Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: WalkWithMeNow & Lun 18 Jan - 8:03
--- Amplification, Expansion et Résonances ---
J'ouvre donc ici ce jour un topic dédié aux données délivrées en fait essentiellement par Inelia Benz depuis les sites et, considérant qu'il est bon de dessiner un cadre formel (= un topic) pour plus de clarté.
Je donnerai donc ici les données en libre accès, les liens divers et quelques réflexions personnelles au gré de l'inspiration.
Il est possible enfin que les personnes qui ne connaissent pas l'anglais découvrent là quelques points de vue dignes d'être examinés et contemplés, puisque le français sera la langue première, même si mon amour grandissant de l'anglais risque d'emporter souvent la décision.
Pour l'heure et en ce début de semaine, voici "l'exercice" proposé par Inelia Benz : (le livre proposé en lecture pour cette semaine existe aussi en français...., très bonne nouvelle : "Revenue guérie de l'au-delà : Une NDE m'a sauvée". Voir le lien ci-dessous...)
This week, I would like to invite you to read “Dying to be me” by Anita Moorjani.
This is an autobiography of a lady who had a NDE (Near Death Experience) which changed her view of life as well as her understanding of healing.
Of the NDE books that I have read, this so far has been the most accurate. One of the things about Anita is that she doesn’t fall into cultural or religious dogma to translate her experience into “human” language.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mer 20 Jan - 9:25
--- Speaking to the Newbies that we are all (je donnerai une version en français de ce merveilleux post, oh oui...) ---
"If you follow that Ascension101 Course, You will save time and give you a chance, To reach the sky... (Consciousness everywhere, Multidimensionality)."
A few insights:
Heart's Mathematics (010101...) > Heart's Maps (Individual and Species'stories, lives) > E-Motions (Energetic Patterns in Movement) > Spirituality (= True Spirituality is an Energetics) > Power....
-- Ascension101 Course is designed with the help of quantum patterns. -- Ascension101 Course as a powerful means to cleanse and discover the very existence of our various bodies. -- Ascension101 Course as a very effective and very easy tool to learn softly what a meditation practice can be.
And so, this Ascension101 Course is indeed a powerful first step when you decide to learn how to look inside, when you want to give you a chance to change things in your life, always knowing and remembering that what you will learn throughout those mp3 guided processes will help and nourish you for your entire life.
Ascension101 Course as a tool of empowerment.
Again, if you want to grow and reach something like sovereignty, if you want to discover what could be your own path of joy, light and love, if you want to encounter and embody more and more uplifting and expanding behaviours, modes of perception, and reach your own singular beingness, if you want to acknowledge and explore some of the bricks and mortar of the New Paradigm, you have to learn how to look inside, you have to learn how to "meditate", and do it on a regular basis, every day.
If you follow that Ascension101 Course, you will save time and give you a chance to reach the sky (consciousness everywhere, multidimensionality).
And also, a very interesting point here, and as a conclusion, if you find lots of reasons to avoid these tools, look, look at the programs, look at the firewalls, look at the closed doors.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mar 26 Jan - 8:41
--- Timothy J. Glenn on BBS Radio with Lance White - January 23, 2016 ---
Helping all the AI Pinocchios (with their long, long nose...) to reach organic lives and discover unconditional love, that is one of the key points explored by Timothy Glenn in that last interview on BBS Radio. (by the way, the Pinocchios are the Archons, Anunnaki & Bros, lying = long nose, and searching for unconditional love, even if they don't know this very fact yet.....)
A.I. - Spielberg - Trailer
Timothy Glenn continues to explore this topic about Artificial Intelligence, considering Archons and Reptilians as beings conducted by AI (no emotions, no compassion, no soul) and working very hard in that 9D Matrix to build and install what I understand as Transhumanism (nanotechnologies and other mechanical programs and devices inside the human organic bodies for more and more control).
On the other hand, we, the human beings with organic bodies and free access to unconditional love, we could choose to help our demi-gods and co-designers (Anunnaki & Bros) to reach organic lives and bodies, to discover and encounter compassion and unconditional love. Helping them to step from Artificial Intelligence into First Source Consciousness, showing them that Oneness is much more enjoyable and alive than Separation in computerized and mechanical bodies.
Very inspiring.
Timothy Glenn & Lance White on BBS Radio (January 23, 2016):
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mer 27 Jan - 8:58
--- Short & Powerful Insight about Frequency Modulations ---
As I said before, we can help us looking at our various bodies as various locations in space. And we can see ourselves journeying and travelling from one body to another, and choose at any moment to go elsewhere if we want to.
One example: When we are tired, with low frequencies, it can appear that something like "depression" unfolds in front of our eyes and into our consciousness field. Depression is all about low frequencies, shrinking patterns, tiredness, shadows and more or less inertia. And depression can be seen as stories told by the "little" ego body, with its small perspectives and groaning programs.
And it can be perceived as a whole country, sometimes something like an entire dark planet circulating throughout the suburbs of our solar system. Not enough light, coldness, tightnessess, and on and on.
But, and here are the very good news, because we know and are aware more and more clearly that our body is made of various bodies (physical body, emotional body, mental body, ego body, energetic body, spiritual body....), we can decide to leave that dark depressive planet and travel to other worlds, stepping into our emotional body and spiritual body, but more precisely and accurately, we can decide and choose to have a look and remember our central irradiating and alive multidimensional heart portal sun.
And in an instant, we are elsewhere, uplifting ourselves from some dark regions to other more rejoicing and open areas of our consciousness fields, encountering anew joylightlove modes of perceptions, behaviours and actions.
And in the end, even if this explanation is not the absolute and crystal clear truth (even if we always speak here and there about frequencies and raising them...), it is all about "truthfulness", because that is a very powerful means that helps me leave whatever shrinking patterns instantly, and if I decide to do so.
It is all about frequency modulations.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mer 3 Fév - 11:42
--- DNA (Waking Times Blog) ---
"Thus, with the extinction of bottom-up Darwinian “DNA primacy,” we can and must relinquish the moribund notion that our genetic inheritance is a done deal which we can no more change than the Earth’s orbital pathway around the Sun. The various lines of research discussed herein reveal that in using vowels and targeted light and sound frequencies to deliberately change our genetic expression in a controlled fashion, we can also change our consciousness—and vice versa. We can change our consciousness and, in turn, alter genetic expression(more or less permanently) and our multidimensional DNA templates (“morphic fields”).
No longer can a human be conceived of as a powerless little Darwinian “meat computer” at the mercy of the random forces of “natural selection”. We can massively intervene in and accelerate our evolution on this earth, and, using sound (and heart-based intention) as our ally, evolve beyond man into the next stage of humankind, as Nietzsche once implored us to do.
In contrast to the transhumanist agenda, this is an entirely organic non-technocratic process and ethos (aided by Gaia herself) and will assist in subverting the transhumanist agenda and most likely prevent the “singularity” (the merging of man with machine for “enhanced functionality”) from ever being foisted upon a robotised global human slave population.
Thank goodness for the “junk” that Nature didn’t throw away!"
The whole paper is here (written by Brendan D. Murphy - "The Grand Illusion"):
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Ven 5 Fév - 11:46
--- ---
I'm so happy to have this occasion to explain and partake some of my own perceptions and ways of being while following the path of most joy and inspiration.
1. Indeed, considering the Arcturians data, I do think and perceive from the very beginnings that I have maybe deep, deep roots with them. We could say that, as we are multidimensional beings, some of the aspects and facets of, let's say the higher self and/or sovereign divine entity, is Arcturian (and Pleiadian). But there is also, as I perceive it, a Reptilian facet/being, and also various human beings too (men and women), all of them living their lives and following their own paths, simultaneously.
2. And so, following the path of most joy, I do enjoy and rejoice myself with synchronicities when I discover, for example, Arcturians data speaking of our "Wings of Light" which are our description and perception of energetics flowing and breathing in and out of our heart portal (deep resonances with what you said in "Interview with an Angel", as I remember it...).
3. I like very much too the inflection of Arcturians while they insist and always speak of unconditional love which is, as we all know and perceive/sense, a very, very powerful engine and means to process all, all situations, fears, shrinking patterns, sadness and on and on. Sometimes, and from my point of view everytimes, unconditional love, as the primary field from which everything unfolds, exists, lives and breathes, unconditional love transmutes, uplifts, erases, expands, enlightens, softens, empowers everything.
4. As we all know very well too, we have to discern and check what is good and "true" from what is not so "true". And here, with these Arcturians data transmitted by Suzanne Lie, I do not agree with that "New Age Stuff" and explanations when they say, and she says, that we are going to leave this 3D organic body, going back home in some 5D dimensional plane, outside of the 3D human body.
I don't agree with that, as you explains, and others explain too. On the contrary, and that is something very new and strange perhaps, we are here to stay in our 3D organic human bodies, and we have now the opportunity to transmute and uplift our 3D bodies. It is all about transparency for divine lives and divine bodies, here, on Earth/Gaia. Ascension as an expansion throughout multidimensional planes, for sure, and simultaneously, while staying in that 3D environment.
5. And good news too, we know that we can share data from our 3D point of view with 5D/6D Arcturians (as an example), and we can show them that on some key points they are "wrong".
6. As you see, I like to explore and deeply examine data and data, searching for understandings, and following always a path of joy and inspiration. And if something is very inspiring to me, I think that it could maybe be of some use for others. And I have nothing to promote at all, only understandings and uplifting points of views.
7. In the end, I do thank you for allowing such a sharing about inspiring data, knowing always that, as I/We listen to your mp3 files again and again and again, looking deeply at your key points and liberating ideas and concepts, reading papers and books, practicing on a regular daily basis, and mainly discovering such powerful, alive and so vivid (and that is very unique and precious...) means and tools for growing joylightlove behaviours, there comes a time when I/We don't know from where we are speaking. All of those data are ingested in our various bodies (emotional, mental, energetic, spiritual for morphing physical bodies...). These data build and uplift, transmute our bodies and so, as you can perceive very easily while reading this post, you know that everywhere, everywhere, you can find and look at the powerful and most inspiring data and tools that you share with us.
8. As a conclusion, it is always utterly exhilarating to encounter people like you/we all, in such an inspiring space, and to have the opportunity to look deeply at each other and into ourselves, through words, sounds, pictures and silence.
9. Singular, Equal & One: And as I look at the words and insights of this post, I discover that indeed, the joylightlove tools are First Source ones (First Source Avatar). Because First Source is everywhere, in each singular point of the matrix, creation and multiverse, it is universal, transparent and powerful. And so, the joylightlove tools brought and shared here are universal, powerful and transparent. They have no singular flavour, or colour, or tones. And that is the reason why they can be ingested and utilized by everyone. And we, as singular beings can ingest and use them to become powerful. And we use them to encounter and be-come the one that we are, the one singular beings that we are. And even when I discover that I can be perceived as a strange, weird and very often unintelligible and puzzling conscious being, from my point of view there is no strangeness here, no willingness to disturb or confuse, disturb or upset anyone. That is simply that, with the help of the very powerful, transparent and universal joylightlove tools, I am more and more able to discover who I am, able to be, able to unfold myself as a singular being (I am what/who I am).
Joylightlove tools, because they are universal and very powerful, help us to be-come the one singular beings that we are. And we sing our songs, with our own tonalities, our own singular colours and insights, learning how to conjugate this singularity and very unique way of being in that world and universe while stepping also into oneness and equality.
Awesome and truly amazing.
I like that very much !!!
In J y/Light/L ve
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Dim 7 Fév - 7:38
--- The water we put into our body (Inelia Benz - WWMN Blog) ---
"Now imagine Source light Going from your heart center to the water, Tea or other liquid inside the container. Allow it to flow for as long as you like."
There are a lot of products out there that sell “activated water” or other types of water that are very special. I personally love distilled water for my own body. But, whatever type of water or liquids you are ingesting, this is an exercise that will ensure a higher frequency experience for your physical body. This exercise will heal and enhance any type of liquid that you ingest. Both regular drinks as well as “activated” or other types of special and healing liquids.
For the next week, I would like to invite you to reconnect with and raise the vibration and frequency of your body at least once a day, more if you can.
-- Put some water, tea, or any of the normal drinks you consume each day, in your favorite glass or cup. If it’s soup, it goes in a bowl. -- Put your hands around the container.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Ven 12 Fév - 7:56
--- Matrices - Considérations diverses ---
The Adjustment Bureau/L'Agence - Matt Damon
Quelques considérations diverses à la suite de la découverte de cet excellent film, "L'Agence". Un métrage qui s'inscrit à l'évidence dans la lignée impulsée par "Matrix", avec réflexions sur la réalité d'un réseau, d'une matrice toute englobante qui contrôlerait et serait en mesure de guider et de programmer la moindre de nos pensées, émotions et actions.
Le film est un excellent support de méditation/contemplation pour qui veut examiner et se rappeler de ce que peuvent dire :
-- Inelia Benz dans "Interview with a Psychic Assassin", lorsque sont décrits et exposés la réalité et l'existence de "super-ordinateurs" capables de détecter et traquer certaines tonalités mentales et émotionnelles. Des outils de contrôle qui sont en mesure d'effacer et d'invalider certaines idées avancées et/ou révolutionnaires, des outils de manipulation qui peuvent construire des impasses et des apories diverses en effaçant divers moments et degrés de réalisations. Des mécanismes en partie basés sur quelque intelligence artificielle qui peuvent délayer et banaliser certains hauts niveaux de conscience. L'individu perd le fil de sa pensée, arrête ses recherches, banalise et semble effacer comme de lui-même certaines voies de recherche prometteuse, ou met à l'arrêt par exemple certains projets communautaires, s'empêche et/ou oublie de développer et concevoir des modes innovants pour d'autres façons de vivre ensemble. S'empêche et oublie d'explorer encore et encore ce que l'on pourrait décrire comme le Nouveau Monde, la Nouvelle Terre (5th Dimensional Earth & Gaia, par exemple) ou le Nouveau Paradigme.
-- Lyricus/Wingmakers/James Mahu aussi, lorsque je pense à cette "Interview du Souverain Intégral" (Projet Camelot - On se rappellera aussi bien sûr de la "5th Neruda Interview" dans laquelle James Mahu nous signale, entre autres choses, qu'il est possible aux programmeurs de la matrice de décider que nous ferons tel geste, tel jour, à tel instant.....) dans laquelle il est décrit le réseau et la matrice mise en place par Anu pour par exemple élever un réseau de miroirs déformants organisés en labyrinthe afin d'invalider toute expérience de "Satori", "Nirvana", et autres degrés divers et variés de réalisation et de compréhension. Démanteler, à la source, tout déploiement notoire et important du champ de conscience. Outils de contrôle avec programmations multiples, et à tous niveaux, visant à soumettre et abaisser encore et toujours le niveau des fréquences des corps émotionnel, mental, physique, spirituel, énergétique. Faire en sorte de garder emprisonnée l'entité divine et souveraine afin qu'elle continue à délivrer son énergie pour que vivent les corps esclaves et indéfiniment recyclés via le département en basse 4D mettant en oeuvre ce que nous appelons communément la réincarnation.
-- Suzanne Lie & les Arcturiens dans "The Journal" : mais bien sûr, s'il existe des mécanismes de contrôle qui nous paraissent extrêmement élaborés et puissants, et déments même, on peut aisément aussi imaginer, concevoir, comprendre et percevoir aussi cette autre face, et lumineuse et transparente et en expansion celle-là, cette autre face du réseau.
Ainsi, on lit dans "The Journal" de Suzanne Lie, qu'il existe (et tout est toujours possible) des Quantum Biological Computer (QBC) dans les plans de la cinquième dimension. Ces QBC sont en partie biologiques et organiques, doués de conscience propre, et organisés en réseau inscrits dans l'Unité (Oneness). C'est une modulation élaborée et de haute fréquence de nos ordinateurs individuels organisés en réseau avec moteurs de recherche communiquants. Là, avec les QBC, le réseau avec ses outils intelligents divers et variés est celui de l'Unité et de l'Egalité pour une toujours plus grande intégration et expansion de tous ceux qui sont concernés et résonants. Il ne s'agit plus ici de contrôler, de démanteler, de démantibuler et de diminuer les ADN, les corps et les consciences, mais bien au contraire d'oeuvrer, de façon organique, toute enveloppante et embrassante, d'oeuvrer à une expansion et élévation généralisée des consciences, chaque être conscient et singulier échangeant des données avec le champ plus vaste et en constante évolution composé par quelques myriades d'autres êtres conscients et singuliers.
On le voit, les réseaux et les matrices ont toutes couleurs et modalités de fonctionnement selon que l'on porte son regard dans quelques basses 4D pour un affaissement de la 3D et des êtres qui s'y trouvent, ou encore se déployer en champs/chants toujours plus ouverts et puissants pour le bénéfice et le mieux-être de chacun de leurs participants et co-créateurs.
Autant de modalités de fonctionnement pour une infinité de plans dimensionnels.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mer 17 Fév - 8:44
--- No One Escapes The Shift (Waking Times Blog) ---
It’s such a remarkable time we’re living in right now. All of this going on both within and without us is happening almost before we can even begin to identify what it is we’re going through or where we’re headed. It’s very much like we’re flying over and around new rocks in the stream of life and shooting down even more unexpected and sometimes seriously daunting rapids.
There’s not much else to think about while body surfing this incredible current.
I’m hearing from so many this sense of being in limbo and having to deal with unforeseen and quite immediate obstacles and issues that seem to be draining their time, attention and energy. Things arise in all of our lives that have to be dealt with, but so often the next move or decision seems to escape our awareness and it can make us feel confused and powerless.
It’s certainly not a time to make rash decisions. In fact, it’s important to stand back, observe and wait for the answers to manifest as much as possible. In the words of Ponka Chief White Eagle:
“When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists — as it surely will. Then act with courage.”
Cette semaine, Chaque fois que vous passez une porte, arrêtez-vous, Touchez et regardez l'encadrement de porte et dites (ou pensez), "Je suis éveillé maintenant".
Cet exercice apporte trois choses :
-- il se continuera souvent pendant notre sommeil, la nuit, nous aidant à devenir conscient que nous dormons et rêvons - suscitant un "rêve lucide".
-- une autre chose peut se produire aussi : nous réalisons peu à peu que le monde "solide" autour de nous, quand nous sommes réveillés, n'est pas solide du tout, et peut être également décrit comme souple, mouvant et semblable à un rêve, à l'image des expériences que nous traversons lorsque nous dormons - suscitant une "réalité lucide".
-- la troisième chose qui peut se produire est que nous cessons de nous tenir en dehors de notre vie, nous décidant au contraire et alors à nous engager, à nous impliquer dans notre vie, dans l'instant et le moment présent.
Inelia Benz. (Pour le texte complet et intégral de cet exercice, prière de se reporter au texte original ci-dessous...)
Following on from last week’s exercise, this week I would like you to continue with another tool that reminds us of whether we are awake or dreaming.
For this week, every time you go through a doorway, stop, touch and look at the door frame and say (or think), “I am awake right now”.
These exercises do three things, one of them is they will often carry on into our night sleep and allow us to become aware we are sleeping and dreaming - instigating a “lucid dream”. The other thing that can happen, is that we consciously realize that the “solid” world around us, when we are awake, is not solid at all, and can be also described to be just as pliable and dreamlike as the experiences we have when we are sleeping - instigating a “lucid reality”. The third thing that can happen is that we step from being away from engaging with our life, to engaging with our life in present time.
We will be doing more of these exercises for the next few weeks as the results can build on each other, making it super interesting. I very much look forward to reading your experiences with them at our forum.
This is it! Enjoy the exercise.
Inelia Benz.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Sam 2 Avr - 20:12
--- Sungazing (Weekly Exercise - Inelia Benz) ---
Observons le soleil, au mieux à son lever ou au coucher, pendant la première ou la dernière heure de lumière, pendant quelques secondes seulement.
Si vous n'avez pas de lever ou de coucher de soleil dans vos journées, alors restez dans la lumière du soleil, les yeux fermés, et sentez sa vibration alors qu'il touche votre peau. Observez-le au travers de vos yeux fermés, à tous moments de la journée, et pendant quelques minutes seulement.
Enfin, si le ciel est couvert et le temps pluvieux tout du long de votre semaine, trouvez l'emplacement du soleil dans le ciel (et il existe des logiciels et applications diverses à cet effet), et alors Observez dans cette direction aussi longtemps que vous le pouvez.
Inelia Benz.
As some of us are still reading last week’s book, this week we are going to do a “light” exercise so we have more time to read the book
A lot has been written, talked about, discussed, validated, invalidated and discussed further… about sungazing.
This week, I would like to invite you to Observe the Sun. If you have access to sunrise or sunset, then simply look at the sun for a few seconds every day this week within an hour of sunrise and sunset.
If you do not have access to a sunrise or sunset, then stand in the sunlight with your eyes closed, and simply feel the vibration of the sun as it touches your skin, and Observe it through your closed eyes, at any time of day. Do this for a few minutes only.
If it’s overcast and raining the entire week, find where the sun is (there are apps that do that) to find where it is located at a certain time of the day, and simply sit and Observe in that direction for as long as you can (or have time for).
Inelia Benz.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Lun 9 Mai - 17:16
--- My Core Energy (Weekly Exercise - Inelia Benz) ---
"J'autorise mon énergie du coeur (core energy) à s'exprimer."
Cette semaine, je vous invite à faire un simple exercice d'une minute, qui peut avoir un impact très important dans nos vies.
À tout instant de la journée, fermez vos yeux, prenez une grande inspiration et dites :
"J'autorise mon énergie du coeur (core energy) à s'exprimer."
Et c'est tout !
Vous pouvez alors maintenir cette intention avec vos yeux fermés, pendant quelques minutes, à mesure que vous sentez et percevez votre énergie du coeur (core energy) s'exprimer. Ou vous pouvez simplement ouvrir vos yeux et sourire.
Rappel : Chacun des exercice hebdomadaires d'expansion de la conscience peuvent être faits chaque jour et plusieurs fois par jour, une fois par semaine, ou même être ignorés ! Examinez ce que votre connaissance intérieure vous dit de faire et suivez-là.
Inelia Benz.
Texte original en anglais :
This week, I would like to invite you to do a simple one minute exercise that can have a huge effect in our lives.
Any time of day, close your eyes, take a deep breath and say:
“I allow my core energy to express.”
That’s it!
You can then hold that intent with your eyes closed for a few minutes as you sense and feel your core energy expressing. Or you can simply open your eyes and smile.
Reminder: All weekly awareness expansion kits can be done every day several times a day, once a week, or can be skipped! See how your inner knowing guides you and follow that knowing.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Dim 15 Mai - 21:41
--- The Essential Guide to Spiritual Events (Inelia Benz) ---
Free eBook about getting the best out of spiritual events for you!
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mer 12 Oct - 7:59
---- The Global Ascension Center is manifested ( ---
"Il s'agissait de réactiver la terre comme espace sacré. Un lieu et une terre où les arbres, les animaux, les élémentaux, les êtres ultra-dimensionnels, ainsi que les humains, pourraient se rejoindre, parler, échanger, et s'élever ainsi jusqu'à la fréquence et vibration où existe Gaia maintenant. Un espace très élevé, clair, cristallin et puissant. Il s'agissait de mener une terre depuis un état de propriété privée, et de l'activer jusqu'à un état de hautes fréquences vibratoires, accessible alors à quiconque et chacun qui entrerait là, dans l'intention de se joindre et de s'engager à ce haut niveau de fréquence." (Inelia Benz)
It is with huge happiness and inspiration that I am sending this update to you. At the end of 2011, I received a request from Gaia to open a Center. There was a lot of confusion about what shape this Center would take, I interpreted to be a place of study and union, where people could come together to learn, heal, create… But when we attempted to do that, we quickly realized it was a completely different project.
Myself and others sat together to feel into the request, see what it was really about. And Gaia came in strong and clear, it was about land. It was about the reactivation of land as a sacred space. A place, land, where trees, animals, elementals, ultra-dimensional beings, and humans could join, chat, and raise to the frequency and vibration where Gaia exists now. A very high, clear, crystal, and empowered place. It was about taking land from private hands, and activating it into a high frequency vibration that is then accessible to anyone, everyone, who enters it with the aim of joining and engaging at that high frequency.
It was about sacred land.
The Global Ascension Center is a place where we carry out a real time journey of remembering how to be one with our environment at a very physical level.
The Global Ascension Center request and vision from Gaia inspired thousands of people around the world, and they started sending in donations and offers of support, help and volunteering of their skills. It's been such an amazing experience to visit land being reactivated... Eat the mushrooms, walk the space and observe human animal plant interactions at so many different levels.
It has taken years, but now we have manifested our first GAC property. It was a clear, fast and easy land to acquire.
Today, I can tell you it is READY and free of any type of legal or physical encroachment.
The land is (at the writing of this news) 10% activated. By visiting it, and allowing ourselves to sit in this land at our highest frequency, we will continue activating until we get to 100%. The process is gentle and it allows for the adaptation of the people, plants, elementals and animals in the area to adapt to the new frequencies.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Jeu 13 Oct - 8:07
-- Global Ascension Center (GAC) : où donc ? ---
Pour les personnes qui se trouvent en quelque endroit de la planète, Et qui voudraient avoir une rapide idée de l'emplacement de ce, Premier GAC (Global Ascension Center), On peut, en deux mots clés, dire qu'il se trouve dans le :
Olympic National Park (Washington DC), À l'ouest du Lake Crescent.
Olympic National Park (le Parc National Olympique) :
Et une photo, pour le plaisir :
Sol Duc Falls (Olympic National Park)
Olympic National Park
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Lun 7 Nov - 9:55
--- First Unifying Ceremony - Global Ascension Center (Inelia Benz) ---
In about two hours (November 6, 2016), we will hold our first unifying ceremony at the shamanshack... Unifying what? one might ask. Self, Gaia and Expanded awareness of reality (including our star brothers and sisters). If you want to join, burn and smell incense, drink water, eat a bite of fruit or treat, and watch and feel the heat of a flame (candle is good). The intent in your mind to be "I unify us". Think about the sentient being that is Gaia, think about our brothers and sisters from the stars, and think of all the people of Earth.
You can do this ceremony at any time, as many times as you want or feel inspired to, for as long as you are inspired to do so. The writing below comes from a Mapuche, but it may as well come from many other Native knowledge keeper in the Americas or other continent:
"The Mapuche are a deeply spiritual and religious society, their belief system maintained that the world was created by a celestial family, who were the creators of all beings as well as holding the power of nature." R. Marhiquewun.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Mer 23 Nov - 21:59
--- Inelia Benz - November 23, 2016 ---
"The Native Nations of the world are uniting, Put your attention there and rejoice."
"Les Nations Premières du monde s'unifient, Placez là votre attention et réjouissez-vous."
"Ultimement, nous sommes Gaia, nous sommes le collectif humain, nous sommes l'Energie Source Divine, nous sommes la ligne de front des individus qui ont choisi consciemment d'incarner leur vrai soi, le nouveau paradigme dans cette réalité. Ceux qui montrent le chemin pour la totalité du collectif humain. Soyez forts et expérimentés."
"Ultimately, we are Gaia, we are the human collective, we are Divine Source Energy, we are the front line of individuals who have consciously chosen to embody our true selves, the new paradigm, into this reality. The way showers for the entire human collective. Be strong and be street-smart."
Post-Scriptum : "Interview with an Angel" (new Inelia Benz "novel") is soon to appear on our screens.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Jeu 1 Déc - 9:22
--- L'Energie du Gardien (Inelia Benz) ---
"Vous êtes là dans votre pouvoir ; vous exprimez votre propre énergie ; vous incarnez le nouveau paradigme - celui que vous sentez ou croyez être le chemin dans lequel se déploient les choses qui doivent être." (Inelia Benz)
"You stand in your power; you express your inner energy; you embody the new paradigm – the one that you feel or believe to be the way in which things should be like." (Inelia Benz)
Interesting exchange at WalkWithMeNow (
Cathy asks: “If we embody the new paradigm, then we shouldn’t have the energy of the warrior any more – is that correct?”
My reply: ""The warrior energy is very powerful – it has the word ‘war’ in it.
… Basically you engage in battle with your enemy.
And the new paradigm doesn’t engage in battle, it engages in guardianship.
So you can channel your warrior energy to protect.
And it’s interesting that, from the beginning, the North Dakota have used the word ‘protectors’ instead of ‘protestors’ – so it’s a very different energy.
The one of protector or guardian to that of warrior… the one that engages and goes for the kill.
If you think of it that way – if you’re a warrior you go for the kill – you go to destroy and kill.
If you engage in guardianship, or protection, you’re not engaging to kill the other, but to protect ones or yourself – that which you believe in.
So how does that work?
If you’re trying to protect someone, are you trying to kill someone else?
Well that’s the level of engagement that we can’t really play with anymore because it’s too low frequency.
So how do you protect?
You stand in your power; you express your inner energy; you embody the new paradigm – the one that you feel or believe to be the way in which things should be like.
And you embody it in your own body without any variation really – you don’t give yourself excuses or allowances to indulge in low frequency energy at any time.
It’s tough, but a warrior can do it."
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
--- -->>> "Interview with an Angel" (Inelia Benz) ---
Shape-shifting bodies, angels manifesting a 3D/4D body to travel in this 3D/4D plane, multi-hued and colored wings unfolding in one's back, archangel Michael circling around in the very near open sea, exploring the very ancient times before religions, uplifting encounterings of the very joy/light/love kind, all of this is not a fiction-based story but live interviews.
You can read the first chapter of "Interview with an Angel" here :
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Jeu 2 Mar - 9:49
--- The New Paradigm Entry Rules and Regulations (Inelia Benz mp3 audio file) ---
Have you wondered when the new paradigm is going to manifest? Are you tired of waiting?
The new paradigm is already available to us and you can start experiencing it today. It is literally here and now in your everyday life, you merely need to pull forth its power. How? You need to embody it moment to moment.
This audio class shows you exactly how to embody the new paradigm in simple and very doable steps. Filled with exercises and insights, it will assist you in taking that huge step forward in what our common experience of what physicality can truly be like on our beautiful and conscious planet.
No excuses and no apologies. Start creating and stepping into the New Paradigm today. No one else can do this for you. This is a personal journey and you now have the tools and information to get it done. It is just a matter of deciding to use them.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Ven 17 Mar - 21:57
--- Qu'est-ce que l'Ascension et pourquoi est-ce important ? (Inelia Benz) ---
Have you done our free ten-day boost to ascension program yet? If not, here's the link!
The term "Ascension", as it is used on my website, means the process of raising (or developing) your personal awareness.
Right now there is a lot of information competing for your attention. It is easy to lose your focus. To work around this we have created a 10 day FREE series of emails especially designed keep you on track for your development and self-empowerment.
It's important!
Your awareness, or lack of it, has a massive influence on your life, it is the key to your empowerment.
This ten day program will assist your focus and get you back on track, start today
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Ven 24 Mar - 22:48
--- Reconnecting - Tuning into the Flow (Inelia Benz) ---
When things work out smoothly and effortlessly, we often call it being in the Flow. Or in the Zone. This happens when we are connected to the activity, situation or place we are at. If we have time for everything, and arrive to places at the right time, we are connected to time. If we always receive what we need, we are connected to abundance, when the golf club flows, we are connected to the activity. How do we connect? Well, everything has a spirit. Everything has an energy intelligence with which we can connect or disconnect.
Has a fuse gone out in your house? Connect with the spirit of electricity, touch your house and ask it where the problem is.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Sam 25 Mar - 17:48
--- Ascension101 Course - Inelia Benz ---
Je rappelle que ce cours extrêmement efficace et puissant existe en version française, et c'est dans cette version que j'ai pu le parcourir et l'intégrer il y a quelques années de cela. Ce qui est remarquable, c'est que même si dans cette version française ce n'est pas Inelia Benz qui parle, la conception même de ces méditations guidées continue d'opérer très profondément, ce qui permet vraiment simplement de dire et d'avancer qu'il y a là une succession de modèles de types quantiques qui propulsent leurs données au sein des différents corps physique, émotionnel, mental, spirituel et énergétique par-delà évidemment toute modulations phonémiques (Huh...).
À recommander très fortement.
Voici le lien vers cette version en français du cours :
The energies on our beautiful Earth right now are very intense. The bridge between the old paradigm and the new paradigm is over and the push for individuals to start embodying their chosen paradigm is massive right now.
This push will manifest in a way that depends on what vibrational frequency you are spending your days in. I can assure you that you want to be on your highest possible frequency at all times.
One of the roles this course has when we do it is to help us "tune" all our bodies (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and energetic), into the new Song being played on this physical reality we call Earth, the new paradigm, which is really ramping up this Equinox. And this is the intent we can use while doing the Course, to Tune IN to Gaia, Sun, and the Universal Mind quality of vibration for this period in linear time.
We, as a species, and as individuals, are going through massive transformations. Imagine it as though we have many, many options at each moment, and depending on the option we take, what experience we will have as a solid reality.
So, what do I mean when I say "Ascension101 Yourself"? And why this Spring?
It is VERY simple. It means to do the Ascension101 eCourse. This is by far the most sought after and popular Ascension eCourse on the Internet and for many reasons. It is extremely effective and easy to do. It has information and exercises that will assist your physical body, your mind, your spirit, your ego and your energy body. It will align them and bring them online at a higher frequency vibration. This means that you will be way more capable of moving through this intense period on our world in an empowered and joyful way.
This period of linear time calls for us to take the next step. The step in fully, and consciously removing all programs that are not serving our intent, and building new programs that will serve us and not another person, entity, or organization's agenda.
Stepping into our POWER, and raising our vibration happens much easily and effortlessly when we are fully "tuned" and reconnected with our bodies and environment.
If you want to get started with the eCourse today, click here for instant download:
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Dim 26 Mar - 22:28
--- Portal (Inelia Benz) ---
"This website has grown quite a lot in the past few years. And will continue to do so. We have attempted to categorize and present the information In a way that is straight forward, easy to reach and comprehend.
This is how best to navigate and use the site."
Here :
In Joy/Light/Love
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: WalkWithMeNow & Lun 27 Mar - 22:27
--- Angel(s) ---
Dans certains pays, Une personne éveillée est honorée, aimée et aidée. Nous commençons avec nous-mêmes, Et permettons ensuite à cela de se refléter dans notre vie.