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 À bâtons rompus

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Nombre de messages : 3551
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeSam 6 Juin - 17:22

--- Inelia Benz - 5 juin 2015 - Facebook ---

À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Love_i10


For the past few thousand years, light/dark duality is indeed what we came here to experience. But now we are in a new paradigm, and all that light/dark duality still in the world is not what we are here to experience. If it was, we would not be here sharing the message of empowerment with others. Pain never taught anyone anything, it is just a red flag that there is something wrong. The horrific brutality many lightbeings have experienced on the planet in the hands of others is not about karmic debt or lessons, it's to lower their vibration.

Is suffering a teacher? No. Anything that lowers our vibration is simply there to "lower our vibration".

Don't you think that those things you learned from pain, would have been learned much faster through love and compassion? Another way to express it: would you more naturally teach a child with love and compassion, or hurt them to teach them lessons?
Let's drop our "painful teachers" and move forward with those individuals who resonate at our highest vibration. Love is the natural and fastest way to learn.

Share if you agree. Smile


Adonai de la Source Première.

Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

Post-Scriptum : Merci René pour ce travail considérable de traduction.

Autre chose, et de façon plus générale, il est curieux tout de même qu'il n'existe aucune traduction digne de ce nom de la "5th Neruda Interview", si ce n'est une sorte d'ignoble copier-coller de traduction automatique google.

Je pensais réellement à un moment faire du bon et beau travail sur ce texte, mais j'ai réalisé qu'en vérité tel n'était plus du tout mon boulot.

Autre point : il se peut même que pour un texte aussi fondamental que la "5th Neruda Interview", il se peut que soient posés là des sortes de verrous pour empêcher précisément que le texte ne soit altéré, dénaturé et perverti par les bonnes volontés certes, mais par les bonnes volontés embuées et engluées de profonde ignorance, altérant les données et faisant bien plus de mal que de bien, et ce qui est pire encore, en toute bonne foi, en croyant bien faire.... (Vertiges....).

Dernier point : depuis presque un mois maintenant, le site n'est plus "mis à jour". Une alerte de sécurité s'affiche dans le navigateur nous informant que les protocoles ad hoc sont obsolètes. Je pensais que cela annonçait de nouvelles données Lyricus en orbite, mais pour l'instant il n'en est rien. De plus, Mark Hempel ne répond pas aux messages que l'on peut lui adresser.

Alors je pense au pire, sans y croire vraiment d'ailleurs : peut-être est-ce la fin de ce premier cycle WingMakers/Lyricus ? (... Il y a bien ce travail interminable en ce moment sur le volume II des données WingMakers, mais ce n'est là qu'une compilation qui sera certainement aussi magnifique que le tome I, mais fort peu pratique, avec des caractères plutôt minuscules, et sans versions en mode livrel, sans ePub ni mobi/kindle. (??!!??))

Ceci dit,
Et ultimement,
Ne sommes-nous pas des Êtres Souverains en devenir ?
Et le "portail humain" n'a-t-il pas déjà réalisé une ouverture,
Et entamé une brèche dans la matrice ?

scratch study cheers sunny

"L'amour inconditionnel est la solution,
Pour toutes choses,
Et pour toutes situations...."
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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeSam 6 Juin - 21:52


J'ai trouvé ce site Wingmakers pour la communauté hispanophone :

Site intéressant mais il faut s'adapter à l'Espagnol.

Bonne lecture
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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin - 7:48

--- Sunday Personal Picture (SPP) - Higher Self above the "Grand Canal" ---

(...mon compte Flickrrrr.... : ) 

À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Spp_wh10

Versailles - Immaculate White Swan above the "Grand Canal" - June 2015

If you download (on Flickr below) the photo (even a first zoom in is enough) and zoom in from 100% to 200/300 %, you'll have a better look on this amazing and immaculate, gigantic and truly magnificent swan flying above the "Grand Canal". That was pure magic, and funny also to say hello to each other, my higher self celebrating the day with irradiating snowy open wings and body, journeying through planes and dimensions. Two white swans and their newly born babies on the "Grand Canal".

To have a better look on the photo, go to Flickr here :

And I looked at other gigantic white birds too the day before with the help of Hayao Miyazaki movie, "The Wind Rises", where the main character steps into his dreams (upper dimensions) to have a look on the future and encounter other planes' designers and creators. Designing the japanese gun machine plane "Zero fighter". It is about perfection here and not about destroying and killing sentient beings. Magnificent movie and highly poetic.

The Wind Rises/Le Vent se lève - Hayao Miyazaki

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Juin - 14:27

--- marmouzdu @ dit ---


Ca fait un bail que j'ai pas posté. Je viens de fureter et suis tombé sur un projet de film qui ne demande pas mieux que d'exister.

"Et si la Roumanie, terre de mystères et de légendes nous emmenait sur la piste de mythes universels propres à requestionner nos origines, non plus en regardant vers les étoiles mais sous nos pieds ? "

Présentation détaillée sur la page :

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Juin - 20:49

--- Light/Dark Old Paradigm versus Light/Love New Paradigm (Inelia Benz) ---


A window of opportunity opened up for all of us to shift vibrational gears. Why? Because it is our Human Collective that decides what happens to us as a Species. And it is up to us individually to decide what happens to us personally.

There are two main choices:

One = Stay in the old paradigm of Light/Dark, and continue on a journey of experience of POO (Power Over Others). We make this decision by staying disconnected from each other, our bodies and our environment. By giving away our power and authority to others, and identifying with victim or aggressor. By expecting someone, or something, to save us, or doing our best to save others. The energy of the martyr is also here.

Two = We move into the New Paradigm of Light/Love. This sets off a journey of new experience where manifestation, synchronicity, authentic self, connection to body, self, others and environment is realized as being ONE with all. We take back our power and authority of self, and identify with Divine Spirit Universal Consciousness. By taking full responsibility (ability to respond) for our own expansion of awareness, development and raising your vibration and that of our environment.

What can we do to not only make sure we are making the New Paradigm choice every single day, but also helping those around us do the same?

Well, there are various tools we can use. Check out the tools section of the site. And, with regard others around us, these are some of the things you can do to assist the planet:

-Acknowledge that the other person's higher self knows better than us on what paradigm to move to.
-Allow the other person to exist without judgment from our part.
-Allow our self to exist and energetically express without barriers or stops. Accept our present existence in the Now and release any resistance to it.
-Detox our physical body and our mind. Drink distilled water, eat chemical free foods and switch off the TV.
-Detox our emotional body using the Fear Processing Exercise.
-Be fully aware of our intention and energy behind words, whether written or spoken, expressed to ourselves or others.
-KNOW that we are unlimited, divine beings that have the power to create whatever reality we want.
KNOW that we are NOT ALONE. We are ONE.

This is Inelia Benz, and I am here to raise the vibrational level of the planet. Wanna do it together?

Please share this list with everyone you know.

Inelia Benz - June 19, 2015


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeVen 26 Juin - 20:18

--- Power (Inelia Benz) ---


“Power”, even the word “power” has a lot of emotional and ego charge in it, the word as well as the concept.

The entire paradigm we are moving out of is based on Power Over Others. The society we carved out is based on power over others and power over environment. Concepts which were seen as advanced and necessary for the good of humanity. Which is why so many individuals react in fear or negativity when they hear the word “power”.

The concept is that power has a hierarchical format, that there are people out there who are either less, or more, powerful than we are. Although we might think this structure is only used by “dark workers”, it is not. It is also used by “light workers”. For example, in order to be of service to others, a person needs individuals, or situations, around them that either have sleeping individuals (who they can help awaken), or victims (who they can help out). The lightworker, is then in a position of having power over others who are not powerful enough to help themselves. When someone is in the path of Bodhisattva, they need people and environments that are suffering, so they can go in and help out. It is a good path to eventually leave the cycle of power over others, but it is the path, not the destination.

Let’s take a look and see if we have some charge on the word “power”. The easiest way to do this is to use the word in a few sentences and see if we react emotionally to it. So, here goes:

“I have power”
“I am all powerful”
“She has power”
“She is all powerful”
“He has power”
“He is all powerful”
“You have power”
“You are all powerful”
“They have power”
“They are all powerful”

Interesting stuff, yes?
Of course, if any programs, or charge, triggered while you heard those sentences, go and process them right away, or after you finish listening to this section.

Let’s take a look at the definition of “power”. Power is the “ability to do”, a “capacity of action”, and it is also “energy” as in, “Chi”. And also “prana”, which is the Sanskrit word for “vital life” or the concept of “filling up”.

If you are familiar with my work, you would have heard me say that women are power, and men are structure. And, it is up to us individually, to have a good healthy male and female balance in our singular construct. That way we have infinite power, and the structure to be able to use it in a healthy, and “empowering” way both for ourselves and others.

A quick summary of how to go about balancing our power and structure is to move out of the way and allow pure Universal Divine Consciousness to come through us, this is power. And moving our main focus or viewpoint from our head to our heart center. This is structure.

Put your focus in your heart center. That’s the middle of your chest and expands out toward your collar bone, esophagus, shoulder blades and front rib cage. Put your focus there now.

Power is important to understand, and own. Power is the main aspect of human beings which is behind the interests of rulers and other parties. And the reason for so much battle and effort going on to keep humans asleep.

Each individual person on the planet is a source of, and a potential tool for, infinite power.

Really infinite, unlimited and uncolored power.

Share with anyone you think might enjoy or benefit.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Juin - 19:07

--- Our emotional bodies (Inelia Benz) ---


Our emotional bodies are continuously bombarded. Why? Because it's the brick and mortar of our reality creation process. You can strengthen your emotional body simply by saying "I see you and welcome you in my field" to whatever emotion comes up for you on a moment to moment basis. Then give yourself a gentle reminder that your core essence energy is joylightlove.


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeDim 28 Juin - 7:49

--- Equation ---

Inspiration = Empowerment

This is one of the most powerful equations on the planet,
And you can tap into it in any form or way you want.
Feel it,
Think it,
Share it.

(Inelia Benz)

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Juil - 7:09

--- 20% & 80% (Inelia Benz) ---


How do you raise your vibration?
Spend 80% of your time in joyful activities and 20% processing fear or in other work/meditation.

Be part of an organization or group that you are really passionate about it, and remove any fear, judgement, righteousness, and anger around it. Once you remove those and act from a place of really high vibration-from passion and joy-things will really, really shift for 2 reasons. One of those is because the resistance that is generated is much less, and second, because you're not coming from a fear based vibration the people who are creating these problems won't automatically engage at that level of fear and it will flow much better.

Looking for a tool to help you process your fear?


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Juil - 20:51

--- Inelia Benz on Facebook ---


Have you spent the last few years, decades, trying to make yourself "right", "normal", to fit into the agreed reality?

You don't need to look outside of yourself for answers, solutions, light, enlightenment, Oneness, or Source.

YOU are the ultimate authority on what is real, true, and good for you. ALWAYS follow your knowing, your intuition, listen to your body and don't do anything that feels a bit off.

Inelia Benz - July 1st, 2015


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Juil - 10:55

--- Who Exactly Controls Your Manifestations?? (Inelia Benz - July 2015)


In 2006 something radical changed in the human collective consciousness. This radical thing was that the word, and concept, of "manifestation" became known and "normal" in Western culture. The reason was the book and movie "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne, which became an overnight sensation.

Millions of people started doing the "manifestation exercises" described in the movie. A multi-million dollar industry was born, with the people in the movie  writing more and more books about manifestation, holding workshops and retreats, and training an army of "manifestation experts" to help the rest of us with our own manifestation skills.  Many of these products were marketed with words such as "the missing ingredient to manifestation", or "what The Secret doesn't tell you", or "why your manifestation exercises don't work", "the real key to manifestation".

The knowledge base around manifestation grew in unprecedented directions and capacity. It has probably been one of the most amazing and expansive growths in human consciousness and empowerment in our lifetime.

If you have followed my work for a while now, you will probably be familiar with two things about me. One is that I see things differently to most other individuals out there, and this gives us all an advantage and opportunity to grow in consciousness, and the other is that I have always encouraged you to pursue and study everything there is to know about "manifestation".

Why am I so interested that you learn and become an expert manifestor? The answer is very simple.

The reason you are reading this is because you are awake. You have broken through the illusion of life on earth, or how we are taught we are supposed to live it, and are working on yourself to become empowered, enlightened, expanded, and able. It is most likely that you are also being conscious of staying in integrity (true to yourself), being kind to others, and raising your personal vibration.

Now, imagine a million or more individuals on the planet who are working on the same things that you are, and imagine these million or more people becoming expert manifestors. Imagine what they would do, be able to achieve, and how this would change our planet and our experience of life here!

With this in mind, I would like you to become familiar with three aspects to manifestation that are more on the side of the shamanic or mystical dimension of life. In other words, what makes the whole thing work or not work for us, shows us the pitfalls of manifestation, as well as all our firewalls to getting the experience we want in life. These three aspects are simple, yet not talked about or explored by anyone else out there yet, that I know of. I am inviting you to explore them, and share these three aspects with as many people as you can, so it can enter our human collective consciousness quickly and easily.  After you have explored them, go back to your favorite manifestation exercises and do them again.  You will be AMAZED at the results.

The three aspects are:

1. We are all manifesting our reality all the time, but unconsciously and based on lots of social, cultural, religious and personal programs of limitation (and rules).

2. When we become conscious of what we are manifesting unconsciously, and what are other people's conscious and unconscious manifestations (and how these relate to us), we immediately shift our paradigm of what is "real". To find out, and become conscious of our unconscious manifestations, just ask yourself "what am I manifesting right now?" Ask this question often and regularly. Sometimes the answer is: "experiencing someone else's manifested reality". When we become conscious of our, and other people's, unconscious manifestations, we then have the power to move out of them, or strengthen them.

3. Realize that when we consciously manifest (make an effort to manifest something that is not in our reality right now), we work within an agreed set of rules. Including that all reality is choreographed and has to have a story behind it. One of the rules is that nothing can simply appear out of thin air in front of us. It has to have a story of how it got there. This includes people and situations, relationships and objects.

These three aspects are probably the most significant information I have had the privilege to share with you so far in my life.  I have recorded an MP3 where they are fully explored, with examples, called -->> "Learn What Controls Your Manifestations". Once you get the MP3, and if resonates with you, you have my permission to send a copy to everyone you know whether they are awake or asleep. The aim is to make it go viral and allow it to infuse our human collective consciousness with the power to consciously create. If you don't want to get the MP3, simply looking and meditating on these three aspects, and inviting others to do the same, will empower you tremendously.

Inelia Benz - July 2015 -

Note: Do you want to chat with Inelia? Go to


Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Aoû - 6:06

--- Bizarre, bizarre ---

Simple note et remarque technique, il semble que le site ne soit pas hors d'état de fonctionnement pour cause de "certificat de sécurité expiré". Mark Hempel, le webmaster ne semble toutefois pas en mesure de résoudre le "problème".

Voici quelques mots d'explications en provenance de l'éditeur, Planetwork Press :


Each of you who has sent us an email concerning the WingMakers Web site, we truly appreciate your concerns. Here is the action we have taken on your behalf.
We have been experiencing a "pop-up note" when we go to the WingMakers site. This is happening on different browsers. This pop-up note states— this site’s "certificate has expired."
This is not true.
In our last conversation with Mark Hempel, we shared these concerns, when we see the “pop-up note” show up. He has worked on getting this corrected with Microsoft as of yet they have not correct this issue for him.
If you have any questions about this please, email us at
We will be forwarding these concerns to Mark Hempel.


Bizarre, bizarre,
Quand même....

Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Aoû - 19:30

--- Inelia Benz News - Manifestation Series ---


For the past two months we have been working on putting together a series of emails called the "Manifestation Series".

The purpose of this series is to empower you to move from unconscious manifestation to conscious manifestation and also to look at and disolve any blocks that you may find when using your favorite manifestation tools and processes.

In order to sign up for this free program you just need to open the page below and enter you name and email:

-->> Sign Up Today For The "Manifestation Series"

In joy/light/love,

Inelia Benz


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Aoû - 22:02

--- Inelia Benz "Manifestation Series" (la suite) ---


We hosted a Brainstorming session here at It was really awesome, ideas and viewpoints were aired, and amazing expansion of awareness was experienced.

As I sat with the information that had come in before the call, during the call and after the call, I saw a pattern.  It didn't matter what subject matter we were looking at, the questions all had one thing in common:


I'm going to give you some examples, and if any of these trigger you emotionally, take a look very closely because there are programs running in you there. Getting emotionally triggered when we see something we believe is wrong, that might be a program inside of us triggered to defend itself.

First example: Money is pure, brilliant, chi. But we react to it with rejection, this rejection was programmed in by the cabal. How? By placing PROGRAMS OF LIMITATIONS on it.

Think about it. Is it money that you hate, or desire, or feel disgusted at? Or is it the lack of money you or others have? The difficulty of receiving limitless money? The fact that those who don't have it are castigated on the planet? The program that says that for one person to have money, other's can't?

Do you see the pattern?

Second Example: Health is wholeness, completeness, and we CAN be 100% healthy at any moment. Yet, most of us have chronic health issues. Why? Because they either serve us or serve those whom we have given our power to. How does it serve us? IT LIMITS US. Think about how your sickness or condition limits you. And see if those limitations have a purpose.

Third Example: Power. We ALL limit our personal power. Why? Why don't we just create the environment and life we want in an instant? Why do we sometimes self destruct?  Imagine having all the power on the planet. Does it make you afraid? Afraid of messing up? Afraid of being lost to the ego? Afraid of being attacked?

Fourth Example: Linear Time, a lot of people are talking about time banks, but these are even more limited than money! These quantify your minutes and hours, and give these value. Not pure chi, but time.  As we are not yet in a non-linear time existence, time banks are a huge LIMITING system.

Fifth Example: Free Energy, we BELIEVE as a society that it is not possible. YET, there has been technology patented for decades now that can generate it. We limit our energy as a species because it serves big corporations to make us think it is limited.

These are just example of limitations we have subscribed to.

So, why do we do this? Why do we manifest a reality of lack and limitations?

This is my thought: We limit ourselves to provide us with a way to experience life in bite size pieces.  We limit ourselves completely when we are walking a path that our higher self does not agree with, forcing us to change course. We limit ourselves to have a limited experience, which existing as individual beings is by default.

Our limitations are like the controlling factors that shape and form our passage and experience through time/space.  And THAT is why chronic illness don't go away, that's why our income is limited, that's why we don't reclaim all our power, that's why we still subscribe to a past, present and future.


Identify a LIMITATION in your life right now.

Now, imagine for a few minutes, what your life would look like without it.

Stay in that LIMITLESS imaginary time/space for a while.

Now imagine every human being on the planet without that limitation.

If any fear popped up, -->> process it, remember, fear is the bricks that build the walls of limitation.

Let's stop messing about and become limitless yeah?

When we try to manifest our reality limitations may show up. There is a tendency to think that we are victims, that someone else is imposing such limitations on our abilities to manifest. This is why it is very important to understand what limitations are, why do we create them and how do they serve us.

Whether those limitations are collective agreements, such as "linear time", or personal agreements, such as physical disabilities, financial blocks, negative relationships or social programs, we can learn how to navigate them in order to reach our personal and collective destinations.

Prepare to be EMPOWERED!

For an expanded, more detailed exloration of Limitations, purchase the -->> "Limitations - Why do We Create Them? audio MP3 file.

In joy/light/love,

 - Inelia Benz


Brillant, tout à fait brillant.

Adonai de la Source Première.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû - 21:07

--- Pretending (Inelia Benz) ---


By pretending, we initiate a possible outcome in real life. Children do this naturally, and animals do to when they play. They pretend doing what they will need to do, or want to learn how to do, when they grow up.

By pretending, we put our hands into the field of infinite possibility that is the space between thoughts, and the area between particles in every atom. We bring forth something that did not exist in our minds before. By pretending, we give ourselves permission to bypass "what is real", "what is possible", and "what is doable", and simply allow it to exist in our imagination, in our writing, in our drawings, in our games and in our conversations.

Now apply this idea to the desire to consciously manifest something new into your reality. Remember that when we consciously manifest (make an effort to manifest something that is not in our reality right now), we work within an agreed set of rules. Including that all reality is choreographed and has to have a story behind it. One of the rules is that nothing can simply appear out of thin air in front of us. It has to have a story of how it got there. This includes people and situations, relationships and objects.

Pretending opens you up to new possibilities.

I have created a series to empower you to move from unconscious manifestation to conscious manifestation and also to look at and disolve any blocks that you may find when using your favorite manifestation tools and processes.

In order to sign up for this free program you just need to open the page below and enter you name and email:


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Pretending le moment présent....   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Aoû - 20:00

Bonjour Cristobal

Je me demande si en faisant semblant on projète encore donc nous ne sommes pas dans le moment présent.   Lorsque nous sommes dans le cœur nous
sommes dans le moment présent, en jouant comme l'enfant à prétendre,  on s'éloigne de nos piliers de nos 6 vertus du cœur.  Je me pose la question???

J'ai tellement de chose à lire sur le site, je te remercie de ton travail titanesque sur ce site.

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Date d'inscription : 11/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Aoû - 21:36

--- Manifestations (Inelia Benz) ---

@Eférutan : Je crois que voici la réponse à tes interrogations à ce sujet. L'article original anglais d'Inelia Benz a été traduit en français (correct...).

Par contre, le lien vers le fichier mp3 est lui en anglais. 60 minutes pendant lesquelles Inelia Benz passe en revue les différentes composantes et aspects de la manifestation. Aussi, si tu comprends l'anglais, je te conseille vraiment de l'écouter...., en boucle, comme je le fais depuis quelques semaines.

L'article en question :

Et celui-ci aussi +++, à propos du rêve éveillé :

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeLun 31 Aoû - 7:08

--- The Point of Origin (Inelia Benz on ---

Inelia Benz - About Death and how it links to Manifestation


During the August 2015 monthly call I mentioned an exercise I would like us to do. The reason I want us to do this exercise is because is gives us an insight into the “reason” why we a divine eternal soul would “incarnate” into a physical human body. It is also related to why we have a cycle of incarnation on this planet and why our in between lives will highly encourage us, or sometimes trick us, into making a decision to return.

You can do this exercise once, or several times during this week. If you get any information, whether visual or intellectual data, you can then expand on your awareness of this point in time space according to your own interests and curiosity. If you don’t, please do the firewall exercise using the words “I don’t see anything”, “I don’t receive any information about this”, or “I can’t perceive anything”.

Before we do this week exercise, let’s first define a human being. A human being is an eternal divine soul in a symbiotic relationship with an elemental human body (made of and from Gaia’s elements, but not necessarily of purely Gaian DNA).


Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and have the intention to see and experience the point of Origin of the Human Species. The very first spark of human existence. Is it a cell? A fully grown body? What does it look like? Is it complete (is it just a body elemental or is it animated by a soul?).

Now, as you look at that information or scene, become aware of where, what point of view, you are observing it from. Are you in the scene or are you looking at it?

Have fun!

Inelia Benz.


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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov - 8:03

--- Considering Paris November 13th, 2015 events ---

"Indeed we are unconditional love journeying in a whole world anchored and made of essentially and ultimately love." (Cristobal) Very Happy

Found on the net, here is a very good and enlightened point of view about what we could perceive and feel when looking at Paris November 13th, 2015 events :


I have hesitating whether I should add another word about the recent violence in Paris but there is an aspect that has followed this event that I wish to share once and I will thereafter keep my focus where it supports the raising of the collective vibration most without going into any debating. I am a French citizen, born and raised in Paris yet I will not hold the flag of my country of birth neither as a social media profile picture nor as any sort of statement to show or prove anything to the external world. Doing so, to me, would be shameful towards any other country on this planet that has and keeps suffering the same violence on a regular basis, but as mass media has once again made crystal clear , without the same priority for worldwide focus and spotlight as a European country or North America would receive. How can we make a difference between tragedy occurring in one country or another ? WE who are not only to speak of Oneness but who are Here to embody Unity Consciousness must see far beyond the flags of separation and dividing minds. What is it WE want ..? For only within a unified collective consciousness lies limitless divine power to change Reality for all. There can be no exception . WE IS WE at all times. No more perpetuating separation with national flags, nationalities, religion, politics , fear, anger or even sorrow. Let us all unite within the universal expression of LOVE.. as ONE HUmanity. Nothing less can do any longer, Tribe of Light..With Love, Saskia


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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Déc - 9:22

--- Looking at a New World (Dec 18-19-20, 2015) ---

Looking at Consciousness and Multidimensionality, with Inelia Benz. Something like a new inception point, here:

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Déc - 7:50

--- Inelia Benz Insights ---


As we get busy with our daily lives we sometimes lose sight of our motivation. We forget the "why" behind our actions.

For me the "why" has always been clear. I do what I do because I want you to empower yourself. I want to remind you that you are a powerful divine being, that you are your own ultimate authority, and that you can become the conscious creator of your reality and the master of you life.

The websites that I've put together are packed with information about the journey of self-empowerment, with plenty of examples from my own personal life. The -->> tools that I've created have always had self-empowerment at their core. I am not in the business of being a saviour, I am in the business of reminding you that you are a master, of reminding those around me that they don't really need saving, to assist them step out of the victim-saviour paradigm, to move from unconscious creation to a conscious "response-able" manifestation of their reality.

The -->> books that I wrote are meant to create more flexibility, to disseminate the message that we are not "stuck", that we can change our mind at any time, that we can create different things, and that reality is much more malleable than it looks.

My greatest joy is when I hear back from those of you who choose to to apply the tools and have turned your lives around and really took charge of your reality and destiny. Those who have become empowered now know they can help themselves and they become an inspiration for me and others around them.

With that in mind, let me tell you what we have been up to.

A lot of the action happens at the -->> Walk With Me Now platform. The resources, tools, information and interesting discussion there have grown considerably. Starting next year we plan to raise the price for new subscriptions, so if you want to join at the present price, during December 2015 you can still benefit from the initial 2014 launch price.

Next, as you are probably aware, is my December event: Gathering at the Beginning of the World. We have 6 seats left. If you cannot come, the other best option is to receive the -->> Virtual Retreat which will give you access to the recording and the live stream. (Live stream will be weather dependent).

I am also recording a new powerful MP3 about: "Death and manifestation". It is almost done!

And I am writing a new book: "Interview with an Angel" (there are some previews of it on WalkWithMeNow) and preparing the launch of the second edition of a book I wrote a few years back called: "Are you a witch?".

Amidst this "busyness" I of course take time to smell the roses, connect with my friends and loved ones and enjoy life, the world and everything Smile.

See you in a few weeks at my event and I hope to also get to know you better on

In joylightlove,

- Inelia Benz


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Fév - 8:59

--- Deep State (Waking Times Blog) ---

Enjoying the Matrix.....


Bernie Suarez, Guest
Waking Times

It is refreshing to see more and more of humanity wake up to the functional real-time political reality of the world we now live in. There are many human beings throughout the planet who now understand that corruption has taken over. They understand that criminals run the world. They understand that in America a powerful ruling elite bought out politicians and corporations to get what they want. They understand that the ruling elite operate in networks that transcend the boundaries of nation states in an agenda intended to lead to global domination using their military might.

People are understanding that government propaganda is real, and that the U.S. government has gotten away with one false flag attack on its own people after another; 9/11 being just one of them, all for the purposes of justifying endless war. People also understand that the war on terror, which was ushered in by 9/11, is a lie and that because of this phony war on terror the Pentagon and U.S. military is swimming in billions of dollars of free money to do whatever they want. But what does all of this mean? Do we really understand how they’ve done it and how all of this works?

In 1999 Directors Andy and Lana Wachowski brought us an interesting film called The Matrix which nicely depicts how two alternate realities simultaneously exist: one in which the people in it have no clue what is real and what is not because the sum of the two-dimensional parts they are exposed to seems real, even though it’s not, and another reality where you are irreversibly awakened from that fictional reality.

Over the past 17+ years since the release of The Matrix film many people have awakened to the political reality we live in. For many people it is not difficult to see the parallels between the world we live in and the world depicted in The Matrix. We can see that there is an artificial reality in play that looks and feels real, but it is not. It’s a system designed to keep you enslaved, keep you disempowered, keep you in fear and keep you dependent on big government for survival. Most importantly it’s a system designed to keep itself in power and to preserve whatever agenda it has. Ultimately, this artificial reality is tending towards a global order where the ruling elite hope to absolutely control humanity forever in a way that is absolutely and uncompromisingly in line with their wishes.

The question we should be asking is, How does this matrix work and how does it relate to the three-dimensional physical reality we live in? To answer that, the concept of the “Deep State” was originally proposed to describe the political corruption in Turkey as a secret state acting within a state.

Though we had been warned about these ruling elite, banksters and shadow government by previous presidents going back 200+ years, following the post 9/11 period more and more people began wrapping this concept around their heads. To many, the idea of a group of elite running the world, deemed for years by the U.S. mainstream media and propaganda machine as lunatic “conspiracy theories”, suddenly didn’t seem so crazy after all. Today the concept of a “Deep State,” perhaps because of its roots in Turkey, is much more believable and is seen as more plausible.

In an interview for his book The Road to 9/11, author Peter Dale Scott describes the “Deep State” saying:

It refers to a parallel secret government, organized by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military against threats from intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionally the constitutional government. In this book, I adapt the term somewhat to refer to the wider interface in America between the public, the constitutionally established state, and the deep forces behind it of wealth, power, and violence outside the government. You might call it the back door of the Public state, giving access to dark forces outside the law.

Since the publishing of Scott’s book, the term “Deep State” has gained increased attention and now serves as a practical model to describe how the shadow government operates.

And as humanity continues to awaken to the political reality that surrounds us, the concept of the Deep State becomes more a reality and much less fictional than the idea of the “matrix”, though these two are very intricately related as we’ll see.

The Matrix refers to the illusory engineered pseudo-reality that many people live in. The Deep State is the apparatus that allows that engineered and artificial two-dimension reality to be put out by the control system for daily consumption by the masses.

In order to appreciate this relationship consider the quote from former CIA director William Casey in 1981 when he said that:

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.

This is an example of how the Deep State, which is led by Intelligence and their control and manipulation of news, is at the root of the creation of the false engineered world of lies that many people live in. As we can see by the Casey comment, the goal is not to tell a few lies but to actually create an entire reality based on those lies (think Sandy Hook, Bin Laden death hoax, etc).
Manufacturing the 2-Dimensional Reality

What many people don’t realize is that this false world of lies and deceit which is presented to the masses as “reality” is nothing more than a series of two-dimensional items strung together by the controlled media to create an artificial reality. Like the individual frames in a movie reel, each frame seems insignificant until you look at all the frames in a timed sequence. The sequential frames then present an artificial perceived reality.

This is the reason why every time the controllers pull off a staged crisis actor event or a false flag attack like 9/11, those defending the event including the media never seem to think it’s important to provide actual evidence for their claims. That’s because the three-dimensional evidence that truth seekers ask for always conflicts with the two-dimensional presentation they are putting out. The organic presentation of the truth itself, however, is never two-dimensional. It is actual, concrete, multi-dimensional truth which can be reasonably, logically and scientifically verified in real-time on multiple levels and reproduced endlessly without government interference due to its realistic and often simplistic nature.

This is why the demand for “proof” of government and mainstream media claims surrounding false flags and staged events always tends to become the thing that gets truth seekers demonized, attacked, accused, and even profiled as a “harassers” and criminals.

I recently wrote about the attack on Truth that we are seeing today and how it’s not just Truth that is under attack but the very search for Truth. That’s because today, searching for truth is a direct threat to the Deep State, it’s hypnotic control of the masses and its web of lies that make up the matrix, which in turn is keeping people enslaved.

The last thing the ruling oligarchs want is for people to wake up from the matrix of lies which the Deep State has put in place. Thus identifying the Deep State then logically becomes the first step in all of this. Most people in the U.S. don’t realize the degree to which the CIA and the Pentagon are secretly controlling the illusion of government. Even in an election year like 2016, Americans continue to believe the illusion of choice and Democracy which is actually one of the most important features to the operation of the Deep State.

As I’ve written about recently, in 2016 too many Americans are going in circles, like Groundhog Day, believing the same exact lies and promises told to them by the puppet politicians who are running for president, not realizing that this is precisely how the Deep State works. They put out their puppets and pseudo-promises, they ratchet up the campaign hoopla, and they have the candidates tell you anything you want to hear before they select their next puppet president mouthpiece.

Though most Americans know full well that to repeatedly do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results constitutes insanity, they do this very thing each time a presidential election year comes around. These same Americans witness this process with their own eyes every 4 years; another election, another president, the same results.

The result every time is more war, billions of dollars to the Pentagon slush fund, more false flags to justify more wars, more corruption and less accountability from government officials who get caught lying and committing crimes, more lies and propaganda sold to us by CIA’s mainstream media, more police state and tyranny against the people, less freedoms, more staged mass shootings, more globalization and illegal trade agreements, more medical and scientific fraud and false claims to feed the pockets of the pharmaceutical industries and vaccine industries, and, among other things, bigger steps to get us closer and closer to the permanent establishment of a new world order to be sold as United Nations’ “sustainable” living and “global peace and prosperity.”

It is incredible to think that at the smallest level, all of this is possible because unaware and naive Americans continue to believe the phony, artificial and engineered two-dimensional reality presented to them every day by mainstream media and Hollywood. They continue to misconstrue fiction for reality.

That simple inability to discern two-dimensional proof of a claim (a picture, a video, an empty claim by mainstream media or politicians) from three-dimensional proof (all the factors that make a story true including the full collection of physical, and scientific easily reproducible proof, real non-crisis actor eyewitnesses, real blood, real logical spontaneously captured sequences of events, open investigations, etc.) now threatens the survival of the human race and is dooming humanity to a potentially very dark future. This is a future which only those who are awakened to the difference between the presented two-dimensional reality and the actual three-dimensional reality, can potentially save humanity from.

Because this is so, those who realize the reality of the Deep State are therefore the greatest threat to the plans of the ruling elite who run the Deep State. This is why so many online trolls and shills are actually paid to spread State propaganda, lies, create division, insert doubt about topics and post State-sponsored “rebuttals” to key arguments on blog sites and social media. This is why they are fighting so hard to control the Internet, to criminalize activists, and to profile them as “domestic extremists”. This is also why sports fans are mesmerized with pro-military propaganda commercials and fake military worship pre-game ceremonies. This is why so many video games have pro-military and pro-war components to them. This is also why America is always told to “honor” the military. That’s because the military and the Intelligence is the enforcement arm of this evil Deep State. But they do know that as long as they deliver you entertainment, laughter and fun times, you’ll never question what or who the Deep State is. To the blind sheep it’s not something worth interrupting their life to believe, to try to recognize or to find answers for.

In the end, you can call it whatever you want but it’s still the matrix of lies we live in. It operates simultaneously with reality. It looks, feels and tastes real even though it is not. Can you taste it? Can you feel it? It’s all around us as we speak, but whether you see it for what it is, is entirely up to you.


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MessageSujet: Bonjour, présentation.   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Sep - 7:20

Bonjour à vous, je viens de vous découvrir par hasard chers Wingmakers Laughing et je souhaiterais partager avec vous quelques uns de mes voyages car j'en ai assez de passer pour un fou auprès de mon entourage.
Un soir, alors que j'étais en philo en 2012, j'ai fais une prière aux anges pour l'étude (je suis gnostique) et, après avoir prié, au lieu d'avoir envie d'étudier je suis allé m'allonger sur mon lit terrassé par une immense fatigue. Sauf que je ne me suis pas endormi, une douce lumière blanche et opalescente coulait du plafond sur moi et me "parlait". Enfin elle me montrait des choses de mon futur. Cela a duré à peu près une heure où j'ai été regénéré par cette lumière diaphane. C'est arrivé au milieu d'une foule d'autres manifestations dont j'aimerais parler avec vous (voyages dans d'autres plans, enfer, cieux etc...). Je ne suis pas familier avec votre terminologie mais eut-être arriverez vous à m'expliquer ce qui m'arrive. Je sais que je suis en processus d'ascension mais une fois qu'on a dit ça... Ah, je sais aussi que j'ai du voyager dans d'autres densité car tous les voyages que j'ai faits, je les ai faits en "chair et en os" pas "dans ma tête". Notamment pour l'enfer où j'ai été réellement happé dans un trou très dense où j'ai reçu des coups trois fois de suite ce que j'ai interprété comme une épreuve initiatique. J'ai croisé nombre de créatures télépathes plus ou moins bien intentionnées. Il y a aussi des objets qui se sont mis à bouger tout seuls (particulièrement les cartes de mon jeu de Tarot). J'ai aussi "reçu" (une enveloppe posée devant chez moi lorsque je sortais les poubelles, remplie de bijoux futuristes (diadème, montres pendentifs avec un coeur etc...) mais ils se sont volatilisés les uns après les autres. J'ai conscience que "quelqu'uns" ou même quelques uns veulent entrer en contact avec moi, mais qui? Si quelqu'un peut/veut bien éclairer ma lanterne je l'en remrecie de tout coeur d'avance....

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Merci d'avance

"L'intelligence me poursuit, heureusement je suis plus rapide"

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeLun 31 Oct - 21:10

--- Un arbre me demanda.... ---

"Un arbre me demanda de l'aide un jour."

À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Dscf2010

Inelia Benz : Savez-vous que tous les arbres sont connectés via leurs systèmes racinaires en tant que Un organisme, tout en étant chacun des individus singuliers ? Que les arbres communiquent aussi par le biais de vagues sonores et de particules aériennes ? Et lorsque nous marchons parmi eux et que ces ondes sonores et particules aériennes traversent nos corps, nous aussi et alors sommes parties prenantes dans leurs conversations. La prochaine fois que vous croisez quelques arbres, entrez dans la danse.

Queenie McQueen: Un arbre me demanda de l'aide un jour. C'était comme de la télépathie. J'étais surprise et allais voir. Il y avait des barbelés rouillés profondément enfoncés dans le tronc. Je pris quelques outils et enlevais tout ce que je pouvais, restant là un bon moment.

Une semaine plus tard environ, j'allais me promener dans un parc à six cents mètres de là où se trouvent des arbres plus âgés. Me demandant si j'aurai de la chance, je décidai de voir s'ils iraient jusqu'à me parler. Bonjour dis-je, je suis Queenie.... et immédiatement ils parlèrent comme Un.... "nous vous connaissons" dirent-ils... "l'amie des arbres". Wow, stupéfiant. Ces arbres, et le premier de ce récit, n'étaient pas même en vue les uns des autres. Délicieux. xxx

Inelia Benz: Did you know that all trees are connected via their root systems as One organism, at the same time are individuals? That the also communicate via sound waves and air particles? And when we walk among them and those sounds and air particles go through our bodies, we too are included in their conversation? Next time you stand by some trees, drop in.

Queenie McQueen: A tree asked me for help one day. It was sort of telepathic. I was surprised and went to check it out. There was rusted barbed wire deeply embedded in it"s trunk. I got some tools and removed all that I could and hung out for a while.

About a week later I walked into a park about half a mile away where there were some more mature trees. Wondering if I"d have any luck I decided to see if they would speak to me. Hello I said, I"m Queenie.... immediately they spoke as one....."we know you" they said.."friend of trees" Wow, amazing. These trees and the first one were not even in sight of each other. Lovely. xxx


Adonai de la Source Première.

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MessageSujet: Re: À bâtons rompus   À bâtons rompus - Page 28 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Nov - 8:10

--- Collective Evolution Indiegogo Campaign ---

La collecte de fonds pour le site "Collective Evolution" est de nouveau en état de fonctionnement.

Ici :

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