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 À bâtons rompus

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMar 29 Aoû - 15:42

--- Qwant (suite) ---

Qwant, le moteur de recherche qui défie Google


Qwant - Vue d'ensemble

Basé en France (avec des bureaux à Paris, Nice, Rouen), Qwant est le premier moteur de recherche indépendant en Europe, né de la vision d’entrepreneurs privés qui ont choisi de consacrer des moyens importants au développement d’un moteur de recherche puissant, doté de son propre index du Web et de technologies innovantes.

Lancé en 2013 en France puis en 2014 en Allemagne, Qwant est l’incarnation d’une ambition visant à offrir la première alternative européenne crédible face aux grandes plateformes américaines qui dominent les services sur Internet. Il repose sur deux grands piliers pour fédérer les utilisateurs autour de valeurs et de services de plus en plus recherchés :

   Respecter les droits fondamentaux des individus et des entreprises, en particulier le respect du droit à la vie privée et la liberté d’entreprendre. Contrairement aux autres moteurs de recherche, Qwant fonctionne sans collecter de données personnelles de ses utilisateurs, ce qui lui permet de garantir que les recherches effectuées restent confidentielles. Etant donnée la masse d’informations qu’un internaute peut transmettre par ses requêtes quotidiennes, il s’agit d’un engagement fondamental aussi bien pour les particuliers qui font des recherches relatives à leur vie privée (centres d’intérêts, opinions politiques, maladies, sexualité, placements financiers…) que pour les entreprises et administrations qui effectuent des recherches relatives à leurs développements, leurs projets ou leurs administrés.Qwant ne conserve pas d’historique des recherches effectuées par ses utilisateurs, ne stocke aucun cookie permettant d’afficher des publicités ciblées ou de revendre des informations à des annonceurs, chiffre les requêtes pour éviter toute interception par une tierce personne, et fait auditer ses services par la CNIL.
   Offrir au monde une vision panoramique et neutre d’Internet pour décloisonner les sources d’informations et refléter toute la richesse du Web en une seule page.Qwant est déployé à travers une interface agréable et intuitive qui permet de rechercher sur tout le Web, ou de préciser le type d’informations souhaitées (actualités, images, vidéos, shopping, réseaux sociaux, …). Ses algorithmes sont appliqués sans discrimination selon les sites ou les contenus, ce qui permet à tous les acteurs d’avoir les mêmes chances de se retrouver en tête des résultats.

Qwant : "Des moteurs de recherche alternatifs à Google doivent prendre"

   Parce qu’il refuse de savoir qui effectue une recherche, Qwant ne modifie pas les réponses selon l’internaute. Tous les utilisateurs d’une même région ont les mêmes réponses, ce qui évite d’enfermer les individus dans des bulles de filtres qui les confortent de plus en plus dans leurs opinions (parce que celles opposées deviendraient cachées), ou qui leur proposent uniquement les produits adaptés à leur pouvoir d’achat supposé.
   Le modèle économique de Qwant repose sur la mise en relation de la personne qui recherche un produit ou un service avec celui qui le propose. Cette mise en relation se fait exclusivement à travers des publicités basées sur les mots clés qui viennent d’être saisis par l’utilisateur. Qwant n’exploite et ne revend aucune donnée personnelle.


Post-Scriptum :

1. À noter que l'application Qwant pour smartphone est très, très rapide elle aussi, avec un navigateur dédié "Liberty" qui fonctionne de façon impeccable, sauf pour toutes les vidéos YouTube qui n'apparaissent pas en plein cadre, plein écran.

2. Après quelques minutes d'utilisation, et en comparant avec le moteur de recherche "Google", "Qwant" donne un accès beaucoup plus riche, neutre et ouvert aux données disponibles sur le net, sans aucun doute possible.

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Sep - 18:41

--- Transhumanism ( ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Freema10

-->> On +++ - Listen to the mp3 Interview !!!

"Is Google becoming Skynet? What are they doing with Life Extension, Quantum Computers and the "Demon of A.I." Is Google data-basing your DNA? Can we have immortality through Transhumanism? Will upgrading the human form with technology lead to liberation or create a new matrix of control? Is the soul something that can be transferred? Does this future tech have its roots in Earth's ancient past?"


Very few will have "immortality" through Transhumanism. Those who "run the shadow governments of the world(s)" will decide, or think they will decide, who has and who has not. Isn't this how things are now? They do not have the last word, nor do those who run them. There is always a bigger fish eating a smaller one, and it's essentially endless in realms of control and domination. Beyond that is great freedom, beauty, love, pure creation, and all that we can imagine that is positive and loving.

Subtle energies that cannot yet be measured cannot be copied; therefore, from the beginning "something will be missing" and things will go drastically wrong. There are many forms of immortality; we are already infinite and eternal, and the illusions of birth and death are actually a continuum of spirit, which continues outside the parameter of the life of the soul. Spirit and soul are different. The energy bodies which inhabit our vehicle are invisible and real. Some can see them, and they can be viewed in pictures.

The soul, which is created for each new incarnation, can be transferred. The consciousness, which is different, can also be transferred to another vehicle, cyborg, clone or A.I. creation. A.I. on earth is not the same as A.I. that is galactic, which runs the 9 dimensional matrix throughout all planetary systems. The Pleiadians, Arcturians, and other galactic civilizations are all subject to living inside the inter-galactic matrix, just as we are...well, some dimensions of our reality reside and are subject to matrix technologies. In essence, we are free spirits as vast as the cosmos.

Found on Facebook with the help of Lance White :

The paper as such on :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Sep - 7:48

--- KingWear KW88 Smartwatch ---

KingWear KW88 Smartwatch: Adding Custom Watch Faces

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Adonai de la Source Première.

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Dernière édition par Cristobal le Sam 7 Oct - 12:20, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeDim 10 Sep - 7:46

--- Al Rod's Custom Watch Faces Collection +++ and friends ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Al_rod10

Here (click on the post to expand) :

And indeed here :

Further explanations :

Al Rod's Custom Watch Faces Collection: Free and Premium

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Dernière édition par Cristobal le Sam 7 Oct - 12:22, édité 1 fois
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeDim 10 Sep - 8:01

--- Ascending Watches (Al Rod) ---

From 3D physicality to upper 4D lighter physicality.

Al Rod in the making.


Kingwear KW88 (& Friends LEMFO LES1, Zeblaze Thor, I4 ...)
Stock launcher custom faces!

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Sep - 7:23

--- Cosmic Disclosure: The Ascension of Earth (Corey Goode & David Wilcock - Sept 2017) ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Vashta12

But the way it was described to me is, Mika, a while back, had described what his planet had gone through. And his planet is mostly islands. It's mostly islands. It's mostly a water planet.

And they were having . . . Just before their solar event and a sentient event, they started having massive earthquakes, tsunamis. They started having all of these types of things, too.

David: Before the flash.

Corey: Before their Ascension. And what was communicated to me was that our planet is a living being.

Most people watching this show will know exactly what I'm talking about. Gaia.

David: The network.

Corey: Gaia! Right. Now Gaia is going through an Ascension. It is finishing its last transitions into fourth density.

And we're kind of like the fleas on a dog, a dog that's going through Ascension, and we happen to be on the dog. We're riding a planet. And we're riding the wave of Ascension, or the wake, I guess you could say, of Ascension that our planet is going through.

David: Hm. Well, you know . . .

Corey: The symptoms of this change is that there are earthquakes, which cause tsunamis, volcanoes explode, that kind of thing. That's just a natural part of the metamorphosis.

David: How disruptive do you think these Earth changes might get before the solar flash?

Corey: I think that they'll be fairly disruptive. It'll definitely have our attention, just like these recent hurricanes that are more powerful than what we've seen prior.

I think that we're just going to slowly get used to seeing more and more things – earthquakes. It might become the norm.

David: Do you think that as we are going through these disruptive experiences that people are going to start to have more spiritual contact, more access, more telepathy, or these types of paranormal events in their lives?

Corey: Yes. And the way it was also explained to me is that these things will be catalysts to push us further into our polarities. As in . . .

I guess right now we're seeing negative people are being pulled more towards each other in negative groups. And positive people are starting to congregate as well. And that's going to happen on a much larger scale.

So this is a very positive thing happening. It is kicking off the Ascension process. And if truly there is going to be a three-way split, maybe how we react emotionally and energetically to these Earth changes will help boost us or determine which polarity we're pushing into.

David: And this is up to us now. We are the ones that have to steer this.

Corey: We are the ones we've been waiting for.

David: Indeed.

Corey: All right. Well, Corey, I want to thank you for all this information. And I want to thank you for watching and supporting our grassroots effort here at Gaia.

I'm David Wilcock with Corey Goode, bringing you “Cosmic Disclosure”, and we'll see you next time.

The whole interview is here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Sep - 7:39

--- The Bag = Genetic Human Material Rearranged by the Anunnaki ---

The mysterious handbag of the Gods Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

THE ANNUNAKI: The handbag in one hand and the pine cone in the other represent...

Well the pine cone or rather the pineal gland, which is humanities third eye or the seat of all human consciousness, and the bag represents the genetic material that the Annunaki rearrange to give humanity limited consciousness. So that we would be easier to enslave and control. So that through every incarnation our memories would be stored on our DNA but would be deactivated. The Tree of Life / Sephirot that you see there is our DNA strand as you can see them manipulating it, in a lot of dipictions and hieroglyphs. ☺️ Although the Anunnaki were not the progenitors of the human genome, they over threw the Pleiadians who were the actual creators of all biological life on the entire planet. Only intelligent life can create intelligent life... Many civilizations were ancient astronauts.

Jerry Wizman
The handbag in one hand and the pine cone in the other represent... The pineal gland which is humanities third eye or the seat of human consciousness and the bag is the genetic material that the Annunaki rearrange to give humans limited consciousness. So that we would be easier to enslave and control. So that through every incarnation our memories would be stored on our DNA but would be deactivated. The tree of life that you see there is our DNA strand as you can see them manipulating it in the a lot of dipictions and hieroglyphs.

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Sumeri10

-->> Click here if you want to see the video... Smile

Jerry Wizman
ALIEN ARCHONS HAVE BEEN RULING THE SURFACE OF PLANET SINCE BEFORE THE "BUY BULL" The IllumiNazis are but a predecessor of an older and even more cruel order. They've been running this planet since the dawn of time...Dragons aren't some mythological being...The Reptilians came from the Alpha Draconis star system out of the Draco Constellation... They were know as the Atlanteans, Satan, Baphomet, Archons, Draconian's, in the bible they were known as the Seraphim, the Burning Ones/Serpents also the Nephilim or Elohim, the fallen angels, those who were casted out from the heavens. Both words are plural and feminine, meaning there were many gods and were androgynous. The Sumerians knew them as the Anunnaki... Anakim in Hebrew means giant...Because they are very tall 7ft-15ft and have shapeshifting abilities. In the Indian culture they were known as the Naga. Dracula in Latin means Dragon, The Order of the Dracul able to shift physically into other creatures or into the ether via the quantum field.

The Mayans called them Quezatcoatl, and Kukulcan the Feathered Serpent King and incorporated their images of dragons in their pyramids ... There are dragon statues all over the world, throughout the ages...
The coat of arms for the city of London is two Dragons holding a red shield, which in German is Rothschild. There are 33 Dragon statues in the City of London to quell consciousness. The slaying of a Dragon by St. George. The Muslims knew them as Dajjal or Djinn or Genies... After your three wishes your soul is theirs to keep... They were also known to the Buddhist monks as the Brotherhood of Two dragons... The Red Dragons in the east and the Yellow in the west... Same goes for the native American Indians all the aboriginals knew them as the Brotherhood of the Snake... The Egyptian knew them as Horus, Anubis and Amen Ra.... That's why every religion says amen after every prayer cause they are paying homage to Satan Baphomet/ Draco Reptoids... Santa Claus is actually Satan's Claws both wearing red, both come from the fire, both have minions working feverishly. All religions and holidays are based on satanic doctrines and pagan dogmas. And if you don't believe me than you're being quite draconian about it.

Basilisk in Latin means King of the Serpents, as in St Peters Basilica where there lies two Dragon Statues in the Vatican as well as Obelisks, the phallus of the Dragon that is why there is at least few obelisks in every city on the planet the Freemasons put them there throughout history in order to control consciousness...The Chinese, Japanese, India, Indonesians, Mayans, Incas all worship the Dragon in antiquity... There are Gargoyles adorn every church and cathedral.... The Watchers... The biggest trick the D-Evil can play is making humanity believe that he does not exist :/



There are over 10 thousand pyramids that align with each other on a global grid system with gps accuracy to the millimetre In the Aegean Sea there are 13 ancient Megalithic sites that represent the 13 Illuminati Families that control the world, that when you connect them dot to dot, over 1000km area makes a perfect Maltese Cross. This is the symbol of the Monarchy, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Templars, even Hitler's Germany. Megalithic architecture on geomantic energy sites, in conjunction with an occult esoteric satanic Freemasonry religion of Kabbhalism, aka the Lucifer experiment in order to control humanities consciousness and why there is an obelisk in every major city on the planet... The pyramids also create dimensional portals into Agartha/Hollow Earth, hence disappearance of boats, planes in the Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle...

Jerry Wizman
So how would you explain the Millions of UFO sightings ? For thousands of years ? 10 thousand plus pyramids on the planet ? Obelisks in every City ? 34 Dragon Statues in London ? 35 Thousand Dolmens ? 20 Thousand Crop Circles worldwide ? Alien Abductions ? Cattle Mutilations ? ET Contactees ? ET channelers ? Area 51 scientist whistleblowers ? Phoenix Lights ? Rendlesham Forest Incident ? Chicago O'Hare UFO incident ? The Disclosure Project ? Do you know who Gary McKinnon is ? Billy Meier ? Phil Schneider ? Bob Lazar ? Clifford Stone ? John Lear ? Paul Hellyer ? Nancy Talbot ? The Elongated Skulls aka Homo Capensis or Paracas Skulls ? Who are the Dragon's in Every ancient Mythology ? The Gorgon ? The Hydra ? Medusa ? The Nephilim ? The Nachash ? The Seraphim ? Tannin ? The Anunnaki ? Anubis ? Anu ? Quetzalcoatl ? Kukulcan ? The Naga ? Atlantis ? Lumeria ? Agartha ? Shambhalla ? Shangri La ? Asgard ? Valhalla ? Neuschwabenland ? Liberia ? Hyperborea ? Telos? Draco Reptilians ? Dracula ? The Order of the Dracule ? The Archons ? Pleiadians? Lumerians ? Agarthans ? Wormwood ? Nibiru ? Tyche ? Thor's Fist ? Betelgeuse ? Hercolubus ? Planet X ? Red Kachina ? Dark Star ? Binary Star ? Dwarf Star ? Hopi Star ? Nemesis ?Tiamat ? Brown Dwarf Star ? Do you know David Icke ? Carl Munck ? Michael Tsarion ? John Lash ? James Bartley ? Dolores Cannon ? Laura Eisenhower ? Zacheria Sitchin ? Erich Von Daniken ? Viktor Schauberger ? Dr Steven Greer ? Dr Stanton Friedman ? Klaus Dona ? Nassim Heiramein ? Greg Braden ? David Wilcock ? Barbra Marciniak ? Graham Hancock ? Lloyd Pye ? Do you know who the Bilderberg group is ? "no" How about the Trilateral Commission ? "no" Council on Foreign Relation ? "no" The Club of Rome? "no" Skull and Bones? "no" The Committee of 300 ? "no" Do you know what AIPAC does all day ? Or Federal Reserve ? "no" how about National Security Agency? "no" Central Intelligence Agency? "no" Department of Defense ? "no" Freemasons ? How about the Knights of Malta ? No ? What happens at the Bohemian Grove ? No ? How about the O.T.O ? The Rosicrucians ? The Jesuits ? Opus Dei ? The Odd Fellows ? The Fabian Society ? KGC ? KKK ? IHS? UN ? Eastern Star ? Vatican ? Monarchy ? I could keep going ... all working in concerto... ?? The IILUMINAZIS to CoNtRoL consciousness :/

-->> To be continued here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Sep - 6:52

--- The Grand Awakening - Jasmuheen 9-2017 ---

The Grand Awakening -
A Super POSITIVE Intergalactic Contact Message
Thru Jasmuheen 9-2017

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 22:32

--- VIITA Active Watch (Indiegogo Campaign) ---

"Un produit vraiment intéressant, une sorte de déploiement de l'idée première HearthMath qui introduisait, pour la toute première fois sur cette planète, à ma connaissance, la notion de mesure des variations de la fréquence cardiaque, corrélant cela aux émotions fluctuantes, ce qui nous donne in fine, par exemple, cette mesure "objective" du degré de stress."

Prévue initialement pour début septembre 2017, cette montre devrait être disponible en décembre 2017. Une campagne Indiegogo a été lancée aux alentours du 24 septembre 2017 pour récolter 30 000 dollars ou plus. À noter que les souscripteurs peuvent pré-commander leur montre avec une réduction de 60% du prix final.

À noter aussi que la version Active est dotée d'un écran tactile, couleur, donc a priori la plus intéressante et riche en informations à l'écran, tandis que la version Casual dispose de trois boutons sur le côté pour compenser un écran non tactile.

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Viita_10

Dernier point : cette montre qui intègre un logiciel dédié à la mesure de l'état physiologique du corps humain, capable de mesurer le degré de stress, déshydratation et autres données, est aussi en mesure, via ses algorithmes intelligents, d'apprendre au fil des semaines en collectant des données.


"In early 2016 Alex suffered a severe sports injury. Trying to speed up his recovery process, he extensively researched therapy that could aid in his recovery and he discovered the Vital Monitor. Thanks to the positive effects on his body, Alex was convinced of the Vital Monitor's capabilities and decided to reach out to the inventor, Martin.

While his invention was already an amazing product on its own, Alexander saw the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by creating a well designed Smartwatch with the Vital Monitor technology. His dream of developing a beautiful smartwatch and giving more people access to Martin’s ground-breaking technology became a reality.

The biggest challenge was to adapt the algorithm to the smartwatch’s sensors. After months of testing and coding, Martin finally came up with a solution and the foundation of a new generation of health tracking devices was created, the VIITA Watch.


VIITA Watch - Wearable Fitness Coach

Voici donc la page Indiegogo ad hoc, que l'on fera défiler quasiment à l'infini, tant elle contient de données de toutes natures.

Un produit vraiment intéressant, une sorte de déploiement de l'idée première HearthMath qui introduisait, pour la toute première fois sur cette planète, à ma connaissance, la notion de mesure des variations de la fréquence cardiaque, corrélant cela aux émotions fluctuantes, ce qui nous donne in fine, par exemple, cette mesure "objective" du degré de stress.

Enjoy !!!

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Post-Scriptum : J'ai reçu ma montre KW88 (KingWear 88) (disponible sur, et j'ai effectivement installé, très simplement, quelques dizaines de  "Watch Faces" (Omega, Tag Heuer, Breitling, Tesla....., et j'en passe et des meilleures - voir l'un des posts récents, et/ou très simplement une vidéo YouTube sur la KW88 sur Smartwatch Ticks YouTube Channel = explications et tous les liens utiles - Al Rod +++ pour les Omega, Breitling....). Ecran OLED couleur 400x400, donc haute définition ici, montre et montres magnifiques. Podomètre intégré ( alertes sms et tutti quanti possibles aussi bien sûr, mais que je n'utilise pas pour ma part....).

Tout ceci est génial...

Dernière édition par Cristobal le Sam 7 Oct - 12:23, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeVen 29 Sep - 21:52

--- Roger Dubuis Watches & Al Rod Watche Faces for KW88 (and others) ---

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À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Omega10

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Dernière édition par Cristobal le Sam 7 Oct - 12:25, édité 2 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Oct - 7:06

--- The Council of Twelve (October 1st, 2017) ---

We are the Council of Twelve. Our message today is for lightworkers working tirelessly to raise the vibration on planet earth. We know your efforts, we appreciate your hard work, we recognise the highs and lows of healing. We envelop you all in love light energy to reenergise and realign you for the coming weeks and months.

The people of earth are awakening at an exponential rate. We are invested in ensuring this transformation from dark to light is as painless as possible. We communicate today to thankyou for your commitment to humanity and Gaia and to gently remind you of the importance of caring for your own sovereignty, health and spiritual evolution. It has been recognised that humanities enslavement has left them ill equipped to deal with exposure, disclosure and truth. A small minority are ready to see beyond the prison walls of the holographic matrix simulation, the majority have been kept in energetic chains of dense frequencies preventing organic evolution. This majority who hold onto religious dogma, political rhetoric and fear frequency need to be shown compassion and love as they wake up. For it is those whose eyes have been tightly shut that require the most support and guidance.

Do not despair lightworkers. This is the way of humanities awakening. Nothing is as it has appeared or been fed to the mass global population. We seek to reassure lightworkers struggling with the empathic effects of ongoing trauma and devastation on planet earth. The new earth is being birthed in positive manifestation aided by cosmic forces of light way beyond your understanding. Trust this process. Know that the path is rocky and many will stumble and fall yet many more will pick themselves up and move forward to enlightenment. Censor all negativity with ruthless self care. Protect your own vibration lightworkers, stay in gratitude joy and love. Seek nature and meditate for realignment of the spirit, mind and body.

The veils are thinning quicker than humanity can handle. We are being transitioned into a simulation of the matrix. We are concerned humanity at this time will be unable to withstand full disclosure. To see the different alien species, hybrids and clones operating on planet earth, as they have for thousands of years. In ancient times humanity was closer to the stars, to the rhythm of Gaia and could conceptually connect with visitors from space. Today after many moons of programming, conditioning and karmic enslavement the disconnection between mind, body and soul and between Gaia and the multi verse has become too profound. There is concern for humanities welfare. Humanities enemies use holographic technology and mind control programming to disguise their true nature. To compensate for higher cosmic frequencies malfunctioning their holographic visual technology, we are being gradually immersed in a simulation. This will ease your transition. It will cover their increasing glitches and release us from the full shock of truth disclosure.

The Intergalactic Federation has stepped in to manage this disclosure. Individuals who vibrate higher and therefore see more, will be the truth seekers, the bringers of light. They will gradually light the way out of darkness. This is why they are known as light warriors. In small ways and big ways they will reveal truth. To protect humanity from the dismantling of the reptilian cabal designed matrix, a second matrix has been constructed. This has been called a cosmic waiting room. It is this and more. We are unable to stop time in all its forms affect a whole planet. We are using our technologies to slow down humanities perception of the accelerated process of DNA upgrades they are immersed in. There is nothing sinister in our intention or our actions. We seek to illuminate, to empower humanity to break it’s chains of slavery. We operate within laws of the multi verse as do all involved. We bear no ill will or harm. We seek to facilitate an easier transition. To allow humanity in all its vast diversity to accustom and realign to higher dimensional planes of existence, where truth is the language and no darkness can hide. We are the way show-ers, the light bearers of truth. We have done this before and will do so again. We are invested in humanities evolution from seeding. We look after you in these momentous times of Gaia’s ascension and humanities chance to escape enslavement.

Gaia has chosen this time to shake off her predators and to rise to a more peaceful state of being. She seeks recuperation not revenge. She is rising as a goddess of the stars to reclaim her right to abundance. This is her will, her right and her way. The species of humanity aboard her are part of this transformation. The higher cosmic frequencies draw out the negative, the dense, heavy vibrations of greed, hate and evil. These are times to be wary light warriors. To have shields of protection up at all times. Shields of love vibration. For no low frequency being with intent to harm in their heart, can penetrate sacred shields of love light energy. We are urging you to use protection mantras to communicate with higher self regularly, even if you cannot yet hear their responses. We urge you to be cautious and heart led. To know and embody love as the sole defence against all dark energies.

Humanity is learning not just about energy and frequency, the language of the multi verse, humanity is learning about itself. Those volunteers who are navigating multiple dimensional realities on earth at this time, lightworkers, we call you to heart chakra activation. We remind you to breathe into heart chakra, to keep love flowing. This will stabilise your frequencies embedding you more to 5th dimensional existence. The matrix of light we are placing over the cabal’s holographic reality will be seen and felt by you. You will be able to manifest at accelerated rates. You will be able to protect yourselves instantly from all lower frequencies and vibrations. You will understand the power of language as a tool to set and reset immediate vibrations of reality. This increase in spontaneous manifestation will power up positive timelines from the ground up. Stay in love. Use self care healing therapies to realign your energetic systems. To resonate with these words, is to be activated as a lightworker, it is to know your mission and respond. It is to integrate mantras of protection, gratitude and manifestation into every aspect of your lives. To work to open the third eye. To communicate with higher self directly. To learn the skills of setting your own frequencies rather than be programmed by outside sources. This is freedom. This is what humanity needs to see. In their neighbours, friends, relatives, co workers they need to see that change is possible.

Lightworkers we understand the constraints many of you feel under and we see the loneliness in many of your hearts. We ask you to fully embrace multi dimensional tribal love and guidance within a protective shield of light love. These are the spaces of fifth dimension abundance. Reach out to them. Become one with universal love light frequency and you will be safe from threat, harm or damage. We are reassuring those who hear us, that protection is there, it is in place, that humanity is not alone during this profound transformation. As spiritual beings you have guides and soul tribe all around you. Commune with them to create sacred protected spaces of high frequency light.

Lightworkers you are the alchemists. The warriors of Gaia transmuting dense karma to golden love light energy. We thankyou in grace and with humility.

The Council of Twelve


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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeSam 28 Oct - 14:59

--- The Fake Holographic Sun ---

Aug Tellez et Sovereign Ki (Lauda Leon), et certainement beaucoup d'autres, parlent depuis quelques temps de la matrice holographique dans laquelle nous sommes, et des changements qui y sont apportés : soleil holographique, "image" comme ici décrite comme une intense lumière blanche très très brûlante, qui apparaît au sein des nuages, et jamais au-dessus de l'horizon, avec changement de couleurs dans les orangés au moment du faux coucher de soleil, puisque l'horizon est faux lui aussi, se dessinant à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres au-dessus du sol.

On a pu voir aussi, ici et là, des apparitions holographiques de villes entières se déployant dans les nuages. Je reconnais ne pas avoir étudié la question vraiment, ne recueillant que des bribes éparses et distraites ici et là.

Mandela Effect - Its True: I Saw It For Myself

Vidéo signalée par le site "How to Exit the Matrix", ici :

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Oct - 17:25

--- Molotov tv ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Moloto10 est né il y a un an environ, du moins pour ce qui est de la création de l'application pour smartphone. À l'image d'un Spotify, mais pour les films, l'interface pour ordinateur est magnifique tout autant que la version pour smartphone.

On trouvera des articles ici et là sur le net, qui expliquent bien que selon ses créateurs (français), peut-être perçu comme une rivière qui s'écoule (contrairement à Netflix que l'on pourrait décrire comme un lac grandissant...), avec des programmes constamment changeant tout du long du flux continu des chaînes de télévision.

À noter que l'on peut trouver là, notamment, la chaîne Mezzo, ce qui est une grande réjouissance pour tous les internautes qui comme moi n'ont jamais voulu payer/louer une "Box Internet".

Evolution des pratiques, explosion des "Box Tv" à quelques dizaines d'euros seulement, numérisation grandissante et dématérialisation, bienvenus à nous tous dans un environnement en pleine expansion et où toutes choses semblent devenir de plus en plus faciles, même si bien sûr le monde ancien combat de haute et âpre lutte pour maintenir en place le statu quo de très anciennes croyances.

Le site :

L'installation de l'application dédiée sur l'ordinateur est très simple et immédiate,
Et même pour les utilisateurs de Linux,
Dont voici au passage -->> le mode d'emploi.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeLun 30 Oct - 6:51

--- Sufian Chaudhary ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Sufian10

We need to become the healing we want to see in the world. I see a sick world plagued by greed and fear. I see the energetic entails wrapping its vines around the planet’s soul and sucking all the life out of it day by day. There’s no point victimizing ourselves and calling out symptoms such as war, starvation or countless forms of escapism. This world is a true and accurate reflection of humanity. From our inner-most core, right down at the source code of why this planet even exists, we want to be this way and this the hardest reality any healer or intuitive will ever come across.

A thousand layers of illusions in, a bright spark initiates and we start to feel a momentum of energy. That light only grows with every book we read and movie we watch that suggests an ulterior reality to that which we have been accustomed. God literally wakes up in the depths of your soul and enrages your entire being. Streams of passion and heightened consciousness bombard your energetic body. Light thunders in your mind, tsunamis of power swell like the greatest storms you have ever imagined.

The natural forces of the Universe opens its eyes to our plight and opens a doorway to the next chapter of our lives. There upon the sands of our driftwood beaches, all our struggles and lost battles at maintaining our Universal purity lay broken and shattered. We are the transformative beings that lost our way. We are the God consciousness that should be breathing life into this planet, not sucking it away!

Life beckons to your call. Don’t you dare ever believe you are a slave. Fight for your right to exist in this Universe as one of the Creators who first put this together! We are allowing illusions to take over our lives, and this stops today.


And also here :


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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Nov - 8:08

--- Hollywood - One Eye(s) Wide Shut ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 One_ey10

One Eye(s)Wide Shut

The avalanche of revelations about the perverted and predatory sexual underbelly of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is long overdue. It has always been an open secret of sorts, but the whole house is coming down right now as more people are suddenly feeling empowered to speak out, and the media is finally ready to listen and take seriously to the stories of victims.

But what if pedophilia and the sexual harassment of women in entertainment is only a symptom and not actually the disease?

Just below the surface, hidden in plain sight in Hollywood is the overwhelming influence of the occult and the esoteric schools of ancient black magic. It has always been present in this industry because those who seek power in our world have long recognized that television, film and music are the most efficient and important roadways into the public psyche and the collective conscience.

To be continued here :

Illuminati symbols at Disney's movies

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Nov - 20:13

--- Patricia Cori, the Real-Life Indiana Jones (audio mp3) ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Patric10

Patricia Cori, the "Real-Life Indiana Jones"
Interviewed on Temple
(November 15, 2017) :

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Nov - 21:30

--- Victoria More ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Victor10

Embodying the Frequency of Reverence for All Life and
A Special Initiation & Transmission from the Nilotic Meridian

Greetings everybody,

I hope you are well and are enjoying the run up to the end of 2017. Can you believe how fast and furious this year has been? And how radical the changes it has brought about in each or our lives?

What is there to say say about this year as we hurtle towards the end? We have always known that we were approaching a time of vast sea-change. A time of tumult and transformation. A time where we would see timelines splitting, realities colliding and dimensions opening up for a world that embraces both chaos and wonder. However, just because we've always "known" that this was going to happen, doesn't make it any less mind-boggling, challenging or awe-inspiring. Nor were we quite prepared for the impact that the energies would have on our bodies and nervous systems.

So this is probably a good moment to throttle back and consider truly what an extraordinary privilege it is to be alive on planet Earth as she transforms into a higher density Being. And to appreciate all of the twists and turns that we are constantly presented with as the means for us to simultaneously clarify our Being into what we came here to Realize and finally BE. And ... to give ourselves enough time to rest and integrate. Really, this is a very Big Wow!

It is important to remember that the frequency at which we are vibrating determines our perception. And perception defines our experience. Frequency and perception are the name of the game now, and this is true across the board.

As you all know, there are many ways to evolve your conscious awareness and maintain a more refined frequency — meditation, yoga, processing, all of the various forms of energy work, etc — all quite skillful means for navigating huge transformation.

Yet in addition to all of the above, one truly powerful and incredibly simple route to heightened awareness is the power of authentically embodied gratitude. This ascended frequency delivers us immediately into a state of grace. And is one of the most effective ways for maintaining a high vibratory state. This is also where we begin to develop a reverence for life in which all things are sacred.

“A reverence for life needs to be developed, in which all things are sacred.”
                                                                                             ~   Rama  ~

Fantastic advice that I received many years ago and still find the most powerful tool for navigating life on this beautiful planet. Gratitude is an essential facet of reverence — which is an even more refined frequency — and remembering its power to generate a high-frequency state is quite timely just now — especially for those in the USA, as today is the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday.
What's Up for the End of November

Life has been wonderfully, crazy-busy for me of late. First there was a wonderful visit to the UK during the end of October and early November, where I thoroughly enjoyed my time in London with several powerful events and meeting many lovely new friends. I also had an opportunity to spend time with friends in the truly gorgeous UK countryside, during a very beautiful fall. I look forward to visiting again in 2018 with more London events, which I will let you know about as soon as they are scheduled.

The day after my return to SA, I was off for one more incredible odyssey with a lovely friend who has also been conscripted to work with the Nilotic Meridian. As Gaia's vibration continues to ascend, the Nilotic Meridian as her central channel — or  shushumna — continues to also recalibrate into higher octaves of frequency, greater light and more power. Consequently, our journey was a most profound and amazing initiatory journey. And our time with several of the more spectacular power sites situated in and around this part of the meridian was more intensely transformational than I've experienced before.

One of the highlights was our short time (2 days) with the beautiful Star Lions at the  Global White Lion Protection Trust. We were graced with spectacular transmissions of love and cosmic luminosity from both the two white lionesses Zihra and her daughter Nebu, as well as her two sons, Zukara and Matsieng. In each case, the Lions found us and proceeded to grace us with transmissions unlike any other on the planet. There are really no words to describe what happens in their presence, but they were quite clear that the transmissions be passed along, so I won't worry about descriptions and will let you experience them for yourselves.

Our Nilotic Meridian initiatory journey then took one more step further into the "Beyond the Beyond" with our experiences at Kaapsehoek and an area that the Zulu High Sanusi Credo Mutwa calls "Umazi Sakazi" (the heart of the Mother). The area is also known as "Adam's Calendar" — a name that was more recently given to it by Michael Tellinger. This ancient site has been revered as sacred for many, many years by those who've known about it and lived nearby. It holds an intense mystical energy with its great standing stones, singing stones that resonate like cosmic tuning forks and hidden caves that feel ancient beyond reckoning.

My friend and I were there treated to another powerful initiation — complete with a galactic transmission from the Wild Stallions who appear to serve as guardians and keepers of this very special area, that was equally as powerful as that of the White Lions.

Since these initiations Spirit has been really nudging me to get on with sharing the transmissions with all of you, so I have added a special call this Saturday, November 25th, where I plan to do just that.

Just Added
A Special Transmission from the Nilotic Meridian
This Saturday, November 25th!
A meditation and transmission to celebrate life as an expression of gratitude and reverence for the gift of existence. Join me this Saturday at 8:00am Pacific Time for this unique and powerful initiation from the Nilotic Meridian.

You are invited to a powerful field of transformation for two new transmissions from a recent Initiatory Journey along the Nilotic Meridian. During this offering you will receive the galactic frequencies as held and transmitted by both the sacred White Lions of Timbavaati and the magnificent Wild Stallions of Kaapsehoek at Umazi Kamazi.

Gaia’s frequency continues to ascend and these amplified frequencies can be experienced most readily here at her core—along her central channel—this wondrous Nilotic Meridia
Click here to register for this special Initiation and Transmission from the Nilotic Meridian!

I apologize for the late notice, but hope you can make it anyway.

With great joy and much love,
Victoria aka "Ching"


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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Nov - 11:16

--- Black Sun, Red Sun, Led Like Sun, Holographic Sun, son of a b*tch.... ---

Enjoy !!!

Oct. 2017 - Thousands witness the Sun Blinking,
Turning Black and Red, Holographic Moon and Sun

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Nov - 23:24

--- DeepL - Un traducteur automatique bien plus intelligent que Google ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Deepl11

Je découvre ce jour le traducteur en ligne DeepL (date de naissance : août 2017) qui semble et est en vérité bien plus puissant, pointu, précis et intelligent que Google.

Je vais tester ce que cela donne sur la "5th Neruda Interview", texte que je connais pour ainsi dire par coeur dans l'anglais original.

Avènement de l'Intelligence Artificielle, voilà en tous les cas une grande nouvelle et une avancée qui semble tout à fait spectaculaire dans ce long chemin et voyage épique qui aura vu les peuples et les êtres s'éloigner les uns des autres pour s'entendre de nouveau de plus en plus clairement.

La Tour de Babel ne sera bientôt plus qu'un songe creux, vide et dénué de sens. (je n'ai fait pour l'instant qu'un essai rapide, mais le résultat est tout à fait excellent et en toute première approche vraiment impressionnant !!!)

Une nouvelle ère s'ouvre en grand ici.

Un article qui explique la chose :


DeepL. Enfin un traducteur automatique de qualité

DeepL est un tout nouvel outil qui risque bien de bousculer tous les systèmes de traduction automatique existants. Cette plateforme dépasse en qualité la plupart des offres en ligne actuelles en injectant une bonne dose d’intelligence artificielle dans les algorithmes classiques de la traduction automatisée.

Oubliez Google translate, les propositions de Microsoft ou de Facebook, DeepL les bat tous à plate couture avec des résultats beaucoup plus fins et précis que ceux proposés par ceux que vous avez l’habitude d’utiliser.

Il suffit de l’essayer pour s’en rendre compte, DeepL offre dans ses résultats un langage beaucoup plus naturel sans ruptures et contre sens. En tout cas la plupart du temps. C’est sans doute le meilleur outil de traduction automatique actuel.

DeepL Translator propose pour son lancement 42 combinaisons à partir de sept langues : français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, polonais et néerlandais. D’autres devraient suivre comme le mandarin, le japonais ou encore le russe.

Le service mis en ligne est pour le moment d’une grande sobriété mais aussi d’une grande efficacité. À gauche une fenêtre dans laquelle coller votre texte. Pas besoin de préciser la langue, DeepL va la reconnaître automatiquement.  À droite une autre fenêtre où va s’afficher la traduction après que vous ayez choisi la langue de destination.

Très pratique lorsque vous cliquez sur un des mots du texte que vous souhaitez traduire, DeepL vous affiche en bas de page une définition complète et des exemples d’utilisation. Cela va vous permettre d’affiner au besoin la traduction. D’ailleurs lorsque vous cliquez sur un mot du texte traduit cette fois, l’outil vous propose dans un menu déroulant plusieurs traductions possibles. Formidable.

DeepL Translator travaille à la vitesse de l’éclair. C’est d’ailleurs un des secrets des concepteurs  de DeepL Translator, ils se sont dotés d’un superordinateur situé en Islande. Sa puissance de calcul est de 5,1 pétaFLOPS (5 100 000 000 000 000 d’opérations par seconde). Un monstre suffisamment puissant pour traduire un million de mots en moins d’une seconde.

L’équipe de DeepL utilise ce superordinateur pour entraîner des réseaux neuronaux de traduction à partir d’une vaste collection de textes multilingues. Lors de l’entraînement, les réseaux analysent une multitude de traductions et apprennent de manière autonome à traduire en respectant la grammaire et la structure du texte. Le résultat est bluffant et laisse entrevoir ce que les ordinateurs sauront faire demain.

DeepL est proposé gratuitement sur le web. Vous pouvez utiliser leur site parfaitement responsive sur smartphone et tablette.


Enjoy DeepL !!!

Huh....., c'est une grande nouvelle pour les humains que nous sommes...

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Nov - 19:23

--- Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams ---

Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Déc - 17:03

--- Global Coherence Initiative (HeartMath) ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Global10

Enjoy !!!

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMer 13 Déc - 9:06

--- The Pleiadian Collective on Bringing Home Here (Wendy Kennedy & The Pleiadians) ---

The Pleiadian Collective on Bringing Home Here

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Déc - 20:58

--- Panache Desai ---

Very good vibes here.
Very clear and easy to follow.
Well written and enjoyable too.
A must see in the field of and for awakening.

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Panach10

Enjoy !!!

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Déc - 23:17

--- Patricia Cori Last Book ---

Ascending Ra (our sun - flickering 3D light/4D dark from a 3D perspective = disappearing for a while),
Ascending Gaia,
A great book from Patricia Cori.
A must read !!!

À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Sun_da11

Available indeed also as a kindle amazon edition.....

Enjoy !!!

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 32 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Déc - 12:30

--- Hurrah the Brits..... Smile) ---

A Merry Christ/Consciousness/Mas to you/us all !!!

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