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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Mar - 21:56

--- "Honor the Awakened Being in Your Body" (Inelia Benz) ---

"Souvenez-vous d'honorer votre soi éveillé."

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Honorez l'Être Eveillé dans Votre Corps (Inelia Benz)

Dans certains pays, une personne éveillée est honorée, aimée et aidée. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'individus à avoir fait l'expérience de cela en Occident. Il est temps de le faire. Commençons avec nous-mêmes et permettons à cela de se déployer dans notre vie. Faisons en sorte que cela s'étende à ceux qui sont éveillés autour de nous, ceux qui voyagent avec nous et qui co-créent un nouveau paradigme de plus haute perception et conscience. Ceux qui incarnent le nouveau paradigme sans excuses ni retards.

Quand je vois comment les cultures et les peuples premiers traitent leurs shamans révérés et leurs gardiens de sagesse, leurs guérisseurs et leurs guides; lorsque je regarde les yogis et les gurus, les lamas et les moines, aidés, respectés et admirés... je pense à VOUS.

Vous vous êtes éveillés et avez oeuvré à votre souveraineté; vous avez travaillé sans relâche pour aider et faire grandir les capacités d'autrui, et je voudrais VOUS REMERCIER. Mon coeur et mon amour pour vous est éternel. Mon respect et mon admiration pour vous est sans bornes.

Je voudrais que vous réfléchissiez à cela, que vous fassiez vôtres mes mots. Honorez-vous pour cet éveil survenu par-delà les obstacles et les blocages incessants que vous avez dû affronter dans votre vie. Ressentez de l'amour et de l'admiration pour votre âme, cette personne-là même qui vous regarde dans le miroir. Acceptez votre lumière intérieure, votre sagesse et votre état naturel de haute fréquence, et permettez-lui de briller sans restrictions.

Imprimez cette image et placez-la dans un endroit où vous pouvez la voir tous les jours, et quand vous la regardez, souvenez-vous de mes paroles. Souvenez-vous d'honorer votre soi éveillé.

L'article original en anglais :

Honor the Awakened Being in Your Body (Inelia Benz)

In some countries, an awakened person is honored, loved and supported. Not many awakened individuals have experienced this in the West. It is time to do it. Let’s start with ourselves and allow it to reflect in our life. Let’s extend it to those who are awake around us, the ones who are journeying with us, and co-creating a new paradigm of higher awareness and consciousness. The ones who are embodying the new paradigm without excuses or delay.

When I see how native cultures treat their beloved shamans and wisdom keepers, their healer and their guides, when I watch yogis and gurus, lamas and monks being supported, respected and admired… I think of YOU.

You have awakened and worked on your empowerment, work tirelessly to support and empower others, and I would like to THANK YOU.  My heart and love for you is eternal. My respect and admiration for you knows no bounds.

I would like you to reflect upon my words, and feel them for yourself. Honor yourself for being awake regardless of the endless stops and blocks you have faced in your life. Feel love and admiration for your soul, the same person who looks back at you in the mirror.  Accept your inner light, your wisdom and your high frequency nature and allow it to shine unrestricted.

Print out this picture and place it somewhere you can see it every day, and when you look at it, remember my words. Remember to honor your awakened self.


Adonai de la Source Première.

Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

Post-Scriptum : Je rappelle qu'il existe des sites, comme par exemple, où il est immédiatement possible de réaliser des cartes postales, voire même des stickers et autres aimants pour porte de frigidaire depuis telle ou telle image. À bon entendeur...
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 1 Avr - 8:34

--- The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness ---

First Source Avatar is NOW full 100% Embodiment of New Paradigm Earth Ascending Gaia.

Rejoice People, Rejoice!!!

And you don't have to understand it, but to feel it, to sense it, to know it.

It is the time, it is the time.....

Huh.....  sunny

Archangel Michael, The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Avr - 6:47

--- ---


Join me at WWMN! (Inelia Benz)

What on earth is WWMN? Well… let me tell you. WWMN stands for Walk With Me Now, our private and personal empowerment platform. It was born from hearing the strong call for joining and connecting with other individuals who carry a high frequency vibrational core essence and an empowerment intent for themselves and for our planet.

There are a lot of classes, courses, articles, exercises, videos, interviews, books, tools, and tips at Ascension101, but there was no reliable way to reach me or the many others who are studying and using them. So, in 2014, the Team and I decided to launch an empowerment platform where we can hang out and explore and expand on my material and the universe too. Where we can also explore other teachers, gurus, guides, writers and speakers and their material. We then observed and explored who we wanted to hang out with in that wonderful space. We decided that it is individuals who are passionate, dedicated and inspired about their own and humanity’s ascension and empowerment.

Well, that’s exactly what we got! I have to tell you that the level of dedication, power, awareness and skills is super high at WWMN. Most of the members have decades of spiritual and empowerment work under their belts. The amount of knowledge, wisdom, and capacity and ability to look deeply into the topics that are brought up is mind blowing.

However, if you feel a bit shy about entering the platform because of my description above, know that your level of engagement is chosen by you. There are no requirements to get involved in the forum discussions, weekly exercises, monthly live webinar, studying of classes and courses or reading of material. You can simply join and watch, observe, and explore the material that’s there for as long as you want. Our library has hundreds of items to download. Or you can jump right in and join in the discourse. Members come and go as they please. Personal discernment is key.


For years now, many people on the planet have been bridging the old and new paradigms. They have been walking with one foot on each side of the paradigm divide. This was necessary in order to keep the door open for those who had not yet decided which way to go.

Well, that is no longer necessary. We can now step fully into the embodiment and creation of the New Paradigm. Yup, you heard it here first. We can experience the New Paradigm now.

This shift in energy is reflected on our new WWMN About Page. Check it out to see if it’s a good fit for you.

My day starts with deep joy in the fact that I will be meeting so many amazing, empowered, empowering, and inspiring individuals at WWMN. So guess what’s the first thing I do when I wake up?

To be continued here :

Or here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 26 Avr - 20:32

--- Who & What Are You Forming Moment to Moment? (Inelia Benz) ---


Note: This is a class that Inelia previously offered at "A.W.A.K.E.N Academy".

Becoming a Conscious Creator of Self & Environment

One of the most radical scientific discoveries of the recent future is that we can literally change our DNA with our words. Coming close to this radical discovery is the conclusion by various scientific institutions that our universe is holographic. I am known and recognized by mystic and spiritual leaders around the world to be a "formless individual". This "difference" gives me a unique perspective on how we form ourselves, as well as how we structure and solidify our personal reality. It also gives me the capacity to provide an energetic map into and out of our solid reality.

This class reveals information which is now ready to be received by everyone who is open to it. The mechanics behind all the "programming" we have picked up, why we pick it up, how we can take charge of it, and what to do with it.

Step into this class' mystical journey and open the doors into your own Creator, from where you can review and tweak everything you had previously thought of as solid and unchangeable. This class is for serious explorers of consciousness only; a familiarity with the Fear Processing Exercise is highly recommended.

Get the class :


In Joy/Light/Love.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Mai - 7:02

--- Mining Timelines for Skills, Information and Decision (Inelia Benz) ---

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We live in a vast ocean of information and knowledge. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could tap into it and access what is relevant and applicable to you? And to do that easily and effectively? Wouldn't it be great to test out life altering decisions before you took them so you are guaranteed to make the best choice for your life? Are you interested in exploring how different life looks in alternative timelines?

This class teaches you exactly that!

In this recording, Inelia shows you how to explore different timelines and meet and merge with "versions" of you who have the skills, knowledge or have taken choices in life which you are considering. This class comes with three guided exercises designed to transport you into any timeline you choose where you can then mine for information, skills and try out possible future outcomes in a safe, fun and riveting way.

Here :


In JoyLightLove.   sunny
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Mai - 22:41

--- You CAN make informed and powerful choices... (Inelia Benz) ---


I have spoken about timelines in various interviews and also mention them in the Ascension101 Course.  On my Mining Timelines Audio Class, there is a powerful guided meditation exercise to consciously choose highly resonant timelines. There are also two other exercises, one to mine for information, and another to mine for skills.

As a young child (about 3-4 years old), I became aware of the timeline in which I was living. When I realized which one it was, I had a total breakdown. I didn't stop crying for three days. I lost my voice and ran out of tears. I didn't sleep or eat, just cried inconsolably. At the end of the three days, and when I started fading, my parents took me to the doctor, who injected me with a tranquilizing agent and sent me home. I fell asleep and when I woke up, all was well.

I had a very clear knowing even then that we have many, many timeline options and also that the one we are in is not a good one if you don't like drama or pain. But I stayed. Throughout my life I have had clear points where I experienced a timeline shift, resulting in very specific life changes. Some were positive, some were negative. Most of these, but not all, were taken unconsciously. And the "memory" and sense of the other timeline, the one I did not choose, was very close, active, almost reachable, for a while.

In all those situations my sense of "personal timeline" stayed put. It was "me" who was staying in this choice, and another timeline branching off into the other choice with a slightly different "Inelia" on it. Me, but not my experience.  Except for one timeline shift that was different to all the rest. That one happened just over a week ago and the difference was that I knew and felt that the experience of Me, had come in from a different timeline into this one.  Instead of having a clear and solid memory and reality that this was my timeline, the opposite was true. My timeline and life up to that point was completely different. And at that point I entered into this timeline into completely unfamiliar surroundings and relationships. The other interesting aspect was that I immediately knew what was happening and that soon I would be able to access this timeline's memory constructs and reality, and be able to live in it without anyone knowing.

The other distinct difference is that I have clear (although fading) recollection of my life in the other timeline. And it was very different. Our species was not plagued with war or fear, there were no roads and all houses were zero or minus impact.  Gaia was fully activated and vibrating at her true frequency in our reality. Our species actively worked to keep a healthy and active link and communication with Gaia and all her creatures.

What does any of this have to do with our combined human story?

TimelinesSince April-May 2016, there has been a flurry of timeline jumping on the planet both at a personal level (as individuals commit to what paradigm they want to embody) and at a collective level as we start aligning to those people and "stories" that are more resonant to our choices.

Timelines, just like groups of people in our own timeline here, are dictated by our choices.  When we truly choose to partake in a reality, we come together with others who are very much in alignment with that choice and move forward together.

Have a look and see what realities and timelines you are stepping in and out of. Where is your focus of attention, where and to whom is your energy going to. What are you feeding with your emotions, and what is the nature of those emotions.

Symptoms of Timeline Jumping

1. The physical body elemental is not at all happy with the shifting and moving of timelines. When this starts happening, the body becomes highly stressed and tense. This causes cramps and also pain on the back of the neck and shoulders, with a feeling of something tight around the head, or a headache that won't go away.

2. A sense that you don't know what you are doing in "that house" or "that workplace", it suddenly feels unfamiliar and that you belong somewhere else.

3. "Fantastic" alternative daydreams about your own past. Memories that you "know" never happened.

4. You may have had a moment, or more moments, when you had no idea where you were, who the people around you were, and thought perhaps you were getting Alzheimer's or another type of mental incapacity.

5. You clearly know that the decision you just took has marked your life forever. The change might be slow to appear but it is permanent.

6. Your body suddenly heals, or some unknown ailment is suddenly identified and the right treatment is also available.

7. There is an interest you have had for years, for which there was hardly any information, and suddenly there are hundreds of books and websites about it out there.

8. You go to someone's house (sometimes your own) and there is an object there that is different to how we remember it. A different color, shape, location, design... and you disregard the unfamiliarity because it must have been always like that. Yet, you noticed it was now different. Sentences like, "oh, I never noticed that the lamp had a string switch" or "I always thought that dresser was turquoise, but it's blue".

9. People around you seem slightly unfamiliar, although you have known them a long time or your entire life, it feels to your body like you have just met.

These are a few of the symptoms of timeline jumping we can spot in our lives. The question then comes, what do we do about it?

Well, first of all, we can understand and relax into them. No, you are not mad, are not losing your mind, your memories haven't suddenly gone awry,  And secondly, realize that this is a great opportunity for you to make a lifelong commitment to live on your highest frequency by choice.  Become interested in your surroundings, in your life choices, in your people (who are my people? everyone you touch with your energy).

Most of all, know that this is real, that we are going through this step in our evolution where we can, if we so choose, be aware of how subtle reality really is, and how thin the walls between dimensions and timelines really are. It is a very exciting time!

Mining Timelines :


In Joy/Light/Love.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 17 Juin - 7:18

--- Inelia Benz - Vous êtes extraordinaires... - June 2017 ---

You Are Amazing - Inelia Benz

In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 27 Juin - 16:23

--- Something Huge !!! (Inelia Benz- June 2017) ---

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Are you waiting for the EVENT? Well, it happened.

You heard it here first!

Many people have been predicting an event, or shift, to happen on Earth. The interpretations of the nature and shape of this shift varied greatly in scope and nature depending on who was seeing or sensing it.

I personally did not sense or perceive anything huge or fantastic coming our way. Not in the positive or negative spectrum or frame. For me, the work we are here, all of us who are interested in a high frequency experience of physicality on Earth, was to moment to moment and day to day embody the new paradigm in our lives and bodies.

In my opinion by doing this, we would reach a point where the whole tipping point of experience on the planet would shift to a higher frequency co-creation. Simple, but not very dramatic, impressive or awe inspiring. Yet, severe, the stuff that shatters matrixes and creates new ones.

Every day, several times a day, I scan different areas of awareness. The Earth (Gaia), our human collective, the universal collective, different species collectives, the frequency of where we are, our matrixes, and much more. It’s part of my daily routine.

For a few days now, maybe a week, I have felt a massive change in the human collective awareness and consciousness. There are billions of high frequency people who have joined in intent and high frequency at a conscious (semiconscious) level as ONE.

This is BIG. This is the biggest change in our timeline I have detected since I was born.

The power of this field of awareness and the power of intent (high frequency experience on Earth) is massive!

What does this mean for us? It means that as we join this field of awareness, we make it stronger and it makes us stronger.

I would highly recommend you scan and see if you can find and join this field of awareness and intent at a conscious level. It makes being and staying in our natural high frequency state much, much easier moment to moment and day to day no matter what is thrown at us.

It makes it easier to see and remove low frequency programs of enslavement. It makes it easier to converse and deal with those individuals who are not, and not ever, going to join us in our choice of having high frequency experiences on Earth.  

This is a huge change in our capacities, awareness, abilities and power.  It is HUGE.

Share this information with everyone you think will benefit from it, and empower all of us to make this field stronger than all those who intend to continue in low frequency experiences.

It’s time!

Inelia Benz.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 28 Juin - 9:00

--- Inelia Benz - Juin 2017 - Traduction en français !!! ---


Attendez-vous l’ÉVÈNEMENT ? Eh bien, il est survenu.

Vous en avez entendu parler ici en premier !

Beaucoup de gens ont prédit un évènement, ou un changement à venir sur Terre. Les interprétations quant à la nature ou à la forme de ce changement ont grandement varié en étendue et nature selon les personnes qui voyaient ou sentaient cela.

Personnellement, je n’ai pas senti ni perçu quelque chose de gigantesque ou fantastique croisant notre chemin. Ni positif, ni négatif en terme de spectre ou de forme. Pour moi, le travail que nous faisons ici, nous tous qui sommes intéressés par une expérience de haute fréquence au sein de la physicalité sur Terre, consistait à incarner, moments après moments, et jour après jour, le nouveau paradigme dans nos vies et dans nos corps.

Selon moi, en faisant cela, nous atteindrions un moment où le point de bascule de l’expérience dans son ensemble sur la planète changerait pour une co-création de plus haute fréquence. Simple, mais pas très spectaculaire, ni impressionnant ou exaltant. Et pourtant, sévères sont les choses qui font voler en éclats les matrices pour en créer de nouvelles.

Chaque jour, plusieurs fois par jour, je scanne différents domaines de conscience. La Terre (Gaia), notre collectif humain, le collectif universel, divers collectifs d’espèces, la fréquence où nous nous trouvons, nos matrices, et bien plus encore. Cela fait partie de ma routine quotidienne.

Depuis quelques jours maintenant, peut-être une semaine, j’ai senti un changement massif dans le mode de perception et la conscience du collectif humain. Il y a des milliards d’êtres de haute fréquence qui se sont joints en intention et fréquence supérieure, à un niveau conscient (à moitié conscient), en tant que UN.

Cela est ÉNORME. Il s’agit du plus grand changement dans notre chronologie qu’il m’a été donné de détecter depuis que je suis née.

Le pouvoir de ce champ de conscience, et le pouvoir de l’intention (expérience de haute fréquence sur Terre) est massif !

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour nous ? Cela signifie qu’à mesure que nous rejoignons cette conscience, nous la rendons plus forte et elle nous rend plus fort.

Je vous recommande fortement de scanner et de voir si vous pouvez trouver et joindre ce champ de perception et d’intention à un niveau conscient. Cela nous permet d’être et de rester dans notre état naturel de haute fréquence de façon bien plus aisée et facile, moments après moments, et jour après jour, quoi qu’il advienne sur notre chemin.

Cela permet de voir et d’enlever plus facilement les programmes d’asservissement de basses fréquences. Cela permet de dialoguer et d’interagir plus facilement avec les individus qui ne nous rejoindront pas, ni maintenant ni jamais, dans notre choix pour des expériences de hautes fréquences sur Terre.

C’est un changement énorme dans nos capacités, notre conscience, nos facultés et notre pouvoir. C’est ÉNORME.

Partagez cette information avec quiconque pourrait selon vous en bénéficier, et partageons ce pouvoir afin que ce champ devienne plus fort que celui de tous ceux là qui ont l’intention de continuer à expérimenter de basses fréquences.

Il est temps !

Inelia Benz.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 2 Juil - 7:26

--- The Event - Inelia Benz - June 2017 ---

Are you waiting for the EVENT?
Well, it happened - Inelia Benz

In JoyLightLove.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 17 Juil - 6:03

--- The Anunnaki and why WE matter! (Inelia Benz) ---

Inelia Benz - The Anunnaki and why WE matter!

In JoyLightLove.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Juil - 20:28

--- Summer Retreats With Inelia Benz (August 18-24 & September 14-20 2017) ---

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Embodying the New Paradigm. How to create a high frequency life experience on Earth. A deep exploration of what Oneness is, enlightenment is, and how these relate to Paradigms of existence in a human body on Earth. Inelia will also relate and explore with you alternative timelines and expressions of reality in a human body that are open to be looked at.

We will also explore the difference between a journey to Oneness, a journey of expansion of awareness (ascension) and a journey of conscious manifestation ... and how all these relate to each other. The aim of this retreat is that by its completion, you will know what you want to achieve as your physical and soul experience here on Earth, and how to carry it out. Also, to spend time with other individuals who have super high intents of vibrational frequency.

To be continued here :

In JoyLightLove.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Aoû - 7:04

--- Global Ascension Center & Total Solar Eclipse : Inception Point (August 2017) ---

August & September Retreat 2017 with Inelia Benz

"Total" (= 91%) Solar Eclipse in Neah Bay, Washington :

In JoyLightLove

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 20:40

--- Post Event and Ego Crash Symptoms (Inelia Benz - September 2017) ---

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I'd like to share with you some information about two phenomena that can happen when you go to a retreat or event. They are called "Post Event/Retreat Crash" and "Ego Crash". These phenomena do not happen to everyone, but they are very common.

Post Event Crash Symptoms

Many individuals will have an energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual crash after an inspiring and powerful event or retreat. And this is not limited to spiritual events. It can be a powerful and uplifting business event, a church event, a holiday, or any other event where their level of happiness, vibrational frequency, inspiration, and energy were stimulated and raised.

Larry and I have been looking at the reason for this to happen, and we are still not clear as to why it does happen. Mostly, it feels like the vibrational frequency between our own personal lives and that of the event are so different that when we get back to our personal lives unless we continue with a strong high frequency practice, the familiarity of our old lives pulls us back down. The frequency falling even a little bit is so devastating that we then crash. Once we come out of the crash, back to how our lives used to be before the event does not feel so bad after all.

Change is hard.

Another reason could be that during the event, you were surrounded by a group of individuals who were also at that high vibrational frequency intent and thus generating high frequencies with you, so when you remove yourself from that field of collective awareness, you feel disconnected from what is your true nature's "normal" state, and crash.

You are going from being surrounded with people you resonate with, who are on the same journey that you are and see you fully, to an environment where you are alone in your journey, surrounded by sleepers or those who feed on drama and suffering.

What can you do?

The first thing you can do is know that this happens, so if it does happen to you, you are not taken by surprise or think you have “failed” in some way.

Have an action plan you can get on with once you get home. This could be an online course, with people whom you are accountable to for the course material. This does not have to be related to the event, it could be a new language, art course, business course, cooking course… it doesn’t matter as long as it is something you are personally interested in. Yes, it can also be a course that allows you to spend time exploring the topics you learned about in the event.

Stay connected. Did you make new friends or meet old ones at the event? Stay connected with them for at least a few weeks after the event.

Outdoor time and exercise. Do you have any way to do outdoor work, exercise or a gym nearby? Whether it is gardening or yoga, weight lifting or hiking, spend time away from your daily routine and get outside of your personal environment doing something physical. As you do the activity that you like, consciously choose positive emotions and thoughts over negative ones.

“I am indulging in sadness right now, but I choose to think of a beautiful rose instead” is an example of how to move your emotional and mental body into a more positive one during your “outside/outdoor” exercise.

Nourish your emotional and mental body. Often, when we are in a high frequency environment and surrounded by high frequency individuals whom we have connected with even if it is at an intent level only, our bodies (emotional, energetic, physical and mental) experience a huge amount of “workout”. A period of rest and integration of those frequencies is needed, so going back home after the event is not always a good idea (unless you are very positive and passionate about your work and your home supports you fully).

Having a holiday/vacation, spending a few days chilling and reading, or in a beautiful location after the event is very supportive for integrating and recuperating after your high level “workout”.

If you are forced to go back home and to work immediately, take at least an hour every day to simply chill, meditate, contemplate or listening quietly to high frequency materials, music, chats, lectures etc.

The ego can crash too.

Although not the same as a post event crash and usually happens during an event, an ego crash can certainly happen after the event.

What is an ego crash? An ego crash is when our ego fights tooth and nail to stop our awareness from expanding and our frequency from raising. It feels like we are going insane, or develop extreme emotional feelings (usually negative or possessive) for a person, location or situation.

Symptoms of an ego crash can include indulging in drama with other participants, getting angry or irritated with one or more of the individuals attending the event, feeling like a victim, misunderstood, wanting to cry and or wanting to be alone and to disconnect from the other participants. It can also come out in a need to be seen, heard and acknowledged at all times. You might find yourself doing things that you would not normally do, such as being passive aggressive, snapping at people, or interrupt others while they are sharing or talking, or feel that you want everyone there to like or love you. You may feel that you have to give input in everything that is being said or shared or wanting the hosts or speakers to recognize you for the enlightened or beautiful being that you really are. If this happens, approach the organizers and let them know that you need support.

Rarely, it can stimulate a psychotic break, which can include paranoia, obsession, depression, thoughts of suicide, shakes, nausea, agitation, anxiety, constipation, hypochondria, insomnia, intellectual impairment, physical immobility, delusions or hallucinations. If you find yourself having these extreme symptoms, get medical help immediately.

Know event or ego crashes are normal.

A Post Event Crash or an event Ego Crash does not always happen, but if it does happen to you, know it is a common occurrence and that there is nothing “wrong” with you if you do go through it.

The symptoms can last a few hours or a few days, but they always dissipate. So, if it does happen, know that “this too will pass”. Minimize the time in the negative field of emotions or thoughts, by consciously pulling yourself out of them. And if they are too much for you to handle, or lasts more than two weeks at the same intensity, get professional help.


In JoyLightLove.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep - 21:11

--- Ascension101 eCourse (Inelia Benz) ---

Whoa... we are going through some intense times!

I have a been a bit quiet online lately, busy organizing some beautiful and amazing events at the Shamanshack. But I know that not everyone can join us there so here is something for you.

The energies on our beautiful Earth right now are very intense. The bridge between the old paradigm and the new paradigm is over and the push for individuals to start embodying their chosen paradigm is massive right now.

This push will manifest in a way that depends on what vibrational frequency you are spending your days in. I can assure you that you want to be on your highest possible frequency at all times.

A while back I have created the Ascension101 course, that I have used for myself and continue to use to this day to get and stay at the highest frequency possible.

One of the roles this course has when we do it is to help us "tune" all our bodies (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and energetic), into the new Song being played on this physical reality we call Earth, the new paradigm, which is really ramping up. And this is the intent we can use while doing the Course, to Tune IN to Gaia, Sun, and the Universal Mind quality of vibration for this period in linear time.

We, as a species, and as individuals, are going through massive transformations. Imagine it as though we have many, many options at each moment, and depending on the option we take, what experience we will have as a solid reality.

So, what is one way to "Raise your frequency, create the New Paradigm…”?

It is VERY simple. You can do the Ascension101 eCourse. This is by far the most sought after and popular Ascension eCourse on the Internet and for many reasons. It is extremely effective and easy to do. It has information and exercises that will assist your physical body, your mind, your spirit, your ego and your energy body. It will align them and bring them online at a higher frequency vibration. This means that you will be way more capable of moving through this intense period on our world in an empowered and joyful way.

This period of linear time calls for us to take the next step. The step in fully, and consciously removing all programs that are not serving our intent, and building new programs that will serve us and not another person, entity, or organization's agenda.

Stepping into our POWER, and raising our vibration happens much easily and effortlessly when we are fully "tuned" and reconnected with our bodies and environment.

Ascension101 eCourse here :


In JoyLightLove.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Sep - 6:57

--- In The Flow (Inelia Benz) ---

Let life unfold itself to you...

Forcing things is going to bring resistance.

A lot of our teachings and upbringing in the West has to do with working hard to get something out of life. However, to reach the ultimate goal of ascension, the opposite is true. You need to let go of results, expectations and hard work and allow life to unfold in the present moment. There is nothing you can do to change the present except change your mind about it.

The fastest way to reach your next level of ascension, or any goal for that matter, is to follow the road of most joy. Not expectation, excitement or adrenalin, but joy. The times when you think of a decision or a vision of what you want or want to do and feel joy in your gut.That's the right decision.

When meditating, which is vital for ascension, and there are a dozen things happening around you, meditate on those things. Don't try to lock them out of your consciousness in your attempt to "empty your mind". Instead, observe the things that happen around you with your mind, experience them in the present time without judgment and without expectation and without a running commentary.

Releasing control is one of the hardest things we can do. It means releasing what we think our present should be like. Releasing sadness and fear. Releasing needs and expectations. However, releasing these things will put you exactly where you are most powerful. It puts you in the flow.


In JoyLightLove.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 30 Sep - 18:22

--- You Are That Angel - Inelia Benz (-->> ---

You Are That Angel - Inelia Benz

In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Oct - 6:41

--- The Fear of Ascension (Inelia Benz) ---

In a way "contaminating" them with Oneness.

The fear of ascension has many layers.

To begin with, a person doesn't know what ascension is all about, they might think it is just about a specific time, and this bring in a whole load of fear.

Then there is the fear of the person who has been working on their personal growth for years and then they are confronted with the choice of Ascension into Oneness. A huge fear then can be the feeling that they will stop being themselves. That they will cease to be an individual. That they will loose passion, feelings, emotions, importance, self.

These fears take a while to play out.  Sometimes the person might undertake their ascension process, and will come to a grinding halt due to them.

And it doesn't stop there.

Even after the person has cleansed and integrated the ego, experienced Oneness, has learned how to channel Universal Love Light Oneness into our reality, he or she might one day stop and think, what if this energy is not a positive thing for the Earth?  What if I am being used by other beings for their benefit and not the benefit of Earth and all her creatures?

This fear is paralyzing. The person then starts to analyze the energy as it flows in, and of course realize that it is in fact "neutral".  That it is "uncomfortable" to the physical body. That it is not something he or she can "use" for anything, such as manifestation, healing, or anything like that except switching on the capacity of others to channel this energy.  Initiating others to "Oneness" and the channeling of this extremely powerful energy.  In a way "contaminating" them with Oneness.

And what for?

What's in it for us?

Can we really be sure that it is for the benefit of Earth and all her creatures?

And we go full circle. Because these fears are those of the human collective ego.  The human collective has the same bodies as we do individually. A physical body, made up of billions of human being bodies, an energy body, chakras and aura, a mental body, the collective consciousness and subconscious, and a collective ego. The survival of the species is its main objective.

The only way to overcome this last fear, if we choose to do so, is to ask ourselves:

How is my life better now compared to before my personal Ascension?

Is life on Earth more precious than life in other realms or dimensions?

When we look into these questions, we realize that we would never go back to a lower vibrational existence. We also realize that in Oneness, all creatures are integrated, all creatures are ONE being. That it doesn't matter if the "I" in another realm or dimension is taking advantage of the "I" here on Earth, as there is benefit, all ONENESS benefits through the experience.

As we move on the Earth in this state of Flow of Oneness Energy, we notice that others lives are changed. That they too go through their "programmed" ascension just through us being near them. Whatever form their ascension path takes, is one real to them. So it is deeply meaningful to them. Some have to reach the ashes before they can rise as the phoenix, others will see Jesus in our presence, others will feel enormous compassion and love flowing to them from us. Others will be overwhelmed with the presence of Mother.

It is not us. It is what they recognize as their personal contact with the Divine. And all we are is a neutral "catalyst." In chemistry a catalyst is an element, or substance, that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected. The catalyst stays intact, neutral, but the chemicals around it react and move into another form much faster than they would do without the catalyst. Sometimes no change or reaction will happen without the catalyst.

Is what we are doing negative or positive? Neither really, and both. There are no polarities in Oneness. Only integration.

Yet, just like the fear of the individual ego was unfounded, after all we are still here after experiencing and integrating Oneness in our daily existence, we still have a physical body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual or energy body and ego body. So will Earth and all her creatures still be here after our collective ascension, which is what this energy channeling is all about.  Yes. We are but cells in a body, pawns in a game, and that body is Humanity, and that game is Ascension.

Here is a good fear processing exercise.

Do you want to discuss this article in greater depth with Inelia and other? Go to


In JoyLightLove.

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 10 Oct - 21:16

--- Ascension and DNA - Can we accelerate the process? (Inelia Benz) ---

"So the best thing is, if your mind is really active, to imagine the light settling into the space between thoughts, space between molecules and space between atoms.  Go as deep as you can.  Fill all those spaces with that beautiful bright light." (Inelia Benz)

Growing up, and up to recently actually, I thought that DNA was static.  That whatever we came in with was it, like a solid structure that could not be changed. After all, we can't really change our physical shape right? Become taller, shorter, change the color of our hair or eyes? So, DNA is fixed, I thought.

Then I heard of certain people who had become sick because a certain virus had changed their DNA.  WHAT?? I thought, our DNA can be altered in one life time?? Because you see, I thought that DNA change, or mutations, happened only from one generation to the next. Not so!  And... if a virus can change our DNA, what other things can change it?

As I researched this topic, I found all the information about DNA activation, "garbage" DNA being of alien origin, and lots more stuff.  One of the things that really got my attention was "spontaneous mutation", something very common in other species on Earth.  And that, actually, generational mutation is really not the main form of mutation.

Then I remembered the work done by Hira Ratan Manek on Solargazing.  He had managed to change his physical essence to absorb all he needs nutritionally through gazing at the sun rise or sunset while standing barefooted on the earth.  Now, he no longer needs to eat in order to have the energy needed to live.  Awesome.

So, my main concern is Ascension of the Species.  Sungazing would certainly move us closer to this goal, as the "side effects" that Hiran Ratan Manek had were of bliss, enlightenment and sanity.

We all know that the Sun is not the only source of energy flowing through Earth.  And I do believe that the Solar System is moving through a very high frequency energy "area" of the universe.  Whether this area has come to us, or is a constant and we cross it every few thousand years, I have no idea.  But we are in it.

I also know that this particular energy field is a huge opportunity for us to evolve enormously as individuals as well as a species.  That was when it occurred to me that if we were able to consciously accelerate our DNA change (like it's done through Sungazing), to resonate more purely with this new field of energy, or to be able to absorb it, or use it, more effectively, then we could really take off.

This is not an original idea at all of course, DNA activation is very known in the ascension circles.  And also, many cultures talk about a "light body" which will be the one we transform into at the moment of ascension.

And here is what I am proposing.  That, like sungazing, we accelerate that change of DNA to live in that higher plane, or from that higher vibration, now.  Why wait, right?

So, if we follow the sungazing model, all we need to do, is open ourselves to, and look at, the center of the galaxy, or our "higher self", "God/ess".  Traditionally we know that this energy comes in via the crown chakra. So we open ourselves up to it. We "look" at it via our 3rd eye and allow it to filter down into our energy body (all the chakras and auras).   It helps to visualize it as a bright light coming in and lighting us up like a light bulb.  We don't really need a "picture" of what we want the DNA to look like, because we can't presently conceive of its full potential.  So the best thing is, if your mind is really active, to imagine the light settling into the space between thoughts, space between molecules and space between atoms.  Go as deep as you can.  Fill all those spaces with that beautiful bright light.

Do you want to discuss this article in greater depth with Inelia and other? Go to


In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Oct - 7:38

--- "Did You Hear? We can do it today!" (Inelia Benz) ---

"Take a few minutes to breathe deeply, and then visualize, imagine, or give yourself the instruction to open up wide and allow Gaia's new vibrational reality to enter your field, your aura, your mind, your senses, and every cell in your body.  By using our natural communication form to be ONE with Gaia in her new paradigm, we also shift the human collective that bit closer to becoming an awakened species." (Inelia Benz)

The information in this article is highly empowering, and reveals deeply known, yet forgotten, facts about our true natures. Feel free to share it, email it, and post it to anyone you feel it will empower. Although simple, it goes to the core of how the Light/Dark Paradigm has been able to function for so long and how we can consciously move back to our true natures of Light/Love, bringing in the New Paradigm with us into what we know as a "physical reality".

Most of us have heard of the "Tower of Babel". If you haven't, the biblical story goes like this (copied from wikipedia at

"According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth". God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth" (Genesis 11:5–Cool."

What does the story of the Tower of Babel have to do with our Ascension into a new vibrational level? This story illustrates what happened thousands of years ago, when we were still connected as One as a species.  And it goes to the core of reconnecting with Gaia's true energy field, the expansion of our personal awareness, and also the movement of the human species into a higher vibrational reality.

Somewhere in the past, a technologically advanced species removed the ability for human beings to communicate naturally with themselves and the planet. They programmed in, or disconnected, our ability to become one with anyone on the planet at any time. To trace any person's vibration, and locate them. To merge and share experiences with any species or human being at will. They cut us off from each other. And we were programmed to believe we were singular beings unable to connect with others except with voice, touch or pictures. But as the planet rises in vibration, it is naturally removing all those programs and broken links. We are evolving back to our natural, connected state.

To be continued here :


In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Nov - 19:07

--- The World Ascends Next Saturday..... (Inelia Benz) ---

If you know me, you know I'm kidding Smile

If this is the first time you've heard about me, then walk with me. This is my website and you will find here a place that is not about the end of the world, end of society, or end of sanity but instead a place of empowerment and inspiration... and a lot of sanity actually. None of the "this is it! Next month the [enter your social or global structure here] ends! Or [This is it! this -enter astrological date here - means ascension is here!]... unless it's a stunt to grab your attention Smile

In fact, we can guarantee that our species will still be around, and functioning pretty much as it is today, only much saner, for at least another 5000 years. And if we are wrong, we will say we are very sorry and close the website down.

OK, seriously now, here is something that is really and truly happening, this very moment, even as you read these words.  The BS is ending!

BS is coming to an end. Many people, especially those who based their entire careers and fortunes on BS, are being exposed. Inhumane acts, acts of cruelty, unfairness, lies and lack of integrity, are being aired and exposed in public.

And yes, by BS I do mean "bullshit". Although I do like the politically correct interpretation of BS to mean "belief system".  It works either way.

Many awakened people are against the internet. And the internet is translated into all things technology, the computers we use, the wifi in our homes, streets and offices, the nasty stuff being done to manipulate the alternative media, the mainstream media and all the other media. I myself refuse to put cellphones against my head because it literally "burns my brain". Have you tried doing the "fake" cellphone popcorn experiment? I haven't but my head does feel like it's being nuked when my cellphone is against it - like the popping corn illustrated in those videos.

But, I personally like technology. I like the internet. I like computers. When I was 4 years old, my mom asked me what I was going to work at when I grew up, I looked down that timeline, and told her that I would be clicking lots of letters on a flat surface, and that my words would appear magically in a flat picture frame in front of me with lots of colors and pictures.  She frowned and walked away shaking her head.  At the time I realized two things, one was that I would be writing, and the other was that my work environment had not been invented yet.

The internet has given us the opportunity for us to communicate. For me to write this article, and for you to read it.

To be continued here :

In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Nov - 13:28

--- Où vous situez-vous ? (Inelia Benz on ---

"Vous êtes-vous demandés à quoi pense la forêt le matin ?"

Première traduction assistée, grandement, par DeepL. Je rappelle que l'on peut aussi cliquer sur tel ou tel mot, verbe et/ou expression et DeepL proposera des alternatives. On peut aussi réécrire tout ou partie d'une phrase. Seuls les traducteurs comprendront vraiment ce dont il s'agit ici. Le temps passé à co-créer une traduction est peut-être le même que celui qui consiste à écrire son texte de façon traditionnelle, sans assistance de DeepL, la réelle différence ici, et elle est de taille, c'est qu'il n'est plus besoin de tout taper au clavier. L'exercice de traduction devient un jeu plus aisé et léger, où il s'agit de cliquer ici et là et de travailler de concert avec cette Intelligence Artificielle à ses débuts. Plaisant, inspirant, et reposant aussi. Très intéressant en tous cas.


Où vous situez-vous ?

Il y a quelques mois, j'ai annoncé que la connaissance des hautes fréquences vibratoires, la conscience et le mental du collectif humain s'étaient "allumés" et étaient devenus disponibles pour nous.

J'ai encouragé tout le monde à se sentir dans ce champ de conscience collective de haute fréquence, à y adhérer consciemment et à y participer activement.

Depuis lors, l'information et la « connaissance » que nous créons et participons à la conscience de « groupe » grandissent de jour en jour. De plus en plus d'individus en parlent, la rendent « normale » et la reconnaissent.

Les "bruits" mentaux que nous ressentons dans les zones très peuplées, les villes, les avions, etc.., sont aujourd'hui considérés par beaucoup comme quelque chose de normal que nous avons toujours su.

Alors.., où vous situez-vous dans notre champ de conscience collective humaine?

Certains quartiers, ou zones urbaines, ont leur propre "saveur" ou "bavardages" qui nous attirent et nous soutiennent, ou nous repoussent.

C'est pourquoi, par exemple, dans certaines villes, il y aura des endroits, des cafés, des quartiers où les artistes vivront, traîneront ou travailleront. D'autres régions pourront être perçues comme "dangereuses" à traverser, même si personne ne nous menace à ce moment-là.

Certaines régions sont perçues comme favorables, et d'autres non.  

Au cours de nos retraites estivales au Shamanshack cet été (2017), de nombreuses personnes ont déclaré qu'il y avait un silence incroyable ici. Une personne a rapporté que le silence était si profond et si complet que ses propres pensées semblaient être transmises par haut-parleurs.

Il y a ici d'autres champs de compréhension et de conscience qui sont à notre disposition, parce que le niveau de nos conversations mentales humaines est si bas que nous pouvons les détecter, les entendre et les rejoindre. Vous êtes-vous demandés à quoi pense la forêt le matin ? Ou si les Sasquatch sont réels ? Ce lieu vous permet de découvrir les réponses à ces questions.

C'est un autre exemple.

Alors, comment pouvons-nous naviguer dans cette prise de conscience croissante de notre interaction collective, de nos conversations et des avantages et inconvénients qui en découlent?

   1. Prenez conscience qu'il y a des avantages et des inconvénients.

   2. Ayez l'intention de vous connecter à la fréquence vibratoire la plus élevée possible.

   3. Sentez-vous dans votre position actuelle et voyez si vous vous sentez soutenus ou épuisés.

   4. Puisez dans le champ de la conscience collective locale, et voyez si les compétences, les intérêts et les passions que vous avez sont présents, soutenus et encouragés ou non.

   5. Choisissez les régions, les groupes et les endroits qui vous soutiennent, qui ont beaucoup d'avantages et aucun inconvénient.

   6. Jouez avec l'expansion et la contraction de votre champ de conscience, en fonction de l'endroit où vous vous trouvez, et de ce dont vous avez besoin ou envie au moment opportun (surtout lorsque vous voyagez).

   7. Rejoignez des groupes locaux et/ou virtuels, et des endroits qui résonnent profondément avec vous (je suis disponible sur walkwithmenow. com)

   8. Sachez que vous êtes maintenant en sécurité pour exprimer votre fréquence vibratoire la plus élevée mentalement, émotionnellement et physiquement.

   9. C'est bien de laisser les autres rester dans l'ancien paradigme, de les libérer afin qu'ils vivent leur plus grand choix.

Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai écrit un article intitulé, "La fin de l'année 2017 et O M G le moment de vérité ou pas", qui parle de la façon dont nous ressentons maintenant le besoin de passer à notre propre fréquence très fortement. Comment nous sommes donc amenés à laisser tomber toutes les choses négatives, les choses qui ne nous soutiennent pas, et même nos vieilles histoires, maintenant.

Avec la conscience collective qui devient partie intégrante de nos vies, et le fait que nous choisissons de débarrasser nos vies des vieilles choses, la voie est libre. Incarner le Nouveau Paradigme est une nécessité urgente et absolue, tant au niveau personnel que collectif.

Je ferai tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour vous aider durant cette période. Restez à l'écoute via ma newsletter, la page FB,, ou consultez régulièrement pour des mises à jour sur cette co-création en évolution.

Voulez-vous approfondir cet article avec Inelia et d'autres? Allez sur walkwithenow. com/ about


Post-Scriptum : Je rappelle une chose qui peut sembler évidente pour ceux qui suivent et écoutent ces textes et autres fichiers audio, interviews et youtube vidéos d'Inelia Benz, qu'il s'agit en toute première et dernière "analyse" d'une Présence. Lire un texte, écouter une interview, c'est sentir et se trouver comme enveloppé/invité dans cette Présence, que d'aucuns pourraient décrire comme le champ de l'Intelligence de la Source s'exprimant en chaque point.

Que ceux qui ont des oreilles entendent.

In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Jan - 17:33

--- Night Disturbances - What happened to our Free and Clear 2018? (Inelia Benz) ---

Are you having unusually intense nightmares, insomnia, recurring or obsessive low-frequency thoughts at night or early morning?

When looking at 2018, I could see a clean and clear year where we could move into embodying the New Paradigm without resistances or hardships.

2017 had given us plenty of time and opportunity to learn how to embody this new paradigm, shine brightly and stay in integrity. Expressing our highest frequency at an emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual form.

If integrity and non-compromise wasn’t followed through 2017, then it was tough going.

This year, as more and more individuals truly embody their natural high frequency selves in their daily life, was set to be easier and clearer. We are set to have more flexibility and higher capacity to manifest what we truly want, fast and effortlessly.

And it is that way. It is the beginning of our consciously chosen physical reality experiences.

But the past few days, since the beginning of 2018, nighttime has been bombarded with extreme and low frequency thoughts, feelings and vibrations for many, many individuals. This causes lack of sleep (with no apparent reason), hypervigilance, nightmares, fears and negative thoughts at bedtime, during sleep or when waking up.

When I look at this, I know that it is causing a lot of individuals hardship and lack of energy, lack of drive and a feeling of “here we go again.” Some might be wondering why they are falling so far down their frequency range again, after all the work they’ve done, after all the processing and conscious life choices they have been very diligent with.



These energies, are literally not you. This is a powerful attempt by the low frequency advocates on our planet to recruit us to their reality. It is artificially created and manipulated, and our physical bodies, our minds, and our energy bodies are the targets.

Last night, I could feel the low frequency routine starting over, and Larry decided to put some high frequency music on, quietly in the background, to play on a loop. He chose Craig Pruess’s Sacred Chants of Devi album . You can find it on YouTube and at his store page.

The negative frequencies dissipated and vanished instantly.

This is a very strong indicator that our night struggles are indeed created with artificial frequencies. Microwave, sonar, or other technologies broadcasted around the planet.

Once we understand what is happening, and don’t take it as our own failing or that we are personally at fault or being individually targeted, we can take measures to minimize their effect.

Also, give everyone around you this information. Ask them if their sleep patterns are normal the past week, or how they are feeling overall with this new year. If it’s negative, then send them this article. The more of us that become conscious and aware of what is happening, the better chance we have to stay in our chosen path.

When the day arrives, make sure you play high frequency music, do your meditation exercises, or physical exercises. Spend time with your body, make sure he or she is well hydrated, had good and nutritious food that he or she likes, and take it out for walks or swimming. Do activities your body loves. Spend 20 minutes doing the “Body Connection” exercise of the Ascension101 Course. Allow your body to express and talk to you, and don’t try to fix things but instead simply acknowledge what your body expresses and tell him or her that you are working on it.

Spend the hours of the day not worrying or “processing” what happened the night before or while you were waking up, but instead, enjoy every single moment and thank everything that supports you. Including the air you breathe.

If the main symptom is insomnia, lie down in bed with the lights off, and “pretend” you are asleep. Relax your body and stop moving. Make a gentle fist with your hands, thumbs covered by your fingers inside your fist.
Pretending to be asleep, with your body still, actually gives your body real rest. It’s almost like your body doesn’t know you are not actually asleep.

Create a “happy place” during the day. This is a daydream where you are at your most favorite relaxed place on the planet. It doesn’t have to be somewhere you have been to. It could be the top of a mountain where you can watch the sunset or sunrise, it could be floating on a warm tropical beach, or walking in your favorite forest. If your mind starts getting trapped in low frequency situations or problems, force yourself to go to your happy place.

During the day, spend time on your new projects, your high frequency plans for this year, and spend time with those you love Smile

Do you want to discuss this article in greater depth with Inelia and others? Go to


In JoyLightLove.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Jan - 17:58

Perturbations nocturnes - Qu'est-il arrivé à notre Libre et Clair 2018 ? (Inelia Benz) ---

Faites-vous des cauchemars anormalement intenses, souffrez-vous d'insomnie, de pensées répétitives ou obsessionnelles à basse fréquence la nuit ou tôt le matin?

En regardant 2018, j'ai pu voir une année claire et nette où nous pouvions aller et incarner le Nouveau Paradigme sans résistances ni difficultés.

2017 nous avait donné beaucoup de temps et d'occasions pour apprendre à incarner ce nouveau paradigme, briller de mille feux et rester intègres. Exprimer notre fréquence la plus élevée sous une forme émotionnelle, physique, énergétique et spirituelle.

Si l'intégrité et le non-compromis n'étaient pas respectés en 2017, les choses devenaient difficiles.

Cette année (alors que de plus en plus d'individus incarnent réellement leur soi naturel de haute fréquence dans leur vie quotidienne) a été prévue pour être plus facile et plus claire. Nous sommes aptes à avoir plus de flexibilité et une plus grande capacité pour manifester ce que nous voulons vraiment, rapidement et sans efforts.

Et c'est par là. C'est le début de nos expériences de réalité physique consciemment choisies.

Mais ces derniers jours, depuis le début de l'année 2018, la nuit a été bombardée de pensées, de sentiments et de vibrations d'extrêmemement basses fréquences pour beaucoup, beaucoup d'individus. Cela provoque un manque de sommeil (sans raison apparente), une hypervigilance, des cauchemars, des peurs et des pensées négatives au coucher, pendant le sommeil ou au réveil.

Quand je regarde cela, je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de difficultés et de manque d'énergie chez les gens, de manque de motivation et de sentiment de "nous y revoilà". Certains se demandent peut-être pourquoi ils se retrouvent à descendre si bas dans leur gamme de fréquences, après tout le travail qu'ils ont fait, après tout le traitement et les choix de vie consciente pour lesquels ils ont été très diligents.

Eh bien:


Ces énergies, ce ne sont littéralement pas vous. Il s'agit d'une puissante tentative de la part des défenseurs des basses fréquences sur notre planète pour nous recruter et garder dans leur réalité. Cela est créé et manipulé artificiellement, et nos corps physiques, nos esprits et nos corps énergétiques sont les cibles.

Hier soir, j'ai senti la routine des basses fréquences recommencer, et Larry a décidé de mettre de la musique de haute fréquence, tranquillement en arrière-plan, tournant en boucle. Il a choisi l'album Sacred Chants of Devi de Craig Pruess. Vous pouvez le trouver sur YouTube et sur sa page boutique.

Les fréquences négatives se dissipèrent et disparurent instantanément.

C'est un indicateur très fort que nos luttes nocturnes sont en effet créées avec des fréquences artificielles. Micro-ondes, sonars ou autres technologies diffusées autour de la planète.

Une fois que nous comprenons ce qui se passe, et que nous ne considérons pas que c'est notre propre échec, ou que nous sommes personnellement en faute, ou que nous sommes individuellement ciblés, nous pouvons prendre des mesures pour minimiser leur effet.

De plus, donnez cette information à tout le monde autour de vous. Demandez-leur si leurs habitudes de sommeil sont normales la semaine dernière, ou comment ils se sentent globalement en cette nouvelle année. Si c'est négatif, envoyez-leur cet article. Plus nous serons nombreux à prendre conscience de ce qui se passe, plus nous aurons de chances de rester sur la voie choisie.

Lorsque le jour arrive, assurez-vous de jouer de la musique à haute fréquence, faites des exercices de méditation ou des exercices physiques. Passez du temps avec votre corps, assurez-vous qu'il ou elle est bien hydraté (e), qu'il ou elle a des aliments bons et nutritifs qu'il ou elle aime, et sortez-les pour faire des promenades ou nager. Faites des activités que votre corps aime. Passez 20 minutes à faire l'exercice "Body Connection" du cours Ascension101. Permettez à votre corps de s'exprimer et de vous parler, et n'essayez pas d'arranger les choses, mais simplement de reconnaître ce que votre corps exprie, et dites-lui que vous travaillez dessus.

Passez les heures de la journée à ne pas vous inquiéter de ce qui s'est passé la veille, ou pendant que vous vous réveilliez, mais profitez plutôt de chaque instant, et remerciez tout ce qui vous soutient. Y compris l'air que vous respirez.

Si le symptôme principal est l'insomnie, allongez-vous dans le lit avec les lumières éteintes et "faites semblant" que vous dormez. Relaxez votre corps et arrêtez de bouger. Faites un poing doux avec vos mains, les pouces couverts par vos doigts à l'intérieur de votre poing.
Faire semblant d'être endormi, avec votre corps immobile, donne en fait à votre corps un vrai repos. C'est presque comme si votre corps ne savait pas que vous ne dormez pas.

Créez un "lieu heureux" pendant la journée. Il s'agit d'un rêve éveillé où vous êtes dans votre lieu de détente préféré sur la planète. Cela ne doit pas forcément être quelque part où vous êtes allés. Ce pourrait être le sommet d'une montagne où vous pouvez observer le coucher ou le lever du soleil, ce pourrait être vous, flottant en bordure d'une plage tropicale chaude, ou la marche dans votre forêt préférée. Si votre esprit commence à être pris au piège dans des situations ou des problèmes de basse fréquence, forcez-vous à aller dans votre lieu heureux.

Durant la journée, consacrez du temps à vos nouveaux projets, vos plans de haute fréquence pour cette année, et passez du temps avec ceux que vous aimez. Smile

Voulez-vous approfondir cet article avec Inelia et d'autres ? Allez sur walkwithenow. com/ about


In JoyLightLove

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow &   WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Jan - 7:45

--- Shamanshack Updates (Inelia Benz) ---

Le seul talent que vous avez apporté avec vous, mes frères et sœurs,
Est de canaliser le divin dans la Terre.
Votre compétence, votre mission et votre capacité invisible,
Est d'apporter la lumière au cœur de la Terre et de l'Humanité.

(Inelia Benz)

WalkWithMeNow & - Page 2 Shaman10

The one skill that you have brought with you my brothers and sisters,
Is that of channeling the divine into Earth.
Your skill, your mission and your invisible ability,
Is to bring the light into the core of Earth and Humanity.

(Inelia Benz)


The reasons why this request was made have become clear as time goes by. The establishing of a grounding energy is vital for the Shamanshack to be able to host individuals who are wanting a high frequency experience, support in brainstorming their high frequency lives, and having a location where they can go that is fully connected between Gaia and the human collective.


It has been such an amazing experience to be at and settle the energies and Gaia connection in this magnificent and magical place!

We hope you can make it over sometime Smile

If you would like more information on becoming a Mentoree, or participating in the May retreat, stay tuned. We will be sending full details on our newsletter. You can register for the newsletter here:

See you at the Shamanshack!


In JoyLightLove

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