical senses, then the third dimension will be the only reality that we have to choose.

On the other hand, if we believe many other dimensional realities are hidden within or riding upon the third dimension, we can expect to see them, as well. Our expectation of these other realities will entrain our bodily systems to activate our extremely high and/or extremely low brainwaves to perceive other dimensional realities. Again, the reality we choose to perceive is the reality we choose to live.

An expectation to see a multidimensional reality entrains our consciousness to the expanded perceptions of our multidimensional consciousness. However, we have lived so long on third-dimensional Earth that our body Deva, our personal holder of form, expects to perceive stimuli from only the third dimension.

However, if we can remember to expect to find the higher dimensions interlaced with our mundane life, we will entrain our consciousness to brainwave patterns that allow that perception. For example, we can entrain our consciousness to the perspective of Gaia.


Two modern founders of the concept of holographic reality, in which everything is a projection from a level of reality beyond time and space, are University of London physicist and Einstein protégé David Bohm and Stanford University neurophysiologist Karl Pribram. Bohm and Pribram were independently working from two different directions but came to similar conclusions.

Bohm became convinced of the universe’s holographic nature after years of dissatisfaction with standard theories’ inability to explain all of the phenomena encountered in quantum physics. On the other hand, Pribram became convinced that our brains are holographic because of researchers’ inability to explain various neurophysiological puzzles.

Since then, the holographic model has been embraced by more scientists because it explains virtually all paranormal, mystical experiences as well as our expanded perceptions, known to many as ESP. In 1980, David Bohm wrote Wholeness and Implicit Order, in which he theorized that reality is not what is out there, but a representation of the frequencies of stimuli interpreted by the brain.

With a holographic model, we can widen our filter to perceive frequencies of stimuli that are not apparent to others. In 1985, Stanislav Grof, M.D., published his research stating that only a holographic model could explain such things as collective consciousness and experiences during altered states of consciousness.

Similarly, in 1982, Alain Aspect and his team at the University of Paris discovered that under certain circumstances, subatomic particles, such as electrons, are able to instantly communicate with each other regardless of distance. As a result, they concluded that a web of subatomic particles compose our physical universe and are the very fabric of our reality, which possesses an undeniable holographic property.

David Bohm believes that these subatomic particles are not a separate part of reality but instead an underlying unity that acts as a super hologram or matrix for every configuration of matter and energy.

On a human model, Pribram states that memory is not encoded in single neurons, or even small groups of neurons, but instead memory is stored in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that light interference patterns crisscross in a hologram. With holographic perception, it is possible to record many different images in the same space simply by changing the angle at which the two lights strike the film.

In the same manner, an extreme amount of information can be stored in a small area. Could this mean that by our taking a new perspective, such as changing our consciousness, we are able to receive and compute enough new information to change our view of reality?

Everything is energy. Einstein definitively established this fact with his famous theorem E=MC2, which proved the interchangeability of matter and energy. Concerning matter, Einstein said, “We have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.”

The ancient Hindus knew this truth back when they employed the term “maya,” which means illusion, to define our mistaken concepts of reality. Both the ancient spiritual text and modern scientific models state that energy, including matter, is simply perceptions that are dictated by the state of our consciousness.

Scientists could activate that DNA when they radiated it with a high enough frequency of light.

In 1987, at the same time that the holographic research was taking place, Malcolm Simons, M.D., immunologist and founder of Genetic Technologies in Australia, could not believe that evolution would be so wasteful as to make 97 percent of our DNA junk.

Simons discovered an order in this supposed “junk” DNA, and he believed that if there was an order, there was likely a function, as well. Now, as the human genome has become more accessible to scientists, even more researchers have begun to scrap the notion that 97 percent of our DNA has no purpose.

Richard Gerber, M.D., who practices cardiology, internal medicine, and interventional cardiology in Salinas, California, concluded in his book Vibrational Medicine that matter, including human cells, is actually “frozen light” (light that has slowed down in vibration and become solid).

Gerber’s book came out in the same month that a German book entitled Vernetzte Intelligenz, by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludor (translated by Barbel Mohr), was published. In this book, Fosar and Bludor documented extensive research done in Russia revealing the amazing relationship between junk DNA and light.

In the 1990s, the Russian researcher Vladimir Poponin developed a series of experiments to research the patterns of light in the controlled environment of a vacuum. Under the vacuum conditions, the light fell into a random distribution.

He then placed physical samples of DNA into the chamber and found that in the presence of genetic material, the patterns of the light particles shifted. The new pattern resembled waves as they crested and fell. This pattern remained even after the DNA was taken away.

Poponin believed that the DNA possessed a force that somehow influenced the light photon, even when the DNA was no longer present. This phenomenon was called the “Phantom DNA Effect.”

Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues, who were also doing junk DNA research, believed that the patterns of light in the vacuum caused by the DNA were actually magnetized wormholes. Somehow the DNA transformed the light into wormholes, which were still present after the DNA was removed.

These wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges theorized to exist in the vicinity of black holes (left by burnt-out stars)—tunnels through which light information can be transmitted outside space and time from different areas in the universe. Poponin, Garjajev, and other Russian scientists think that our junk DNA attracts bits of light information and passes them on to our consciousness. This inter-dimensional passage of information is titled “hyper-communication.”

These scientists surmised that energy from outside of space and time flows through these wormholes, and that the wormholes were activated by the existence of the DNA. If it was the DNA that actually opened these wormholes, is it possible that our very DNA is capable of receiving the subatomic light particles that make up the matrix of the “super hologram”?

There may be a “chicken or egg” situation where the subatomic light matrix can activate DNA wormholes, whereas at the same time, it is the activated wormholes that can perceive and accept the holographic picture of the subatomic light particles.

Russian researchers have also joined with linguists and geneticists to explore junk DNA. They found that junk DNA follows the rules of our human language. According to them, our junk DNA serves as data storage and communication. In exploring the vibrational behavior of DNA, Garjajev and his colleagues have found that living chromosomes function just like holographic computers.

These researchers modulated certain high-frequency patterns onto a laser ray to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since our junk DNA and language share the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of human language to influence the DNA.

Garjajev believes that junk DNA in living tissue will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the higher frequencies are used to project the message. Garjajev’s research explains why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like can have a strong effect on humans and their bodies. They have further stated that the higher the individual’s consciousness, the less need there is for any type of laser device.

The holographic and junk DNA research reveals that humans are basically receivers floating through a sea of frequencies of light interference patterns. We choose to perceive, and hence create, our reality from the myriad possible realities that the super hologram projects from beyond time and space for us to receive through our personal portals (the wormholes).

Once we receive this light information, we process it through our holographic brain so that we can project our picture of reality into the physical world to be contributed to the collective and planetary consciousness. In this manner, we are all ONE being receiving ONE message through many different portals.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Jan - 1:39

désolé Cristonal mais mon anglais n'est pas assez poussé pour tout intégrer les textes correctement.

Une remarque cependant Lee Caroll avec Kryeon parle souvent des Pléiadiens comme étant nos parents géniteurs eux même venant de Sirius ( nos grands parents en quelque sorte) et précise aussi très souvent qu'il y a des vieilles âmes sur terre qu'il nomme Lémurien alors que les Wingmakers indiquent directement les Atlantes pour nous qualifier.....

je trouve que les quatre livres de Barbara Marciniak sur les Pléiades et Lee Caroll se complètent assez bien.....dans un certains genre
Il y a un passage dans Terre de Barbara Marciniak où les Pléiadiens disent qu'ils sont à l'origine des déboires de l'humanité et qu'ils se trouvent finalement piégés pour leur évolution qu'ils doivent revenir en arrière pour réparer.....

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeDim 24 Jan - 15:07

--- Arcturian Group - 24 Janvier 2016 ---


JANUARY 24,2016

Dear ones, we come in love with greetings to all of you who are working so hard to assimilate the new energies now pouring into you and your dear planet, Gaia. As you are well aware, these are times of change and questioning. Everything you once held as true and unchangeable seems to be dissolving around you with replacements that do not seem to be much of an improvement.

As the old concepts and beliefs dissolve, new and better ways will/must appear but understand that those guiding the changes are often themselves struggling to see and understand the bigger picture. Send Light to the leaders of all governments and when voting be guided by your intuition and not media hype or perceived personal benefit. Vote for the candidate best qualified to bring forth a new and higher sense of governance that serves all people and not the candidate who refuses to acknowledge or move beyond ideas reflective of what is quickly becoming old and obsolete.

Some are called to simply be still and hold Light for the world, while others are called to do hands on- feet running, work. Both are necessary, both are serving as Light workers, and neither is more spiritual than the other. The garbage man who carries away your trash with love and friendliness is a Light worker.

Every seemingly mundane action of daily living when done with love is Light work. Know that in truth you only serve your Self, for there are no "others". Let go of any concepts you may still hold regarding the belief that only those who teach, heal, or channel are Light workers. Unconditional Love must be lived on all levels--this is what you came to earth to learn.

Examine and release any remaining concepts you may still hold about love. This is easily done through remembering that unconditional love is simply the activity that flows from a consciousness of ONE and then examine your belief system by this standard. It is not necessary to know the all the how or whys, it is only necessary to live ordinary everyday moments from a place of oneness and connection and soon this will be your attained state of consciousness.

There are those who are the essence of unconditional love and yet seem to have no intellectual knowledge or even seeming interest in spiritual truth. These souls attained their state of consciousness in previous lifetimes and are now simply living their lives from that place. When truth becomes your state of consciousness, it becomes who you are and there is no longer any need to even think about it. This is evolution.

Learn not to place limitations or qualifiers on love and release all beliefs regarding your or others worthiness to be loved. Patting the dog who doesn't get much attention, holding the door for someone who needs it, or giving an honest compliment to a child or adult with low self esteem are actions of unconditional love.

Conditional love is what the world is most familiar with. "This person is not worthy of love." or "If you act, dress, look, or behave in a certain way, then I will love you." Many in the quest to be loved, surrender personal power in exchange for so called "love". Conditional love still predominates in relationships of all sorts including many marriages.

There comes a point in every soul journey where the individual must embrace and begin to practice the higher sense of Love--unconditional love-- or the spiritual journey can go no further because unconditional love reflects a realization of Oneness, the foundation of all truth and goal of the journey.

You have all had the experience of feeling cranky and down hearted and then feeling a lift when someone you may have not even know very well, patted your hand, spoke a few kind words, or simply smiled. This is unconditional love and always flows without care or interest as to whether or not the receiver was "worthy" or even interested.

Unconditional love becomes automatic after attaining a consciousness's of oneness and often goes un-noticed until the individual begins to realize that the "should's" and "musts" have disappeared from his thinking and daily living seems to hold a new sense of joy. This new state of consciousness has become who you are--you are your state of consciousness.

The whole spiritual journey is one of remembering who and what you are, and each truth integrated and lived, becomes your state of consciousness until there is no longer need to practice, read, study, search, for you simply are it, IT is living you.

Divine Consciousness is and never can be limited in any way because IT is all there is. Many still hold to the belief that ordinary human experiences are not spiritual. Everything "ordinary" is every bit as spiritual as the things society has deemed to be "spiritual". Individual consciousness interprets outer appearances, so as you evolve and begin to understand that nothing is or can exist outside of the ONE, you will begin to see the world and have experiences that reflect that.

There comes a time when all the seeking and searching must end. Many of you are already there but you do not trust this and continue to seek and search outside of yourselves in the belief that you are "not there yet". It is time to live truth. You already know what you need to know and more intellectual knowledge will not change that. As you begin to actually live truth, more is always given and comes when you least expect it. You may be mowing the lawn or washing dishes when suddenly a truth, insight, creative idea, or something relating to your work, interest, or need is revealed.

This is how you learn to be taught from within with no middle man to add his/her concepts about the issue. It is time to move past always seeking answers from outside of yourselves. You are ready and able to get whatever information and answers you need from within. The only thing holding many of you back from doing this is the belief that you are not worthy, spiritual, or evolved enough. As long as you believe that you are just a limited human, you never will be worthy, spiritual, or evolved. Ponder seriously and honestly what you still hold regarding who and what you are.

The answers to all things that concern you lie within. Do not label your inner work "for spiritual answers only". A consciousness that knows self completeness to be SELF COMPLETENESS will begin to manifest this in ways that represent completeness for him--the surgeon won't get ideas for a car repair unless it is something he is seeking. An artist may find himself guided to paint in new and creative ways. A hair stylist may begin to get images of the perfect style for each client. The scientist will get insights he could never have imagined when working simply with scientific facts already known. It is Infinite...

Ideas may come visually and powerfully, but more often come simply as a "knowing" about some facet of your life, or something you have been seeking more insight into. Individuals must learn to be more still if they are to hear this still small voice, which is why so many deny that there even is a "still, small voice". Anyone going through each day hooked to phones and other electronic devises will never hear the still small voice.

Anyone serious about their spiritual growth must learn to be still. Make it a habit to have a quiet time each day where you can be uninterrupted and spend time simply pondering truth, and then resting it for about 10 or 15 minutes. This need not be long, just long enough for you to center, and make a conscious connection with your Self. It is during this time that you state your intentions and choices, always then allowing time to simply listen.

Prayer is you talking to God and is often preying not praying. Mediation is a quiet and centered receptivity. Never believe you have failed if you hear nothing, or do not have the same experiences someone else may of had, for the action of sitting quietly and listening indicates to your Higher Self that you are ready for more, seeking, and receptive--you have started the process.

Make time during the day and even at night when you wake up to simply be still for a second or two--closing your eyes, focusing on your Divinity within, and just listening.

You are all well along the Way or would you would not be resonating with these messages. Know that, trust that, live that, believe that, and be that.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/24/16.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Fév - 23:33

--- Our Wings Of Light (Suzanne Lie) ---

"Now, we have not been trained to trust our own inner feelings, and so we have to break our 3D programming. We have to know that if we can feel it inside of us, and it feels like Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Purpose and even a random perception of Infinite Wisdom – that’s our High Heart speaking.  So we need to listen."

"Our Heart Chakra is the part of our physical body that receives the higher Light.  And our High Heart is the higher dimensional part of us that can perceive and accept the higher dimensional frequencies of Light and bring them both back into our physical form."


"We are accustomed to the dynamic that our expression of SELF would be sent out from in front of us, but we are talking about our expression being sent out from our “wings” in the back of us.

What this symbolism (Light Language) means is that we need to engage our Angelic presence.  We need to live in this Unconditional Love of what we would think of as an Angel.

For it is within this “Faith of an Angel", this condition of being an "Angel,” can we deeply feel our hearts being open to allowing this energy to come through the back, not the front, because we do not need to get attention."

Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Wings_10

"“I volunteer to take an Earth vessel within that NOW so I can take on all of the effluvia I’ve experienced in all of my incarnations of multiple, parallel, simultaneous realities and heal it all with Unconditional Love. Then, when I am strong enough, I promise to use the Violet Fire to transmute all shadow into the Higher Light of the fifth-dimension."


It is interesting because it feels like it has been forever, but also feels like this is the first time.  For all we know this may be the first time, at least on this planet, where masses of people are thinking about, striving for, even believing in – Ascension.

Now we are beginning to begin.  But, we will not know exactly what will occur or how it will occur or when it will occur.  But, we are greatly confident that something is happening.  That something is brought to us via these waves of higher Light.

Our lives are eternally guided within this Now. So all we really need to do in regards to these higher waves of Light is just to relax into the knowing that something is occurring, even if we are not exactly sure what it is or even why it is.  But, as long as it feels like Unconditional Love, as long as it feels like Truth, then we continue.

Now, we’ll know that because we have been through so many incarnations of indoctrination, so many incarnations where we were told what reality was, and we believed it.  We believed what we were told.

And, what we were told on the outside appeared more important than what we were really feeling on the inside.

Now we are beginning to allow ourselves to look at our reality not from our 3D brain and 3D senses and what our third-dimensional world tells us what is real. Now we can feel reality in a higher fourth and fifth-dimensional manner in which we just somehow know.  We don’t know exactly how we know – but we know.

We have been in the process of loving ourselves unconditionally – chakra by chakra.  And we’ve gone up to the heart chakra.  Therefore, now is the time to think about what is beginning and what is ending.  Our heart chakra is the very first thing that beats, that says this is a zygote that has the possibility of becoming human, and it’s the last thing that beats when we die.

So, the NOW is about beginnings and endings.  And beginnings and endings always go together.  There’s a beginning and an ending within our version of reality.  However, we won’t know about this “beginning and the ending” unless we calibrate our consciousness to the version of reality that is “reality shifting.”

If we stay in the old version in which the outside world is telling us what is right and what is wrong, then we will stay there.  But if we take that risk to trust our own inner feelings ….

Now, we have not been trained to trust our own inner feelings, and so we have to break our 3D programming. We have to know that if we can feel it inside of us, and it feels like Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Purpose and even a random perception of Infinite Wisdom – that’s our High Heart speaking.  So we need to listen.

As our High Heart continually speaks to us, we begin to feel a sensation – feeling almost like what we might call Angel wings in that it is behind our heart – maybe a little above, maybe a little below.  But we feel an energy field that’s invisible to our third and fourth-dimensional self—BUT our fifth-dimensional self can perceive it.

And, it feels like, looks like, almost what we would call wings. But what it actually is, is the outflow of the inflow of the Higher Light that is coming into our Heart Chakra. These waves of this higher dimensional Light come into our High Heart and our Heart Chakra.

Our Heart Chakra is the part of our physical body that receives the higher Light.  And our High Heart is the higher dimensional part of us that can perceive and accept the higher dimensional frequencies of Light and bring them both back into our physical form.

The perceptions of our High Heart and our fifth-dimensional perception, which our  “wings of light” assist us to interpret, allows us to read the Light language that has come into our physical body.

Our Heart and our High Heart are calibrated to this fifth dimensional flow of Light.  This Light comes into our heart, and flows out through our heart. Our Heart and High Heart are where we experience the inflow merging with the outflow.

Where the energies out and the energies in meet, there is a spot, a place in-between, a moment, a thought, a possible reality in which the inflow and the outflow merge into the moment of the Now.

And, as the inflow and the outflow merge – in between our heart and our High Heart, our physical heart, below our throat chakra and our high heart which is on our thymus gland, we feel these two energies begin to connect within us – our physical heart and our High Heart.  This is when we feel the “wings of light.”

Now, remember the wings aren’t really wings, but the outflow of the inflow of the Higher Light. This outflow serves as propellant, much as wings propel a bird to be able to fly and keep them in the sky.

This outflow, which feels like wings, represents our trust in our SELF. We have trusted our SELF enough to bring IN this inflow of Higher Light and to allow this Light to enter into and intermingle deep within our heart and High Heart.  THEN, after it inter-mingles deep within our heart and High Heart, we allow the outflow of this higher Light.

But some of the outflow always stays in the heart, and some of the inflow always stays in the heart to create a seed.  It is a Seed of Hope.  Faith, Hope and Charity – and the greatest of these are Hope.

If you don’t have hope it’s hard to have faith.  If you don’t’ have hope it’s hard to give charity.  Therefore, hope is more important than most people understand.

It is this hope that allows us to trust our SELF enough
That we really are perceiving a Higher Light
That we really are feeling Unconditional Love
That we really are surrounded by a Violet Light, which seems to be
Moving through our auras,
Speaking with us and,
Working with us.

Whatever our own higher expression says, this hope allows us to go out into the world and to merge with the information of the Higher Light and to share that Higher Light with our outflow.  Hence, we are merging with the reception of this inter-dimensional energy field and with the expression of this inter-dimensional energy field.

We are accustomed to the dynamic that our expression of SELF would be sent out from in front of us, but we are talking about our expression being sent out from our “wings” in the back of us.

What this symbolism (Light Language) means is that we need to engage our Angelic presence.  We need to live in this Unconditional Love of what we would think of as an Angel.

For it is within this “Faith of an Angel", this condition of being an "Angel,” can we deeply feel our hearts being open to allowing this energy to come through the back, not the front, because we do not need to get attention.

We do not need to say, “This is my outflow.”  It just is the outflow!  In this manner, the ego begins to have less and less importance.  The ego will remind us when it’s time to pay our bills or to take care of whatever third-dimensional needs, but it is no longer more important than the Higher Light.

If we get too stuck to the third-dimensional needs, we won’t be able to lift off.  I’m not sure what lifting off means and absolutely not sure how we will do it.  But there is this feeling that is moving through my self and through many to whom I am talking.

The lovely thing is that every person feels the same things in their own individual way.  And each person talks about it a little bit differently, but it feels the same to all of us.

This feeling, this Higher Light, encompasses all our individuality because all of us “individuals” are united within this ever-expanding experience of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire that is flowing into and through us.

“Into and through us,” because we are not the creators of the Higher Light, we are the grounders of this Higher Light. We are like a tree that allows the rays of the Sun to caress our leaves, travel from our leaves to the little stems of the leaves and into the bigger stems of the branch, then into the limbs and the trunk to travel down, down, through the trunk and deep into the Earth.

We do not create the Earth. We do not create the Higher Light, but we are creating a merging of the Higher Light into the body of Gaia.  Gaia needs our help, human help, because humans are the ones who created the damage to Gaia.

The animals didn’t damage Gaia. The plants didn’t damage Gaia.  The atmosphere changes as it is always changed, but most, if not all, of the damage to the atmosphere and Earth’s earth, the air, fire and water, was done by humans.  Therefore, this is human mess, and humans have to clean it up.

And the way to “clean up” these elementals of Earth is that we clean up the elementals within ourselves.  We Unconditionally Love ourselves chakra-by-chakra, organ-by-organ and bit-by-bit.  When we Unconditionally Love ourselves all the way through our chakra system, that Unconditional Love will heal us enough that we can pull the Violet Fire into ourselves chakra-by-chakra, and element-by-element.

As we transmute ourselves element-by-element, chakra-by-chakra, we transmute the outflow.  That which flows out from our Heart and through our Wings of Light with the Unconditional Love lives within and travels through us.

When we can accept Unconditional Love by loving ourselves unconditionally, we open wide our inner portals, which are NOW calibrated to Unconditional Love.  Each chakra is a portal, and all the chakras are aligned with our personal inner portal.

As we accept that Higher Light and allow it to transmute us, much as like the Violet Fire transmutes, we ground this Higher Light into Mother Earth who will breathe it out into our reality to share Her process of transmutation – person-to-person, person-to-plant, person-to-animal, person-to-atmosphere, person-to-planet in every way.

Now, we can fully allow our “Seed of Hope” to bloom. Now, we have the courage to be confused, be afraid, be mental, be busy -- and still accept the Higher Light.  We accept this light because we need to, AND because we’re remembering that we said we would.

Now, not everybody will do this because they said they would because not everybody said before they took a body,

“I volunteer to take an Earth vessel within that NOW so I can take on all of the effluvia I’ve experienced in all of my incarnations of multiple, parallel, simultaneous realities and heal it all with Unconditional Love. Then, when I am strong enough, I promise to use the Violet Fire to transmute all shadow into the Higher Light of the fifth-dimension."

So, when should we begin this process?
Within the fifth-dimension there is no “when,” as there is no time.

Therefore, we must, will, and are honored to DO IT NOW!


Adonai de la Source Première.

Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

Dernière édition par Cristobal le Dim 21 Fév - 9:27, édité 3 fois
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeDim 21 Fév - 8:56

--- Activating Our Expanded Perceptions (S. Lie/Arcturians) ---

"Remember, we do not just raise our consciousness; we expand it."


Those of you who have been unconditionally loving yourself Chakra by Chakra, and just opened your Sixth Chakra, will likely be having more experiences of
expanded perception:

As we expand our consciousness, our perceptions expand as well. Just as we have special talents in our daily lives, certain expanded perception will be stronger or will come “on line” to our mundane consciousness first.  However, all of us have all of these expanded perceptions as an innate component of our true multidimensional nature.

More of us would use these perceptions if we had not suffered judgment from others who were afraid of that which they could not understand. However, as more and more of us awaken, there is far less fear and judgment.  Hence, more and more of us are “coming out” with newly awakened, or long hidden, expanded perceptions.

As with all spiritual/enlightened endeavors, we cannot try to awaken or force our expanded perceptions. The Path to awakening is like a river in which we must stay in the center current to allow ourselves to easily be carried along with the floe. If we struggle or work, we only push ourselves out of the center current and into the many eddies and whirlpools of third dimensional life.

One of the main keys to restoring our innate “psychic” perception is to listen to the still, small voice within that whispers into our mind, heart and body. Just as our physical body uses our five sense to inform us of what we are hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and touching, it also alerts us to information that resonates to the expanded frequencies our higher consciousness. Inherent and latent within our earth vessel is our higher consciousness and the expanded perceptions that can receive and understand these multidimensional consciousness.

Through merging with, downloading and integrating our Multidimensional SELF into our third dimensional earth vessel, we upload our new multidimensional operating system and can bring these expanded perceptions on line. Then our brain, our biological computer, can signal our body to respond to frequencies of information that were beyond threshold of our old third dimensional operating system.

Remember, we do not just raise our consciousness; we expand it. As we expand our consciousness, thinking, expectation and perceptions, we receive information not only with the fourth, fifth, sixth dimension and beyond, but also with the second, first dimensions, and the quantum realities. When we moved into our exploration of the extremes of individuality, we became separated from our body, our animal instincts, our SELF, others, Spirit, “Heaven,” the planet and all of Nature. One of the innate animal perceptions that we lost was our instinct.


Instinct, which is an innate "knowing," is a second dimensional ability based on our "primitive self" who has the ability to tune into the planet to know where there is water, what food will heal us or poison us and the location of our "tribe." If we "give a horse his head," he will find water. Animals in the wild know what food they are meant to eat and what food will hurt them. Animals know when a predator is staking them or simply sharing the waterhole. In our quest for evolution we lost some of our basic survival skills.

Our instincts are usually a physical sensation, which our left-brain, logical self has been trained to ignore.  However, as we regain our Whole Brain Thinking, we begin to become close friends with our earth vessel.  As we awaken, we begin to realize that WE are not our body. WE are IN our body. Our physical form is one of many forms that surround our consciousness. However, without our physical body we cannot continue to play the 3D Game.

In other realities in which we held a tribal consciousness, or in which we had to survive off the land, our instinct was one of our most important perception.  Our instincts are able to pull together information from our five physical senses that are just below our threshold of perception. However, when the distant vision, quite sound, faint order, proximity of someone or something that we cannot touch comes together in our right brain, our instincts gives us the meaning of the subliminal information. Unfortunately, if we still deny our right-brain perceptions because we have become trapped in our logic, we will not receive its message.

When say, “I just have a feeling.” Or “I sense that I am being watched.” These statements are arising from our instincts. When we give or attention to these messages, we reinforce our instincts and invite then to remain active in our lives.  All of our expanded perceptions are much like muscles.  I we use them they get stronger, but if we don’t use them, we lose them.


Empathy is the ability to feel another person's emotions. It is a second dimensional ability shared by "primitive," tribal societies, herd animals, and birds in a flock. An example of this is when our pet comes up and nudges us in an attempt to comfort our sadness. Other examples are a mother's understanding of what her nonverbal infant needs or a healer's deep knowing of how a patient feels.

To be continued (lots and lots of data..., huh...):


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 7 Mar - 23:27

--- Arcturian Group - March 6, 2016 ---


MARCH 6 2016

Dear ones, we speak from a place of love and respect for you and the tremendous work you have undertaken and are now manifesting. We also observe many of you feeling weak, sad, and even occasionally distraught as you begin to see with new eyes and hearts open which allows you to recognize how differently life on earth could be.

During the unavoidable "down times" of this intense journey, try to avoid slipping into negativity by acknowledging that everything you witness has no real law to support it. Never deny appearances, but learn to see through them. Love all involved (by recognition of their true nature), and move on. Resistance to anything simply endows it power it does not really have.

We wish to return to the topic of change. There are many embracing change for the world and others but forget (ignore?) change for themselves in the belief that they are right where they are supposed to be already.

The new and higher energies are serving expose everything old, dense, and finished--the innate errors of much that the world and individuals still hold as truth and acceptable behavior. When some world belief no matter how widely accepted is recognized as being false, the person must then begin to live out from this new awareness instead of choosing to ignore it as an inconvenience to what has become his way of life. This is why "wake up calls" occasionally need to happen.

At first, living out from some new awareness can result in a bit of inner as well as outer conflict. Inner change automatically creates an energetic separation from those who are now of a different resonance. These are usually people you know well and often companioned with who still know and love the "old" you. Discords can occur because you are no longer on the "same page" energetically with certain members of your family, friends, or organizational group.

This does not mean you suddenly refuse to be with those people you have known and still love. It simply means that when you are with them you will discover that you have less in common and see many things differently which often results in a gradual falling away of the previous closeness.

There are some who attempt to return to and continue in a state of consciousness they have outgrown. These dear ones hold desperately to some person, place, or thing, trying to recreate the past. This happens often in romantic relationships where one will pretend to be who they used to be in order to please the other and keep the relationship going. You cannot go back asleep after awakening and to ignore this is very human.

Awareness and love of self manifests as a new sense of courage. Courage to try new things regardless of what others may think or perhaps the courage to finally leave an abusive situation you had believed was fulfilling some karmic debt or teaching you patience. Being spiritual never means allowing yourself to be treated abusively.

Learn to recognize and move beyond common forms of self abuse as well. Many do not consider the mental, emotional, and even physical, abuse they inflict upon themselves to be real abuse. You are the Divine in human form, would you abuse the Divine?

Spiritual enlightenment attained on earth is not for wimps. It takes great courage and strength to do it and is why you are observed, admired, and loved by so many on this side. The journey is difficult especially in the beginning because everything previously held to be truth begins to dissolve and the awakening one feels as if the "rug is being pulled out" from under him. As the security of his whole belief system collapses there follows an extremely traumatic period of doubt and fear. He has one foot in both worlds so to speak.

This experience can be intense and very frightening especially for someone committed to a particular belief system. Everything previously held as ultimate truth is falling away, but they have not as of yet attained the strength of the new state of consciousness being birthed. As higher levels of truth become familiar and not so frightening, the person gradually embraces his new awareness evolving into a new and higher state of consciousness. Know that evolution is an ongoing process--earth experiences represent the lower rung of a very high and ever unfolding ladder.

When a person is ready to evolve into a new state of consciousness it happens, like it or not. He will get opportunity after opportunity to embrace the higher truth he is ready for and if ignored they will simply continue in new forms until he "gets it". "What about free will?" you may ask. Yes, free will does enter in to it and can serve to delay the process, but the purpose of all experience is to awaken to who and what you really are which is why you chose to be here.

A good example is that when an individual is spiritually ready to move into a more evolved sense of relationship (choice versus need) he/she will usually experience one relationship after another which fail, ending in hurt and confusion. The individual compares himself to others and tries to bring about a happy relationship in all the three dimensional ways promoted by society not realizing that he is has evolved beyond these concepts.

Heartache and failure will usually turn the individual inward where he begins to understand that he is whole and complete already and not half of a couple as he has been led to believe. His new awareness of self completeness can then without effort manifest outwardly without as a perfect companion--if it that is still his choice. Completeness for many is simply the freedom that comes with not having a partner.

Everyone on earth at this time wanted to be here. It is a powerful evolutionary time. Each day more and more awaken while at the same time the Light is exposing a tremendous amount of pain and discord. Try not to be discouraged by what you observe in the world but recognize it for what it is--the long hidden dense energy of conflicts and experiences going back hundreds of centuries in need of clearing.

Send and see ever present Light whenever and wherever you observe discord, not resisting or believing it to be the reality for the third dimension is a dimension of illusion--outer appearances reflecting the un-awakened consciousness of a majority based in beliefs of duality and separation. The world is NOT the illusion, how it is perceived according to ones state of consciousness is the illusion.

It is as if you are viewing the world through a dirty window. Each new awareness of truth, wipes a bit of the dirt off. There will always be pairs of opposites in the third dimension regardless of how hard one may try to change bad appearances into good ones for they are simply two sides of the same coin.

Your job as awakening souls is to see through these appearances. See the Light within every individual even when you can only perceive a pin point. Know that all are in and of the ONE regardless of how they act or the depth of their unawareness. Recognize the truth about every person who comes to your awareness--strangers as well as family and friends. This recognition can actually cause a shift in another's consciousness if they are receptive--no words being said and no actions having been taken

As you observe U.S. politicians playing "king of the castle", acknowledge their innate Light. This does not indicate an agreement with them or their antics, but means that you are seeing with a higher vision. Doing this with every person, place, or event throughout your day makes you a Lightworker. You are training your mind to interpret in new ways and helping it access deeper sources of information. An un-enlightened mind can only draw upon what is already present in the universal consensus consciousness.

This is why dreams seem to be very bizarre at times. You may be having a profound spiritual lesson or experience while asleep but the mind is unable to connect it with available knowledge and so it simply makes something up. A great deal of clearing is taking place in the sleep state, so if you find yourself dreaming about some person or event over and over, it may well be the clearing of lifetimes of energy related to that person or experiences.

The intense periods of clearing taking place at this time may involve people and issues you believed long resolved or some totally new physical, emotional, or mental issue may suddenly appear in your life. Cellular memory accumulated through hundreds of lifetimes is often energy you no longer relate to in any way, but still unknowingly carry. Any intense experience remains in cellular memory through lifetimes until you are evolved enough to clear and move beyond it. You are there now.

The clearing and integration of new energy often leaves an individual feeling tired and drained. Rest when you can, never believing that you have failed in some way because you seem to be doing nothing. There often comes the sense that nothing is happening during the integration process but on the spiritual journey, something is always happening. Allow yourself more breaks in your normal everyday hectic schedules with no guilt about it. Beliefs that declare resting or doing nothing as laziness are simply carry over concepts from times past when those who didn't work hard, didn't eat.

Love yourselves fully including every part of your physical body--every organ and every function regardless of how things may appear. Let go of the obsolete habit so many still hold of withholding love to self until some accepted criteria of perfection can be achieved. Love your emotions regardless of how they may shock, embarrass, irritate you when they pop up. Love every person you see, every animal, plant, and rock. Love the devic, elemental, nature spirit kingdoms as well as Gaia herself for you are each and every one of them. You are ONE.

Love is the key--the resolution, the ending, the opening, the fullness of all things.

You are ready.

With great love and appreciation we are the Arcturian Group 3/6/16


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeDim 13 Mar - 8:36

--- The Flowing Mind (Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians)

"Fourth dimensional consciousness/thinking is constructed of a more fluid reality,
In which your thoughts and emotions can change the structure of your reality."


We are on the cusp of great change. Exactly when, where, what, how, and to whom these changes occur will be determined in the fifth dimensional worlds that are beyond “time.”

We are on the cusp of great change. Exactly when, where, what, how, and to whom these changes occur will be determined in the fifth dimensional worlds that are beyond “time.” Therefore, “when,” which is a third dimensional term, will be “within the NOW” in which these changes are experienced.

This may seem confusing to your third dimensional thinking. However, if you are to consciously experience these changes, your consciousness—and thus your perceptions—will need to be calibrated to that frequency range and energy pattern of those changes.

Please remember that change does NOT occur - unless YOU experience it. And, whether or not you experience these changes will largely depend on whether or not your consciousness is calibrated to the frequency of reality in which that change is occurring within the NOW.

We realize that you may be confused by the 5D mode of conversation. Our speaking within the NOW of “no-time” no longer confuses Suzille. However, the side effect of her adaptation to that frequency of the NOW is that her third dimensional, time-bound experiences are very difficult to keep track of. We know that many of you are having this experience.

As you adapt to “NO Time,” which means, “NOW,” you begin to live more and more within your multidimensional mind. Meanwhile, your physical brain, consciousness, thoughts, and emotions are trying to cope with the third dimensional stimuli and fourth dimensional stimuli.

This third/fourth dimensional stimuli, as well as the construct of your physical life, are fading from your “choice of perception.” There is such a diversity of stimuli in your third/fourth dimensional reality that you can become lost in the myriad illusions that arise at that frequency of reality.

You see, the third dimensional construct of reality is based on the polarity and separation that you experience in your physical world. Even your dreams can be frightening or limiting. However, time runs much faster in the fourth dimension.

Therefore, many of you learn to meditate, lucid dream, draw, sing, dance, and/or be an athlete. It is through these creative endeavors that you activate your innate connection to wonderful creative ability of your fourth dimensional consciousness, and thus fourth dimensional thinking.

Fourth dimensional consciousness/thinking is constructed of a more fluid reality in which your thought and emotions can change the structure of your reality. You may also be moving through the fourth dimension to remember how to be active your higher states of consciousness.

OR, if you are in the process of “entering into” an earth vessel—or—releasing your earth vessel, the fourth dimensional frequency of reality is very different form your third dimensional experience of what you had formerly thought of as the “person,” or “body” that died.

Of course, while in your astral body you are very aware that you cannot die. Death is a third-dimensional concept. While in your fourth-dimensional Astral Body or your fifth-dimensional Light Body you have the perspective of looking at your third dimensional reality from the perspective of a higher dimensional version of your self.

We do not mean that the 3D issues diminish. What we are saying is that the worries and fears of your third dimensional reality will diminish in importance. As you continue to hear, see, feel and sense that “something is VERY different,” your third dimensional perceptions seem “less important.”

Now, this is very confusing to you because you know you HAVE to take care of your 3D life. You have to pay your bills, go the work, take care of your family, etc., etc. Yes, within this NOW you still have to maintain a strong connection to your third dimensional reality because YOU are changing it.

But how can you change something that you don’t really understand? That is a very important point because you are being called upon to expand your awareness of what is truly happening on physical Earth, so that YOU can participate in this change.


Therefore, we will move on to the “where” aspect of this change. That is an easy answer. The “where” is inside of YOU—deep within your Core! Since you are among our volunteers who took an earth vessel to more intimately assist Gaia, you are fully merging into your/Gaia’s planetary SELF. Therefore, your “where” is every where on planet Earth.

This brings us to the “What is going to occur?” We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, happily answer, “What ever you create!” If you are to ascend with Gaia, you will need to remember that YOU are the creator of your reality.

If you observe reality only from the third dimension, you will likely judge your self—a LOT! However, if you have learned to Unconditionally Love yourself, you will NOT judge your self. Instead, you will listen to the many voices inside your head, your heart, and your body.

We suggest that you tune into the roar of the myriad Higher Beings surrounding your world. Then, intimately and daily connect with your own Higher Self who resonates to the “you” who has found the courage to listen to your reality.

Remember, if you allow all of your senses, perceptions, thoughts and emotions to send you an understandable message, you will need to Unite all this information into the ONE voice of your own Higher Dimensional SELF.

There are many, many of our brave volunteers to Earth that are in the process of communing with their Higher Self. The challenge is that many do not realize that it is their own Higher Self with whom they are communing.

You have all been indoctrinated by the Lost Ones that, “You are just one, insignificant human.” We ask you to slightly change that message to, “I AM ONE very significant, multidimensional being.”

To best fulfill that mission, we suggest that you transmute “back” into your “Flowing Body.” Your Flowing Body is a return back into your fifth dimensional vessel of light.


To assist you with that “return,” we will NOW send you our latest transmission. We have spoken with you “inside your consciousness.” We NOW wish to assist you to interpret our message in a manner in which you can share with others in a way that they can understand.

We come to you within this NOW to share that we, your Galactic Family, surrounds your planet. Hence, we are able to give you all the protection and illumination that you are able to accept. Gaia is a free will planet, which both strengthens and weakens her.

Since Gaia chose to explore being a reality in which Her inhabitants could be the directors of their own version of reality, She was able to accept residents from myriad different worlds and dimensions onto Her planet.

However, the origins of these inhabitants were forgotten, as they adapted to a third/fourth dimensional reality. We come to you again to remind you that IT IS THE NOW for you ALL to release your old “adaptations” into your current third/fourth dimensional resonance and return to your true Multidimensional SELF.


All of your inter-dimensional abilities, and more, are becoming increasingly common. Best of all, more, and more, people are beginning to follow their inner urges and document that which they are experiencing. Best of all, you are sharing these experiences with others.

Fully remembering your initial arrival on planet Earth will greatly assist you to release your third-dimensional adaptations. Please remember that you bi-located from the fifth dimension, and beyond, from your true, fifth dimensional self.

“Bi-located” means that your fifth-dimensional expression of you who chose to merge a component of his/her energy field with the “you” who is wearing a third dimensional earth vessel - still resonates to the fifth dimension.

When your 3D self is consciously aware that you are infinitely connected with an expression of YOU who resonates to the fifth dimension, your third dimensional self will be able to merge with this fifth dimensional energy field.

When your third dimensional expression merges with your fifth dimensional expression, your collective SELF will perceive you as ONE with ALL the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.

Since YOU consciously resonate with both Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional SELF, as well as your fifth dimensional SELF, you become an open portal through which the fifth dimensional energy fields of your fifth dimensional SELF can flow into and merge with your physical earth vessel.

Your physical earth vessel shares Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional elements of earth, air, fire, water, and either. Your fifth dimension expression of SELF sends fifth dimensional energy fields down through your portal to intermingle with your third dimensional earth vessel.

This fifth dimensional energy field merges with every molecule of the inter-dimensional portal that your fifth and third dimensional selves have opened to commune with each other. Because Gaia is a “free-will” planet it is the decision of your 3D earth vessel self as to whether or not you receive this energy field.

The difficulty is that if your 3D expression cannot perceive this portal connection, you will not recognize the “feel” of the fifth dimensional that your “higher self” is sending to you via the portal of your join connection.

Please remember that this energy is meant to go through your 3D earth vessel and into the planetary body of Gaia. Your fifth dimensional SELF will continue to send you as much fifth dimensional light as you are able to ground into the body of Gaia.

It is vital that you remember that you MUST let this energy travel “Not From You-but THROUGH you.” The synaptic junctions of your third dimensional earth vessel cannot tolerate continual interaction with the fifth dimensional energy fields.

If you do not send this energy into the core of Gaia, you can greatly harm your fragile 3D earth vessel. However, as this energy travels through you, you are able to share it with others via the task that humans have called Channeling.

When you “channel” it is vital to ALWAYS remember:
“The energy travels THROUGH me not FROM me.

If you try to use this frequency of energy before you have fully grounded it in the planet, the ungrounded higher frequency can damage the delicate neural/electrical systems of the clay earth vessel that that expression of your Multidimensional SELF is wearing.

Furthermore, if your ego becomes engaged or you seek to use this energy for selfish reasons, your fifth dimensional expression will stop using “the Portal” until your grounded version regains their “service to others” consciousness.

Even when the grounded one maintains a service to others state of consciousness, the clay vessel that that YOU is wearing can become harmed by light that is too out of sync with the tunnel/portal through which it travels.

From the perspective of your earth vessel self, you will become extremely tired and perhaps even ill. Also, there can be some neurological damage if you do not take “rests” and remain connected with your higher dimensional YOU. This higher dimensional you is much like the “puppet master,” whereas your 3D self is much like the puppet.

However, this “puppet” is actually a very evolved human who has followed the necessary light choices that allows you to consciously connect with your own fifth dimensional (and beyond) expression of Multidimensional SELF.

Remember, your fifth dimensional self maintains the multidimensional opening of your shared inner portal. Simultaneously, your third dimensional self maintains the third/fourth dimensional opening of your shared inner portal.

These two expressions of YOU resonate to the frequency of consciousness of the part of the portal that you maintain. However, what has been occurring more and more is that the third dimensional expression of you is allowing more and more of this higher frequency of light to enter into your earth vessel.

As long as your physical expression realizes that you MUST maintain a higher state of consciousness on a regular basis or the higher light can actually harm your earth vessel. We remind you to not be alarmed, when the higher light “opens” higher dimensional messages that have been dormant in your physical brain.

Your third dimensional self is beginning to consciously perceive these messages because your earth bound consciousness has expanded enough to activate your higher brainwaves. It is these higher frequency brainwaves that allow you to receive higher and higher dimensional messages without damaging your physical brain.

It is at this point that your fifth dimensional self can pull through messages from higher and higher dimensions of realty. Simultaneously, your third dimensional YOU can ground these messages deeper and deeper into the planetary body of Gaia. You are also able to consciously perceive and share these messages with others.

When the third dimensional YOU at the 3D opening of your portal can consciously receive, document and share the messages that your 5D sends from the higher dimensions, our inter-dimensional portal expands more deeply into the core of Gaia, as well as into higher and higher dimensional realities.  

Eventually this YOU will be able to totally release all attachment to the third dimensional “holographic timeline” of planet Earth and merge the consciousness of your personal earth vessel self with the consciousness of the fifth dimensional SELF.

Furthermore, once you have merged your personal consciousness with your planetary consciousness, you be fully aware of the portal within the core of the Earth. It is then that your bi-located SELF, can be in constant communication with your earth vessel self.

When you entered your earth vessel, you entered time, as well as all the myriad possible, probable, alternate, and simultaneous incarnations of Earth. In this manner, you have access to the YOU in what you likely now consider your “past self.”

To your third dimensional self, these lives are within the “time” of the past. However, to your fifth dimensional self, these lives are ALL resonating to the NOW of the ONE. Hence, your constant connection to your Higher Self will greatly assist you to expand your perceptions of reality far beyond one individual being living in only one timeline.

We ask you now to go deep inside your long forgotten memory waves to remember entering the earth vessel that you are currently wearing. When you remember entering “this life,” you can remember the YOU that is often known as your “Higher Self.”


Hopefully the WHO is YOU! All of your inter-dimensional abilities, and more, are becoming increasingly common. Best of all, more, and more, people are beginning to follow their inner urges and document that which they are experiencing. Best of all, you are sharing these experiences with others.

Beings who have ascended beyond the third dimension often briefly return to the physical world to show others that a transition into Lightbody is possible.
Perhaps YOU will be one of those being.
Perhaps, you already are!


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mar - 7:59

--- Joy Is The Harbinger of Ascension (Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians) ---

"I AM wearing an earth vessel,
To share my higher frequencies of SELF,
With all life on Earth.

I AM that I AM.
I AM my Personal Self.
I AM my Planetary Self."

Joy is the Harbinger of Ascension.  This Joy can begin by flowing through the sky, a leaf, an animal  or a human. Joy is not just an energy field.  Joy is the doorway to open into your reality of fifth dimensional New Earth.

Unconditional Love allows you to feel Joy and Joy is the inter-dimensional portal to New Earth.  There is the Joy of a new-born child, the healing of a beloved person, a successful and fulfilling project, and an important contribution to planetary Ascension.

Remember, Ascension is not a place.  Ascension is a transmutation. Transmutation is when the frequency rate of a person, place, situation, thing, or planet shifts into a higher frequency of reality.

If you allow your higher self to speak with you, your fifth dimensional expression of SELF will give you a great deal of information about the path that you have chosen before you took this form, but you forgot.

Fortunately, the highest light has attracted your attention back into the fifth dimension and into the fifth dimensional expression of the “you”, who is over-lighting its fragment of the “you” who volunteered to wear a third/fourth dimensional Earth Vessel.

This Earth Vessel, however, is becoming far too small. This dynamic is occurring because your Multidimensional Mind, your Third Eye, and your High Heart are awakening and opening. This opening best occurs when you remain grounded in the planetary body of Gaia.

Once you are grounded in Gaia, your inter-dimensional portal will open and you will feel the connection in-between the core of Gaia and the portal of your own Higher Self. You will also feel the “you” that resides in-between the earthly and higher dimensional opening of your portal.

This “you” can perceive all the frequencies of all the portals that are within your Earth Vessel. Some of these portals are grounding portals, and need to be channeled through your third dimensional physical vessel, as well as your fourth dimensional astral vessel.

This version of YOU is the planetary “you” because you are wearing a garment of the same elements and elementals as Earth. This is likely the version of you who will experience a sense of “ascension.” In other words, this is your inter-dimensional self.

The form you that represents the entire planet, as well as all the frequency from the core of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water that Gaia has shared with you so that you could wear an earth vessel.

The dark ones did not want to share. They want to steal all that they can from Gaia and from all Her beings. These dark ones had the “assignment” of creating the downfall of the “third dimensional expression of Gaia.” But all nature must die to be re-born and that is the NOW of the New Dawn.

To assist in this rebirth, you must LET GO of the third/fourth dimensional versions of reality into which you bi-located. You released you primary attachment to your lives of comfort, purpose and Joy on the higher dimensions, so that you could inhabit a physical body to more fully assist Gaia.

None of you realized that life on the third dimension could be so difficult, as you all volunteered from your Galactic societies within the Now of the fifth dimensional One and far, far beyond. Third dimensional life was much more difficult than you ever imagined and many of you got lost in the myriad 3D illusions.

At least that is how you judged yourself. The truth is that all of you are doing everything that you can within the circumstances, the body, the times, the cultures, the economic spectrum, and the challenges that the particular Earth Vessel you are wearing is now facing.

Therefore, all of you are among the ones that will ride the huge tides of change, as well as all the waves of change that have been moving through the everyday life of third dimensional Gaia’s shores.

These tides of change, winds of change and inner expressions of change, have merged with the skies of change, the consciousness of change, the thoughts of change and the emotions of change and the fluidity of change.

These great changes are all happening around your Earth Vessel and deeply within your Earth Vessel. Fortunately, many of you have remembered the healing power of Unconditional Love and the trans-mutational ability of the Violet Fire.

With the memory of your SELF you can say, “I refuse to participate in “that” reality—and I send it unconditional love and Violet Fire!” transmute that which is stuck in the darkness into the Light.  That Light is dawning brighter and brighter each day.

It is only by holding true to your own higher expressions of self that you can remember to re-member the decree of:

“I AM a Multidimensional Being who has chosen to take an earth vessel on physical Earth.

“I AM a Multidimensional Being who came here NOW to assist with the Ascension of Gaia.
“I AM wearing an earth vessel to share my higher frequencies of SELF with all life on Earth.

I AM that I AM.
I AM my Personal Self.
I AM my Planetary Self and

I AM Here NOW to assist with the Planetary Ascension.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mar - 16:24

--- Arcturian Group - March 20, 2016 ---


MARCH 20 2016

Dear ones, welcome to a time when things seem the same for much of the world, but not for you who are awakening. Many of you are beginning to have new and unusual experiences as well as deeper insights that the others are unaware of. Keep on keeping on for evolution is moving toward a new earth and a new state of consciousness for those who choose.

We wish to talk about money, a topic that seems to cause much chaos and many problems for the world. The human belief system regarding money is built around duality--the consciousness of money as a "good" that must be attained or an "evil" to be rejected. Both are false being based in a general ignorance of truth often along with the desire of many for power. Money is a medium of exchange in and of itself having no power other than the power you give it.

Every soul is seeking to find and remember Itself, to rest in the peace and joy and love of once again experiencing who and what it really is. When an individual incarnates into third dimensional energy, he comes with a plan for whatever experiences are necessary for his evolutionary process. Once in the denser energy of the third dimension he forgets this, but retains that deep yearning for completeness. Not understanding that what he is feeling is spiritual, he begins to seek outwardly for whatever he believes will bring him happiness according to his attained state of consciousness.

Seeking and struggling for some perceived good (often money) in the outer no matter the cost to others is how much of the world still functions. It is the source of all criminal behavior, power struggles, dishonesty, religiosity, and on and on. Every individual is seeking to experience their innate wholeness, but not yet aware that it lies within, they turn every which way in the outer until in some lifetime at some point they give up and start looking within to where it is.

Money, as well as all forms of abundance, is a mind interpretation of the ever present completeness and wholeness within every individual. Mind can only interpret and manifest outwardly according to the attained state of consciousness and personal belief system of each. If Divine wholeness was not already embodied within, it could never appear outwardly, because the outer is the inner.

Abundance is an infinite and always present Divine law, but the universal belief in duality and separation has resulted in a world of lack and limitation. In duality there will always be the pairs of opposites (abundance and scarcity) and with separation there will always be some who have and some who do not. These beliefs are being continually re-enforced by the consensus consciousness.

The law of abundance is easily observed in nature--the leaves on the trees, the blades of grass, the flowers in the fields and the birds of the air. Nature when allowed, always functions according to a law of Divine abundance. The time has come for evolving mankind to begin the process of moving beyond obsolete beliefs of lack and its many forms, for in reality there is no such thing as lack.

Lack, especially in the form of money is a very difficult belief to move beyond. It and lessons of relationship represent the two most difficult blocks for the human consciousness. Beliefs of lack and limitation have developed to the point of becoming human laws because for the most, all previous lifetimes were lived fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy.

Cellular memory until cleared, still carries energies associated with experiences of poverty and starvation from some of those lifetimes. However, human laws as real as they may seem to be, are only beliefs that can never supercede Divine Law.

Gratitude is a powerful key for unlocking of abundance because it is the acknowledgement that "I have". Start with what is familiar, giving gratitude to the Divine within you for everything no matter how mundane or seemingly unimportant it may seem. Begin to acknowledge abundance everywhere around you even with something as as simple as noticing the nice suit someone is wearing or a beautiful home you admire.

Start saying grace before meals if you don't already, making it a recognition and gratitude for your Divine wholeness manifesting outwardly as food. Allow the simple mealtime prayer to move beyond the memorized and rote thanking of some far off concept of a God who picks and chooses who to bless--the God man has created in his own image and likeness.

In expressing gratitude to another for anything, you automatically acknowledge and honor Self when you realize that this has not come from the other but through them. There is no "other" and within the realization of ONE, all things simply move from one pocket to the other. This is why it is so very important to stop looking outwardly for anything--your good, happiness, or fulfillment. An evolved state of consciousness knows that all good flows from within, but appears to come from others.

As you begin to accept the truth of who and what you are, honoring and loving yourself as Divine beings, you will find yourselves automatically feeling gratitude for everything. This happens because you are now able to recognize every physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experience (the pleasant as well as the not so pleasant), to be a teacher.

Abundance appears in infinite form and variety according to the need of the moment. Money is only one form of abundance. When you open a bill, or look in your wallet and declare; "I don't have." you can be assured that that is exactly what you are creating, for you are creators. Even if you have only one meager coin of the lowest denomination look upon it without judgement and acknowledge; "I have.".

As with every aspect of spiritual evolution, intellectual knowledge of a truth is only the first step. You cannot sit in the absolute waiting for a bag of money to drop from the sky (although this could happen if you had the consciousness of it). Know the truth and then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take, be it employment or assistance of some sort. Let your actions be what resonates with you, and not what others may be telling you to do for their guidance as well meaning as it may be, is representative of their state of consciousness and not yours.

Keep yourself open and guided with regard to all employment opportunities, not just the "perfect job". Taking a job that you consider to be beneath you and performing it to the best of your ability, sends a message of intent to the Universe that you are serious about experiencing more abundance and are ready to receive. Often another more suitable form of employment will soon present itself. All employment is service and any job you hold can be Light work when done in an energy of Love.

Begin the flow of "I have" through giving on all levels-- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It can be as simple as taking time to find used clothes and items to donate. Let go completely of the belief that when you give, this automatically means less for you. You have moved beyond that state of consciousness and now understand that everything flows through you from an infinite well of abundance and not from a limited personal stash.

Use every giving as an opportunity to realize "I have" because "I am". Let the energy of your Divine wholeness flow where you are guided to let it flow in the realization that you are not expected to lift the whole world for there are still many who need the old. Remember always to listen closely to your intuition for it occasionally happens that an enthusiastic student unknowingly becomes an enabler.

Lack must must be understood for what it is--a belief based in duality and separation having no law to support it--illusion. The fear and panic that arises from not having enough is what drives crime and perpetuates the sense of separation. We understand your struggles. Our message today is that you are now ready to begin seeing and experiencing money as energy and not material even though it appears that way.

Take some material money and feel it, hold it, and realize that it is a material concept representing the completeness of the Divine Consciousness that you really are.

Divine Consciousness is Self sustained and Self maintained embodying all that is and holding it in place eternally by Divine Law. It can never be more or less, nor can it change or be absent for it is all there is and must therefore be the substance from which you were formed.

"I am the substance from which money is formed."

We are the Arcturian Group 3/20/16


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D   Pléiadiens, Arcturiens, Ra + Simion 7D - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Mar - 7:30

--- Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians ---

"Whereas the third and fourth dimensions are time/space realities,
The fifth dimension has an operating system of here/now.
Just as the third and fourth dimensions resonate to time, which creates space,
The fifth dimension resonates to the timeless NOW of the ONE."


Remembering What You Always Knew

The physical body is your first “resonance receptor” to receive the ever-expanding higher frequency energy patterns that are entering your daily life. Your brain controls your body, but your body also controls your brain. Your heart has the final say, especially once it transmutes into your High Heart.

Through out this transmutation, your physical mind and heart must work together within your ever-expanding consciousness as your physical brain transmutes into your Multidimensional Mind and physical heart into your High Heart.

Your Multidimensional Mind perceives and accepts the higher frequency thought forms of inter-dimensional thoughts and shares them with your High Heart. Then your High Heart accepts and translates these higher frequency thought forms by combining the inter-dimensional thoughts with the inter-dimensional emotions.

With thoughts and emotions combined, the translated light messages are shared with your Multidimensional Mind. In this manner, your Multidimensional Mind and High Heart collaborate to reset your earth vessel’s perceptual field base-line frequency from third dimensional - to fourth dimensional - to fifth dimensional.

In this manner, instead of perceiving your reality as being third dimensional with fourth-dimensional overlays, the fourth dimension becomes your primary reality, and you perceive the third dimension as more of a “memory” rather than an on-going reality.

It is in this fashion you are shifting your belief systems and thus the overall operating systems of your physical body. Eventually, you will no longer perceive that you are a third dimensional human who is having fourth dimensional dreams.

Instead, you will perceive yourself as a fourth dimensional being who has a lower frequency third dimensional SELF who is anchoring your Portal into the physical body of planet Earth.

This perception of self is the first step of shifting your “operating system” from a third dimensional operating system to a fourth dimensional operating system. Once this perceptual shift occurs, you begin to seriously attune your attention toward the fifth dimension, which is increasingly entering your expanded perceptual field.

At first, this fifth dimensional perceptual shift is not to perceive because this dimension has a completely different operating system than the third and fourth dimension.

Whereas the third and fourth dimensions are time/space realities, the fifth dimension has an operating system of here/now. Just as the third and fourth dimensions resonate to time, which creates space, the fifth dimension resonates to the timeless NOW of the ONE.

Fortunately, once your Multidimensional Mind and High Heart are “online” with your daily consciousness, your perceptions greatly expand. Via your Multidimensional Mind, you can perceive and consciously accept inter-dimensional energy waves into your 3D brain.

Then you can integrate these energy patterns into the ATMA of your High Heart where your Three-Fold Flame of Infinite Wisdom, Multidimensional Power, and Unconditional Love can easily translate all inter-dimensional light messages.

These translated messages are then shared with your Multidimensional Mind, who sends them into the Pituitary Gland of your physical form.

You Pituitary Gland perceives the resonance of the frequency and energy patterns and distributes the message of these patterns with your physical body via your adrenal system.

You adrenal system moves into every component of your physical earth vessel. It is for this reason that your physical body is your “higher resonance energy receptor.”

Fortunately, with merging of your innate inter-dimensional Wisdom, Power, and Love within your ATMA, your third/fourth dimensional brain begins to transmute into your Multidimensional Mind, which can easily “read” and totally “understand” any higher dimensional messages. You often do not realize the complexity of your ability to “channel” higher dimensional messages.

However, as you become consciously aware of these higher frequencies of light that are coming into your consciousness, your higher dimensional frequencies of SELF will assist you to remember how to interpret these energy waves via your physical earth vessel.

The first step of interpretation is to consciously recognize that you have just received an inter-dimensional message. Each of you will discover your own manner of “knowing” that a communication has come into your awareness.

As we have said, if you set aside a certain time and place to which you return on a regular basis to meditate, your third dimensional brain will remember that “time” and gradually become accustomed to the “feeling” of an incoming inter-dimensional message.

You will also remember that whenever you perceive a carrier wave of fear, with all its hidden components of anger and sorrow, you can say, “I refuse to participate in that reality, and I send it Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.”

Saying that decree will seal off any possible communications so that you do NOT need to experience it. Once you begin to remember your true inner power and your innate ability to surrender into the fifth-dimensional ONE, you will find that you are called to “active duty.”

Initially, this active duty is NOT physical. This initial form of “active duty” occurs within your consciousness. In preparation for active duty in your physical world, you will be called upon to actively transmute the myriad parallel, past, alternate, and simultaneous realities that are running inside of your consciousness.

Then, with the your inner self free of the burden of many of your other physical incarnations, you can more clearly turn your attention to your present reality, which you once believed was your “only reality.”

With the completion of this important preparation of transmuting your inner self with the Unconditional Love and the Violet Fire, you have a greater ability to refuse to participate in that, which lowers your consciousness and/or distracts you from your “reason for incarnation.”

With this active remembering of your own inner power,
Your consciousness will expand exponentially.

Gaia has been kind enough to offer a planet on which you could play out your “war games.” NOW many of you don’t want war games. Everyone loses in a war, except for the two percent of the dark ones who pay for both sides of the war and make all of the money off of that war.

These lost ones are not concerned about the consequences of these wars and other planetary disruptions. They are playing a game with their dark friends and whoever makes the most money wins the game.

In your “past,” no one asked how these dark ones made their money because they were too busy trying to survive in an unjust world filled with wars and agony. But NOW you, our awakening ones, are discovering the inner power of your own Multidimensional Minds and High Hearts.

Beloved ones, all humans, even the ones in the “power-over” side, must find their own inner power before they can even consider moving themselves into a higher frequency of reality.

Therefore, you, the ever-expanding members of the “power-within” side of your third-dimensional polarized reality, are transmuting your consciousness from the:
“Why I can’t” angry consciousness,
“Why can’t I” victim consciousness,
“I can do it soon,” dreamer consciousness,
“I am doing it now,” empowered consciousness,
“I am doing it now for Gaia,” planetary consciousness.

As you recognize that you are evolved enough to think of yourself as serving your Planet, who is an intelligent, living being, your Planetary Consciousness quickly expands into fifth-dimensional Unity Consciousness.

It is within this NOW that you begin to remember why you chose to maintain a physical vessel in that third dimension, as well as the specifics of your pre-birth contract, which you wrote before you took this embodiment.

We, the Arcturians, are joyous to say that more and more of you are awakening to the fact that you are not just your physical vessel. You, our volunteers to assist Gaia, are remembering more and more about your true, Multidimensional SELF.

In fact, many of you are consciously connecting with a higher frequency of your SELF that over-lights and guides you. This higher expression of YOU is wearing a Multidimensional Lightbody.

In fact, this YOU is preparing you for your transmutation into Lightbody. We hear you all say, “When, when will this happen?” Our answer to you is:

“When your consciousness expands beyond the confines of third dimensional time and into the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond, YOU will flash into your Lightbody.”

Can you imagine how it will be when you know exactly who you are?

Can you imagine how it will feel when you suddenly resonate to the fifth dimension of the Here and the Now?

Please remember that imagination is fifth dimensional thought that flows from your Multidimensional Mind. Also remember that Unconditional Love constantly flows from your High Heart.

It is the activation of your fifth dimensional imagination and your fifth dimensional unconditional love that is the precursor to your “flashing into Lightbody.” If you all knew how very close you were to this experience, you would be greatly surprised.

Your 3D world has taught you to be “modest” because you were told that it was “conceited” to think too highly of yourself. But we say, “Please, please, think highly of your SELF because your “SELF” resonates to a very HIGH frequency!

When you “think highly” of your SELF, you will have unconditionally loving inter-dimensional thoughts and emotions. These higher frequency thoughts and emotions will guide you to more swiftly become your SELF in your daily 3Dlife.

The Ascended Masters had to spend many decades learning to become the masters of their every thought and their every emotion. In order to gain this mastery, you must fully understand how your thoughts and feelings blend into one to become the fertile package of a reality.

This “package of reality” will present itself in the Now in which you are THINKING with your Multidimensional Mind and FEELING it with your High Heart.

Once you get to the state of consciousness in which you are thinking in an inter-dimensional manner, you have likely already remembered many of your other incarnations.

Therefore, you can remember all the other lives in which you tried to ascend and could not. Or, perhaps, you can remember a life in which you tried to Ascend and did.

Can you look at these lives free of your ego’s shame and/or conceit? Can you look at these lives free of any need to perceive that you did something good, or you did something better?

As soon as you think of your self in terms of either “good” or “bad” your consciousness lowers because these terms are judgments. The process of Ascension is not a reward. The process of Ascension is as natural to your Lightbody, as death is natural to your physical body.

In your third dimensional life, you are born, you have a life, and then you die. Conversely, your fifth dimensional self knows that you are a multidimensional and have volunteered to take a third/fourth dimensional body. Your Lightbody SELF knows that you will use your physical vessel for as long as you need it to fulfill your mission.

When your mission is complete, you will return to your true Multidimensional Self. However, within this NOW, there is another option for your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF in that it can also choose to populate fifth-dimensional New Earth.

With either option, you will return to the NOW of the ONE to find all expressions of your SELF-waiting to embrace you with Unconditional Love.

The Arcturians.


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