Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Ven 3 Avr - 7:58
--- The Connected Universe Film - Summer 2015... ---
"Hello Everyone
Thank you again for your support of THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE film campaign on INDIEGOGO. Amazing things are happening with the film and we are continuing to make it as powerful as we can. With the extra content we are adding it is pushing back the release date, but we are all very excited about what the final film will be.
Many of you having been looking forward to starting the Delegate level one program with the Resonance Academy. We are working to have that access enabled as soon as possible so you can begin even before the film comes out.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. You will be hearing from the Resonance Academy shortly.
Have an amazing day and "Stay Connected"
Deepest regards
Malcom Carter."
Update on The connected universe film: THANK YOU so much to everyone who contributed to The Connected Universe film’s Indiegogo campaign! The film’s production is making great progress thanks to all of you. With new animations and new footage shot around the world, the film is going to be even better than was originally envisioned.
For everyone who’s contribution rewards included access to the spring session of The Resonance Academy, we are excited to announce that the Academy will be open to all of you on May 1, 2015.
Stay tuned for more details on the official launch of the film, coming up this summer.
Donc, le film "The Connected Universe", sera achevé et sortira cet été, en 2015.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
"The seeds of Unified Physics go back a long way in the history of scientific theory. In some of the earliest historical records of human culture we find civilizations around the world that believed in the presence of a unifying field of energy that surrounds and permeates all things. This dynamic energy field provided an underlying organizing framework and was considered by some to be the source of life energy within biological systems, being given such names as chi (China/Asia), ki (Japan), and prana (India). In the early pursuits of science and physics (going as far back as Plato, in fact) it was often referred to as the aether and was proposed to be the medium through which light traveled. Though it was eliminated from the general scientific paradigm in the early 20th century, the indications for an underlying field persists as being inherent in the fundamentals of physics.”
- The Resonance Project -
At this time, Nassim Haramein does not consider the possibility, That this all encompassing and underlying field, Can be (at least?) consciousness as such. But things can change...
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Jeu 4 Fév - 8:20
--- Nassim Haramein Towards Consciousness ---
As I perceive it, Nassim Haramein is journeying towards acknowledging and perceiving "consciousness" as the very first and primary field from which everything unfolds, manifests and exists. Something new for him, because less than one year ago he was always and mainly speaking and describing the holographic web of creation as the primary field from which memories and awareness appear.
And that is very good news for him and his works to know that this equation ("Consciousness = Everything"// "Consciousness is Everything and Everything is Consciousness") exposed and propelled by so many people, such Inelia Benz, Shrî Aurobindo and many, many others, is the ground, bedrock and substance of our so called reality.
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” – Max Planck, Florence, Italy, 1944
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Mer 21 Sep - 6:58
--- The Connected Universe Movie & Resonance Academy Website ---
Bienheureux les "préparés".
Quelques nouvelles et autres mises à jour autour des travaux et activités de Nassim Haramein.
1. "The Connected Universe Movie" : Très bonne nouvelle puisqu'enfin, enfin, enfin....., le film semble être achevé et prêt à prendre son envol sur la toile et dans nos consciences.
La "première" aura lieu à Hollywood (sic), le 26 septembre 2016. Et non, ce n'est pas une plaisanterie ni un poisson d'avril. Après 18 mois d'attente, ce film n'est pas un mirage. La diffusion officielle, si j'en crois les derniers messages, est prévue pour octobre 2016. Enfin....., peut-être.
Et nous, les souscripteurs des toutes premières heures, devrions recevoir un lien pour télécharger le film en qualité HD/Blu-ray.
2. Resonance Academy et autres sites internet : Une mise à jour a été effectuée, avec une interface améliorée. Les cours sont toujours disponibles, et j'imagine que le flux des diverses vidéos aura été implémenté.
Ici (par exemple) :
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Post-Scriptum : En guise de hors-sujet et de peut-être remarque quelque peu désabusée, il apparaît que le livre-compilation des données WingMakers, tome II, en cours de préparation depuis 2013 maintenant (....), a été repoussé par James Mahu pour 2017. On aura remarqué une pause gigantesque et un arrêt complet des activités depuis maintenant 18 mois, voire même deux ans maintenant, depuis la dernière "5th Neruda Interview", texte fondamental que je ne cesse de lire quasiment tous les jours depuis deux ans.
En bref et en résumé, le site du "Sovereign Integral", coeur même des données Lyricus/WingMakers, ne semble pas être en lui-même un évènement prévu pou le proche avenir, même si c'est une sorte de fantasme que je nourris régulièrement au sein de mon pays imaginaire.
"Stand by" semble être ici l'expression maîtresse.
Heureux les "préparés".
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Sam 22 Oct - 7:25
--- "The Connected Universe Movie" : 27 octobre 2016 ---
Enfin, enfin, le film sera disponible à partir du 27 octobre 2016 sur Vimeo. Les souscripteurs des tous débuts recevront un lien pour télécharger le film.
The date of the release of the Connected Universe is at the end of this short trailer...
After several years of round the clock effort, the movie is finally ready, and it would not have been possible without each and everyone of you!
I am so happy to have had you all play a part in this!! It is truly wonderful that a story of connection is only possible through the support of people in 100 countries across the globe!!
We are working with Vimeo to set up the delivery of your perks to download the film!! After all of the help that you provided helping to make the film, please help SHARE what you helped create.
Please share our website with your friends and other people you think might be interested! ( note: we are still making some formatting fixes to the mobile version of the site that will be changed in the next few days).
It is my hope that when you see the final quality of the film you will all understand the delays from the original plan. The film is a full feature and more than double the length of the original 45 minute program. I look forward to all you being able to watch and share the movie! Deepest regards from the heart of The Connected Universe.
Malcom Carter/ producer/director.
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Mer 26 Oct - 21:43
--- The Connected Universe (27 octobre 2016) ---
Disponible sur Vimeo dans quelques instants, ici :
Il existe aussi une version avec plus de bonus ici (Special Edition) :
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Jeu 4 Mai - 6:56
--- Michio Kaku - We live in a designed 11 dimensional Matrix ---
Michio Kaku arrive à la conclusion que nous vivons dans une Matrice de dimensions 11, la théorie des super-cordes déployant de nouvelles mathématiques permettant d'avancer en l'état et à cette heure que "Dieu" est un mathématicien avant tout.
Alors bien sûr la question reste de savoir qui est ce "Dieu" expert en mathématiques et créant la matrice dans laquelle nous nous trouvons.
Et bien sûr aussi, si matrice il y a, un déploiement physique à 11 (certains disent plutôt 12) principales dimensions, peut-on parler et considérer qu'un autre monde "réel" existe aussi par-delà la matrice ?
Michio Kaku says that God could be a mathematician: "The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God."
Transcript-- Some people ask the question "Of what good is math?" What is the relationship between math and physics? Well, sometimes math leads. Sometimes physics leads. Sometimes they come together because, of course, there's a use for the mathematics. For example, in the 1600s Isaac Newton asked a simple question: if an apple falls then does the moon also fall? That is perhaps one of the greatest questions ever asked by a member of Homo sapiens since the six million years since we parted ways with the apes. If an apple falls, does the moon also fall? Isaac Newton said yes, the moon falls because of the Inverse Square Law. So does an apple. He had a unified theory of the heavens, but he didn't have the mathematics to solve the falling moon problem. So what did he do? He invented calculus. So calculus is a direct consequence of solving the falling moon problem. In fact, when you learn calculus for the first time, what is the first thing you do?
The first thing you do with calculus is you calculate the motion of falling bodies, which is exactly how Newton calculated the falling moon, which opened up celestial mechanics. So here is a situation where math and physics were almost conjoined like Siamese twins, born together for a very practical question, how do you calculate the motion of celestial bodies? Then here comes Einstein asking a different question and that is, what is the nature and origin of gravity? Einstein said that gravity is nothing but the byproduct of curved space. So why am I sitting in this chair? A normal person would say I'm sitting in this chair because gravity pulls me to the ground, but Einstein said no, no, no, there is no such thing as gravitational pull; the earth has curved the space over my head and around my body, so space is pushing me into my chair. So to summarize Einstein's theory, gravity does not pull; space pushes. But, you see, the pushing of the fabric of space and time requires differential calculus. That is the language of curved surfaces, differential calculus, which you learn in fourth year calculus. So again, here is a situation where math and physics were very closely combined, but this time math came first. The theory of curved surfaces came first. Einstein took that theory of curved surfaces and then imported it into physics.
Now we have string theory. It turns out that 100 years ago math and physics parted ways. In fact, when Einstein proposed special relativity in 1905, that was also around the time of the birth of topology, the topology of hyper-dimensional objects, spheres in 10, 11, 12, 26, whatever dimension you want, so physics and mathematics parted ways. Math went into hyperspace and mathematicians said to themselves, aha, finally we have found an area of mathematics that has no physical application whatsoever. Mathematicians pride themselves on being useless. They love being useless. It's a badge of courage being useless, and they said the most useless thing of all is a theory of differential topology and higher dimensions. Well, physics plotted along for many decades. We worked out atomic bombs. We worked out stars. We worked out laser beams, but recently we discovered string theory, and string theory exists in 10 and 11 dimensional hyperspace. Not only that, but these dimensions are super. They're super symmetric. A new kind of numbers that mathematicians never talked about evolved within string theory. That's how we call it "super string theory." Well, the mathematicians were floored. They were shocked because all of a sudden out of physics came new mathematics, super numbers, super topology, super differential geometry.
All of a sudden we had super symmetric theories coming out of physics that then revolutionized mathematics, and so the goal of physics we believe is to find an equation perhaps no more than one inch long which will allow us to unify all the forces of nature and allow us to read the mind of God. And what is the key to that one inch equation? Super symmetry, a symmetry that comes out of physics, not mathematics, and has shocked the world of mathematics. But you see, all this is pure mathematics and so the final resolution could be that God is a mathematician. And when you read the mind of God, we actually have a candidate for the mind of God. The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God.
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Jeu 31 Aoû - 7:18
--- ARK Crystal Gravity Laser Nassim Haramein ---
The Crystal
The product is composed of a laboratory grown, high purity quartz crystal which is precisely cut along a specific axe of molecular lattices from optical quartz in accordance with a patented method to create a specific geometric solid representing a direct harmonic of the space time geometry discovered in the work of Nassim Haramein.
The Saddle
The saddle assembly that protects the crystal from damage has been crafted from CP4 grade titanium and represents a marvel of engineering. Not only does it provide protection by floating the crystal inside a titanium structure with a system of silicon bumpers, a sophisticated system of magnets allows the saddle to be joined to other saddles to create precise tetrahedron based geometries or to be magnetically secured to accessories such as the titanium pendant which is included with your purchase. DIMENSIONS - The saddle is 23 mm wide at its base and 18.7 mm high from the base to the apex.
The Pendant
The CP4 grade titanium pendant has been engineered to precisely and magnetically secure the ARK crystal saddle within its arms and includes an adjustable length titanium chain which enables the wearer to position the pendant at three different locations on their body from heart to throat, based upon preference or needs. DIMENSIONS - The pendant has a diameter of 38.1 mm.
ARK Crystal Gravity Laser Nassim Haramein
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Mer 18 Oct - 7:14
---- The Connected Universe Movie On YouTube ---
Le film est (pour l'instant ?) disponible dans son intégralité sur YouTube. 90 000 spectateurs il y a quelques jours, et maintenant aux alentours de 117 000. Peut-être est-ce délibéré, pour diffuser le message le plus largement possible, le film étant sans doute rentabilisé et payé.
Enjoy !!!
The Connected Universe | Nassim Haramein
Nunti-Sunya, Et, Adonai de la Source Première.
Cristobal Admin
Nombre de messages : 3551 Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Cosmologie, Astrophysique Sam 20 Jan - 7:56
--- The Connected Universe Movie on iTunes and Amazon on February 14th, 2018 ---
Dearest friends and supporters of The Connected Universe, we have exciting news. We are running a THUNDERCLAP campaign. THERE IS NO COST. It is a campaign for us to be able to speak globally, instantly, with the support of all those who add their name to the campaign. It is quick, and simple, and would help us a great deal. With everything that is happening in the world, it is increasingly vital to help put messages of our oneness, our connection, the power of our potential synergy and cooperation!! Thunderclap helps us collectively raise our voice together... as one... on feb 14 to announce the release of the movie on itunes and amazon. Each one of you helped make the movie possible, and now you can help our message be heard over the firestorm that is todays news cycle. See this short 100 sec video below:
and here is the link that can help us raise global consciousness and spread understandings of new ideas in science. This is a chance for us to act together, and we need your help, and would deeply appreciate it.