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 Biologie, Evolution, ADN

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 7 Fév - 14:14

une conférence de Aziz EL AMRANI JOUTEY

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 2 Mar - 18:25

Conférence de Jacqueline Bousquet - Au coeur du vivant
Après la conférence au congrès ODENTH, en voici une nouvelle à votre disposition. Elle a été enregistrée lors du Colloque Énergies Libres, en mars 2003

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 3 Mar - 10:19

Introduction de la conscience dans la matière - de la physique quantique à la biologie
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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mar - 7:39

Signalé par JaneBurgermeister ADN: L'Internet Divin...

L'ADN communique dans l'univers. Soumis par Alain-Yan Mohr...

Dernière Découvertes sur l'ADN
Bousquet Jacqueline -- le 26 avril 2009...
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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mar - 17:46

Une hypothese sur les chemtrails

provoquer une mutation de notre ADN qui empêcherait une communion à 'tout ce qui est" - hypothese, ...


suite (ou non) a mon dernier post scientologie/gouvernement
j'ai eu la chance d'être tenu au courant des publications sur la dianectique par courrier postal
un billet joint me précise toutefois "Votre nom ne fait pas partie d'un fichier en notre possession. Votre adresse a été prise manuellement dans les pages jaunes"

la loterie nationale à des soucis a ce faire Smile
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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Mar - 6:35

Conférence de Jacqueline Bousquet
lors des Etats Généraux pour le Libre Choix Thérapeutique, Saintes, 2008.
"La grande mutation, l'accès au point zéro, la nouvelle conscience à la lumière de la grande tradition et de la physique quantique."

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mai - 12:19

Conférence de Jacqueline Bousquet à l'espace Mouneyra, le 30 avril 2010.
Les mathématiques appliqués à l'étude de la cellule (Pinel), que je résume comme << Enfants de Lumière si vous voulez changer le monde changez-vous vous-même...>> elephant

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Mai - 9:30

Code génétique humain à 97% d’origine extraterrestre?

la suite -intéressante- est ici

mais en anglais, ou en traduction automatique...
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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 20 Juin - 8:58

"... Gardez un esprit ouvert... n'essayez pas de résonner avec votre tête, mais avec votre coeur, et vous aurez comme ça, accès à la petite voix du saint esprit, qui parle dans le silence..."

Une nouvelle conférence (+ question/réponses) de Jacqueline Bousquet à l'espace Mouneyra, le 12 Juin 2010.

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Jan - 11:10

--- Desteni/Veno : ADN, chaînes cristallines centrales, et pensées/émotions ---

Dans le document desteni/veno (Structural Resonance), on pourra étudier un passage dédié à la circulation électrique des émotions/pensées au sein de la "boîte" implantée dans la zone occipitale, laquelle contient les trois couches superposées de l'inconscient/subconscient et conscient, couches unifiées et organisées autour d'une sphère centrale magnétique, etc, etc......

Chaînes cristallines au sein de l'ADN, transformation des pensées/émotions, liquéfaction des données "électro-magnétiques", qui sont alors acheminées dans la ciculation sanguine jusqu'aux structures tubulaires des cellules musculaires. Création alors, en des points spécifiques, de structures cristallines tissulaires, sortes de précipitations chimiques des pensées/émotions "solidifiées".

On le voit, pour l'instant ce ne sont que des mots et concepts que je déballe en vrac et dans une assez grande confusion, après une première lecture des pages 97 - 105 du document desteni/veno.

Voici le début (page 97) :


I have mentioned quite often that your entire mind consciousness
systems' foundation and platform develops together with the development
of your human physical body within the mother's womb – designing the
platform and foundation for the inevitable manifestation and development
and design of consciousness systems and the structural resonance within
you as you come of age. This platform and design is prepared within your
DNA – for within your DNA, in the exact centre of the DNA strands there
exist an interdimensional pipeline structure which consist of pure
manifested crystalline structures (crystals perfectly manifested in
structured rows which fill this pipeline structure and is white and light blue
in resonating colour) through which the ‘electrical current' of the ‘centre
antennae point' as the solid metallic ball ‘flows'. It is through this current,
as the pipeline structure which consist of pure manifested formed crystals
in the centre of the DNA strands that the essence of thoughts, meaning
the essence of thoughts as the information it consist of is distributed from
within the conscious mind, through the ‘centre antennae point' as the solid
metallic ball throughout the human physical body to manifest as
consciousness systems which assist with the development and design of
your structural resonance.
This is how it works:



We have discovered a method to put this process of the manifestation of
thoughts as crystals within the human physical body to a complete halt so
that all you have to focus on is stopping those thoughts within your mind
and start realising that those thoughts are not who you really are,
including the emotions and feelings you experience within yourself. This
I will explain in the PART FOUR section so for the moment, remain present
with every breath and STOP the THOUGHTS, FORGIVE the THOUGHTS,
including the EMOTIONS and FEELINGS you allow yourself to participate n, because for God's sake – it's such a limited delusional existence and


Source : document desteni/veno, ici :

Bonjour chez vous.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Avr - 8:03

--- "Darwin's Black Box" (Michael Behe) : livrel pdf ---

Un classique dans le champ de la réfutation du dogme darwinien. Dans cet essai, Michael Behe démontrait que la complexité de la machinerie cellulaire, biologique et enzymatique, ne laisse aucune place au "hasard et à la nécessité".

C'est donc qu'il y a lieu d'envisager une intervention intelligente, un dessein intelligent, une volonté créatrice et organisatrice.

Voici le lien vers la version pdf anglaise de l'ouvrage, lequel existe d'ailleurs aussi en français ("La boîte noire de Darwin" : je n'ai pas trouvé de version numérique sur le net....).

Darwin's Black Box" :

Bonjour chez vous.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 23 Jan - 13:55


je suis tout nouveau sur ce forum.
Je me permets de poster car je m'amuse à dessiner régulièrement ce que j’interprète comme "ADN" différentes choses physiques ou nom par le biais de géométrie et de symbole.

Voilà un petit exemple Smile ! Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Cd0990_785fc88ec17f43a38acca496e5c3cf1b.jpg_srz_p_615_619_75_22_0.50_1.20_0

Je ne connais pas grand choses sur les wingmakers mais à chaque fois que je fais une recherche par rapport à mes dessins je tombe sur vous, alors voilà Smile !

Bonne journée !
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû - 7:14

--- "Gene Keys" - Richard Rudd ---

Je découvre ce livre, très, très bien écrit (en anglais - l'auteur est aussi un poète reconnu...), et qui semble promettre un voyage et une exploration vraiment intéressante et peut-être même puissante, profonde et transformatrice.

Existe en mode mobi/kindle et ePub, mais rapidement on découvre qu'il faudra le livre papier pour exploiter le plein potentiel de cet ouvrage qui, à l'image bien sûr du Yi King, est aussi un livre d'oracle.

Toutes premières impressions excellentes... :

Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Gene_k10

Il existe aussi un site :

Adonai de la Source Première.

Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 29 Aoû - 8:15

--- Gene Keys Golden Path: a voyage of self illumination ---

"Each Hexagram or Gene Key is a portal
to an encyclopaedia of knowledge and insight
about yourself and your place in the universe.

Through sustained contemplation on the hexagrams,
their structure and interdependence,
you can raise the frequency of light
moving through your DNA
and experience life
at a new level of awareness."

(The Glossary of Empowerment)


The Golden Path and The Art of Contemplation

"The central technique that underpins the entire spectrum of the Gene Keys teachings is Contemplation. It is an important term to clarify as it already carries different meanings within different languages and cultures. In the Introduction to the Gene Keys book, the three classic paths to Truth are outlined. They are called Meditation, Concentration and Contemplation. Since Contemplation is a blend of the other two it is important to fully understand their relationship, and you are invited to suspend any previous understanding you may have concerning these words."


As usual, I'll build a little (or huge...) topic centered on these data. As I said before, the author is also a well-known and recognized poet, so the book and the various pdfs we can find on the www are always very clear, crystal clear, and very well written.

A website "Gene Keys.Net" :

And below, a pdf: "Treading The Golden Path - A voyage of self illumination through the Gene Keys"

Enj ☷ y!!!
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 15 Avr - 18:13

--- Human Emotions, DNA and Reality Creation ---

Il est avéré semble-t-il de plus en plus clairement au fil des années de recherches scientifiques que :

--- l'ADN d'un individu se déploie et s'ouvre sous l'impact d'émotions positives et se replie et rétracte sous l'emprise du stress.
-- que la relation entre l'individu et son ADN opère par-delà l'espace et le temps.
-- et qu'enfin, les photons s'organisent et montrent précisément le champ de force créé par l'ADN.

En cela, on peut aisément dire qu'il est pour ainsi dire démontré par la raison pure, scientifique et matérialiste, que nos émotions créent le monde dans lequel nous vivons.

Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Dna_an10


Three different studies, done by different teams of scientists proved something really extraordinary. But when a new research connected these 3 discoveries, something shocking was realized, something hiding in plain sight.

Human emotion literally shapes the world around us. Not just our perception of the world, but reality itself.

In the first experiment, human DNA, isolated in a sealed container, was placed near a test subject. Scientists gave the donor emotional stimulus and fascinatingly enough, the emotions affected their DNA in the other room.

In the presence of negative emotions the DNA tightened. In the presence of positive emotions the coils of the DNA relaxed.

The scientists concluded that “Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics.”

To be continued here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 17 Avr - 16:45

--- Genetic Engineering - Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis - ES) ---

Genetic Engineering

La transcription de cette vidéo YouTube ci-dessous :


The war over consciousness is bubbling to the surface, with more pieces being exposed to the light of day for those who are willing to see.  This month we look at the over arching agendas to manipulate the environment, weather, the food supply, human DNA expression and higher consciousness, through Genetic Engineering.  When we understand the potential of the 12 stranded DNA design during the ascension process, it is no wonder the NAA have been attempting to destroy it in everyway possible.  This effort began to escalate after World War II with alien contact, and again in the 90's when more of the Indigo and Crystal children started arriving in larger numbers. As we connect the dots between the multiple avenues used to control and manipulate human consciousness, we can see why a full disclosure event is needed.  Until then it is up to each of us, to do our best to accurately assess the world of forces in our day-to-day lives, and to make informed and conscious decision about what we interact with.

The Controllers and the intelligence community have established an assortment of secret military programs that act in explicit cooperation to carry out the NAA objectives for bio-spiritual consciousness enslavement, through mind control and Genetic Engineering. These many covert operations are carried out against the public to gain access and control over human brain waves. Which intentionally shape brain cognition, thoughts and behavior, and to limit perception and intelligence quotient (IQ) in the masses, in order to harvest earth based genetics and continue to modify gene expression in humanity. In simpler terms, these hidden technologies are targeted to the public for the purpose of mind controlled gene expression. This is a type of Genetic Engineering that has been conducted through a variety of technological, medical and pharmacological experiments, hidden behind covert military backed operations that have been exploited by the Controllers since World War II. Many of these hidden military and bio-technology experiments such as Chemtrailing, Vaccinations and the production of GMO foods, are visibly seen in the outer world. Yet, many people are still not aware of the global enslavement agenda that includes controlling the genetic expression of the human population.

To be continued here, on "Energetic Synthesis" :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Biologie, Evolution, ADN   Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 6 Aoû - 22:18

--- You can change your DNA (HeartMath Institute) ---

Biologie, Evolution, ADN - Page 2 Dna_he10

When we are born, the deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA in our bodies contains the blueprints for who we are and instructions for who we will become. For example, it can tell our eyes to eventually turn from blue at birth to hazel later on, our length to grow from 20 inches to 70 and direct a multitude of other changes over the course of our lives.

Many people have mistakenly believed that the DNA with which we are born is the sole determinant for who we are and will become, but scientists have understood for decades that this genetic determinism is a flawed theory.

The field of epigenetics refers to the science that studies how the development, functioning and evolution of biological systems are influenced by forces operating outside the DNA sequence, including intracellular, environmental and energetic influences.

Since the 1950s scientists have accepted that epigenetic influence is critical in our development. Epi – Greek for “besides” – combines with the word, genetics, to essentially mean “something more than genetics.” That “something more” is widely held today to refer to our environment – thus meaning that our genetic code and the environment in which we develop determine who and what we are.

Researchers have shown through studies that epigenetics entails even more than DNA and the places where we live, the climate around us and all the twists, turns and hard knocks of our lives.

HeartMath deems integral elements of the model for who we are and what we can be are the thoughts, feelings and intentions we have every day. After two decades of studies, HeartMath researchers say other factors such as the appreciation and love we have for someone or the anger and anxiety we feel also influence and can alter the outcomes of each individual’s DNA blueprint.

Stem cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.,says the distinction between genetic determinism and epigenetics is important.

“The difference between these two is significant because this fundamental belief called genetic determinism literally means that our lives, which are defined as our physical, physiological and emotional behavioral traits, are controlled by the genetic code,” Lipton said in an interview with the online magazine, Superconsciousness. “This kind of belief system provides a visual picture of people being victims: If the genes control our life function, then our lives are being controlled by things outside of our ability to change them. This leads to victimization that the illnesses and diseases that run in families are propagated through the passing of genes associated with those attributes. Laboratory evidence shows this is not true.”

To be continued here :


Adonai de la Source Première.

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