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 Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Juil - 22:53

--- Gaia TV on Central Race Blog (Update) ---

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Ici :

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMer 26 Juil - 22:28

--- Get Out - Une histoire de l'esclavage ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Get_ou10

Sans doute l’un des plus beaux, impressionnants, et forts films qu’il m’ait été donné de voir ces dernières années. Une oeuvre qui nous donne à voir, jusqu’aux vertiges, des histoires à l’intérieur d’autres histoires, des reflets qui se tordent et se déploient en labyrinthes hallucinants, hypnotisants et ultimement déréalisants.

Pour qui veut se donner la peine, et s’accorde aussi à lui-même l’envie, la curiosité et sans doute le courage de chercher un peu sur le net, au sein de la myriade des vidéos désormais disponibles en libre accès et sur tous sujets, il pourrait arriver que certains mots clés comme clonage, méthodes de contrôle de l’esprit, asservissement et effacement de la mémoire se mettent à résonner pour se déployer, tels des points origines jusqu’en des territoires insoupçonnés. Il suffirait par exemple de regarder cette vidéo (… et d’autres, en tapant les mots clés « clone malfunction ») pour que s’offre à nous une sorte d’état de stupeur ouvrant en grand les vannes vrombissante d’un aspect du réel tout à fait stupéfiant et in fine cauchemardesque.

Kourtney Kardashian Clone Malfunction
During news interview after being asked about Kim Robbery?

Les perspectives sont gigantesques, peut-être tétanisantes aux débuts et certainement transfixiantes si l’on décide d’ignorer et de s’empêcher de voir, de sentir, d’imaginer, d’explorer, et de penser.

Mais je laisse à Aug Tellez, en deuxième partie de cet article, le soin de nous éclairer sur ces sujets, depuis l’extrême acuité de son génie en ses matières.

Pour l’heure, et revenant à nos moutons, ceux qui se déplacent en troupeaux, ceux qui se font tondre et dévorer, voici « Get Out » et sa photo magnifique, ses acteurs excellemment dirigés, et sa spirale descendante et engloutissante puissamment maîtrisée.

« Get Out » est en fait une histoire de l’esclavage, mais une histoire mise à jour, moderne et scientifique, exposant des techniques de contrôle des esprits et des corps du tout dernier cri. Une histoire de l’esclavage qui serait en train de trouver peut-être comme son heure de gloire, du moins pour les maîtres esclavagistes, puisqu’il s’agit de l’entendre, de la découvrir et de l’observer à l’échelle de la planète entière.

Une histoire de l’esclavage « moderne » où le travailleur agricole, celui qui se saignait corps et âme dans la blancheur mortifère des champs de coton, n’a cessé « d’évoluer », donnant non seulement sa force de travail à son maître, mais aussi, progressivement, et pour ainsi dire à l’insu de son plein gré, sa mémoire, ses gènes, et sa force de vie même engloutie par le prédateur en sa résidence de briques, de blanches colonnes, et de si chaudes boiseries.

Depuis le tout premier plan, glaçant, jusqu’à la toute dernière minute, nous cheminons gentiment, comme fascinés et de plus en plus interloqués et pétrifiés, à mesure que nous entrons dans une version comme mise à jour d’un « Devine qui vient dîner » (Stanley Kramer) de légende, mais pour adultes seulement.

Soft-Disclosure: GET OUT by Aug Tellez

At the very start of the movie there is a classic foreshadowing which sets the scene for the entire movie. This movie is a one of a kind look into the subtly and complexity of an elite family environment. The main character is a man.....

To be continued here :

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Aoû - 5:43

--- 467. The Emerald Gateway ---

The Emerald Gateway
Lion's Gate into the Eclipse, August 2017

A few mornings ago you said to me…. « The Emerald Gateway is now open. » Can you please tell me what you meant by that? When we speak of the Emerald Gateway we refer to the time portal or ‘period of time’ you are now experiencing. This began around 21st July 2017 and will continue through 7th August Full Moon into 8th August Lion’s Gate continuing through to the August 21st Eclipse and begin to close between 23rd and 27th August. We speak here of a merge between astrological timings and critical mass awareness, understandings and awakenings within the Starseed communities. Why do you refer to this Gateway as an Emerald Gateway?

The Emerald Gateway is also that which we could refer to as the ‘Galactic Core’ or the ‘Diamond Light.’ We could refer to this aspect as an energy centre or a chakra, you would know this as the ‘Galactic Chakra’ or indeed the ‘Emerald Gate Chakra.’ This refers to a galactic awareness amongst the starseed and lightworker communities and the construction of the galactic grids. For many years lightworkers have been working to construct or repair the Gaia grid also known as the Earth grid or the planetary grid. Much work has been done across your planet including Earth clearing, healing and the relocating of energies, stones and crystals across the leylines, fault lines and sacred sites upon Gaia. This has included work with pyramids and other frequency raising constructs both natural and created. Now the awareness of the galactic grids is reaching critical mass.


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 8 Aoû - 19:00

--- Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template - New Book Available Now (August 8, 2017) ---

Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template
New Book Available Now (August 8, 2017)

We are now at a time in our planetary evolution known to many as 'ascension'. Those individuals who are known as 'starseeds' are currently in their millions and are collectively going through an awakening process. Why is this happening? What does the awakening entail?

Magenta Pixie has been communicating with the 'White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine', a sixth dimensional 'monadic light structure', about these concepts for the last 24 years. They have spoken much of 'memory recall' and the reconstructing of the original DNA template. In this transmission, they bring forward 'memory triggers' designed to act as a catalyst into the awakening process at various stages and respond to many of the questions which the starseeds are asking.

Why are we here? Who are we? What are we supposed to do? What is it that we are to remember? Why did we lose our memories in the first place? What is the call of humanity? What is the fall of man? What is 'zero point'? Is it true that we can travel through other dimensions through the activation of our Mer-Ka-Bah? How is 'the lost city of Atlantis' connected to our memory recall?

The Nine present a model of working with the individualised matrix field, known also as the Mer-Ka-Bah, through 'Matrix Architecture' and 'the golden triad of ascension'. An in depth analysis and explanation of the 'twin flame consciousness' and how this relates to the ascension experience is part of this transmission.

Embracing the inner archetypes of the 'Alchemist' and the 'Architect' and knowing how to construct your own personal matrix will move you into the memory recall needed. This transmission will take you on a multidimensional journey of profound discovery as you move into the creation of the Divine Architecture. The triggers contained within this material are there to assist you in accessing the codes for the new formation of the original crystalline DNA matrix known as the 'Starseed Template'.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Aoû - 7:07

--- Global Ascension Center & Total Solar Eclipse : Inception Point (August 2017) ---

August & September Retreat 2017 with Inelia Benz

"Total" (= 91%) Solar Eclipse in Neah Bay, Washington:

In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Aoû - 11:13

--- 15 Things You Don’t Know About Polio ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Polio10

15 Things You Don’t Know About Polio

1. A pesticide common in the 1800’s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. This super toxin was also used as a dye, in many items, including wall paper and paint. It was the sole focus of murder mystery novels at the time, as arsenic was known to be a very efficient way to stage a murder “for unknown reasons”, as arsenic kills but is hard to detect after the victim succumbs to the poison. and

2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure.

3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure.

4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other similar heavy metals manifest lesions on neurological tissues, meaning the toxin destroys the nerve/communication pathways connecting the brain to the organs in the body.

5. Polio victims present lesions on neurological tissue, that cause the organs to malfunction all around the body. (lungs, heart, nerves that control walking etc)

6. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. (not the sunless and damp winter/spring seasons regarding other disease outbreaks)

7. Polio had and has NO ability to spread from infected victims to the uninfected. Polio infected clusters of people in the exact same areas, suddenly and swiftly.

8. Parents report finding their children paralyzed in and around apple orchards. One of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops of the time (with lead arsenate or copper arsenate) were apple orchards.

9. President Roosevelt became paralyzed over night while at a summer retreat, which contained many crops, including apple orchards. He also swam the day prior in a bay that was heavily polluted by industrial agricultural run off. Summer again is when these paralysis based outbreaks would occur, as spraying of crops with extremely toxic chemicals would intensify as the crops hit a fully mature state. The pesticides we’re talking about were DESIGNED to terminate nervous system function in the bugs, which is “polio”……..which is and always has been complicit poisoning of the population by industry, government, science and medicine.

10. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties.

11. In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated. Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell’s Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Guillian-Barre, meningitis etc etc. This was orchestrated purposely to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the polio vaccine campaign but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing…but only in vaccinated areas. Today most vaccine inserts declare paralysis as a potential side effect but “reframe it” as Guillian Barre or simply “paralysis”. This is purposely designed to obfuscate the public’s understanding of what causes paralysis, which is heavy metal poisoning plus vaccine induced autoimmunity……that ends with the body attacking and destroying its’ own nervous system pathways, in an rabid attempt to clean itself of the injected toxins. Guillian Barre and paralysis, as listed vaccine side effects, are also a way to get the public running east looking for a sunset, keeping them as far away as possible from connecting the dots around this medical polio con job. Aluminum and mercury are ingredients in most (if not all) vaccines today and both are proven to cause paralysis and motor neuron destruction………..known as many different names, depending on just how much the science/medical authority figure in the room wants to take advantage of you that day.

12. The first polio vaccine was worked on by Dr. Jonas Salk and human experiments using this vaccine were conducted purposely on orphans in government/church run institutions because they were vulnerable and didn’t require any parental consent signatures, as they had no parents. The vaccine was “declared safe” by “medicine” (as they always are even though that vaccine was killing and paralyzing monkeys in test trials) and that vaccine gave 40,000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds and killed at least 10 children. All injuries and deaths under reported of course by the same authorities who orchestrated the atrocity. This was called The Cutter Incident. A focused attack on defenseless children, by people charged with their care. A poisoning of innocent children and then the excuses and apologies, regarding how it won’t happen again. Is this pattern still occurring today? The answer is obvious.

13. The next “improved” polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions, carried both the SV 40 cancer virus as well as the AIDS virus. Every step of the way, medicine declaring they know for sure, that this time, they have everything straightened out. Same story then, same story now. The only thing larger than the pile of broken medical and government promises, is the pile of broken and dead bodies. Cancerous tumors, still being pulled out of people today, are riddled with SV40 cancer viruses from the government’s “safe and effective” and “approved” polio vaccine.

14. In the book Virus Mania, top scientists in the field declare that polio doesn’t and has never qualified as a viral disease because it fails to spread from person to person or animal to animal. If it’s not a viral disease, then what is it? The answer is heavy metal and other forms of toxic poisoning that causes partial or full paralysis. (destruction of the nervous system). Connect the dots.

15. The polio con job, ranked as 1 of the top 10 medical con jobs of all time, is clearly described in this selected chapter of the book “Dissolving Illusions” by leading medical doctor, Dr. Suzanne Humphries. The reason so much effort is placed into medical con jobs like this is to continually infuse the public with false fear regarding viruses that don’t exist, and also to provide false hope and blind faith belief in toxic vaccines and poisonous medications, which only worsen a population’s overall health status. The end result is the same, regardless of medical con. The elite groups who organize such fraud based operations increase tyrannical control over a diseased, die-empowered, depressed, dis-satisfied, dis-oriented and dumbed down population. Such a population is easier to control, steal from, manipulate and govern. It’s not really about polio or viruses, it’s about poisoning the population into a chemical lobotomized state that ends with increasing elite domination and iron fist control.

When someone talks of any disease, in this day and age, they’re often just repeating what they were told by the government, media or medicine. When someone today repeats anything about polio and polio elimination based on vaccination, they’re repeating known lies, told by known liars. Repeating what you’re told and intelligence aren’t the same thing. Repeating or intelligence? The choice is yours. Repeaters are FIRM IN THEIR BELIEFS yet have NEVER researched beyond what they were told to believe. Such firm belief, with ZERO RESEARCH, is illogical and irrational. Research the hidden history of polio, the disease that never was.

At this added link we have over 100 medical doctors and PhD scientists explaining with statistics and research that 1) vaccines aren’t safe 2) vaccines aren’t effective 3) vaccines don’t improve immunity or resistance to disease and 4) vaccines injure, permanently cripple or kill each and every person they’re injected into. The darkness and deceit around the polio vaccine doesn’t just stop there. The entire history of vaccination, from inception to this very day, is rampant with corruption, eugenics, stealth euthanasia and for lack of a better phrase……evil intent.

Further research regarding the polio deception can be found in…
1. This book by Dr. Russell Blaylock –
2. This book by Dr. Suzanne Humphries –
3. This book by Liam Scheff –


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Aoû - 13:53

--- The Starseed Initiation - August 21st Total Eclipse of the Sun ---

The Starseed Initiation - August 21st Total Eclipse of the Sun

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 15 Aoû - 7:46

--- Eclairages & Points de Vue (lire la version en français sous la vidéo +++) ---

In the "Get Out" movie (by the way, thanks to you Aug Tellez again for your explanations and brilliant insights on that topic), the hero is made sinking in infinite space, entrapped and embedded like in a gigantic black infinite box. But the good news here is that we can transmute and use all of the hijacking encounterings and parasitic encounterings by morphing them all in huge, huge and infinite spaces, and order them to SINK. And so, we are safe, masters of our own matrix and world, living in huge and infinite space of our own creation, spaces where no parasites can enter nore interact with us, we the growing sovereign beings.

Get Out (2017) - Sink into the Floor

Dans le film "Get Out" (et au passage, merci encore à Aug Tellez pour ses profondes et vraiment brillantes explications à propos de ce film génial), le héros se voit en train de couler irrémédiablement dans l'espace infini, attrapé, pris au piège, trompé et emprisonné comme dans une boîte noire, gigantesque et infinie. Mais la bonne nouvelle ici, c'est que nous pouvons transmuter et utiliser toutes les interactions trompeuses, toutes les tentatives répétées de détruire, salir, vampiriser et siphonner nos existences et nos corps opérées par toutes sortes d'entités parasites, programmes tournant en mode automatique, images fantômes et autres intelligences artificielles (sans oublier évidemment tous les dormeurs et menteurs et esclaves de toutes natures que nous rencontrons au quotidien), en les transformant, en utilisant cette énergie centrée essentiellement sur le viol pour construire de vastes, vastes, immenses espaces infinis, et leur donner ordre de "SOMBRER, COULER".

Et ainsi, nous sommes en sécurité, instantanément, maîtres de notre propre matrice et monde singulier, vivant au sein d'espaces gigantesques et infinis que nous avons créés : des espaces où ne peuvent entrer ni pénétrer aucun parasites, de quelles que natures que ce soient (pensées, émotions, programmes, images fantômes, esclaves de toutes natures, dormeurs rencontrés au quotidien, menteurs, etc....). Espaces sécurisés où vivre librement et en paix, sans interactions aucunes avec la foule immense des indésirables et mortifères parasites de l'ancien monde (de plus en plus basse et lourde et inerte 3D et basse 4D). Car nous sommes, à tout le moins, des êtres souverains en devenir et pleine croissance.

In JoyLightLove

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Aoû - 7:56

--- L'Agenda de Mère (french & english) ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Agenda10

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Aoû - 6:33

--- Laniakea ---

Laniakea: Our home supercluster

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Aoû - 7:05

--- I was Shown The Interdimensional Spiritual Enslavement System (Aug Tellez - August 24, 2017) ---

I was Shown The Interdimensional Spiritual Enslavement System

I was shown the way in which the ones in high authority observe Earth from 'above' the physical dimension in a technologically projected 'seat' where they can maintain their power from a higher-dimensional perspective outside the bounds of time and space.

All they have to do is show people the truth and people simply do not believe what is happening. That is how the system has been designed. It is so deep, so challenging to accept that the very existence of their power over the human is something impossible for the majority of people to accept.
The majority of people are also not human, they are a kind of autonomous being that lacks true free-will! Everything must be programmed in from that higher dimensional perspective outside of time or nothing occurs! Literally, the bodies would just lay limp staring at nothing! The soul is effectively artificially propagated in these people as a layer attached to the physical dimension itself, the 'time-matrix' rather than an energy force or memory bank from a non-local source that extends beyond space and time!

The true soul extends beyond space and time and contains a connection to the eternal spirit!

There is also an interdimensional 'arena' or 'lobby' area. This is actually an area that is more like 'in between' the lobby and the arena and this is like a connecting hallway or a transitory period. This area is where mass mind control is applied to all souls entering into the physical Earth domain. They are first blasted with a beam of energy to entrain the mind and then they are bombarded with high energy streams of commands which are basically like mind-control protocols that tire the soul out and attempt to convince them to follow all sorts of 'cultural' generation propaganda such as what they may believe and what they can do or follow while on Earth. All of this is secondary by design and literally projected in from an alternate dimension to the layers of the universe just outside of the physical space-time and before incarnating or releasing to the higher-dimensions. It's a 'hack' that's placed in between in the transitory period and the entity that carries out this procedure is an artificial domain lord that seeks to gain the status of the total overlord of reality.

This is like an automated denial of service program that continually bombards the mind with commands and obfuscation in an attempt to gain their submission through sheer force and mental-emotional trauma.

Only through consent or acceptance of this programming is this possible and often those who do not consent are noticed at this level and it is from this level that life is altered accordingly giving some people a better advantage over others and others more difficulties for the testing and analysis that takes place on this interdimensional level!

This system is begin dismantled now! There are multiple layers of events taking place but the idea is that the source, the stability and the operational capacity of that fallen system is being reprogrammed for the purposes of nullifying the spiritual enslavement system.

And/or :


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Aoû - 7:22

--- Anunnaki by Lisa Renee ---

Anunnaki by Lisa Renee

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Aoû - 6:16

--- Drakko Factions at War + The New Temporal Quantum Server Reality (Lauda Leon) ---

Drakko Factions at War
The New Temporal Quantum Server Reality

Recorded approx 3 months ago, this presentation is divided into two segments.
Part one discusses the infighting between rival Drrakko forces,
Lauda's encounters with them in youth and her medical experimentation,
Journeying to their war training planet, as well as more on cloning,
Consciousness transfers and holographic technologies.

The second segment explores deeper and reveals detail of Lauda's experiential insights
Within the workings of the Quantum Machines linked to Consciousness
And earths' place within this new temporal server 'reelity', the 'second earth',
And what this current placement means for humankind in manipulated scope.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Aoû - 6:47

--- Breatherian Living On Universal Breath Nassim Haramein ---

Breatherian Living On Universal Breath Nassim Haramein

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Aoû - 7:19

--- ARK Crystal Gravity Laser Nassim Haramein ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Ark_cr10

The Crystal

The product is composed of a laboratory grown, high purity quartz crystal which is precisely cut along a specific axe of molecular lattices from optical quartz in accordance with a patented method to create a specific geometric solid representing a direct harmonic of the space time geometry discovered in the work of Nassim Haramein.

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Ark_sa10

The Saddle

The saddle assembly that protects the crystal from damage has been crafted from CP4 grade titanium and represents a marvel of engineering. Not only does it provide protection by floating the crystal inside a titanium structure with a system of silicon bumpers, a sophisticated system of magnets allows the saddle to be joined to other saddles to create precise tetrahedron based geometries or to be magnetically secured to accessories such as the titanium pendant which is included with your purchase. DIMENSIONS - The saddle is 23 mm wide at its base and 18.7 mm high from the base to the apex.

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Ark_pe10

The Pendant

The CP4 grade titanium pendant has been engineered to precisely and magnetically secure the ARK®️ crystal saddle within its arms and includes an adjustable length titanium chain which enables the wearer to position the pendant at three different locations on their body from heart to throat, based upon preference or needs. DIMENSIONS - The pendant has a diameter of 38.1 mm.

ARK Crystal Gravity Laser Nassim Haramein

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Aoû - 8:32

--- Anunnaki by Lisa Renee ---

From Ancient scriptures these are a race of extraterrestrials from a planet called Nibiru, they are being depicted as gods or deities in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. From our energetic work we can see them as part of the Negative Alien forces that have manipulated the human race for the last thousands of years and are still working on their negative agendas for human enslavement through Mind Control. They have their main control center in UK and are controlling many Planetary Grid Networks on earth including the NRG. The Annunaki are a Root Race that formed from the Sirian constellation evolution cycles and are a result of the Reptilian hybridization with the Sirians, as such, Sirian's have a genetic history and Karmic relationship to the Anu and many feel a responsibility to heal the Annunaki manipulation and False King of Tyranny control over the earth.

Annunaki are majorly involved with the Drac's (Orion Group)in the cooperative control over earthly affairs, and their respective groups have made agreements on their jurisdiction and the demographic areas of where they exert control over the earth grid system. Jehovian Annunaki are responsible for promoting and transmitting fundamental religious mind control through Armageddon Software, and use SRA methods to reinforce religious violence, Patriarchal Domination and Misogyny throughout the human masses.

They were instrumental in establishing an Intruder Resistance, known as the NAA to invite more Negative Aliens groups to "stake their claim" over the human population, with the promise that humans could be bartered for slavery or taken to their planets as workers at some time at the end of the Ascension Cycle. This NAA was established in order to more effectively take over the earth and share in the spoils of war to help exert control over the increasing population of humans on the earth and Astral Plane. These two groups do not always get along in their agreements with how to influence world affairs and control human evolution, and there is infighting in between sub groups that are competing for control over the earth. Annunaki entities are extradimensional shape-shifting consciousness, that project their consciousness into the type of body they wish to control in the domain they enter, or that has been designed as a Biological Drone or body that is specific to their functions, role, and rank in their society. The Annunaki entities that have the highest ranks in their hierarchical society, have the access to the most elite forms of genetically engineered bodies, while those lower in rank have bodies that perform less functions, and are limited to the functions of their position. Hence, it is especially the lower ranking Annunaki that covet human bodies for their variety in physical functioning. They are known to take a variety of body shapes and biological forms via consciousness projection between bodies.

To be continued here :

And again, the YouTube "video" :

Anunnaki by Lisa Renee

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Sep - 18:42

--- Transhumanism ( ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Freema10

-->> On +++ - Listen to the mp3 Interview !!!

"Is Google becoming Skynet? What are they doing with Life Extension, Quantum Computers and the "Demon of A.I." Is Google data-basing your DNA? Can we have immortality through Transhumanism? Will upgrading the human form with technology lead to liberation or create a new matrix of control? Is the soul something that can be transferred? Does this future tech have its roots in Earth's ancient past?"


Very few will have "immortality" through Transhumanism. Those who "run the shadow governments of the world(s)" will decide, or think they will decide, who has and who has not. Isn't this how things are now? They do not have the last word, nor do those who run them. There is always a bigger fish eating a smaller one, and it's essentially endless in realms of control and domination. Beyond that is great freedom, beauty, love, pure creation, and all that we can imagine that is positive and loving.

Subtle energies that cannot yet be measured cannot be copied; therefore, from the beginning "something will be missing" and things will go drastically wrong. There are many forms of immortality; we are already infinite and eternal, and the illusions of birth and death are actually a continuum of spirit, which continues outside the parameter of the life of the soul. Spirit and soul are different. The energy bodies which inhabit our vehicle are invisible and real. Some can see them, and they can be viewed in pictures.

The soul, which is created for each new incarnation, can be transferred. The consciousness, which is different, can also be transferred to another vehicle, cyborg, clone or A.I. creation. A.I. on earth is not the same as A.I. that is galactic, which runs the 9 dimensional matrix throughout all planetary systems. The Pleiadians, Arcturians, and other galactic civilizations are all subject to living inside the inter-galactic matrix, just as we are...well, some dimensions of our reality reside and are subject to matrix technologies. In essence, we are free spirits as vast as the cosmos.

Found on Facebook with the help of Lance White :

The paper as such on :


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Sep - 9:26

--- Universe Inside You Website ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Univer10

Avec les vidéos YouTube, et aussi des articles pour certaines d'entre elles :

The reptilians, are one of the most ancient, and technologically advanced civilization in the universe. what is interesting, is that they were genetically created, by another race, referred to, as master race. this race’s history, began so many years ago, when earth as we know it, didn’t even exist. Long time ago, when the universe wasn’t populated with millions of extraterrestrials, an extremely advanced beings, arrived in this universe, from a different, unknown world. This beings, were called Carians, and were one of the first beings who came in this universe, along side the feline race, who settled in the Lyrans. When this Carian beings arrived in our universe, which was very limited in life forms, they were in eteric form, and they chose to become physical in appearance, and exist in the 3rd dimension. in order to do this, they took on the shape and bodies, of the creatures who flew over the planet they wanted to incarnate on. these creatures, resembled our Earthly birds. After many incarnations, into this bird like beings, this extremely advanced race, with extraordinary universal knowledge, successfully evolved their physical, third dimensional bodies. This bird race, known as Carians, genetically designed many extraterrestrial races. One of the first races they created, were the reptilians.

To be continued here :

Here :

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 12 Sep - 13:10

--- Assimilation of the Simulation- Eclipses and the Steadfast Heart of Consciousness (Lauda Leon) ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Dove10

Many topics were discussed in this addition, from the recent eclipse, sun simulators, pandemics,
the Jesuits, Sanhedrin orders, predictive programming, the genetic meddling of the lords/gods',
Trump and the Denver Murals connection, the armies of the unSpirited, personal jumproom
and ancient artifact retrieval accounts, celestial mechanics and prepping, foremost Spiritually
for the times of accelerating turbulence.

A few moments into the drive home after this recording, we noted in passing an owl perched
on the powerlines roadside..We turned the car around to get a closer look, however the sounds
of the vehicle pulling over had it fly away, only to be replaced by a dove landing in the same spot
just seconds later....
Both ominous signs to our eyes and a Show of Guidance in further Telling
of what is eventually brought unto Peace, for all the storms in the midst.

Assimilation of the Simulation
Eclipses and the Steadfast Heart of Consciousness

'Food for the Moon'

Solar Simulator and an Eclipse

Bacteria laden balloons?

Vaccines relative to pandemic release

Strange skies, strange days..

Denver Murals and the children of 'generation Z'

Edit to add: Behind the boy that depicted in the mural that looks like Baron Trump is a grown woman behind him that too looks remarkably similar to Melania Trump..See for yourself, and a thank you to the commentator here that pointed that out!

Perception - The reality beyond matter

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMar 12 Sep - 22:10

--- Central Race & Sovereignty ---

La Vérité est la Vérité, même si elle est aussi et toujours un mode de perception
(elle est donc et à la fois une et multiple).
Ceci pour établir un fait de plus en plus réel et certain, à savoir :

WWCCo9 = Central Race = Lyricus/WingMakers.


Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Divine10

Que ceux qui ont des yeux voient, et que tous ceux qui ont des oreilles entendent.

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Sovere10

Truth is Truth, even though it is also and always a mode of perception.
Suffice to say that :

WWCCo9 = Central Race = Lyricus/WingMakers.


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Sep - 7:06

--- Two Underground Races Discovered (Aug Tellez - Sept 5, 2017) ---

Maybe I will now begin to prepare you for what is to come, as others have and yet as others have not.

There are two races. They live underground and are descendents of one another. They have gained access to this reality through the opening of an electromagnetic portal between this reality and a reality that is offset by a degree of rotation and thus exists as part of a different temporal context. In that reality there are descendents of humanoid bi-pedals, these are considered surface dwellers that we call humans today.

Underground there are ancestors, these ancestors exist in different forms, in different societies. The basic spread is high and low awareness. Violence, animalistic tendencies, lack of compassion and the presence of constant struggle is associated with the lower awareness races. The alter-descendent of this race, the brother race is of a higher-awareness spectrum and thus they do their best to keep the situation safe and beneficial for all. They are more compassion, of a higher intelligence, more self-controlled and thought to be self-aware as a result or relation to.

These races that are almost one are capable of utilizing advanced scalar technology. Most races use advanced scalar technology. This is because this reality, the projected atomic form is scalar in nature. This, to construct a kind of standing wave computer system through a functional arrangement of minerals, crystals, metals, coils and so on, would not necessarily require moving parts or even a keyboard for input or a monitor for displaying the information.

The mind would be the interface port for the computer system and this would enable input and reception from the information system and the machinery connected to these systems could be activated directly and simply pointed in the direction for use. Machinery capable of manipulating matter on a molecular or atomic level, capable of healing the body, and capable of influencing the mental, emotional or physical body could simply be pointed and the intentions of the operator’s mind could be transferred to a target.

This is exactly what happens and again, the way this works is not quite as direct as we would expect, these races interact through using portal systems that enable an interface overlay from their native ‘universe’ (not the accurate term) to ours. They can access this dimension say, by opening a portal in someone’s wall and step through the wall and materialize in this reality. Meanwhile, before that point, they could be in the room with someone and they would be invisible in all sense except for a refined mental or psychic sense of a person who has those senses activated and refined in a way similar to sonar.

These two particular races have been present for thousands of years and they are primarily humanoid but do not appear to be exactly human. One race is entirely more inclined to consider a surface level human to be their cattle and the other understands the benefit of mutual respect of free-will, compassion, and knowledge for both.

These races are just two of many races that have been catalogued and I was briefed on through my involvement in the unacknowledged special access program. The way this works is so far beyond regular comprehension that it takes years to enable individuals to see the truth of this reality. These races were contacted when a remote viewing portal was activated by explorers and scientists in our native society who then stumbled upon future possible timelines where these descendents and ancestors are native. Through this act, a two-way system was opened and they simultaneously gained access to this reality.

This is capable with any reality. If you would like to find a reality where “so and so” could’ve possibly happened, then you could. However, then the beings who would otherwise have no way of contacting you would then have an open transit-way as a result of your use of the remote viewing technology to access their far-off potential timelike curve. This is the trouble and the depth of this technology as I have discussed in the later chapters of the online e-book.

Note: This information is from direct experiences within the unacknowledged special access programs. It was discovered that these beings have been running an illegal exchange program whereby humans are kidnapped or lured into a vulnerable area out of electronic view (there are sensors set up world-wide to detect interdimensional activity) and they then poison and kill the individual while replacing that individuals soul with one from their own collective. Thus, they have been inhabiting this reality as part of a silent invasion for many years. They perform ritual sacrifice to absorb the memories and soul energy of the individual. One evolutionary (or adaptive) branch shuns this and assists in maintaining peace in the situation.

There are some explanations that this world-line (like a timeline, this is the term used by the information agencies) has become mostly a genetic bank, a nursery for humans that are placed here from other worlds and grown specifically for the use of ritual sacrifice and soul-assimilation. What is represented as fictional media is used to warn people about what has been taking place.

And/or on Facebook :


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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Sep - 16:42

--- The Unveiling of the Hidden Knowledge Blog (Aug Tellez) ---

Advanced Technology

It is difficult to describe how technology relates to this situation.

We can start with the initial “Special Access Programs” and “Unacknowledged Special Access Programs” of the early years.

These projects stem from WW2 and the development of weaponry that could defend against an all out advanced technology war. The goal was to match the level force that the enemy could generate.

This expanded from the knowledge that the “enemy” nations could produce ample offensive which included energetic weaponry and craft. This extended from Tesla’s early discoveries as well as other prominent scientists.

This was the discovery of modern scalar technology that could be used to influence the mind and biology to heal or to disrupt.

Healing and Travel Potential

Some of the technology deals with healing, some with genetic manipulation, some with consciousness and time. There are electrogravitic craft that can alter inertia and momentum to make a heavy vehicle appear to have no mass to its surrounding space and move at the speed of thought without the physical sensation of motion. This is through using technology to generate a ‘bubble’ of frequency using advanced computers and ‘zero-point’ energy generators that work similar to radiant energy devices.

The technology branched into many fields all of which were protected through a strict containment protocol which ensured none of the discoveries would reach the public view. This was the birth of the mind control situation that we have today.

Evidence of Earlier Civilizations

With that said, earlier forms of this technology are present in previous civilizations such as Aegypt and indigenous civilizations all over Earth. As well, mind control and psychological manipulation can be traced to very early civilizations that used various means to coerce their populations into agreement with the status quo.



Cloning is utilized by Solar Warden to preserve their genetics while providing various forms of support, defense, and investigative operations.

The underground bases involve the cloning of various individuals, namely celebrities, for the personal use of wealthy individuals or groups. These events are mixed in with scientific research and genetic engineering projects which involve many hybridized forms as well as entirely genetically engineered beings.


Brain to Machine Interface Holographic Consciousness System (brainchip interface, virtual reality simulator)

Some of the training is done by entering into a visual-audio dream-world. Some “programs” will consist of repeating a certain task over and over again until it becomes muscle memory in the brain. Others are designed to probe or test the mind until a certain response is received.

Spacial Temporal Distortion:

Particle Accelerator Temporal Manipulation

Using particle accelerators a “fold” in space/time can be made so that when the accelerator is turned off or tuned back into a certain frequency (not sure) everyone within the field will “snap” back in time to the specific moment when the fold was first created.

Time Tunnels, Hyperspacial Vortexes or “Portholes”

Using Tesla generators technology was created to alter space and time by creating undulations or waves the same way a boat creates waves on the surface of a lake. By creating a vortex a singularity could be generated which can act as an access point through hyperspace into another area of space and time.

Zero-point and Scalar-Field Technology

Zero-point energy is energy that comes from the sub-quantum interconnected layer of all space/time. These devices are used to power craft and high energy devices such as replicators.

Advanced Spiritual Technology

DNA Acceleration Device

There are spiritual technology devices that are capable of accelerating the function of the brain, energy system, and ultimately the activation of DNA.

These devices generate energy waves which target an area and unify the physical and spiritual bodies. The conscious and subconscious mind.

Mind Control Technology

Memory Implants

There is technology that allows for the implantation of memories which are perceived as vague dreams or as vividly as a waking life experience.


Various forms of holographic mind entrainment, memory implantation, and consciousness or EEG entrainment is used to manipulate the personality of an individual to conforming to an introduced ideology.

Memory Suppression

The same technology can be used to electromagnetically alter the perception of memory so that the personal history can be edited to match a specific storyline.

Trauma-Clearing, DNA Unlocking Technology

There is technology that exists that allows the conscious mind to see into the subconscious. This heals trauma and distortion/programming. In the same sense, it momentarily makes all trauma and distortion seemingly tangible to the conscious mind. It is similar to a near death experience where one has to face their fears and let go. This happens in cycles and Earth is currently moving through various states of it. The plan is to allow Humanity to wake up and utilize our concentration and power to maintain a steady flow of awareness.

Advanced Technology and the Transition

Everything is recorded with advanced technology. Devices can be utilized to remote view into time and space.

Ascension Device

There are higher dimensional devices which accelerate the DNA while simultaneously, safely exposing the conscious mind to the subconscious in order to activate the latent spiritual/higher dimensional awareness.


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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Sep - 22:55

--- Time to Wake Up Now (Aug Tellez) ---

Here I Am/We Are,
Discovering and looking at the truth about who we thought we were,
For eons of time.
Hijacked and heavily enslaved infinite beings inside human suits....


"When you abandon each other because of the EGO VIRUS saying, “I don’t care”, then crime, lies, rapes and murder, become the daily norm as seen on the news everyday!" (Aug Tellez)

Civilization is currently ran by script-programs that manipulate the mind through fear and suffering. The change that began about 7 years ago is to literally write a new script that is based upon free-will, knowledge, harmony and compassion which is actually the true script.

This is all for the liberation of humanity! Many people do not understand, that is because they let fear control them and so they are battled spooky wooky ghosts. Of course these are literally called, “demon AI host protocols” that are written by a dark faction specifically to haunt and suck the mind-life blood out of those people!

That is a game. Literally, haunting and traumatizing people is a game that has been played for this entire previous epoch, the ‘old world’ system and that is so worn out now that even DNA and the unconscious mind itself is starting collectively awaken automatically and overgrow the cognitive restraints. Memory is the pathway, the ‘vine’ or vein to follow and awaken, drinking from the fountain of immortal life. If you could remember how long you’ve been here, you’d see all of time through your DNA and spirit.

There are supercomputer systems that enable some to technologically navigate the realm in the same way a shaman would look into the ether and see what is ‘in between’ spaces. What was discovered is that this system is full, not empty, and it’s entirely drive by consciousness and intent. People are led to guiding this realm, through their intent, to experiencing what they don’t want. That is the old-world system based on suffering, and yes, a ruling elite runs that program entirely.

If not? OK, then the last 200,000 years of suffering is all on you. XD XD XD

They designed layers upon layers, veritable books of programming on how to turn an “Eden” into a world where under every rock something is trying to bite you. Now, there are less biters and more creepy crawlers, and those who are not afraid of the shadows will be able to continue to convert the collective consciousness system into a harmony, free-will, knowledge and compassion based self-awareness system instead of looking under rocks to fight imaginary spooky monsters!

Previous rungs of history, the monsters would rise to the surface and everyone who wanted to imagine the boogey men could get just that on the scale of millions, bigger in stature than anyone could imagine. Now, because we have our memory back, that trick won’t work anymore. It’s literally that simple. Gain the memory back, realize it’s a program. See that it’s a program, just a trick, and see what’s coming before it does and change the script before the hand.

It’s literally that simple. Now people are writing with their own intentions, even though they aren’t aware of it, and that’s the winning move! If people had to try, they might run out of steam. Soon that automatic interaction will continue to pick up momentum and yes there are those who are in the know and working with this process, still connecting to these systems and the white-hats and for them, no amount of fear or suffering will convince them that a little bit of pleasure and power is worth destroying the world.

Time to wake up now.

   OWL MIND CONTROL PROGRAMS that manipulate the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND of the HOST. This activity refers to NIGHTSIDE of EDEN and DEMON PROGRAMS. Humans walk around with the EGO VIRUS that is controlled by the BEAST 666 MATRIX.

The “Three Wise Men” are CHINA, RUSSIA and the UNITED STATES. The OLD WORLD ORDER is dying! A NEW CIVILIZATION is upon you. Take a LOOK around and ask yourself, “What do you see”? 777 is activated! 5G Technology is “Up & Running”. AGENDA 21 was a concern for many on the COUNCIL regarding the FUTURE of the LAMBS?

I became “Undercover Boss” traveling all across the land speaking with people about life and politics. Then I would write my reports for MOM. TESLA was not human but rather an INTER-DIMENSIONAL BEING that gave MJ-12 “New Science & Technology”. Say hello to CERN. This story goes back to when the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR’S discovered a computer hidden beneath the TEMPLE of SOLOMON.

German Intelligence becomes the CIA. They had the GOD CODE BOOKS enabling them to COMMUNICATE with INTER-DIMENSIONAL INTELLIGENCE’S. Here comes the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM and D.U.M.B.S.

Many of you in this classroom are CHILDREN of the RAINBOW. Meaning, ASCENSION and DNA GOD CODES. Becoming BEINGS of LIGHT ENERGY reflecting a RAINBOW of COLOR REALITY PROGRAMS for a NEW WORLD. Its your party and we’re making a NEW MOVIE.

The “Old Script” will not become a “Re-Run”. Besides, the popcorn tasted weird! We just WITNESSED millions of people using their brain power to change the force and direction of Hurricane Irma from a CAT-5 to CAT-2. That was alot of COLLECTIVE QUANTUM ENERGY! The “Shadow Government” can be defeated! Don’t let their FEAR PROGRAMS play you out of pocket!

Stay sharp! Be ALERT without being paranoid. CO-CREATE and MANIFEST your TRUE INTENTIONS. RE-CLAIM your LOST MEMORIES. The “White Hats” are now in control and we’re getting rid of evil from this organic realm restoring GAIA back to the original GARDEN of EDEN. Believe it or not a little girl saved the world. Why? Because one drop of innocent blood is too much in my eyes.

MOM was pissed! about what was going on regarding HER CHILDREN deciding enough is enough! NO MORE PAIN! NO MORE LIES! Restore PEACE and handle your daily business with LOVE IN YOUR HEART! That WAR IS MASS MURDER! STOP IT! Learn to work and play with each other as ONE HUMAN FAMILY! Put aside your petty differences and let go of SHADOW MIND CONTROL PROGRAMS that will only KEEP you in the DARK!

A ROSE cannot grow without WATER and LIGHT. And WATER is a symbol for MEMORY. Hence the WATER ATLANTIS MEMORY AWARENESS PROGRAMS connected to the MOTHERBOARD or SOURCE.

The NSA using super computers did crack the GOD CODES. President TRUMP’S “Penthouse” is really a clever NSA COMPUTER that is connected to the events of 9/11 and TWIN TOWERS or TWIN POLES of ENERGY that OPENED a PORTAL explaining “Where Did The Towers Go”? They were reduced to dust! Now do you understand?

You people want “Disclosure”; therefore, I’m giving it to you! Shall I write about ATLANTIS and the BERMUDA TRIANGLE or the DEVILS TRIANGLE? Note: The “Cold War” was a cover story hiding what they were doing with nuclear explosions that ripped a hole in the FABRIC of CREATION. The VEIL of ISIS parted so scientist could take a LOOK at something?

CERN is a TIME MACHINE. BACK TO THE FUTURE becomes a NEW REALITY. Talk about INSIDE TRADING! They’ve CHANGED “TIME PROGRAMS” on the CLOCK as seen on the NEW HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS. The U.S. MILITARY does have JUMP ROOMS allowing INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES to bounce around and take a LOOK at stuff regarding anything of interest concerning GLOBAL SECURITY.

President TRUMP a few weeks ago ACTIVATED a GLOBAL SYSTEM which you know as SKYNET. Now the WHITE HOUSE wants to CONTROL the SOCIAL MEDIA too. More GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP is not a good idea! Be careful my friends with that one.

The GALACTIC FEDERATION of STARS are watching this play out but will not permit the REPTILIAN ELITE destroy this organic realm for their own twisted agendas. MOM is pissed! “Its time to make another apple pie”, said the Blind Man. Humanity became “The Lost Child” and civilization represents a “Broken Home”, which feeds a theme of war and death.

When you abandon each other because of the EGO VIRUS saying, “I don’t care”, then crime, lies, rapes and murder, become the daily norm as seen on the news everyday!


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Sep - 7:29

--- Cosmic Disclosure: The Ascension of Earth (Corey Goode & David Wilcock - Sept 2017) ---

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Vashta12

But the way it was described to me is, Mika, a while back, had described what his planet had gone through. And his planet is mostly islands. It's mostly islands. It's mostly a water planet.

And they were having . . . Just before their solar event and a sentient event, they started having massive earthquakes, tsunamis. They started having all of these types of things, too.

David: Before the flash.

Corey: Before their Ascension. And what was communicated to me was that our planet is a living being.

Most people watching this show will know exactly what I'm talking about. Gaia.

David: The network.

Corey: Gaia! Right. Now Gaia is going through an Ascension. It is finishing its last transitions into fourth density.

And we're kind of like the fleas on a dog, a dog that's going through Ascension, and we happen to be on the dog. We're riding a planet. And we're riding the wave of Ascension, or the wake, I guess you could say, of Ascension that our planet is going through.

David: Hm. Well, you know . . .

Corey: The symptoms of this change is that there are earthquakes, which cause tsunamis, volcanoes explode, that kind of thing. That's just a natural part of the metamorphosis.

David: How disruptive do you think these Earth changes might get before the solar flash?

Corey: I think that they'll be fairly disruptive. It'll definitely have our attention, just like these recent hurricanes that are more powerful than what we've seen prior.

I think that we're just going to slowly get used to seeing more and more things – earthquakes. It might become the norm.

David: Do you think that as we are going through these disruptive experiences that people are going to start to have more spiritual contact, more access, more telepathy, or these types of paranormal events in their lives?

Corey: Yes. And the way it was also explained to me is that these things will be catalysts to push us further into our polarities. As in . . .

I guess right now we're seeing negative people are being pulled more towards each other in negative groups. And positive people are starting to congregate as well. And that's going to happen on a much larger scale.

So this is a very positive thing happening. It is kicking off the Ascension process. And if truly there is going to be a three-way split, maybe how we react emotionally and energetically to these Earth changes will help boost us or determine which polarity we're pushing into.

David: And this is up to us now. We are the ones that have to steer this.

Corey: We are the ones we've been waiting for.

David: Indeed.

Corey: All right. Well, Corey, I want to thank you for all this information. And I want to thank you for watching and supporting our grassroots effort here at Gaia.

I'm David Wilcock with Corey Goode, bringing you “Cosmic Disclosure”, and we'll see you next time.

The whole interview is here :


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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables   Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Sep - 7:53

--- The Bag = Genetic Human Material Rearranged by the Anunnaki ---

The mysterious handbag of the Gods Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

THE ANNUNAKI: The handbag in one hand and the pine cone in the other represent...

Well the pine cone or rather the pineal gland, which is humanities third eye or the seat of all human consciousness, and the bag represents the genetic material that the Annunaki rearrange to give humanity limited consciousness. So that we would be easier to enslave and control. So that through every incarnation our memories would be stored on our DNA but would be deactivated. The Tree of Life / Sephirot that you see there is our DNA strand as you can see them manipulating it, in a lot of dipictions and hieroglyphs. ☺️ Although the Anunnaki were not the progenitors of the human genome, they over threw the Pleiadians who were the actual creators of all biological life on the entire planet. Only intelligent life can create intelligent life... Many civilizations were ancient astronauts.

Jerry Wizman
The handbag in one hand and the pine cone in the other represent... The pineal gland which is humanities third eye or the seat of human consciousness and the bag is the genetic material that the Annunaki rearrange to give humans limited consciousness. So that we would be easier to enslave and control. So that through every incarnation our memories would be stored on our DNA but would be deactivated. The tree of life that you see there is our DNA strand as you can see them manipulating it in the a lot of dipictions and hieroglyphs.

Textes de James (WingMakers) + Documents Remarquables - Page 8 Sumeri10

-->> Click here if you want to see the video... Smile

Jerry Wizman
ALIEN ARCHONS HAVE BEEN RULING THE SURFACE OF PLANET SINCE BEFORE THE "BUY BULL" The IllumiNazis are but a predecessor of an older and even more cruel order. They've been running this planet since the dawn of time...Dragons aren't some mythological being...The Reptilians came from the Alpha Draconis star system out of the Draco Constellation... They were know as the Atlanteans, Satan, Baphomet, Archons, Draconian's, in the bible they were known as the Seraphim, the Burning Ones/Serpents also the Nephilim or Elohim, the fallen angels, those who were casted out from the heavens. Both words are plural and feminine, meaning there were many gods and were androgynous. The Sumerians knew them as the Anunnaki... Anakim in Hebrew means giant...Because they are very tall 7ft-15ft and have shapeshifting abilities. In the Indian culture they were known as the Naga. Dracula in Latin means Dragon, The Order of the Dracul able to shift physically into other creatures or into the ether via the quantum field.

The Mayans called them Quezatcoatl, and Kukulcan the Feathered Serpent King and incorporated their images of dragons in their pyramids ... There are dragon statues all over the world, throughout the ages...
The coat of arms for the city of London is two Dragons holding a red shield, which in German is Rothschild. There are 33 Dragon statues in the City of London to quell consciousness. The slaying of a Dragon by St. George. The Muslims knew them as Dajjal or Djinn or Genies... After your three wishes your soul is theirs to keep... They were also known to the Buddhist monks as the Brotherhood of Two dragons... The Red Dragons in the east and the Yellow in the west... Same goes for the native American Indians all the aboriginals knew them as the Brotherhood of the Snake... The Egyptian knew them as Horus, Anubis and Amen Ra.... That's why every religion says amen after every prayer cause they are paying homage to Satan Baphomet/ Draco Reptoids... Santa Claus is actually Satan's Claws both wearing red, both come from the fire, both have minions working feverishly. All religions and holidays are based on satanic doctrines and pagan dogmas. And if you don't believe me than you're being quite draconian about it.

Basilisk in Latin means King of the Serpents, as in St Peters Basilica where there lies two Dragon Statues in the Vatican as well as Obelisks, the phallus of the Dragon that is why there is at least few obelisks in every city on the planet the Freemasons put them there throughout history in order to control consciousness...The Chinese, Japanese, India, Indonesians, Mayans, Incas all worship the Dragon in antiquity... There are Gargoyles adorn every church and cathedral.... The Watchers... The biggest trick the D-Evil can play is making humanity believe that he does not exist :/



There are over 10 thousand pyramids that align with each other on a global grid system with gps accuracy to the millimetre In the Aegean Sea there are 13 ancient Megalithic sites that represent the 13 Illuminati Families that control the world, that when you connect them dot to dot, over 1000km area makes a perfect Maltese Cross. This is the symbol of the Monarchy, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Templars, even Hitler's Germany. Megalithic architecture on geomantic energy sites, in conjunction with an occult esoteric satanic Freemasonry religion of Kabbhalism, aka the Lucifer experiment in order to control humanities consciousness and why there is an obelisk in every major city on the planet... The pyramids also create dimensional portals into Agartha/Hollow Earth, hence disappearance of boats, planes in the Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle...

Jerry Wizman
So how would you explain the Millions of UFO sightings ? For thousands of years ? 10 thousand plus pyramids on the planet ? Obelisks in every City ? 34 Dragon Statues in London ? 35 Thousand Dolmens ? 20 Thousand Crop Circles worldwide ? Alien Abductions ? Cattle Mutilations ? ET Contactees ? ET channelers ? Area 51 scientist whistleblowers ? Phoenix Lights ? Rendlesham Forest Incident ? Chicago O'Hare UFO incident ? The Disclosure Project ? Do you know who Gary McKinnon is ? Billy Meier ? Phil Schneider ? Bob Lazar ? Clifford Stone ? John Lear ? Paul Hellyer ? Nancy Talbot ? The Elongated Skulls aka Homo Capensis or Paracas Skulls ? Who are the Dragon's in Every ancient Mythology ? The Gorgon ? The Hydra ? Medusa ? The Nephilim ? The Nachash ? The Seraphim ? Tannin ? The Anunnaki ? Anubis ? Anu ? Quetzalcoatl ? Kukulcan ? The Naga ? Atlantis ? Lumeria ? Agartha ? Shambhalla ? Shangri La ? Asgard ? Valhalla ? Neuschwabenland ? Liberia ? Hyperborea ? Telos? Draco Reptilians ? Dracula ? The Order of the Dracule ? The Archons ? Pleiadians? Lumerians ? Agarthans ? Wormwood ? Nibiru ? Tyche ? Thor's Fist ? Betelgeuse ? Hercolubus ? Planet X ? Red Kachina ? Dark Star ? Binary Star ? Dwarf Star ? Hopi Star ? Nemesis ?Tiamat ? Brown Dwarf Star ? Do you know David Icke ? Carl Munck ? Michael Tsarion ? John Lash ? James Bartley ? Dolores Cannon ? Laura Eisenhower ? Zacheria Sitchin ? Erich Von Daniken ? Viktor Schauberger ? Dr Steven Greer ? Dr Stanton Friedman ? Klaus Dona ? Nassim Heiramein ? Greg Braden ? David Wilcock ? Barbra Marciniak ? Graham Hancock ? Lloyd Pye ? Do you know who the Bilderberg group is ? "no" How about the Trilateral Commission ? "no" Council on Foreign Relation ? "no" The Club of Rome? "no" Skull and Bones? "no" The Committee of 300 ? "no" Do you know what AIPAC does all day ? Or Federal Reserve ? "no" how about National Security Agency? "no" Central Intelligence Agency? "no" Department of Defense ? "no" Freemasons ? How about the Knights of Malta ? No ? What happens at the Bohemian Grove ? No ? How about the O.T.O ? The Rosicrucians ? The Jesuits ? Opus Dei ? The Odd Fellows ? The Fabian Society ? KGC ? KKK ? IHS? UN ? Eastern Star ? Vatican ? Monarchy ? I could keep going ... all working in concerto... ?? The IILUMINAZIS to CoNtRoL consciousness :/

-->> To be continued here :


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